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Escaneado con CamScanner four Classroom language 1 Match the sentences in the box with the pictures 1-7. J Read) Look! Listen! Sit down! Don’t writel Close your books!_Don’t talk! > xX b 2 Match the sentence halves, 1 Write a tothe song. 2 Open le at the picture. 3 Look © your name. 4 Talk your books to page 11, 5 Read € the email on page 6. 6 Listen £ toyour partner. 3 Complete the questions with the words in the box How do you say the questions in your language? restroom book board the dictionary Can | go to the restroom, please? 1 Cantuse 1 please? 2 Canto to the , please? 3. Can I write in the 2 >” ‘, Use these expressions to say yes or no to questions with Can [...? ¥ Yes, of course. No, I'm sorry. You can't. 4 Qi® Listen. Does the teacher say yes or no to the questions? Put a check (7) or an x. 12) 20 30 40 5 EEEREI Use the prompts to ask and answer questions. use a dictionary? (7) Can | use a Gee) oo) xe 1 talk to my partner? (7) 2 goto the board? (x) 3 use a red pen? (x) 4 go to the restroom? (7) Escaneado con CamScanner mc The alphabet Numbers (0-100) 6 Dw Listen. Then ki |. Ther n listen again and repeat, 11 Complete the chart with the numbers in the box, two twelve twenty-seven sevent snteen five twent eight thirteen twenty-two three "| ABCD (2 o is “| “ 1 i Kk G 3m sme 4 tour 20 _ Hi I I j 5 RK twenty-one e G six 2 7 seven 233 twenty-three LMNOP {2 some Q R S re 7 we 4 cl be T2288 twenty-eight 1229 twenty-nine BO thiny VWXYZ t= os. 12. @IBs Listen and choose the numbers you hear, 7 IB! tisten and sing the alphabet song. @ 30 215 50 417 70 r B QW Listen and choose the letters you hear. 1M 0 2S sha 13 Qi» Listen and complete the sentences, 2 sail sou oo smu sie bten and comp iA +aB 758 (Govsitveya? ) us en and write the names you hear. 9 Om: ‘Then compare your answers with your partner. Vanessa —— ) 1 7, 5 2 10 0 CSENEI repeat. Practice the dialogue with a in pairs, write a similar dialogue wit about you. 1 ‘A What's your name? B. My name's Clara. ‘A How do you spell that? Listen, Then listen again and partner. Then, 44 [ZUNETA complete the chart information "from 1-100. Listen to your teac! with eight numbers ther and play Bingo! 2 ‘A What's your last name, Clara? B My last name's Espinosa. ‘A How do you spell that? B E-S-P-LN-O-S-A. Escaneado con CamScanner any US Look at tho picture of the Clavstoony, Matete the qoutes ty tly [dock & board School things aplon Alek hus wi loon cha NW the abot at Ho the petite, | 16 Match the words (a=1 with the objects, 1-12 on the desk, 17 Find ten more school things In the six a penZ b ruler © backpack d_ notebook pencil sharpener £ pencil pe mxarzn-are Aner xnocoeaxmae onm zoren>2zEzon cuz>-ro >eoen 9 mnagic marker Wh calculator colored penlls pencil case k textbook eraser Wordsearch. Telling the time 18 Complete the sentences with the numbers, are (08:00 08:05 08:10 oats 08:20 08:25 08:30 08:35 08:40 08:45 08:50 08:55 Ty en pe onthe] Ws eight o'clock Ws eight ob five. Ws eight Is eight titer. 1's eight twenty. Ws eight I's eight thirty. It's eight thiry-tive. Ws eight " I's eight forty Ws eight + Ws tight |__ ___ ad Escaneado con CamScanner 19 QIN Look at the clocks. Write the time. Then listen and repeat. It's six o'clock. 1 It’s 4 Its . 5 its 20 EERE write three times in your notebook. Ask and answer questions about the times. G45 Days and months 21 Find the days of the week in the wordsearch. tember. erican English, we write dates like this: nber 19° ite dates with numbers like this: 19° = 09/19 month day 22 Look at Alessa’s notebook, Complete the sentences with the correct month. Which month is missing? Veronica: 12/30 Ronse: 1/13 Sionden: 01/24 David: 07/20 Cisea: 10/31 Jack: 08/06 Alexander: 05/29 Omar: 03/07 Eva: 08/14 able: 02/26 uth: 09/01 10 Omar's birthday is in Veronica's birthday isin December. Cisca's birthday is in - Jack’ birthday in 1 2 3. Renzo’ birthday isin ; 4 Sandra's birthday isin 5 Alexander's birthday isin 6 7 8 9 David's birthday is in . Eva's birthday isin Ruth's birthday is in , Pablo's birthday Missing month: 23 Match the words in the box with the pictures. Thursday Friday Monday ‘Sunday Wednesday Tuesday zumrensoe Z>uz>o sjo o-)> > erzox tee beat 26 Qi Listen and complete the chart with the names in the box. John | a and a hamster Emilio | two Kevir three ‘__ anda — Taamin | 0 27 [ENRTIA Ask and answer about your pets. eight Escaneado con CamScanner neal Parts of the body 31 Copy the letters with the same color, Put the letters in the correct order to make parts of the body words 30 Look at the selfie, Match the words in the box with the correct parts of the body. us AJITE ASIA 0 leg fond heir finger eye arm toe nose — shoulder_mouth’ foot ear n> E G R N M R a F 0 E a finger 3 []_ 6 32 Read the descriptions. Look at the picture and complete the sentences with the correct name. 1 Him Ihave blond hair and blue eyes. 2 Hello! m ae manne I have black hair and brown eyes. 2 8 3 Hilm . oo ie Ihave red hair and green eyes. aac 10 33, ®t EERIE Listen and repeat. tn pas, $—___ nu ____ practice introducing yourself. Use information that 6 2 is true for you. aul Hi, I'm Rosanna and I'm 12. Ihave brown hair and blue eyes. Escaneado con CamScanner | i pa. ont and nationalities learn how to greet people 52." ourselves and other people Who is nervous: Mason or Jacob? It’s a big day for Mason and Jacob. They're at the auditions for | Mason Yes, he’s my hero! the Dance for the U.S. competition, but Mason is late... Jacob Oh, here's Rubi... Jacob You're late! Mason With a friend. She's nice! Mason Chill out, Jacob. I'm here now. Rubi Hi guys. Jacob —_'mnervous. Lola Hello, 'm Lola, Mason Don't worry, we're a great team, Mason Hi, I'm Mason, And he's Jacob. ]] acd" Otro, he ues re ee Rubi RS yourbig dt Mason Look, it's Simon Jackson. Mason We're ready, bring it on! Jacob He's a great dancer. His dance schools are in Australia, later... the UX,, Japan, and Turkey. They're very famous! Man Mason and Jacob, you're next. Td Match the sentence halves, a hero! Airman ___ re b big day! Find these words and phrases and check their meaning, my © nervous | competition I'm nervous. d agreat team, J You're late! Don't worry e nice! Chill out bring it on Do you think