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Department of Chemical Engineering

Utility System Design

2023 - 2024
Problem 12 – Utility System efficiency and optimisation

As a process engineer you are provided with a simple flowsheet of a site utility
system (Figure 1.1). You are asked to make suggestions as to how energy efficiency
could be improved and CO2 reduced prior to operational optimisation (based on the
degrees of freedom evident in the system).
Note:- no calculations are required for this problem.

Coal Fuel Oil Natural Gas

Current: 230.0 Current: 118.8

Min: 50 Min: 40
Max: 250 Max: 180 GT
18 MW
Boiler 1 Boiler 2 Current:
HRSG 25.6
Current : 95.9
Min: 60.0
Max: 165.0 Current: 209.5 20.0
T4 T6
Min: 115.0
Current : 44.0 Max: 335.0 49.0
Min: 15.0 HP (41bara)
Max: 75.0
Current: 35.5 74.5
Current : 51.9
Min: 30.0
T5 Min: 15.0
Max: 65.0 34.0
Max: 90.0
MP (15 bara)
Current : 20.0 Current: 65.0 65.9
2.0 Min: 20.0 Min: 30.0
Max: 20.0 T7 Max: 70.0 20.0
LP (3 bara)
LP Vent Current : 65.0 Current: 109.0 147.0
Min: 40.0 CW 0.073 bara Min: 60.0
Flows t/h Max: 75.0 Max: 150.0

Figure 1.1

a) What suggestions for improvement would you make (including those that may
be improved by operational optimisation) based on the degrees of freedom in
the system? Your answer should refer to improvements evident from the

b) There are items missing from the flowsheet that may or may not be included
in the actual site utility system and that would have an effect on decisions
made for improvements in the heat recovery/efficiency of the utility system.
What might these be and how could they improve the overall efficiency of the
site utility system?

Remember, you do not have to submit any work in relation to the

Problem Exercises.


The answer to this question is very open ended. The answer should cover the
following points;

Letdown steam

There are relatively large flows through the let down stations. This is a waste of
potential power production from the expansion of the steam. Therefore ideally the
system should be optimised to see if these flows can be reduced by passing the
steam though the steam turbines instead. Minimum and maximum flow constraints
have to be observed.

Steam turbine flows

There appears to be scope for the steam turbines to handle larger steam flows.
There are quite large differences in the current and maximum flows of the turbines. If
steam from letdowns can be diverted to steam turbines then increased power from
the turbines can be produced and the exhaust from the turbines passed to the mains
for process steam heating.
Similarly there is likely to be different efficiencies for different turbines. It is possible
that steam could be diverted from least efficient to more efficient turbines. This would
increase potential power from the Utility System without having to increase the VHP
steam production from the boilers and increasing fuel consumption. Note also as
steam flows increase in turbines towards their maximum value, then efficiency of the
turbine will increase. However, reducing steam flow through a turbine will decrease
turbine efficiency. An optimiser is needed to determine optimum steam flows through
the system.


There is potential to switch steam production from one boiler to another, depending
on costs. The cheapest VHP producer should be used, and when flow is maximised,
further steam production switched to the next cheapest producer. Again, optimisation
would be able to determine this. Flow constraints need to be observed (minimum,
maximum flows).


Again this solution is open ended. It is aimed at determining what could be

potentially missing from a Utility System and included, depending on overall
economics. New equipment capital costs have to be determined, and future
operating costs compared.
Condensate return

There are no indication of values or inclusion. Condensate return would reduce fuel
demand as this water already has some residual heat. This would reduce the steam
demand of the deaerator, and in turn reduce steam supply needed from steam
generators, hence reducing fuel demands. Also other water treatment costs would
be reduced. However, condensate return can be problematic if water has been
contaminated by leaks in the heat exchangers using steam.

Flash steam

Condensate at high pressure, especially from process steam use, could be flashed
to produce saturated steam at a lower pressure. This would potentially reduce steam
generated in boilers and other steam generators, reducing fuel. However, reduction
in steam produced at the highest pressure level may in turn reduce power
production. An optimiser is needed to determine. In the current system there are
relatively large flows of steam to processes from all steam mains. Flashing steam
production at the lowest pressure level may be able to contribute to deaerator steam

Gas Turbines and HRSG

There is no indication that supplementary firing is used in the exhaust of the gas
turbine prior to being used in the HRSG. It may be economic to use and to replace
steam generated from boilers. Optimisation is needed. However, supplementary
firing is not normally used continuously, but turned on/off when required.

Fuel and emissions

There is no indication of cleaning of emissions from the steam generators. Boiler 1

and Boiler 2 currently using Coal and Oil. These would produce more emissions
which have to be treated than natural gas. So may be economic to consider
replacing these fuels. However, not always possible without replacing boilers. CO2
could also be problematic.

Combustion Processes

No indication of heat recovery from the steam generators. There may be good
efficiency gains from using economisers for pre-heating boiler feedwater or air pre-
heating. Both methods could be employed to recover heat, although dew point
temperatures and possible condensation needs to be considered. Boiler blowdown
heat is also not considered at the moment. This too would recover heat and improve
efficiency of the utility system.

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