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Name of Teacher Catherine Jane L. Teves

Leaning Area Health
Grade Level Grade 7
Date November 16, 2023

A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of nutrition for a
healthy life during adolescence.
B. Performance Standards The learner makes informed decisions in the choice of food to
eat during adolescence.
C. Learning a. Explain the characteristics, signs, and symptoms of eating
Competencies/Objectives disorder;
Write for the LC code for b. Discuss the ways of preventing and controlling eating
each disorders
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages Physical Education and Health p. 350-352
2. Learner’s Materials Physical Education and Health p. 350-352
3. Textbook pages Physical Education and Health (2017) p.. 350-352
4. Additional Materials from Printed Pictures
Learning Resource (LR) PowerPoint
B. Other Learning Resources


Before the Lesson “Good morning class!” “Good morning, Ma’am Catherine!”
A. Review previous
lesson or presenting
the new lesson
“Let’s check your attendance” (The class monitor will check the

“How are you today?” “We’re doing great, Ma’am!”

“That’s good to hear”

“Now, let’s have first a review.”

“What is Malnutrition?” “Malnutrition is a condition where

a person is not getting enough or
right food.”

“That’s right. Then, what are the “Over nutrition, and Under
two (2) types of Malnutrition?” nutrition, Ma’am”

“Very good. So how about “Micronutrient Deficiencies are

Micronutrient Deficiencies? diseases caused by deficiency of
vitamins or minerals in the diet.”
“Excellent. I think that you are now
very familiar with our previous
B. Establishing a “Now, let’s move on to another
purpose for the lesson.”
“Let’s take a look at these pictures.”

“Are you familiar with what is shown “I think those people are having a
in the picture?” hard time about eating”

“Does it ring a bell?” “I guess, I know what is it, Ma’am.

It’s a disorder.”

“Very good. It is a kind of disorder”

“Let us watch this video” (The student will watch the short

hjm3XTMEUAM video)

“What is the video all about?” “Ma’am I noticed that it was clearly
state that it’s about the girls eating
“Very good! You really have some
gist’s about our lesson for today!”

“So today, since we are done with

the Malnutrition and Micronutrient
Deficiencies, we will now discuss
about Eating Disorder”

“It is Bulimia, Binge Eating and

“What kind of eating disorders have Anorexia Nervosa, Ma’am”
you seen on the video?”

C. Presenting “Now, class lets first define ‘Eating

examples/instances Disorder”
of the new lesson
“What is eating disorder? Do “Eating disorder is not just about
anyone have a clue?” eating, it’s a mental condition,

“Alright, Very good Andrea!”

“Eating disorder are a range of

psychological conditions that cause
unhealthy eating habits to develop.
They might start with an obsession
with food, body weight, or body

“People with eating disorders can

have a variety of symptoms.
Common symptoms include severe
restriction of food, food binges, and
purging behaviors like vomiting
or overexercising. Although eating
disorders can affect people of any
gender at any life stage, they’re
increasingly common in men and
gender nonconforming people.
These populations often seek
treatment at lower rates or may not
report their eating disorder
symptoms at all”

“Is eating disorder deadly?” (The students answer YES in


“Okay, very good. I think everyone

knows that it is very deadly.”
“Adolescents tend to eat less
because they are scared from
being fat or they become picky
from there food. If the person
develops eating disorder and that it
is not treated as early as possibly it
might lead to death.

“Recalling the previous pictures a

while ago that I let you guess, here
are the 3 kinds of eating disorder”

“iaxoan asverno”

“Anorexia Nervosa, Ma’am”

“Who can guess what is the
jumbled words?”

“Very good, Andrei! That’s correct.”

“Anorexia Nervosa is a disorder is

“What is Anorexia Nervosa?”
characterized by self-imposed
starvation leading to excessive
weight loss. It’s an extreme fear of
becoming obese and distorted
view of one’s body size and
shape. Anorexia Nervosa is likely
the most well-known eating

“The student will become

“What do you think will be the
cause if it is no treated?

“Alright. You’re right Joshua. It will

lead to becoming malnourished
that may also follow death because
of severeness.”