it’s rude to be late? Are you normally nds, for school, or if you go to the doctor? Escaneado con CamScanner Key language 3 Find and unc jad and underline the phrases in the dialogue in exercise 1. Yori Shin Tse Kya | _ wo Wereready Theyre verylamous! peso” | 4 DB" Com plete the dialogues with th intheGeitiiealiiantetowtec Vm nervous | Shaya ven fanaa lowe Ws Simon Jackson he's Jacob 1 Jacob You're late! Mason Chill out, Jacob. ['m here now. Jacob * Mason Don't worry,” 2 Mason Look, _____ Jacob He's agre, ‘dar ‘are in Australia, the U.K., Japan, and Turkey. ! at dancer. His dance schools 3 Lola Mason Feil sean It’s your big day! We're ready, bring it ont Rubi Mason iN Now listen again and repeat. |. Then write jes in exercise 4 in the box. 5 Read the dialogu similar dialogues: USE the name: Gamon tus samuel Nr eataina_Sofi & nny. I'm Hello, Dat ( ny. ) Natalia, and he’s Luis. from exercise 5+ Gabriel camila vanala ce your dialogues pee rat Escaneado con CamScanner tee a >) | Countries and nationalities 1 QBS Look at the map and complete the chart with the countries in the box, Then listen and cheek, [ Japan Partegal Mouco Savin HOUR US. | oy 2 De complete the chart in evercise 1 with the aati . a SSRIS coon ena nationalities, Then tsten, check, and repeat, vationalties, Chitean Pomtoguese Chinese Area "9 Bath Hapanese 8 Ses Sener [Tish “Saini nv Gi Py | canadian When you learn new words took for patterns: similarities, For example, look at the endings ot these words: Japanese ~ Portuguese = Chinese Canadian ~ Australian ~ Brazilian British ~ Turkish Spanish 3 GEE Look at the example, Take turns to: ehoose a city and ask and answver questions, Tayo NewYork eity Baling London Moscow (Larere ateyou tom?) Sydney Mexico City Brasita Tim rom Bing, in China, Fm CdS EN Escaneado con CamScanner ————=v_ acd Subject pronouns He's 2 great dancer. Were ready. ingular ia we you they pen 1 Match 1-6 with the subject pronouns a-f. 1 Melissa awe 2 thecity of Lima b he 3 Jack and! me 3 Choose the correct alternatives. 4 the men ann 5 David e you London is famous for her /(@3) monuments. 6 youand Dad f they 1 She's in my class. Her / Your name's Martha. : 2 He's Chilean, His / Its name's Santiago. 2 Complete the sentences with subject pronouns. 3 We're students at Wood Green High School. Haru is from Kyoto. He's Japanese, Our / Their school is in Canberra. 1 Amy and Ellie are friends. ‘re students. 4 I'm Brazilian. Your / My name’s Larissa. They're Joe and Helen. Our / Their mom is my History teacher. 6 “Hi, im Maddie.” re from Sydney. “Wow, my / your name is cool!” a fencostic singe 7 finis Chinese, but 8 “Here are your / their books.” “Thanks.” 2 I'm from Natal. 'S a city in Brazil, v 3. Diego Luna is famous 4 Liam and |are Austr $ Elie Goulding is British. ‘sa great actor. / their mom is American. Possessive adjectives 4. Complete the sentences with a possessive EE are in Australia. adjective. — I'm Spanish. My name's Daniel. = Brion sec She 1 She's Yessica. dad is a teacher. i ad 'm Jason. What's name?” you your . a 7 ie ‘My name is Lina.’ she her 3 We're from Texas. address is 2652 = is Montana Drive, we our _| 4 Ws birthday. 'm 13 years old today. you! your 5 You're very good students. grades are a excellent. . 6 He's my friend. name's Peter. 7 Max and Julieta are in 11® grade. Mrs. Hall is __Art teacher. ‘2] Complete the sentences with the words in the box. 8 The dance schools in Chicago. as ‘The Dance Academy. for singular and plural. Leo is my friend. Leo and Sara are my friends. We use? when we talk about a git’s possession. We.use » for a boy's possession. When we talk about the possession of a thing, place, animal, etc, Wenag Gastalligs 12 vearacldand we use ¢ ; he's Mexican. His favorite subject is Math, He's David, It's his pencil. She's Eva, It’s her cell phone. That's my dog and that's its ball. Write a description of a boy and a girl in your class. Include information about: name age nationality favorite subject] uaayina Sa rererery; Escaneado con CamScanner Let's talk about . COW Tx TEE] Complete the dialogues with the words in the box. Then listen again and check. 1 Notbad W Andyou? Seeyoutater | Dominic Hey Aiannal Arianna Hi, Dominic. Dominie How are you, Arianna? ‘Arianna 'm good, thanks." Dominic * , thanks. Later Dominic Byethen.? Arianna Bye. See you! 2 Vm very well How are you? Goodbye See you on Monday. Good morning Mrs. Bauer * = _ Arianna, Arianna Hello, Mrs. Bauer. Mrs, Bauer * Arianna I'mfine, thanks. And you? Mrs. Bauer & ___, thank you. Later . Mrs, Bauer 7 Have a good day. ‘Thanks. Goodbye. , Arianna Arianna 20m & Bl] Listen and repeat, Hey. (informal) Hello / Hit BN sow are you? hue I, rm very well / fine / Pe {Good morning / afternoon / evening. a _ See you on Monday. ‘good / not bad, thanks. Speaking in formal and informal situations In informal situations, we normally us person's first name. Hi, Dominic. In formal situations, we normally the person's last name. Good morning, For men, we always use Mr. ("eu For women with no husba’ For married wor If we don't know if a woma we can use Ms. (iz “Goodbye | Goodnight.) fee) XY ‘bye / Bye then wey "See you later! lee = Escaneado con CamScanner —_—! 3 Ob ui: 3 QW» Listen to the conversations. Decide if the people are meeting each other (M) or leaving each other (1). thLoo2_ 3 4 5 PER TACT In two minutes, create a word map of ways to say hello and goodbye. Then compare with your partner. Goodbye Hello 4 [EINEM Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. Then, practice the dialogue. Have a good weekend, ——— Hey! How are you? Not bad, thanks, You, too! Bye. Goodbye. 1_Hi, Simon. ___I'm fine, thanks. And you? FEMME Write a dialogue between you and your teacher. Use the dialogues ‘exercise 1 to help you. Practice the dialogue with your partner. a Look at the pictures. Choose one of the people. ] Write a dialogue between you and that person. your little cousin eee of a famous actor your a 1 your aunt Escaneado con CamScanner sixteen kk _ be: Simple present Affirmative You're late. He's my hero, lam vim you are youre hels he's she fs she’s itis its we are we're you are you're they are they're 1 Choose the correct alternatives. 1@iRY is Portuguese. You are / am a good dancer. Itis / are my birthday today. Weis / are in 8" grade. They are / am nice. 1is / am from Paraguay. 