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TEST 1 Pre-intermediate 1 – STUDENT 1A

Your name is Sophie. You've seen a job advert in Career Now and you are
interested in the position as a Sales Assistant at VTS Company. Call Ms. Corina,
Head of Human Resources Department to ask her for an application form. If she is
not available, leave a message. The message should include:
• your name
• your telephone number
• your email address
• what you want her to do
Pre – intermediate 1 - STUDENT 1B
You are Ms. Corina's Personal Assistant. Your boss is not available right now.
Answer student A's phone and offer to take a message. You should:
• ask for the caller's name, phone number, and email address and take notes.
• make sure that you get all information right (ask the caller to reFat the
information if necessary , read the information back for the caller to check it)
• promise that Ms Corina will get the message

B: Good afternoon, this is VPB company. Can I help you?

A: Hello, My name is Nathaniel Lucas. I am calling to inquire about the Personal Assistant
position in your department because I think my skills and expertise would fit your
organization. May I pspeak to Mr Gordor the Head of Human Resources Department?
B: I’m Mr. Gordon’s secretary. Apparently Mr Gordon is caught up in a meeting right now.
Would you like to leave a message?
A: Ok, That’s great
B: We will need some details about you. What is your number phone, Sophie?
A: 0123.445.244
B: Sorry I didn't catch the last part. Is it 245?
A: No, its 244
B: Your email address, please?
A: My email is
B: And have you ever experience as a Personal Assistant and how many years?
A: I used to be a real estate agent with five years of big-brand experience
B: Ok, I got it. I’ll make sure that Mr Gordon will get your information very soon
A: Thank you so much.
B: Have a great day!

Your name is Shirley Gross, a student in class 30A2, Thang Long University. You
are absent from the class this morning. Call Ms. Karen Scott, your teacher to ask
her for the slides and the homework. Ms. Scott is not in so you leave her a
message. The message should include:
 Your name (Shirley Gross)
 Your telephone number (your real phone number)
 Your email address (your real email address)
 What you want her to do (send you the slides and the homework)
You are Ms. Karen Scott’s son/ daughter. Your mother is not available right now.
Answer student A’s phone and offer to take a message. You should:
 Ask for the caller’s name, phone number, and email address and take note.
 Make sure you get all information right (ask the caller to repeat any
question if necessary and read all the note back to the caller to check)
 Promise that Ms. Karen Scott will get the message.
B: Good afternoon. I’m Ms. Karen Scott’s daughter.
A: Hello, my name is Shirley Gross, I’m a Ms. Karen Scott’s student at Thang Long
University. Could I speak to Ms. Karen Scott, please?
B: oh, I’m afraid my mother isn’t here now. Can I take a message?
A: Yes, please. This morning, I’m absent from her class, I want to ask her for the
slides and the homework.
B: What’s your name and your class?
A: My name is Shirley Gross, a student in class 30A at Thang Long University.
B: Can I take some detail? Could you give me your telephone number or email?
A: Yes please. My phone number is 0124.824.567. Or you can contact me by email
address is
B: Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part of telephone number. Did you say 576?
A: No, It’s 567
B: Can I repeat your information? You are Shirley Gross, a student in class 30A at
Thang Long University, your telephone number is 0124.824.567 and your email
address is I promise that Ms. Karen Scott gets the
message as soon as possible.
A: Yes, that’s right. Thank you so much.
B: No problem. Bye.

Your name is Lucas Grand. You are interested in an apartment which Mr.Steve
Ramsay, the real estate agent at AZ Estate is selling. Call Mr.Ramsay to ask him for
further information about the apartment. If he is not available, leave a message.
The message should include:
 Your name (Lucas Grand)
 Your telephone number ( your real phone number)
 Your email address (
 What you want him to do ( send more information about the apartment via

You are Mr.Steve Ramsay’s colleague at AZ Estate. Mr.Ramsay is not avaiable
right now. Answer Lucas Grand’s phone and offer to take a message. You should:
 Ask for his name, phone number, and email address and take note.
 Make sure you get all information right (ask the caller to repeat any
information if necessary and read all the note back to the caller to check)
 Promise that Mr.Ramsay will get the message

B: Hello, this is AZ Estate.

A: Good afternoon, my name is Lucas Grand. I’m interested in an apartment
which Mr. Steve Ramsay the real estate agent. Could I speak to Mr. Ramsay,
B: I’m afraid Mr. Ramsay is not now. Can I take a message?
A: Yes, please. I want to know some more details about that apartment.
B: That’s OK. Are you Lucas Grand? What is your telephone number?
A: Yes, I’m Lucas Grand, my telephone number is 0124.824.567
B: Sorry, I didn’t catch the last part of telephone number. Did you say 547?
A: No, It’s 567.
B: That’s right. Could you tell me your email address?
A: It is
B: Your telephone number is 0124.824.567 and your email address is
A: That right
B: I promise that Mr. Ramsay will get the message as soon as possible. Thank you
for your interest in our company’s apartment.
A: No problem. Thank you. Bye.

