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A Detailed Lesson Plan in ICT

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. Identify the different parts of the Microsoft Word and its function.
2. Perform basic MS Word functions.
3. Recognize the importance of knowing the different parts of the Microsoft Word and their


Introduction to Microsoft Word
SUB – TOPIC: Parts of the Microsoft Word
INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS: Laptop, Powerpoint Presentation, Printed Material


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

● Greetings

Good morning class! I hope everyone is fine. Good morning ma’am! Yes, we are.

Before we start, kindly pick up the pieces of

paper and candy wrappers around your chairs. (Students pick up the trash.)

● Prayer

Let us start this day with a prayer.

● Checking of Attendance (Students are praying.)

Do we have any absentee/s for today, Ms.

There is no absent ma’am.
I’m glad that you are all present today. Keep it

B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation

Before we start our formal discussion, let us

first have our initial activity. I will present 14
words with scrambled letters. Arrange the
letters to form a word. Raise your hand if you
want to answer.

Are we clear class?

Yes ma’am!

Correct! Next.
Ribbon Ma’am.


That’s right. Number 3? Quick Access Toolbar.


Yes, Jasper?

Good! How about this? Ma’am, Tabs.



That is also correct, next. Title Bar, Ma’am.


It is Ribbon Display Options.
Ribbon display options is correct. Next,


Yes, Maricar?
That’s right. Next, Close Button ma’am.



Very good. Next, number 8. Ma’am, Mouse Pointer.


Yes, April?

Correct! Next, Insertion Point ma’am.



Document area is right. Next, It’s Document Area.


How about this one, Fernando?

Correct, Next,
Ma’am, Show/Hide Button.

Can you answer this Mary?

That’s great. Next,

Vertical Scroll Bar ma’am.


Correct, how about this?

Zoom Slider.

Yes Joyce?

Great, the last one is?

View Button ma’am.
Yes ara?

Okay, very good. Look at your answers, class.

Are you familiar with those parts? Ma’am it is Status Bar.

What Microsoft office do they belong to?

Yes, ma’am!

Those are the parts of a Microsoft Word

2. Discussions Ma’am.

Very good! Our topic for today are the parts

of Microsoft Word and their functions.

I know most of you are already familiar with

MS Word right?

I have here a picture of the MS Word and let's Yes, ma’am

try to locate the parts that you have identified
and let us know their function okay?

First part is ribbon, can someone point it out?

Yes, Joy?

Very Good! Do you know the function of a

(Pointed the Ribbon)

It is a group of commands that help us in

creating the document. It is what we use to
style the layout and the content of the
Precisely. So remember class, this is Ribbon.
document like texts and pictures.
It is located below the quick access toolbar
and title bar. It gives you quick access to the
commonly used commands that you need to
complete a task.

Okay, we’re done in Ribbon. What is the next Quick Access Toolbar Ma’am!

Can someone point it out? Yes? (points out)

Correct. That is the Quick Access Toolbar. It

lets you access common commands no matter
which tab is selected. By default, it shows the
Save, Undo, and Redo commands, but you
can add other commands depending on your It comprises seven tabs; Home, Insert, Page
needs. Are we clear? layout, References, Mailing, Review and
Next part is the Tabs. It can be seen in the
ribbon. Here. (points out) So we have 7 tabs,
and what are those? Ma’am, it has Clipboard, Font, Paragraph,
Styles and Editing.

Can you read what is included in the home


That is correct. Clipboard, Font, Paragraph,

Styles and Editing helps you change
document settings like font size, adding
bullets, adjusting styles and many other
common features. It also helps you to return The Insert tab has seven groups of related
to the home section of the document. commands; Pages, Tables, Illustrations, Links,
Header & Footer, Text and Symbols. Next,
How about the Insert tab? the third tab in the Ribbon is the Page Layout.

Correct. As the name suggests, it is used to The Page Layout tab has five groups of
insert or add extra features in your document related commands; Themes, Page Setup, Page
like tables, pictures, clip art, shapes, page Background, Paragraph and Arrange.
number, etc. How about in Page Layout? Yes?
That’s right! This tab allows you to control
the look and feel of your document, i.e. you
can change the page size, margins, line The References tab has six groups of related
spacing, indentation, documentation commands; Table of Contents, Footnotes,
orientation, etc. Citations & Bibliography, Captions, Index
Are we clear? Next tab is References. Yes? and Table of Authorities.

Thank you. It allows you to enter document

sources, citations, bibliography commands.
Aside from that, It offers commands to create
a table of contents, an index, table of contents
and table of authorities. The Mailings tab has five groups of related
commands; Create, Start Mail Merge, Write &
Fourth tab in the ribbon is Mailing. Anyone? Insert Fields, Preview Results and Finish.