6 Sheis / am British, 2 Rewrite the sentences in exercise 1 with the short form of the verb be. I'm Portuguese. aAuRUNna 3 Complete the sentences with the short form of the verb be. Its a red pen. 1 Thisis Jen-she___ 14 years old today! 2 |__from Istanbul, in Turkey. 3. Messiche__ my hero. 4 You___ intelligent! 5 It__a pencil case. ‘Write a sentence for each subject pronoun, T you he she it we you th tm from Call. In Cz ‘ Ce ee cousins 4 complete the texts with the missing subject pronouns and the short form of the verb be. Hi, im Charlie, My hometown is Ontario. 1 in Canada. My brother, Max, is 16, and 2 at the same school together. ‘a big school. Look at the sentences and check (/) the correct alternative. Then complete the rule. ri years ot. (| ‘hove 8 yeors od. |] In Eglah we use the verb cr aoe 5 complete the chart with information about yourself. Then write a short description of yours: to talk about Tn Age Cercle Rcenyaersy anol Write a short description of your best friend. Use the texts in exercise 4 to help you. Ye Alex, He's Por Escaneado con CamScanner Listening twice Ifyou don't hear the answer to a question Ina listening exercise, eave it, and go to the next question. You will probably listen to the audio twice, aSigpa 2 @2' Listen and complete the paragraphs. He's Noah. He's" old, and he's from 2 He's at at Bundoora School in Melbourne. His favorite school subjects are*__and Art. His favorite color is? and his favorite years day of the week is IHe'sa big fan of aii 3 Look at the topics in the list. Write notes about yourself. name age rationality school favorite subjects favorite singer or band favorite color favorite animals fn For [7] vanessa [_] Age 3O «O Town uma [] cartago Nationality Peruvian [_] Costa Rican Favorite singer Finanna [_] dete [_] Favoriteactor Ashton Kutcher [_] Ryan Reynolds She's Zehra. She's ® old, and she's? She's from Istanbul, in ® and she's a student at Istanbul International " Her favorite subjects are ‘and Music. Zehra is am ‘of the singer Shawn Mendes, and her favorite is Stitches. years 4 GEEEEMIN write a presentation about yourself, Use your answers from exercise 3. Look at the text i exercise 2 to help you. 5 [SEMEETIE in small groups, take turns to give your presentation. Take notes about the ‘ther people in your group. uaaquanas teen 7 Escaneado con CamScanner ee A ‘My sister Megan and | are dancers, favorite dance is contemporary. SL Ry cm Rc San Francisco, California, in the U.S. ‘My favorite dance is hip-hop, and Megan's ‘At home, our favorite hobby is watching TV, and one of our favorite TV shows is The Next Step. It’s on TV every night, and it’s awesome! The Next Stepis a realty drama. t's about a group of young Canadian dancers at The Next Step dance stucio in Toronto, in Canada. The tories on the show are very Interesting, with competitions, great dances, and arguments between the dancers, too! All the dancers are amazing. And all the dance styles on the show-from ballet to street dance-are fantastic, ‘My two favorite dancers on the show are Richelle and real ie, their ‘names are Briar Nolet and Akiel Julien Briar is also a gymnast-she's very talented! ‘Akiel is from Grenada, but now his home is in Toronto, 's The Next Step on TV in your country? Are you a fan of dance? IF the answers to these questions are yes then The Next Step 2 is the show for yout Tea Find these words and phrases and checksmmmm e thelr meaning, Reading Wshow in ealife realty drama gymnast. 1 Qi FEREEMIET choose the correct answers, ae eae | 1 Lara’ favorite dance style is a contemporary. b hip-hop. ballet. 4 stret dance. 2 The Next Stepisa a TV show. b typeothobby. ¢ dancecompetition. dance style. 3 The dance studios in a theUs. b theux © Canada, 4 Grenade 2 Ther -orrect information in each sentence. Rewrite the sentences with true information. Megan is Lara’ friend. Megan is Lara's sister, 4 Richelle and LaTtoy are teachers. 1 Athome, Lara’s favorite hobby is dancing 5. Akiel is from China, 2 The Next Step s about singers. 6 His home isin Lousiana 3. The TV show is only on Monday and Tuesday. 7. The Next Step is for fans of music. ~ 3 Match the nationalities (A-D) with the countries (1-4) Then match the countries with the cities (a-d). Biggest countries In the world-top three! 1 Russia 2 Canada 3 the US. Canada is avery big country, butthe population isnt very big. Japan is smaller than Canada, but there are more 92% Pc a A American 1 Grenada~\ a Toronto B Grenadian—/ 2 Canada b St George's Russian 3 the US. © Moscow D Canadian 4 Russia eighteen d San Francisco ina. Escaneado con CamScanner Writing acigniy Using capital letters In English, we always use capital letters for: + the first word of a sentence + the subject pronoun + names of people, TV shows, books, etc * cities, countries, and nationalities Hi, 'm twan. 'm Russian. I'm from Volgograd, in Russia. tiga 4 Ethan and Chloe are dancers. Complete the paragraphs about them. Use the information in the fact files. Ethan is 13 years old. He from " ; im the U.S. He's a ballet 7 His favorite TV show is and his favorite dancer is the ballet dancer Chloe years old. She's from * in England. She's a / dancer. Her favorite TV show | Js big ist 7 and her favorite dancer \ is, 5 Use the information in the fact file to write a paragraph about Lara's sister, Megan. ‘Dance style contemporary Favorite dancer Lamar Johnson aficpe 6 Write a paragraph about yourself. Use the texts in exercise 4 to help you. Megan is 12 years old. She's Write sentences about the following things: your favorite movie your favorite actor your favorite food your three favorite songs your favorite book ‘your two favorite countries your two favorite towns or cities uaayaulu Escaneado con CamScanner In this unit we will... © talk about family Bl] Who has to make a decision: Mason or jacob? a Mason and Jacob dance, but then something | Judge strange happens. Mason Judge Hello, what are your names? Judge Judge —Ishe your friend? ro. Mason No, he isn’t. He's my little brother, waee We're Bro-Beat! Judge — Where are you from? re Mason We're from New York City, Iudge Judge And how old are you? Mason I'm 14, and he's 12, ro Jacob I'm not 121 1'm 13, ane « ISLE Choose the correct alternatives, Mason and Jacob are friends / 1 They're from the U.S. / the U.K. 2 Jacob is 12/13 years old 3 They're at the competition wit 4. The judge says that Jacob / Mason i great. 