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1. Open the file BreastFeeding.sav.

Several studies have shown a relationship between breastfeeding in the first months of life
and intelligence later on. Possible explanations for this are: 1. fatty acids found in breast
milk are thought to boost intelligence, 2. breastfeeding may increase verbal interaction
between mother and child, which in turn could aid the child’s development. The research
question of the study the data come from, is: Are there differences in IQ between children
that received breast milk and children who did not, and between children who received
breastfeeding and children who did not? Three groups were distinguished: 1. no breast milk,
2. breastfeeding, and 3. breast milk but no breastfeeding. 2 IQ measures were taken at age
7: 1. verbal IQ, and 2. performance IQ.

a. Indicate which variables you have and whether these are DVs or IVs.
IV1: Breastfeeding
DV1:Verbal IQ
DV2 Performance IQ

b. Write down the null hypothesis for the MANOVA. Run the MANOVA (SPSS: Analyze –
General Linear Model - Multivariate) and test the null hypothesis. Can the null
hypothesis be rejected?
Multivariate Testsa
Hypothesis Partial Eta
Effect Value F df Error df Sig. Squared
Interce Pillai's Trace .995 9641.72 2.000 104.000 <.001 .995
pt 4
Wilks' Lambda .005 9641.72 2.000 104.000 <.001 .995
Hotelling's 185.418 9641.72 2.000 104.000 <.001 .995
Trace 4
Roy's Largest 185.418 9641.72 2.000 104.000 <.001 .995
Root 4
group Pillai's Trace .217 6.387 4.000 210.000 <.001 .108
Wilks' Lambda .787 6.619b 4.000 208.000 <.001 .113
Hotelling's .266 6.848 4.000 206.000 <.001 .117
Roy's Largest .246 12.923c 2.000 105.000 <.001 .198
a. Design: Intercept + group
b. Exact statistic
c. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.
P>0.05 The null hypothesis of no interactions can be rejected
The factor of means are equal to different breastfeeding
c. What homogeneity assumption needs to be tested? Write down the null hypothesis. To
run the corresponding test, go to General Linear Model – Multivariate, and click on the
Options button to include homogeneity tests. Is the assumption violated?

Box's Test of
Equality of
Box's M 3.640
F .588
df1 6
df2 65169.012
Sig. .740
Tests the null
hypothesis that the
covariance matrices
of the dependent
variables are equal
across groups.
a. Design: Intercept
+ group

The null hypothesis of homogeneity of subpopulation covariance ma- trices cannot be rejected

d. Do the three groups differ on each of the (separate) IQ measures? Provide the null
hypotheses and the test results.

There are differences whether there are breastfeed or no

There are differences in the DV between three groups
e. Which homogeneity assumption needs to be tested for the two separate ANOVAs? Write
down the null hypotheses. What is your conclusion?
Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa
Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
VIQ Based on Mean .467 2 105 .628
Based on Median .555 2 105 .576
Based on Median and .555 2 103.789 .576
with adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean .475 2 105 .623
PIQ Based on Mean .517 2 105 .598
Based on Median .411 2 105 .664
Based on Median and .411 2 103.225 .664
with adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean .508 2 105 .603
Tests the null hypothesis that the error variance of the dependent variable is equal
across groups.

We cannot reject the null hypothesis

f. Explain why you do a MANOVA before looking at the separate ANOVAs.

MANOVA allows us to test multiple dependent variables at a time, providing a solution

to this limitation from ANOVA. Want to correct the Type 1 Error in ANOVA. MANOVA
has more statistical power

g. For the significant ANOVAs, interpret the pair-wise post-hoc results.

VIQ: Breastfeeding > no breastfeeding

Breastmilk > no breastfeeding
PIQ: Breastfeeding > no breastfeeding

2. Do it yourself! Begin with creating a data file Patients.sav. There are 9 patients who suffer
from agoraphobia (i.e., a psychological disorder which consists of anxiety in environments
that are unfamiliar or where the patient perceives to have little control). These patients are
randomly assigned to one of two treatments: treatment 1 consists of psychodynamic
therapy and treatment 2 consists of exposure therapy. After the treatment two variables are
measured that are related to treatment effect: Satisfaction (SA, measured on a scale from
0-12, higher score means higher satisfaction) and Self-acceptance (CSA measured on a
scale from 0-12, higher score means higher self-acceptance). The scores on SA and CSA for
both groups are:

Treatment 1 Treatment 2
1 3 4 6
3 7 6 8
2 2 6 8
5 10
5 10
4 6

Hence, there are three variables: group (with values 1 and 2), satisfaction and self-
acceptance. The research question is whether the effect of the two treatments is the same
or that one treatment leads to better results than the other. Perform the appropriate
analyses and write down your conclusions. Don’t forget to check the assumptions!

