Business Finance Prelims

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Module 1.1: Simple Interest-2 1.

ORDINARY INTEREST – based on 360 day per

calendar year.
SIMPLE INTEREST 2. EXACT INTEREST – based on 365 day per
calendar year.
Definition of Terms: 3. ACTUAL TIME – based on actual / exact number
• Lender / Creditor – the person or institution that of days per month. (ex. January 31 days,
makes the funds available to those who need it. February 28 or 29 days for leap year, March
31and so on)
• Borrower – the person or institution that avails of
4. APPROXIMATE TIME - it assumes 30 days per
the funds from the lender.
• Interest – a certain sum of money that the lender
charges the borrower for the use of the funds.
days of the year/360
1. Principal (P): is the sum of money borrowed or
2. Interest (I): The amount of money that you pay to = 30 days per month/360
borrow money or the amount of money that you • EXACT INTEREST/ACTUAL TIME = exact
earn on a deposit. days of the year/365
3. Time (T): The duration for which the money is • EXACT INTEREST/APPROXIMATE TIME = 30
borrowed/deposited. days per month/365
4. Rate of Interest (R): is the rate charged by the
lender or the rate of increase of the investment. Module 1.2: Simple Discount-2
To Calculate simple interest on the principal only, I = • The process of finding the present value of a
Prt. Simple interest does not include the effect of given amount that is due on a future date and
compounding. includes a simple interest is called discounting
at simple interest, or commonly, r=the simple
Simple Interest Formulas: discount method. In other words, to discount
I = Prt, where: I = Interest Amount an amount by the simple interest process is to
• P = Principal Amount find its present value.
• r = Rate of Interest per year in decimal.
r = R/100 The Simple Discount Formula
• t = Time Periods involved D = Fdt
• F = Final Amount • D = represents the amount of SIMPLE
DISCOUNT; Bank discount (interest taken in
Calculate Interest, solve for I advance)
• I = Prt • F = represents the MATURITY VALUE
Calculate Principal Amount, solve for P. • d = represents the INTEREST DISCOUNT
• P = I / rt RATE (Interest rate for interest taken in
Calculate rate of interest in decimal, solve for r advance)
• r = I / Pt • t = represents the TERM FOR THE LOAN (in
Calculate time, solve for t. years)
• t = I / Pr • P = proceeds/present value of the loan

Final Amount (F) = P + I or F = P (1 + rt) Calculate Simple Discount, solve for D.

• D = Fdt
Note: Calculate Maturity value, solve for F
1) Base formula I = Prt, where P is the Principal • F = D / dt
amount of money to be invested at an Interest Rate Calculate interest discount rate, solve for d
r% per period for t Number of Time Periods. Where r • d = D / Ft
is in decimal form; r=R/100. r and t are in the same Calculate time, solve for t.
units of time. • t = D / Fd
2) If the loan is for less than 1 year, use the fraction of Calculate Present value, solve for P.
a year. • P=F-D
• P = F (1 – dt)
Sample Problems on SIMPLE DISCOUNT
The interest is P2,000. The total amount of Rafael’s
1. Discount P5,875 at 12% simple discount for 4 money after 2 years
months. Find P. is P22,000.

Given: F = P5875 d = 12% or 0.12 T = 4/12 2. At what annual interest rate is P500 one year ago
Solution: equivalent to P600 today?
D = FdT Given: F = P600 P = P500 I = 100 t = 1 year
P = 5875 - 235 r =?
D= (5875) (.12) (4/12) r = 100/ (500)(1)
P = P 5640 r = 0.20 or 20% interest rate
D = P235
3. Determine the principal that would have to be
2. How much interest will be deducted from a Lolo invested to provide P200 simple interest at the end of
north P20,000 after 3 years with a discount rate of 18 months if the interest rate is 7.5%
6%? How much will the proceeds of the loan be? Given: I = P200 r = 7.5% or 0.075 t = 18
months (18/12 or 1.5) P= ?
Given: F = P20,000 d = 6% or 0.06 t = 3 years
D =? P =? Solution:
Solution: P = 200/ (0.075) (1.5)
D = 20,000 (0.06) (3) P = 20,000 – 3,600 P = P1,777.78
D = P3,600 P = P16,400
4. How long will it take for an investment of P5,000 to
3. Sam wants to borrow P12,000 payable in two years grow to P7,500 if it earns 10% simple interest per
a at 12% discount rate. How much will Sam receive year?
on the origin date? How much will he pay on the
maturity date? Given: F = P7,500 P = P5,0000 I = P2,500
Given: F = P12,000 d = 12% or 0.12 t=2 r = 10% or 0.10 t=?
years P =?
Solution: t = 2,500/ (5,000) (0.10)
t = 5 years
P = F (1-dt)
= P12,000 [ 1 – (0.12) (2)]
P = P9120.00
5. Anastasia-Grey Company deposited P100, 000 in
*Sam will receive P9120 on the origin date. However, a bank account on Oct 12 and withdraws a total of
he would pay P12,000 on the maturity date since the P115,000 exactly on October 12 of the next year.
interest has already deducted in advance. What is the annual interest rate at which the company
was paid?
Sample Problems on Simple Interest and Final
Amount Given : P = P100,000 F = P115,000 I = P15,000
t = 1 year r =?
Simple Interest (I) = Prt Final Amount (F) = P + I Solution: r = 15,000 / (100,000) (1)
or F = P (1 + rt) r = 0.15 or 15%