5 Jacob's answer is yes / no, TETRA what do bad grades or losing in a competition? ae twenty h their friends / friends and family. You say to a friend who is upset about Who's here with you today? Our friends and our mom and dad. OK, boys. Are you ready? This is your mome Good luck, Jacob, you're great! You're a star, but your brother isn't very good, No way! Are you serious? Yes, we are. It’s a “no” for you, Mason. Jaco, its your brother or the competition. Yes or ng Sorry, Mason ... my answer is “yes.” What?! Find these phrases and check their meaning, Good luck, You're a star No way! | Are you serious? | Sory Escaneado con CamScanner LORELEI ED Cy 3 Find and underline the phrases in the dialogue in exercise 1. Fa cae Ac how Naa Toa eT NO eS eh ee eras 4 Qi Reorder the words to complete the dialogues. Then listen and check. | 1 Judge Mason Judge Mason Judge Mason Jacob Judge Mason Judge Mason Judge Qs Now listen again and repeat. Hello, / are / names? / your / what Hello, what-are your names? ifm Mason, and this is Jacob. your / he / friend? / Is No, he isn’t. He's my litle brother. ‘And J are [how / you? / old Vm 14, and he’s 12. ¥¥m not 1211" 13, with / you J today? / Who's / here (Our friends and our mom and dad star, /a/ good. / You're / very / but / your / brother / isn’t way! /No / you / serious? / Are are. / Yes, | we a 5 Imagine you are in the Dance for the U.S. competition. Answer the judge's questions. ~ Judge What's your name? You Mynameis... Judge Where are you from? You Judge How old are you? You Judge Who's here with you today? faa ‘OKI Are you ready? This is your moment! Good luck ; 6 [EIR Practice your dialogues from exercise 5 =z ™ Escaneado con CamScanner a z a q Family 1 D5 Look at Lola’s family scrapbook. Complete the sentences with the Words in the box. Then listen and check. Fee Te Coan prndpareni ser nor par panah | bser Tau ganapaT) He's my | Here aremy*__, She's my 2 Catrina, and my Her name's Valerie. Martin. He's my '" __ His This is me. name is Luis, like his dad 2 @ 6 Now listen and repeat the family words. 4 EEIRI Draw your family tree. Do show your partner. Then describe it 3 © Lola's cousin, Luis, is describing his family. to your partner and ask him / her to Complete the sentences with family words. Use Lola’s draw it. Compare your pictures. Is your family ree to help you. Then listen and check. partner's picture correct? my aunt. Mauricio is my grandpa, Agustina is my grandma .. Catrin 1. Oliver, Lola, and Isa are my 2 My ‘s name's Luis. 3 Jamie is my 4 Martin is my 5 Sueis my 6 Valerie is my BS twenty-two Escaneado con CamScanner —— be: Simple present Negative ‘Ym not 121 Your brother ism’t very good. Fam not [Im not you aren't Compile the rule. When we make negative sentences with the verb be, we put fter the verb, 1 Reorder the words to make negative sentences. Then rewrite the sentences using short forms. serious. / not / She /is Sheisnot serious, She isn't serious, 11S years old. /1/ not / am ee 2 is /red./ The / pen /not 3. Australia. / He / not /is / from 4 not / are / cousins. / Walter and Rataet 5 not /funny. / You / are 6 sisters. / not / are / We 2 Write sentences with the affirmative (7) or negative (X) form of the verb be. Use short forms. Vatschool (¥) You /late (x) Imatschool, Youaren'tlate, Ella / in my class (x) It/ Sp.m. (7) The students / at school (x) 1/ Japanese (*) You / very intelligent (7) They / my parents (7) ansuna Interrogative and short answers Ishe your friend? No, he isn’t. ‘Are you serious? Yes, we are, ee eed CS) AmIhappy? | Yes. youare. | No. you aren't. ‘Are you happy? __| Yes. | am. [ No. I'm not. | [Ashe nappy? | Yes he's. No, he isn't Isshe happy? | Yes sheis. | No. she isnt a Yes, No.itisnt. | ‘Are we happy? | Yes. you are. | No, you arent) Are you happy? | Yes,weare. | No, wearent. | ‘re they happy? | Yes. they are | No, they arent.) 19M '¢] Choose the correct alternative. To make questions, we put the verb be before / after the subject. 3 Complete the questions and answers. Is soccer your favorite sport? Yes, ibis. 1 they in the computer lab? Mark your uncle? Yes, 2 3 ____we on your team? No, 4 ____ you American, Nathan? Yes, 5 ___it 8.00? No, 4 Use the prompts to write questions. Then answer the questions with short answers that are true for you. your teacher / American? Isyour teacher American? Yes.sheis./No, she isn't, 1 you /11 years old? 2 it Monday today? 3 you / from London? 4 you /at school? 5. your birthday in August? Look at Lola's family scrapbook on page 22. Write six questions about her family, and answer them. Write three questions with affirmative answers and three with negative answers, Are Martin and Catrina her parents? = ‘Yes, theyare. z Escaneado con CamScanner Ce Re) NX Dates and special days 1 Qs Complete the chart with the ordinal numbers In the box. Then listen and check Second filth twenty-second sinteenth thirty-first third twenty-seventh twelfth twentieth eighth first 9h ninth 17" seventeenth 25% Awenty-titth 24 second Jo" tenth 18" eighteenth 26" twenty stath oe 11" eleventh 19" nineteenth 2” 4 fourth we 4 20m 20" Awenty-cighthy 5h 2 13" thirteenth 21" twenty-first 29" twenty-ninth 6 sixth 14% fourteenth 200? 80% thirtiont 7 seventh 15" fifteenth 23° twenty-third oy a toh 5 24" twenty-fourth @8 Now listen again and repeat. 2 OOo CAAA choose the correct alternatives. Then listen again and check, 1 Dominic Hey, Arianna! Arianna Hey! Dominic It’s February @™)/ 7", Happy Groundhog Day! Arianna It's not Groundhog Day today! Dominic What?! Arianna Look It’s February 1" / 3" today! 