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Nama: Febri Ryanullah (5552230109)

Kelas: E Pengantar Manajemen

Perihal: Jawaban soal UTS

1. A good organizational structure can influence organizational performance

by influencing how information flows, how tasks are distributed, and how
responsibilities are determined. A clear and efficient structure can
improve coordination and productivity.
2. The principle of hierarchical scale helps in responsibility/authority by
dividing the organization into different levels. This allows for efficient
decision making and clear definition of who is responsible for what.
3. The impact of technology on organizations can include increased
operational efficiency, market expansion through e-commerce, and
changes in the way organizations interact with customers and employees.
4. In the Organizing process, factors such as tasks to be completed,
hierarchical structure, resource allocation, and individual roles must be
considered to be effective and efficient.
5. Management should respond to ongoing changes with flexibility,
adaptability and good communication. It involves constant evaluation,
strategic changes, and employee involvement in change.
6. Implementing good staffing in business organizations involves
determining human resource needs, appropriate recruitment, appropriate
training, and performance management to increase effectiveness and
7. Employee turnover is the change of employees in an organization. The
implications can include additional costs for recruitment and training, loss
of knowledge and experience, and impact on productivity if not managed
8. Companies need to carry out branding in the employee recruitment
process to attract the best talent. Strong branding can reflect a company’s
culture and attract individuals who share those values.
9. Organizing can make supervision easier because it regulates the structure
and tasks in the organization. With a clear structure, supervision becomes
more focused and efficient.
10. In developing a strategy, it is necessary to prepare a situation analysis,
clear goals, action plans, resource allocation, performance measurement,
and adaptability to face environmental and market changes.

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