1. Rafael deposits P20,000 in a savings account that

pays interest at the rate of 5% per year. How much is
the interest and what will be the total amount after two
Given: P = P20,000 r = 5% or 0.05 t=2
Solution: I = (20,000) (0.05) (2) F = P + I
I = P 2,000 F = 20,000 + 2,000
F = P22,000
COMPOUND INTEREST 2. What is the present value of P35,000 due in 7
years and 6 months if the rate is 12% compounded
• interest that is computed on the sum of the Given: F = P35,000 t = 7.5 years
original principal of a deposit or loan and the m=4 r =12% or 0.12
interest accumulated.
• Interest earned per period is automatically
i = 0.12 / 4 = 0.03 n = (7.5) (4) = 30
reinvested to earn more interest.
P = F (1 + i)-n
• The rate of interest may be compounded once,
P = P35,000 (1 + 0.03)-30
twice, or several times in a year.
P = P14,419.54
Definition of Terms:
*The present value of P35,000 that is due at the
• Frequency of conversion (m) – is the number
end of 7.5 years is P14,419.54
of times that the interest is computed for the
span of 1 year. 3. How much do you need to invest now, to get
• Total number of conversion periods for the P10,000 in 10 years at 8% interest rate?
entire term (n) – is the product of the frequency
of conversion and the number of years. P =P10,000(1+0.08)-10
• Nominal rate – is the rate charged which may =10,000 (2.1589)
be converted several times per year. n = tm P =P4,631.93
• Compound Interest – the total interest earned
for the entire term. So, P4,631.93 invested at 8% for 10 Years grows to
F = Compound amount or accumulated value of P at $10,000.
the end of the term.
=Future value
P = Present value or original principal 4. You take out a P1,000 loan for 12 months and it
i = interest rate per period says 1% per month, how much do you pay back?
n = total number of conversion period
Just use the Future Value formula with "n" being
Nominal interest rate and Effective interest rate. the number of months:
• The nominal interest rate does not take into
account the compounding period. The effective F = P (1+r)n
interest rate does take the compounding period = P1,000 × (1.01)12
into account and thus is a more accurate = P1,000 × 1.12683
measure of interest charges. F = P1,126.83 to pay back

Sample Problems on Compound Interest and 5. (Based on #4 problem)

Compound Amount At 6% interest with monthly compounding does
not mean 6% per month, it means 0.5% per month
If Mrs. De Leon invested P12,900 for 4 years in a bank (6% divided by 12 months), and is worked out like
that pays 3% compounded semi-annually, how much this:
will she receive after 4 years? How much interest will
F = P (1+r/n) n
Mrs. De Leon’s investment earn?
= P1,000 (1 + 0.06/12)12
Given: P = P12,900 t = 4 years m = 2 j = 3% or 0.03
= P1,000 (1 + 0.005)12
= P1,000 (1.005)12
i = 0.03/2 = 0.015 n = 4 (2) = 8
=P1,000 × 1.06168...
F = P (1 + i) n
F = P12,900 (1 + 0.015) 8 = P14,531.75 F =P1,061.68 to pay back