2 Dominic What's the date today? Arianna It's August 13% / 14". My birthday’s Talking about dates in August. ayn When we talk about a month, we say in. It's in August. Dominic Oh! When's your birthday When we talk about a specific day, we say on ‘Arianna It'son August 21" / 23" It’s on August 14", When we want to say the date today, 3 Qo EREWEPIAD tisten and repeat. we don't use prepositions. Today, it’s July 11”, Whats thedetetoday? ) | (“stay ¢ Yo When's your birthday? e ~ ' 3 nf a March 28 Escaneado con CamScanner = w Can 4 DBr Listen and com June 10" 1 December _ 2 Ge 3 November 4 plete the dates, ss SQieaam_ —— Important: dates In the us. | Groundhog Day February 2 (Saint) Vatentine’s Day February 14%" J Independence Day july 4m Christmas Eve Christmas Day New Year's Eve New Year's Day December 24% December 25% December 31° January 1° Thanksgiving Day is also an important holiday in the US. It ison the fourth Thursday of Noveriber FRIESE Look at the c Ask and answer questions like thi When's Valentines Day?) (Gar Ra SSN W Do a survey. Ask six people date of their birthday. Evandro May 17 EIRIEICA Ask and answer the questions. “son (May 1 ‘ulture focus on Important dates in the U.S. G your class about their birthday. Complete the chart with their name and the TERRA ERA {Im two minutes, write six dates that are important in your country. Try to find dates in six different ‘months. Compare your list with your partner. Can you find more than six? Escaneado con CamScanner —_——_ Question words + be Where are you from? Who's here with you today? Ce a ‘Who is your Art teacher? What is your name? Where ‘are | the boys? When is your Music class? Which is ‘your book? How old are_| you? 1 Choose the correct question words. “Wiad Where isit2” “tes a pencil case.” 1 “Who / How old are they?” “They're my brothers.” 2 “When / Where is the concert?" “It’s at 7 p.m.” 3 “Where / How old is your sister?” “She's 9." 4 “Who / Which is your pen?” “It’s the blue pen.” ™ We use Which ..?to choose between a small number. Which is your bag? The red or the brown bag? We use What ...? when there is a wider choice, What's your favorite color? 2 Complete the questions. “Where is your book?” “It's in my school bag.” UG ishe?” “He's my dad.’ ee is your dog?” “He's 5 years old.” ate is your ball?” “It’s the yellow ball.” ae is the English test?” “It’s today!" 3 Write questions. Then answer them so they are true for you. What / your name? What's your name? It’s Mia, 1 How old / you? 3 Who / your best friend? 2 Where / your school? 4 When / your birthday? 4 Write questions to complete the mini-dialogues. A What's your name? B_ My name's Zachary. 1A 2 B I'm from Johannesburg, in South Africa. 2A 2 B I'm 14 years old, 3A 2 B_ My favorite music is pop music. 4A ? B. My favorite singer is Drake, B twenty-six link = Demonstratives this, that, these, those I'm Mason, and this is Jacob, Eis a This is a blue pen. &, That's my teacher. These are red pens, Those are my teachers %@] Complete the rules with this, that, these, and those. We use! and?, torefer to nearby people or things Weuse?____and ¢ torefer to distant people or things. 5 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences jith this, that, these, or those. ‘These are my pets. 1 3. Ohno! are 4 is my new schoo! bag. 5 Wow! sa fantastic carl Draw a picture of your classroom with different classroom objects in It, Write about the things in ‘your classroom using this, that, these, and those. Thisiea ploture of my classroom, Theseare. my.books, That's the whiteboard s+ ECT Escaneado con CamScanner Listening and speaking aaigply 1 DO» Listen to the questions and choose the correct answers, ‘Then listen again and check. @ Sophie b 1 years old © yellow Reading before you listen 1a january bb address © London Before you listen, read the exerch 2a astudent b Foste © years old It wil tell you the general areas th 3a Jenny b March 20 © Vyears old podpetd so ite ct io 4 a No, he isn't, bb Yes, they are, Yes, she is, 5a apen b blue Now York City 6 No, itisn't bb Yes, they are, Yes, Lam. 7 a dogs b books. c Saturday mabigpa 2. DO Usten to an interview with a singer, Complete the profile with the missing information, Name: Jamie Fernandez Age: \ Birthday: = Family: Favorite color: + Favorite singer: * Favorite sport: * Name: Edward Christopher Shooran Nationaty: British Birthday: February 17" Favorite color: orange Favorite book: all Hatry Potter boo) Favorite singors: Stovio Wondor, 3 DEIREITA Look at the fact file about Ed Sheeran, Ask and answer questions. Use the prompts in the box. What /full name? Where /trom? When /birthday? | What /avorite color? What / favorite books? Eminem Who / favorite singers? What / favorite TV show? Favorite TV show: The Fresh Prince What / favorite sport? Wht / favorite movie? of Behar Whats his full name? His name's Edward Christopher Sheeran, Where'she om?) (He's from...) 4 FIRE Use the prompts in exercise 3 to ask and answer ‘questions about you and your partner. What's yourname?)) (My name iso. LY Gig 5 Favorite sport: soccer Favorite movie: Goodtollas anas-Aquamd Workbooxpwi2 Wa 27__| Escaneado con CamScanner Trending topics Reading and writing competences ‘ool isin the final of a TV quiz show! ‘Astudent from West High School — w= Fan Davisis in 10” prade at our school, He and his family are | : channel 3 at? p.m.| quiz show, In the Family. \'s 0 final of the popular TV. a on May 22 The questions are in five categories: musi, movie, SPs. aren't easy) The first prize is a family’ es Grandpa Lucas Davis s 64 years od His passion is history, He loves British history. His favorite historical gure is Henry Vl tis favorite TV showis The Crown. Mom ary Kate Davisis 40 years old She's the team’s movie expert Her favorite actoris Leonardo di Capri, and her favorite movie is The Revenont. | Son Jordan Davis is 16 years ol. He's in 10th grade at ourschool He's a baseball fan His favorite team isthe Boston Red Sox, and his favorite players Mookie Bets, Reading 1 Os Choose the correct answers. In the Familyis a 2 song. Owavie b move. @ popband 1 Lucas Davis is an expetin a roie spots. B histo. geography. 2 Mookie Betis a asinger— abaseball player b anode, = astudent 2. Answer the questions. 