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Nashville School

Subject: Math Grade & section: 2-A- Partial: IV Hours: 3 Date: 21st- 25th
B- C March, 2022
Teacher: Mr. Carlos Sevilla Week: 1

Day Topic Objective Activities Classroom

Evaluation (%)
Monday Time to the hour Tell and write time to Ask students what time is it? And what time is their Clocks drawings
and half hour the hour and half hour next class? Show students the topic, and show the two 6%
different types of clock and explain each one of them
and its characteristics. Have students copy the drawing
of the two clocks on their notebooks.
Tuesday Time to the hour Tell and write time to Place students on page 373 and show different times Book pages 373- 374
and half hour the hour and half hour for them to draw into the clocks. Then on page 374 2%
setting the time into the clocks.
Wednesday Time to the hour Tell and write time to Continue working setting the time on the clocks on Book pages 375- 376
and half hour the hour and half hour page 375 remind students on the usage on clock hands 2%
to set the times. Then move to page376 to finish with
math problems.
Teaching-Learning Strategies: analyzing, visualization, critical thinking.
Didactic Resources-materials: Book, notebook
Homework: Complete and assignment on Schoology platform about telling the time.
Elementary Lesson Plan

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