You are Joe Johns, the Sales and Marketing Director of Star1 company. You are
having a meeting with Michael Kim, the Sales Director of Hamilton to discuss
future partnership. Start a conversation with him. You should:
• introduce yourself and your position at Star1
• ask him about his company’s history
• answer his questions about your company's subsidiaries (subsidiaries in 9
countries; a new subsidiary in Thailand next year)
• ask his address for further discussion about your company’s newest project

You are Michael Kim, the Sales director Of Hamilton company. You are having a
meeting with Joe Johns, the Sales and Marketing director of Star1 company to
dicuss future partnership. When he starts a conversation with you, you should:
• introduce yourself and your position at Hamilton.
• answer his questions about your company's history (established in 2000; based
in Malaysia; past: only footwear products, present: all clothing products)
• ask him about his company’s subsidiaries
• give him your email address (

4A: Good afternoon, I’m Joe Johns - the Sales and Marketing Director of Star 1
4B: Hi, my name is Michael Kim – the Sales director of Hamilton company. We are
looking for a suitable partner for a future project, I see that your company meets
the requirements what we desire.
4A: So, can I ask you some questions about your company? Since its
establishment until now.
4B: Our company was established in 2000, it has been 21 years so far and based in
Malaysia. Up to now, we have about 7 subsidiaries the country and abroad. In the
past, our company only sale footwear products but now, our company sales all
clothing products. Because of the current trend, people are more interested in
fashion, so our company has expanded its products.
4A: So, I think your company is quite famous nowadays for fashion.
4B: Yes, What about your company? How many subsidiaries your company have?
4A: Our company's head office is in Vietnam and have many subsidiaries in 9
countries. We are planning to establish a subsidiary in Thailand next year. Since
Thailand is a developing country, we think investing in Thailand will bring more
4B: We have a new fashion project in the future, and I hope our company will
cooperate with your company.

4A: Of course, Can you tell me your email address to discuss about your
company’s newest project?
4B: All right, my email is I hope we can work
together in the future.
4A: Yes, I think too. See you in the next meeting.
4B: OK, see you again.


You are Luke Brandon, the Asian Sales manager of Lining. You meet Ms. Jessica
Simm, the regional director of Kopico for the first time at an intemational
conference. When she starts a conversation with you, you should:
• introduce yourself and your position at Lining
• ask her about her company's recent financial berformance
• answer her questions about your company new product (Flex Running shoes,
fashionable design, targeted at young consumers)
• ask for her email address for further discussion about marketing partnership
You are Jessica Simm, the regional director of Kopico. You meet Luke Brandon,
the Asian Sales manager of Lining for the first time at an international conference.
Start a conversation with him. You should:
• introduce yourself and your position at Kopico
• answer his questions about your company's recent financial performance
(strong com petition, revenue - decreased by 12%)
• ask him about his company new product (Flex Running shoes)
• give him your email address (
B: Hello, my name is Jessica Simm. And I’m the regional director of Kopico. This is
my card
A: Oh. Hi, Jessica Simm. I’m Luke Brandon, the Asian Sales manager of Linning.
And this is my card. Nice to meet you.
B: I’m happy to meet you.
A: Has your company’s fainancial performance been fine lately?
B: Oh. As you kow now, recently there are companies doing business in this field
…and it is very difficult to make breakthroughs. It created a strong competition.
And that’s why the last year our company’s revenue fell down by 12%.
A: Oh. Sorry to hear that.
B: Yes. How about your company? I heard that your company just launched a new
product. The customer seems to be very satisfied with the new product.
A: Maybe~ Our company has launched a Flex running shoes. To match the current
trend the company has designed with gentle colors and fashionable.
B: What is your target market?
A: We aim at young customer. Because they are in high demand with good and
trending products.
B: I hope that this product will bring great success for your company.
A: Thank you. I hope so that….Ms. Jessica Simm, can you tell me your email
adress? It would be nice if we could work together on upcoming projects. And I
would like also to discuss with you more about marketing partnership.
B: Of courses, I’m also happy if we have a chance to work together. My email is
A: Thank you so much. I’m afraid I must head off now. See you soon
B: Thank you and It’s been really nice to know you. Bye.

You are Peter Jamneson, the Marketing manager of V-fresh beverage brand. Your
company is having a sponsorship agreement with Hanoi Youth Marathon
competition. Negotiate with Ms.Vivian Moore, the event organizer of Hanoi Youth
Marathon, about the following agenda items:
 Sponsorship (your position: 50%of the event sponsored by your company)
 Advertising (your position: information about your brand included in all of
Hanoi Youth Marathon’s advertising)
 Supporters ( your position: 25 employees to held out on event day)
You are Vivian Moore, the event organizer of Hanoi Youth Marathon. Your
program is having a sponsorship agreemwent with V-fresh beverage brand.
Negotiate with Mr. Peter Jameson, the Marketing manager of V-fresh, about the
following agenda items:
 Sponsorship (your position: 100% of the event sponsored by V-fresh)
 Advertising (your posotion: information about V-fresh brand included in all
of your offline advertising, but not online advertising)
 Supporters (your position: 50 employees from V-fresh to help out on event

A: Good afternoon, my name is Peter Jameson. I’m marketing manager of V-fresh

beverage brand.
B: Hi. I’m Vivian Moore. I’m an event organizer of Hanoi Youth Marathon.
A: Can we start the negotiation now?
B: Right. So, let’s first talk about sponsorship. We want 100% of the event
sponsored by V-fresh. What do you think?
A: I’m afraid not. It’s company policy. 100% is too much. We can only sponsor
50% some parts of the event.

B: What about 60%? I

hope your company can sponsor more
to make it easier to cooperate
A: Hmmm. I'm not sure, I'll discuss it with my colleagues.( boss)
B: Ok. Let’s move on now to advertising.
A: I want information about V-fresh brand included in all of Hanoi Youth
Marathon’s advertising.
B: Unfortunately, we can’t do that. We can offline advertising but not online
A: The next thing to discuss is supporters. We will send 25 employees to help on
event day. How do you feel about this?
B: Could it be more? We need 50 employees from V-fresh.
A: At most it can be 40 employees. We’ve had some other events.
B: Hmmm OK.
A: Right, let’s summaries. About sponsorship, I will discuss with my colleagues
and I will contact you later. About advertising, information about V-fresh brand
included in all of office Hanoi Youth Marathon’s advertising. About supporters,
we will send 40 employees to help on event day. Is that correct?
B: Good, I think we’ve covered everything. Happy cooperation

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