1. What grade is Jordan Davis in? How old is Lucas Davis? Whois the movie expert? Where is Jordan a student? Who is the music expert? What is Abigail’ favorite song? 2 What are the five categories for the questions in the quiz show? 3. Whats the first prize? ‘twenty-eight evaus prize vacation Michael Davis is 45 years old. He's into traveling, His favorite countries are ‘Australia and Brazil, Michaelis the geography expert Cousin Abigail Davis is 1? years old, She's crazy about musie, Her favorite band is Imagine Dragons, and her favorite song is On Top of the World, She's the team’s music expert. Find these words and phrases and check their meaning. historical figure He's into traveling She's crazy about | Using visuals Texts often use pictures to help you understand. Sometimes pictures give you information about the text. You can also use pictures to help you find the section of a text you need to answer a question. ~ Top 5 names In the US. Last names Girls? [oa 1 Smith | Emma | Liam 2 Johnson__| Olivia Noah 3 Williams | Ava [Witla 4 Jones | Isabella__| James 5 Brown | Sophia | Logan What first names and last names are common in your country? Escaneado con CamScanner Writing B ply 3 Imagine you are interviewing Jordan Davis for the school website. Complete the questions. You — What's yourname? Jordan My name's jordan. Using apostrophes Tm in 10° grade. What's your favorite TV show? Yu ' We're the Vega family. Jordan \'m 16. Yu 27? Jordan My favorite sport is baseball You ° Jordan My favorite baseball player is Mookie Betts. You + 2 Jordan The final of In the Family is on May 22” You — Who*. Jordan The people on my team are my grandpa, my mom, my uncle, my cousin, and me. You — What ¢ Jordan. The prize isa family vacation in Hawai alist comes to interview you. 4 Imagine you and four members of 5 Now imagine a journ: Write the interview questions and answers. Use the your family are in the final of In the Fomily. Complete the chart with the prompts and the dialogue in exercise 3 to help you: people on your team (mom, dad, y ete.) + Where / from? © What / name? aunt, cous eo + How / old? music + What / name of your school? + What/ your passion? movies ue your asi? , . .e people on your tear Sports no / the people on your tea | Seo | + What / they experts in? history geosraphy ducing three people on your team. 6 write three short paragraphs intros —atonalty good at ‘reetime favorite sports muse ional 9009 shows tava dy ofthe week journalist. You want to find out more information about a pee ‘on the show In the. Family. Write all the questions you can ‘fhink of. Use the Ideas inthe box to help YOU ‘Add your own ideas, too. a a - er a Remember to include apostrophes when you write short forms of the verb be. We can only Use the short form of is with question words. Escaneado con CamScanner Vocabulary 1 Write the nationalities of the countries in the box im the correct columns. Japan Canada Portugal Mexico Brozih 5 theUK. Chile 2 Complete the nationalities, countries, and family words with the missing letters. y an__ma,Banu, is —ke__, too, but she's from the My‘un____e,Chen, is from Beijing, in *C__i__a.My*a__nt, Alexa, is from the | 7_.S.,s0 my*co__si__s, Lucia and _ Danny, are half°Ch____e__e, half. A__er____anl My "m ____, Sara, is from the U.S., too, but my ”_____d, Al, is from Sydney, ia. Somy“s____t__or “br h__r, and lare half _u__tr_l_anl Grammar 3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative (7) or negative (x) form of be in the simple present. (4) 13 years old. 2) 1Sand 1___(V) American, but our parents ‘____ from the U.S. They * ”) Canadian. 16___(V) into music and dance. (X) interested in those things. Jenna She ®__(V) crazy about art. |? w good at art. My pictures " () terrible! Katie "___(V) interested in sports. She %__ (¥) an expert on tennis! 4 Choose the correct alternatives Shelley What Where's your name? Caleb It’s Caleb. Shelley ‘How old / Who are you? Caleb I'm 14, Shelley "When / Where are you from? Caleb Ym from Detroit in the US. Shelley *Are /1s you into sports? Caleb No, | ‘am /‘m not. I'm into music, Shelley *Which / Who is your favorite singer? Caleb Dua Lipa Shelley Dua Lipa? ‘Am / Is she from the US,? Caleb No, she ’aren’t / isn’t. She’s British, Shelley *Are /Is One Kiss one of her songs? Caleb Yes, itis / they are. It’s my favorite song! 5 Look at the pictures. Match the sentences in the box the pictures. That's my sister. These are my grandparents ‘This is my brother. Thisrmypsster Those are my brothers. Those are my grandparents. Escaneado con CamScanner r Communication 1 QBs Complete the dialogues with the words in the box. Then listen and check. ‘morning goodbye Wi how later see_thanks well Tl = 1 2 James Hey, Sophial Mr, Jackson ° , Thea. Sophia Hl James, Thea Hello, Mr Jackson. James '_________areyou, Sophia? Mr. Jackson How * you? Sophia I'm fine. And you? Thea mine," . And you? James Not?@____, thanks. Mr. Jackson I'm very thank you, Later. Later. James Bye. See you ' ! Mr. Jackson Goodbye, Thea. Have a good * Sophia Bye. * youl Thea Thanks." __. See you on Thursday. Pronunciation 2 Ds Listen to the intonation in the questions. Then listen again and repeat 1 Are you a student? 5. How old are you? 7 Tes 2 Is today April 24°? 6 What's the name of your school? oe —*, 3 Are your grandparents Brazifan? 7 Who's your bestfriend? 8 When's your birthday’ 4 Is this your Book? ER Tom Watch ortsten] Choose the correct answers. Ludmila is au @ 3. © 12 1 Her birthday is on a june 9”. b june 19". ly 9. Sa 4 His birthday is on 6 Clara's birthday is on eaten 2 woven 2h | b American. b November 5°. b Mays | Australian. November 16%. March 25% - 3 Marios 5 His momis 7 a | a 20. a alia. tin | b Korean. | ae Mexican. Kath. | auo-Auiu Escaneado con CamScanner _ fell s7 1S We will... . © use initiat Make a time capsule . thik reais . ney What's up? “orkwell with a partner 1 Match the pictures with the words in the box. Fetter pictures toy magazine book Get thinking Get involved 2 Read the letter. Find the other objects from 3 Write five things from your home that you could exercise 1. put in a time capsule. RSE 1 | The project 'm in my house in Dallas. This is my family tim a RA eno 4 EEE in groups, talk about your ideas capsule. I's aplastic box with special things init from |" from exercise 3. agree what to put in fond my mom, dad, sister, and grandparents. My favorite time capsule. things are in it, too! 1. Whatis inside the time capsule? (Let’s put a... inside) ? 