Okay, you probably are not familiar with this

because it is the least-often used tab of all the
tabs available in the Ribbon. It allows you to
merge emails, write and insert different fields,
preview results and convert a file into a PDF
format. Understood class? The Review tab has six groups of related
commands; Proofing, Comments, Tracking,
Nex is the Review Tab. Yes? Changes, Compare and Protect.

Okay take your seat. This tab offers you some

important commands to modify your
document. It helps you proofread your
content, to add or remove comments, track
changes, etc.
The View tab has five groups of related
And for the last one, View, Yes? commands; Document Views, Show/Hide,
Zoom, Window and Macros.
This tab allows you to switch between Single
Page and Two Page views. It also enables you
to control various layout tools like boundaries,
guides, rulers. Its primary purpose is to offer
you different ways to view your document.
This is the Title Bar Ma’am.
Next is the Title Bar. Yes?

The main function of this title bar is to show

the details or title of the document that is
currently open.

Next is the Ribbon Display Option. It is

located here. Ribbon talks about all options
and tabs that you have on the top of your
office window. Through Ribbon Display
options, you can manage how to show and Yes, ma’am.
hide them. Understood class?
Here, ma’am.

Next is the Close button. Where is it located?

Yes ma’am. It is used to close the document
That’s right, and do you know what its in Ms Word.
function is?
Mouse Pointer ma’am.
Very Good! What is next?

Mouse pointer is also called a cursor.It is used

to activate and control certain elements. In Ms
word it can be used to select text, format it, Yes, ma’am.
and insert new text. Clear?

We also have Insertion Point, can you please (labeled)

label it on the board? Yes?

Thank you.

The insertion point for text appears as a

flashing vertical bar. As you type text, the
flashing vertical bar moves to the right of the
text you type. A text insertion point also
defines the place in the text where you want to
paste cut or copied items or, with the Text
Editor, insert files and templates.

How about the Document Area? Here, ma’am.

document area is the area where the user types

the text in a Word document. It is a blank
section of a word processor. It allows the user
to create content.
Next is the Show and Hide Button. Yes?

The show / hide button ¶ changes or toggles

the display of characters which are not
printable and the defined characters which are
not printable.

Are we clear? Yes, ma’am

Can you name the next one, locate it and

identify its function? Yes? Next is Vertical Scroll Bar ma’am. It is
located here and it enables the user to scroll
the content up or down.

Very Good. Class, did you hear that? Yes, ma’am.

Remember it okay. Next is the Zoom Slider. It

appears in the lower-right corner of the
application window. It is used to change its
magnification. You can click and drag the
slider left, towards the minus symbol (-), to
shrink the magnification level and you can Yes.
also move it right (+) to increase it. Clear?

Next is View Buttons. It is a feature that lets

you change how the presentation or document
appears and enables you to switch between
Normal or Master Page, and Single Page or
Two-Page Spread views.

How about the last one? Can you also name , It is the Status Bar ma’am. It is located at the
locate and identify its function? Yes? bottom of the screen, the status bar includes
basic information, such as the page number of
the open document, the language used in the
document, and its overall word count.

Okay, Very Good!

3. Application

Let’s see if you are really listening throughout

the discussion. Name the parts of the MS

4. Generalization We discussed the different parts of MS word

and their functions. The 14 parts of the MS
Now, can you summarize our discussion for Word are Ribbon, Quick Access Toolbar,
today? Tabs, Title Bar, Ribbon Display Options,
Close Button, Mouse Pointer, Insertion Point,
Document Area, Show/Hide Button, Vertical
Scroll Bar, Zoom Slider, View Buttons,and
Status Bar

It is very important because if we know the

Vey Good. What do you think is the uses of those parts and we are aware about
importance of knowing the parts and function where they are located, we can easily make
of the MS Word? documents which are always needed by
students like us for assignments and projects.
It will also help us in the future.


5. Evaluation
Identify what is being asked by each
statement. Write your answer after every
1. Its main function is to show the details
or title of the document that is
currently open. Answer:
2. It shows the Save, Undo, and Redo 1. Title Bar
commands. 2. Quick Access Toolbar
3. It is located at the bottom of the 3. Status Bar
screen, the status bar includes basic 4. Close Button
information, such as the page number 5. Zoom Slider
of the open document, the language
used in the document, and its overall
word count.
4. It is used to close the document in Ms
5. It is used to change its magnification.

6. Assignment
Answer the question using MS Word.

“What is the importance of knowing the parts

and function of MS Word?”

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