What Is Dwarfism

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What is Dwarfism?

Dwarfism is a short stature that is due to growth hormone deficiency

What causes Dwarfism?

Most dwarfism-related conditions are genetic disorders, but the causes of some disorders are unknown.
Most occurrences of dwarfism result from a random genetic mutation in either the father's sperm or the
mother's egg rather than from either parent's complete genetic makeup.

2 Types of Dwarfism
Disproportionate dwarfism
- They have disproportionately short statue.
- Have an average-size trunk and very short limbs or very short trunk and shortened limbs.
- Their head is disproportionately large compared with the body.
Proportionate dwarfism
- Results from medical conditions at birth or appearing in early childhood which limit the growth
and development.
- The head, trunk and limbs are small, but proportionate to each other.
- Results in poor development of one or more body systems.
- Growth hormone deficiency is common cause of proportionate dwarfism.
Challenges of people with dwarfism
Most people with dwarfism prefer not to be labeled by a condition. Thus, some refer themselves as
dwarfs, little people or people of short stature. The word “midget” is generally considered an offensive
term. Some people with average height are mistaken to have dwarfism. And portrayal of people with
dwarfism in movies includes stereotypes. These misconceptions have impact on person’s self-esteem.
Mostly, children with dwarfism are vulnerable to teasing and ridicule from their classmates. Due to this,
children may feel isolated from their peers.

- Correcting the direction in which bones are growing

- Stabilizing and correcting the shape of the spine

- Increasing the size of the opening in bones of the spine (vertebrae) to alleviate pressure on the
spinal cord

- Placing a shunt to remove excess fluid around the brain (hydrocephalus), if it occurs.

- Hormone therapy and Limb lengthening.

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