2 So, what's inside the time capsule? Inside isa poster wi aie es ebjece tern Tastee foe of my favorite singer, Rita Ora; a magazine from my brother) today, July 4%;some pictures of my grandparents; | a book from Mom and Dad; and a fluffy cat! That’ from my sister-don't worry, it srt rea: it's only a toy! In ten years we can open it again. OK! Let's bury it! 3 When can you open the time capsule again? (in five / ten years) @oaim51_ How about a ...? Great idea! From Mike (12 years old) Thisis perfect! mnot sure. ‘What about this? 5 Write a letter to put in your time capsule. Sayv the date is and how old you are. Include your answers from exercise 4, too. Finally, bury you time capsule! Write the statements Into your notebook and score ‘yourself from 1 to 5. g __[Car--talkabout diferent objects fora time capsule. I can. say who the things ae from. e 1 2 3 4 5 a 2 3 4 s z not very well very well @ “Bnot very well very well S MV IVIVIV Wi viwiwi Escaneado con CamScanner Mk} Speaking competences can identify different countries and nationalities. (p.12) 1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Japanese Chile Australia American Brazilian Colombian 'm Japanese. | live in Kyoto. 1 Lam from Recife, I'm : 2 Thanksgiving Day is an important celebration. 3. The capital of. 4 Gabriel Garcia Marquez is a famous 5. There are lots of koalas and kangaroos in is Sa 190. writer. Ican greet people. (p.14) 2 Complete the dialogue with the questions and sentences. ‘And you? Goodmerning-jee- Goodbye, oe Hello, Mrs. Elton. See you soon. Thanks. morning, Joe, Mrs. Elton Joe Mrs. Elton How are you? Joe \'m fine, thanks. 2 Mrs. Elton I'm very well, thank you. Later... Mrs. Elton > Have a good day. Joe : Goodbye I can introduce myself. (p.17) Their Music _student_t'm 43 my te Ican talk about family. (p.22) 4 Complete the family words in the questions. “Who's your brother?” “It’s Sa 1. “Which one is your s “The girl with the blue bag. 2 “Where's your m__?” “She's at work.” 3 “Ishe yourd__?" "Yes, he is.” 4 “Are they your a and u 2” *No, they aren't. They're my parents.” I can talk about dates and special days: (p.24) 5 write the dates as you say them. Today is 2/24. Todayis February twenty-fourth, 1. Tomorrow is 11/5. 2 My birthday is on 1/7. 3 Independence Day is 7/4. 4 Christmas Eve is 12/24. 5. My mom's birthday is 3/3. i) I can talk about people and their favorite things. (p.27) 6 Look at the chart and write 5 more sentences. My name's Belén. I'm 13 years old, and Medellin, in Colombia. tm a, International School. * are English and * Bandit. § ‘Age 4 3 Complete the text with the words in the box. Then practice. Birthday April ™ Favorite color yellow Favorite animal__| horse from Interstellar at the Medellin Favorite singer __| Ariana Grande Tavorite subjects at school Favorite sport soccer | My favorite band is Clean song Solo is fantastic! OOOO0O aauy-Aun Escaneado con CamScanner In this unit we v «talk about where we lve TT TW tak about quantities ) es «ask and answer questions about our homes f EE] Who tries to make Mason feel better? ‘ob HI, Mom. We're in the living room, Mom Hi, kids, Where's Mason? Is he at basketbal Jacob No, he isn’t. He's upstairs Mom Oh, no! Again? Mason! Mason What? Soon see that all is not well between the brothers... Rubi Are there any movie channels on your TV? Jacob Yes, there are. Rubi Great! Lola Where’s the remote control? Jacob Good question. It isn’t on the armchair Lola "There are some things on those shelves, Is it there? Jacob No, it isn’t, Look under the cushions on the couch. Rubi Oh yes! Here it ist Mom arrives. Mom Hi, 'm home! Rubi and Lola are at Jacob and Mason’s house, but they | ja | Mom Oh, Mason. Your bedroom is a mess, Lock there’s a sandwich on the bed some clothes on the floor ... Mason Leave me alone, Mom! Mom Come on, Mason. Cheer dance competition, Mason It isn’t the com, He's horrible, and there are Up-it’s only a petition, Mom. It’s Jacob. TE Are the sentences true E (1) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences, aia There are some movie channels on the TV, T. Find these words and phrases 1 The remote contro ison the armehaiy and check thelr meaning, 2 Masonisat basketball, _ Here it ist Come on 3 There's sandwich on the floor o mess crea 4 Mason is upset with jacob, Leave me alone thirty-four Escaneado con CamScanner Se pee Are there any movie channels on lee. 3 Find and underline the phrases in the dialogue in exercise 1. ‘There are some things on those shelves, Look under the cushions ‘Yes, there are, Are there any move channek on your TV? ___there’s a sandwich on the bed _ We're Inthe living room, 4 DB complete the dialogues with the phrases In the box. Then listen id check, Atethereony There are some and there are some there's a_Yes, there are 1 Rubi Are there any movie channels on your 1V? Jacob 2 1, Lola Where's the remote control? | Jacob Good question. it isn’t on the atmchait. lola 2 things on those 7 shelves, Is it there? Jacob No, itisn't. Look under the cushions on the couch, 3 penne sandwich on the bed* clothes on the floor . Mason Leave me alone, Mom! QIG» Now listen again and repeat. aSigney i from is the sentences with 6 [EIRNTIM use the sentences 5 Imagine your bedroom is a mess. Complete CRIES ese sotences rom ——— bedroom to your partner. Your partner draws the objects (DVDs, teptop some clothes apizza some books abackpack some DVDs in lace There's alaptop under the bed. lot, paz, etc) nthe correct 1 There re — pase wy bedroomisamess. There'sa... 2 There's under the bed. 3 3 There are on the floor. 2 4 There's____—____on the bed 2 5 There are under the bed. Escaneado con CamScanner , Vocabulary House and furniture 16; 1 @BH Match the words with the letters (a-h) In and repeat. _b_ bathroom __ kitchen ___ bedroom _— living room dining room stairs __ hallway _— backyard 2 @iit Match the words with the numbers (1-22) in the picture, Now listen and check, Then listen again and repeat. 10. bathtub __ toilet sink lamp chair dresser armchair poster fridge — couch __— bookcase wardrobe painting __ table __ cabinet minor x —— bed ___ shower $ shel ~ desk E soe washing machine the picture. Now listen and check. Then listen again 8 10 y, 18) 2 say upstair When we talk about a floor above us, we Where's the bathroom?” ‘W's upstairs.” When we talk about a floor below us, we say downstairs. "Where is your bag?” “it's downstairs in the hallway. 