*This is equal to a 6.168% (P1,000 grew to

I = P14,531.75 – P12,900 = P1,631.75
P1,061.68) for the whole year.
De Leon will receive P 14,531.75 after 4 years. Her
investment will earn total interest of P1,631.75 after 4
6. Example: you have $1,000, and want it to grow to 9. How many years to turn P1,000 into P10,000 at 5%
$2,000 in 5 Years, what interest rate do you need? interest?
n = ln(P10,000/P1,000 ) / ln( 1 + 0.05 )
The formula is: r = (F / P )l n - 1 = ln (10)/ln (1.05)
Note: the little "ln" is a Fractional Exponent Links to an n = 47.19
external site., first calculate 1/n, then use that as the
exponent on your calculator. *47 Years. But we are talking about a 10-fold
increase, at only 5% interest.
For example 20.2 is entered as 2, "x^y", 0, ., 2, =
Now we can "plug in" the values to get the result:

r = (P2,000 / P1,000 )1/5 − 1

= (2)0.2 − 1
= 1.1487 − 1
r=0.1487 and 0.1487 as a percentage is 14.87%,

*So, you need 14.87% interest rate to turn

$1,000 into $2,000 in 5 years.

7. What interest rate do you need to turn P1,000 into

P5,000 in 20 Years?

r =(P5,000 / P1,000 )1/20 − 1

= (5)0.05 − 1
=1.0838 − 1
r = 0.0838 and 0.0838 as a percentage is 8.38%.

*So, 8.38% will turn $1,000 into $5,000

in 20 Years.

8. You want to know how many periods it will take to

turn P1,000 into P2,000 at 10% interest.

This is the formula (note: it uses the natural

logarithm function ln):

t = ln (F / P) / ln(1 + r)

The "ln" function should be on a good calculator.

You could also use log, just don't mix the two.
Anyway, let's "plug in" the values:

t = ln (P2,000/P1,000 ) / ln( 1 + 0.10 )

= ln (2)/ln (1.10)
t =0.69315/0.09531
t =7.27

*It will need 7.27 years to turn P1,000 into

P2,000 at 10% interest.
Buying Merchandise National (Manufacturer) Labels
Brand Alternatives: 1. Help retailers build their image and traffic flow.
1. (Manufacturer) Brands 2. Reduces selling/promotional expenses.
- Designed, produced, and marketed by a 3. More desired by customers
vendor and sold by many retailers. 4. Customers patronize retailers selling the
2. Private-Label (Store) Brands branded merchandise.
- Developed by a retailer and only sold in the 5. Large retailers can push some of the financial
retailer’s outlets. risk of buying merchandise back onto the
Categories of Private Brands Disadvantages
• PREMIUM – comparable to, even superior to, 1. Lower margins
manufacturer’s brand quality, with modest price 2. Vulnerable to competitive pressures
savings Ex. Walmart, Tesco 3. Limit retailer’s flexibility
• GENERIC – target a price sensitive segment by
Private Labels
offering a no-frills product discount.
• COPYCAT – imitate the manufacturer’s brand in
1. Unique merchandise not available at
appearance and packaging, perceived as lower
competitive outlets
quality, offered at lower price.
2. Exclusivity boosts store loyalty
• EXCLUSIVE CO BRANDS – developed by a
3. Difficult for customers to compare price with
national brand vendor and sold exclusively by the
retailer. Difficult for consumers to compare prices 4. Higher margins
for virtually the same product. Disadvantages
1. Require significant investments in design,
EXCLUSIVE BRANDS global manufacturing sourcing.
2. Need to develop expertise in developing and
promoting brand.
3. Unable to sell excess merchandise.
4. Typically, less desirable for customers

Buying National Brand Merchandise

Buying decision for fashion apparel/accessories:
• 5-6 times a year
• Many months before delivery
• Withhold open-to-buy (OTB) for new items
with fashion change.
Buying decision for staple merchandise:
• Less frequent
• Continuous replenishment
Relative Advantages of Manufacturer vs. Private
brands Meeting National Brand Vendors
Wholesale Market Centers
• National Markets (New York), Regional
Markets (Dallas, Atlanta, Miami), London,
Milan, Paris, Tokyo
Trade Shows
• Frankfurt Book Fair, Las Vegas Consumer
• Electronics Show, Atlanta Super Show for
Sporting Goods
Internet Exchanges
• Worldwide Retail Exchange
Meeting Vendors at Your Company
National Brand Buying Process • Exclusivity of merchandise (private-label and
• Meet with vendors. special purchases)
• Discuss performance of vendor’s merchandise • Arrangement of vendor appointments
during the previous season • Example: The Doneger Group
• Review the vendor’s offering for the coming
season. Retail Exchange
• May place orders for the coming season. • Internet-based solutions and services for
• Sometimes they do not buy at market, but review retailers
merchandise, return to their offices to discuss • Example: Agentrics, WorldWide Retail
with the buying team before negotiating with Exchange (WWRE), GlobalNetXchange
vendors. (GNX)