IV: Treatment (psychodynamic and exposure therapy)

DV1: Satisfication
DV2: Self-Acceptance
Manova Test

Multivariate Testsa
Partial Eta
Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Squared
Intercept Pillai's Trace .945 51.207 2.000 6.000 <.001 .945
Wilks' Lambda .055 51.207 2.000 6.000 <.001 .945
Hotelling's Trace 17.069 51.207b 2.000 6.000 <.001 .945
Roy's Largest Root 17.069 51.207b 2.000 6.000 <.001 .945
group Pillai's Trace .750 9.000 2.000 6.000 .016 .750
Wilks' Lambda .250 9.000 2.000 6.000 .016 .750
Hotelling's Trace 3.000 9.000b 2.000 6.000 .016 .750
Roy's Largest Root 3.000 9.000b 2.000 6.000 .016 .750

P>0.05 The null hypothesis of no interactions can be rejected

The factor of means are equal to different Therapy Group

Homogeneity Assumption

Box's Test of Equality of

Covariance Matricesa
Box's M .574
F .112
df1 3
df2 280.624
Sig. .953

The null hypothesis of homogeneity of subpopulation covariance ma- trices cannot be rejected

Separate Test Between Subjects

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects
Type III
Dependent Sum of Mean Partial Eta
Source Variable Squares df Square F Sig. Squared
Corrected Model SA 18.000a 1 18.000 21.000 .003 .750
CSA 32.000 1 32.000 7.467 .029 .516
Intercept SA 98.000 1 98.000 114.333 <.001 .942
CSA 288.000 1 288.000 67.200 <.001 .906
group SA 18.000 1 18.000 21.000 .003 .750
CSA 32.000 1 32.000 7.467 .029 .516
Error SA 6.000 7 .857
CSA 30.000 7 4.286
Total SA 168.000 9
CSA 462.000 9
Corrected Total SA 24.000 8
CSA 62.000 8
a. R Squared = .750 (Adjusted R Squared = .714)
b. R Squared = .516 (Adjusted R Squared = .447)

There are differences in the DV between two groups

homogeneity assumption

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variancesa

Levene Statistic df1 df2 Sig.
SA Based on Mean .000 1 7 1.000
Based on Median .000 1 7 1.000
Based on Median and with .000 1 6.923 1.000
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean .000 1 7 1.000
CSA Based on Mean .848 1 7 .388
Based on Median .111 1 7 .749
Based on Median and with .111 1 4.532 .754
adjusted df
Based on trimmed mean .778 1 7 .407

We cannot reject the null hypothesis

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Type III Sum Mean Partial Eta
Source Variable of Squares df Square F Sig. Squared
Corrected Model SA 18.000 1 18.000 21.000 .003 .750
CSA 32.000 1 32.000 7.467 .029 .516
Intercept SA 98.000 1 98.000 114.333 <.001 .942
CSA 288.000 1 288.000 67.200 <.001 .906
group SA 18.000 1 18.000 21.000 .003 .750
CSA 32.000 1 32.000 7.467 .029 .516
Error SA 6.000 7 .857
CSA 30.000 7 4.286
Total SA 168.000 9
CSA 462.000 9
Corrected Total SA 24.000 8
CSA 62.000 8
a. R Squared = .750 (Adjusted R Squared = .714)
b. R Squared = .516 (Adjusted R Squared = .447)

There are differences in the DV between two groups


3. Open the file Sesam_Manova.sav

This file is part of a larger dataset that evaluates the impact of the first year of the Sesame
Street television series. Sesame Street is mainly concerned with teaching preschool related
skills to children in the 3-5 year age range.
Use Viewcat as the between-subjects factor. A value of 1 on Viewcat means the child
watched Sesame Street rarely and the value of 4 on Viewcat means the child watched
Sesame Street on average more than 5 times a week.

The DV’s are the gains in knowledge of body parts, letters, forms and numbers. Knowledge
of body parts (pre- and posttest) is measured on a scale from 0-32; knowledge of letters
(pre- and posttest) on a scale from 0-58; knowledge of forms (pre- and posttest) on a scale
from 0-20; and knowledge of numbers (pre- and posttest) on a scale from 0-54.

a. Screen the data for out-of-range values (i.e., values that are not possible given the
ranges provided above). For interval variables, you can do this by looking at the
descriptive statistics (check minimum and maximum values). For categorical variables
you can do this by checking the frequencies. If you find any problem, fix it.

Descriptive Statistics
viewcat Mean Std. Deviation N
gainumber 1 4.7857 8.17293 14
2 6.4737 8.46803 19
3 9.4118 19.44552 34
4 12.7500 8.58778 28
Total 9.1263 13.60401 95
body 1 2.0714 5.73068 14
2 2.6842 5.28155 19
3 4.5000 5.69556 34
4 4.2143 5.01374 28
Total 3.6947 5.42271 95
form 1 3.2857 3.68841 14
2 3.7895 3.04738 19
3 3.8824 3.38235 34
4 4.4286 2.71387 28
Total 3.9368 3.15153 95
let 1 1.4286 10.36796 14
2 8.0000 10.17076 19
3 16.7353 13.25807 34
4 17.7143 11.11841 28
Total 13.0211 12.98279 95

b. Use the SPSS Compute statement to obtain gain scores.

c. Write down the null hypothesis for the MANOVA with the gain scores.

d. What is the null hypothesis? What is your conclusion?

e. Test the assumption of homogeneity of covariance matrices? What is your conclusion.

Box's Test of Equality of
Covariance Matricesa
Box's M 60.882
F 1.841
df1 30
df2 10549.094
Sig. .003

The null hypothesis of homogeneity of subpopulation covariance ma- trices cannot be rejected

f. What are the null hypotheses for the separate ANOVAs? What is your conclusion?
g. Test the assumption of homogeneity of variances for each separate DV? What is your
h. What else do you need to finish your conclusion? Finish up.

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