3 [EIRENE play the guessing game. Choose an abject in the picture, but don’t tell your partne: Your partner asks questions and guesses what the object Civ?) Gan (Ginette) oe > CGinnetatvon? ) rei smnee) RD _—_— Escaneado con CamScanner a7 CSREES a Prepositions of place Look under the cushions on the couch, Plural nouns Regular plurals es Bria cy tables tables fl | chaire-s chairs an Ss nan vacation» wecotions a Spelling variations P¥ina, 5 bet bus-es buses ween 6 behing - behind box + -es boxes < Tere o-es heroes family» ies families ae. . shall ves shelves | 7 across from 8 next to 9 infrontot ‘Irregular plurals bink! Eos Plural Look at the picture in exercise 1 on page 36. aula children Complete the sentences with in front of and man men across from. woman women The armchair is | the bookcase. person people The table is ?___ the window. — z EE = = foot feet 2 write the plural forms ofthe words in the box. [atonatiy book day table peson babys] 1 Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the correct prepositions. 3 Rewrite the sentences with the plural of the words in bold. Remember to use the plural form of the verbs. His foot is on the couch. His feet are onthe couch. 1 The bus is red. 2. The shelf is across from the door. 3, The mouse isin the kitchen. 4 The box is next to the desk. The chair is near the desk. 5 The child isin the backyard. The cat is___—— The books are the backpack 1 The laptops __—— se 6 The fish is green and blue, 2. The bookcase is the door. h. The lamp is the desk and the couc! 7 cere the chait. ‘Look at the picture ofthe living room in Oe f exercise 1 Write five sentences that are false eI 5 The mirror is the armchair. ; a i 6 The tableis_— the cour ro i 7 the couch. i 8 a g end Grammar link Escaneado con CamScanner Ee alia —_ < PEL Re Ltt » B82 Complete the numbers with the words in the box. Then listen and check. enehundredseven_nine hundred nity Uvee hundred rinely-ine” seven handed wave we Wind 100 one hundred 399 107 one hundred seven 672 six hundred seventy-two 124. one hundred twenty-four na 210+ 930 —_ 345 three hundred forty 1000 one thousand Ds Listen and choose the numbers you hear Then listen and repeat, * : @0 bs. 976 576 Va 289) b 28 4a 750 715 2033 6300 Sanz 6 470 OOm I Choose the correct alternatives. Quizmaster Welcome, Dominic. Your topics the Empire State Building, ight? Are you ready for your fist question? Hit Yes, Yn ready How many floors are ther inthe Empire State Bulding? There ae((O3) 115 tors Correct. How tls the building? Weis 443 / 414 meters tal Dominic Quizmaster Dominic Quizmaster Dominic Quizmaster Dominic Quizmaster Dominic Quizmaster There are 26,540 / 6,514 windows. How many hotels are there? Sorry, that isn’t correct. There aren’t any Saying numbers Some numbers sound very similar, so try to pronounce them carefully: 13 and 30: 14 and 40, 15 and 50; 16 and 60; 17 and 70: 18 and 60, 19 and 90, How many windows are in the building? [i 2 There's one hotel / There are five hotels. hotels. OK, next question: how many steps are there? There are * 1,872 / 1,822 steps How many elevators are there? There are °17 / 73 elevator. ur time is up! Thanks for joining us, Dominic . Dor Quizmaster Dominic Quizmaster Escaneado con CamScanner 4 Oms El Listen and repeat. _—>~ Theres one hotel. ) ae How many elevators are there? Pre ———__— In two minutes, create a word map of rooms in the house and furniture that goes in the rooms. Then compare with your partner. Bedroom > bed eS Take turns to ask and answer questions with How many ..? Use the prompts in the box. pages /in this book? days /in a year? “tudents/in your school? girs / in your class? boys fin your class? seconds / in five minutes? people /in your family? days February? ‘windows /in your house / apartment? letters /in the English alphabet? There are g in your country (or choose one below). Write questions and and furniture in the building "&] Research a famous build rewers for a quiz show about the rooms Escaneado con CamScanner =a there is / isn’t, there are / aren’t Affirmative and negative There's a sandwich on the bed. There aren't any hotels. There's a desk, There is a desk. There isn’t a bed. ory ‘There are five desks. fen RS 1 Correct the sentences with the information in There aren't twa beds. Parentheses. ‘There's one shelf on the wall. (two shelves) isn’t one shelf on th et hs nthe wall 1 There's one bed in the room. (two beds) 2 There are three posters on the wall. (one poster) 3. There’s one lamp on the desk. (two lamps) Is there ...?/ Are there ...? Interrogative and short answers ‘Are there any good miovies on TV tonight? No, there aren't. Is there a sandwich on the bed? Yes, there is. Eine Is there a TV in the living room? 7 Yes, there is. XNo, there isn't. ‘Are there two beds in the bedroom? 7 Yes, there are. No, there aren't. Interrogative Cried 2 Are the statements true for you? Complete the chart true (T) or false (F). four people in your family TV in your living room a desk in your bedroom six letters in your name {900d apps on your cell phone 3 Now write questions and short answers with the information in the chart. forty some / any ‘There are some things on those shelves, ‘Are there any movie channels on your TV? There are some chairs There aren't any DVDs. ‘Are there any sandwiches? omar Red Interrogative %] Choose the correct alternatives. ‘We use some and any with plural nouns when ‘we don't want to say the exact quantity. © We use 'some / any in affirmative sentences, © We use ’some / any in negative sentences and questions. 4 complete the sentences with some or any. There aren't any dificult exercises on this page. Are there clothes onthe shel? There aren't iro in the hallway. wauwne There are ool songs on your cell phone ‘Ae there ‘games on your laptop? There are photos of my dog on my cell phone. they‘re / their / there ‘Theyre my cousins. Thelr dad is Spanish, There are some books on the shelf, RE 5 Choose the correct alternatives. *({heyrs) Their in the backyard.” 1 There's / Their’sa lamp on the desk. 2 Are there / their any chairs in the dining room? 3 Thelr / They're names are Clara and Denise. 4 "Where are the boys?” “They're / There at schoo 5 Amy and Mia aren’t sisters. They're / Their cous EIR Write all the questions you can with Is there ...?/ Are there ..2 Then, ask and answer the questions. ECTe) — Escaneado con CamScanner

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