“Outside pressures, high

expectations, the need to achieved
or the need to be popular is also
the ones who developed the
“Any question?”
“Can anyone guess what kind of “It is Bulimia, Ma’am. Bulimia is
eating disorder is in the picture and also a disorder that clearing of
define it? digestive tract follow the cycle of


“Addition to that Ma’am, that
person with Bulimia is very much
concerned with their weight. They
eat a large quantity of food in a
short period of time.”

“Is this harmful to your body?” (The students answer YES in


“Very good. You are right.”

“Person with Bulimia tends to

induce vomiting take and abuse

“These practices are harmful to

your body so if you have kind of
these disorder seek help and get
treated, okay?”

“Any question about Bulimia?” “None”

“So now, let’s proceed to the last

eating disorder.”
“nbieg nigtae oriddre”
“Who can guess what eating
disorder is in the picture?

“Anyone…... who can guess? “It is Binge Eating Disorder”

“Right. It is Binge Eating Disorder”

“Do you have any clue what is “Binge eating disorder is the most
Binge Eating disorder?” prevalent form of eating disorder
and one of the most common
chronic illnesses among

“You’re correct Jilyn.”

“People with binge eating disorder

“Is there anyone who have some
do not restrict calories or use
ideas beside Jilyn?
purging behaviors, such as
vomiting or excessive exercise, to
compensate for their binges."

“That’s right Kenneth. People with

this eating disorder don’t count is

“Binge Eating disorder is

characterized also as Compulsive
eating disorder”

“Keep in mind and be aware that

Binges eating is also an indicator
that a person suffers a strong
emotions or depression.”

“Person with binge eating disorder

also eat large amount of food on a
regular basis. They eat quickly or
do something while eating.”
“So, if someone has a binge eating “It will result to become obsess or
disorder what would be the result?” overweight because of the many
calories they intake”

“Very good”

“Are there any questions? “None”

“Okay good.”

“What are the 3 kind of eating “Anorexia Nervosa. Bulimia, and

disorder?” binge eating disorder.”


During the Lesson “Let’s now proceed and discuss the

D. Discussing new characteristics, signs and
concepts and symptoms of eating disorders”
practicing new skills
#1 “What do you think are the warning “Irregular heartbeat and Possibly
signs and symptoms of Anorexia fainting ma’am due to less intake
Nervosa? of food and abuse of laxatives”

“Right, very good”

“Anyone who can add up what are “Dry skin, Brittle hair, Dehydration,
the signs and symptoms of Wasting Away muscle Tissue,
Anorexia Nervosa?” Loss of Body fat, Irregular
Heartbeat, and loss of

“Very good, Anton.”

“Can anyone Summarize what (All of the students raise their

Marhta and Anton says?” hands)

“Irregular heartbeat and possibly

fainting ma’am due to less intake
of food and abuse of laxatives.
Dry skin, Brittle hair, Dehydration,
Wasting Away muscle Tissue,
Loss of Body fat, Irregular
Heartbeat, and loss of

“Alright! Very good Sandro”

“Is there any question regarding the “None”

signs and symptoms anorexia
Now, what do you think are the • “They have an enlarged of
signs and symptoms of Bulimia? stomach
• Dehydrated
• Tooth enamel injury
“Correct those were signs and • Throats are often red”
symptoms of Bulimia”

“What else? Who can add up? • “Damaged heart due to

• Damaged kidney due to
laxative abuse
• Sores in the mouth”

“Very good, you’re correct”

“Any question?” “None Ma’am”

“What could be the possible signs

• Depression
and symptoms of someone who
• Grief
have binge eating disorder?”
• Anxiety
• Disgust
• Lack control of eating
• Self-hatred about eating
“Very good”

“Are there any questions about it?”

“None. Ma’am”

E. Discussing new “Now class, lets proceed to the

concepts and ways of preventing and controlling
practicing new skills eating disorders”
“Are all ears with me?” “Yes Ma’am”

“What do you think can be a way “I think, in Anorexia Nervosa, there

preventing and controlling the is no treatment to prevent however
Anorexia Nervosa?” early treatment may be the best
way. Know the signs and
symptoms and should be aware.”

“Well said, Deo. You’re correct.”