Developing Private-Label Merchandise Legal and Ethical Issues for Buying Merchandise
In-House: Large retailers (e.g., JCPenney, Macy’s, • Purchase Terms and Conditions
The Gap, American Eagle Outfitters) have divisions • Resale Price Maintenance
specialized in: • Commercial Bribery
• identifying trends, designing, specifying • Chargebacks
products • Buybacks
• Selecting manufacturers
• Monitoring and managing manufacturing Terms and Condition of Purchase
conditions and product quality
The Robinson-Patman Act (Anti-Chain-Store Act)
Acquisition: Limited Brands acquired MAST
• Restricts the prices and terms that vendors
can offer to retailers.
- one of the world’s biggest contract • Forbid vendors from offering different terms
and conditions to different retailers for the
manufacturers, importers, distributors of
same merchandise and quantity.
• Different prices can be offered if:
- Have manufacturing operations and join
ventures in 12 countries. - The cost of manufacturing, selling, and
- Also provides private label merchandise for delivery are different.
Abercrombie & Fitch, Lane Bryant, New - the retailers are providing different
York & Company, Chico’s functions (distribution, store service, etc.)
Outsource: ex. Li & Fung
- partnered with many specialties’ retailers. Resale Price Maintenance (RPM)
A requirement imposed by a vendor that a retailer
cannot sell an item for less than a specific price- the
Sourcing Private-Label Merchandise
manufacturer’s suggested retail price (MSRP)
After decisions are made on what and how much
- For ensuring adequate margin for retailers,
private-label merchandise will be acquired,
but some retailers do not appreciate RPM to
• Designers develop specifications.
have the flexibility on pricing.
• Sourcing departments find a manufacturer,
- Reduces free riding of discount stores.
negotiate a contract, and monitor the
- Is legal (was illegal in the past for obstructing
production process, or
competition) as long as it promotes Interbrand
• Use Reverse Auctions to get quality private-
competition and restricts Interbrand
label merchandise at low prices.
Support Services for buying Merchandise. Commercial Bribery
Resident Buying Services include.
• A vendor or its agent offers to give or pay a
• Reports on market and fashion trends
retail buyer “something of value” to influence
• Assistance with merchandise budget and purchasing decisions.
assortment plans
• A fine line between social courtesy of a free
• Assistance in order placement, adjustments lunch and an elaborate free vacation
with vendors • Some retailers with a zero-tolerance policy
• Introduction to new resources • Some retailers accept only limited
• Import purchases.
entertainment or token gifts.
Chargebacks Exclusive Dealing Agreements
• A practice used by retailers in which they • Occur when a manufacturer or wholesaler
deduct money from the amount they owe a restricts a retailer into carrying only its
vendor without getting vendor approval. products and nothing from competing
• Two reasons: vendors.
- merchandise isn’t selling. • EX. Safeway – Coca cola
- vendor mistakes • Illegal when they restrict competition.
• Difficult for vendors – Disrupt relationships.
Tying Contract
Buybacks • An agreement that requires the retailer to take
• Stock lifts, Lift-outs a product it doesn’t necessarily desire (the
• Used to get products into retail stores. tied product) to ensure that it can buy a
• Two scenarios: product it does desire (the tying product)
- Retailer allows a vendor to create space • Illegal when they lessen competition.
for its goods by “buying back a • Ok to protect goodwill and quality reputation
competitor’s inventory and removing it of vendor- legal for a vendor to require a
from retailer’s system. buyer to buy all items in its product line.
- Retailer forces a vendor to buyback
slow-moving merchandise.

Counterfeit Merchandise
• Goods made and sold without the permission
of the owner of a trademark, a copyright, or a
patented invention that is legally protected in
the country where it is marketed.
• Major problem is counterfeiting intellectual

Gray Markets and Diverted Merchandise

Gray Market Merchandise (parallel imports)
• possess a valid U.S. registered trademark and
is made by a foreign manufacturer but is
imported into the United States without
permission of the U.S trademark owner.
- Not counterfeited
- is legal.
Diverted Merchandise is similar to gray-market
merchandise except there need not be distribution
across boundaries.

Gray Markets and Diverted Merchandise:

Taking Sides
• Discount stores argue customers benefit
because it lowers prices.
• Traditional retailers claim important service
after sale will be unavailable.
• May hurt the trademark’s image.

How do Vendors avoid the Gray-Market problem?

• Require retail and wholesale customers to
sign a contract stipulating that they will not
engage in gray-marketing.
• Produce different versions of products for
different markets.

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