“What else?” (The student says None in chorus)

“Anorexia Nervosa has no cure or

ways to prevent it however we can
be aware of to know if its severe or
“Okay, now, what do you think can • “You should skip meals
be a way preventing and controlling • Include fresh fruits and
the Bulimia?” vegetables in your diet
• Drink 8-10 glasses of
water a day
• Avoid finger foods
• Eat regularly in time
• Eat high fiber foods

“That’s right! We have lots of ways

to prevent it such as….

• “You should skip meals

• Include fresh fruits and
vegetables in your diet
• Drink 8-10 glasses of water
a day
• Avoid finger foods
• Eat regularly in time
• Eat high fiber foods”

“How about Binge Eating Disorder? • Cope with stress

Do you have any idea on what are • Take 3 regular meals and
the ways to prevent it?” keep it in a healthy manner
• Stop dieting
• Do exercises
• Get help
• Note the food you eat

F. Developing Activity 4
Mastery Check Your Eating Behavior!
Check the number if the behavior
relates to you and cross (x) if it

______ 1. Eats secretly in a room

_____ 2. Feels out of control when
_____ 3. Usually eats much food
_____ 4. Eats food even when full
_____ 5. Feels ashamed and
disgusted after eating
_____ 6. Hides and stocks food to
eat later in secret
_____ 7. Feels relieved from stress
or tension when eating
_____ 8. Never feels satisfied, no
matter how much foods are eaten
_____ 9. Eats normally with others
but over-eat when alone
_____ 10. Eats continuously
throughout the day, with no
planned mealtimes.

1. How many did your check?

2. If you have checked all or most
of the items above, reflect on
your eating behavior.
3. You might need to change
your eating practice.

G. Finding practical Activity 5

applications of My Eating Style
concepts and skills Write YES if the eating style is
in daily living related to you and write NO if t

____ 1. I only eat when I feel

____ 2. I only eat more when I felt
____ 3. I eat more when I vomit
after eating.
____ 4. I eat more when I am
____ 5. I eat then I take laxatives to
rid my stomach of food.

 How do you find your eating

 What do you plan to do with
what you discovered about your
eating practice?
 Do you think you have healthful
eating practices? Why?
After the Lesson Activity 6
H. Making What’s This Disorder?
generalizations and
abstractions about Read the situation and then answer
the lesson the questions that follow.

Josie is a Grade 7 student who

wants to be
popular and attractive to everyone.
She is not
happy with her weight, so she tries
to diet.
However hard she tries, she fails.
Angry at
herself, she eats everything she
sees. After eating
she goes to the bathroom to induce

1. What eating disorder does Josie

2. What can you suggest to her to
overcome this problem?
3. What are the dangers if this
problem is not corrected?
I. Evaluating Activity:
learning All about Eating Disorders

Write your answer in the

corresponding column. List down
also the different

Choose inside the box words/

phrases that describe below each
eating disorder
consequences of each eating


Binge and purge
Starve themselves
"just overweight" not because of
Known they have a problem
Don't think they have a problem


Anorexia Nervosa:


Health Consequences:




Health Consequences:


Binge-eating disorder:


Health Consequences:


J. Additional Name: _______ Date: _______

activities for Grade & Section: ___________
application or
remediation True or False.
Direction: Write “True” if the
statement is correct, and “False” if
it is incorrect. Write your answer on
the space provided before the

_____ 1. People with Anorexia

have an enlarged of stomach
______ 2. Throats are often red
Binge Eating Disorder.
______ 3. Person with binge eating
disorder also eat large amount of
food on a regular basis
______ 4. People who have Bulima
have Irregular heartbeat
_____ 5. Possibly fainting ma’am
due to less intake of food and
abuse of laxatives
_____6. Binge Eating disorder is
characterized also as Compulsive
eating disorder.
_____ 7. Anorexia Nervosa, there
is no treatment to prevent however
early treatment may be the best
____ 8. Dry skin, Brittle hair,
Dehydration, Wasting Away muscle
Tissue are samples that are the
signs and symptoms or Anorexia
_____ 9. Binges eating is also an
indicator that a person suffers a
strong emotions or depression.”
_____ 10. Person with Bulimia is
very much concerned with their
weight. .
K. Assignment Bring an empty pack of different
food such as chips, noodles,
crackers, and juices



A. No. of learners who earned

80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson.
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation.
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
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Resource Teacher

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