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-Make a good impression gây ấn tượng tốt

I wear that dress because I want to make a good impression on him.

-Fit like a glove

I love these trousers so much because they fit like a glove and they are so comfy.

-keep up with the latest fashion trends

Energetic (a): năng động

versatile (adj) đa dạng, linh hoạt

splash out money on something = spend lots of money on something

update my clothes

gym clothes đồ tập gym

take pride in (v) chú ý

- You should take pride in your appearance

Smartly dress ăn mặc thông minh, biết ăn mặc

I see some smartly dress women

Nói ý kiến dùng actually, personally, honestly



Gorgeous (a) đẹp

Right lable

- If you buy clothes just the right label, you’re wasting you money

It looks good on me

Stand out làm khác biệt

Clothing is a way to stand out from the crowd

I returned the dress to the shop because it was badly made trả hàng

bargain price

What type of clothes do you enjoy Well, actually, this is kind of a challenging question
wearing? for me, because I do not attach myself to any
particular style. I would say I’m quite an
unpredictable individual. So, my approach to
fashion is pretty much mix-and-match. I would
always like to try new combinations and have fun
with it and see how it goes. But at the moment I
would say I’m very obsessed with trench coats. I
think they are very versatile with different patterns
and silhouettes. They can bring completely different
looks to you in ways that you’ve never thought
about before.
The piece of clothes that I like is a shirt.
Do you enjoy buying clothes? Everyone around me knows I’m a slave for fashion.
So, it should come as no surprise that I take a very
serious interest in purchasing clothes. It’s such a
huge part of my retail therapy and it gives me
inexplicable joy. You know, the feeling of being able
to venture into boutiques, to find pieces of clothing
that really suit you and reflect your personality is
something that gives me absolute thrills.
So splurging in clothes is one of my guilty
pleasures, I must say.
Has your style of clothing changed Definitely, I do think there has been a drastic
compared to 10 years ago? evolution in my styles of clothing. A decade ago, I
was practically a secondary student, and I don’t
think my sense of identity in fashion had ever
begun to develop at that time. Most of my shirts or
pants were actually what my mom bought for me,
which I was okay with. And obviously, by now, I
have matured and my style has become much
more refined with a lot of attention to
detail, silhouettes and more finesses in general.
And I’m very proud of that change.
What types of clothes do people in your That depends on people’s age. For the elderly or the
local area enjoy wearing? middle-aged demographics in Hanoi, I would say
their clothing is quite casual and very suitable for
the weather. Hanoi’s weather is very erratic so it’s
completely understandable why people would
choose to prioritize function. On the other hand,
the youngster, it’s more about aesthetics than
practicality. These days, the youth have an urge
to express themselves, and appearance would is
such a great way for them to do so. These days, for
people of my age, you can see their clothes tend
to have a very bold designs, lots of colours,
different silhouettes. Overall, it’s just more diverse.
So I do think that’s the main difference
Do you like jewelry?
Which stores do you usually buy clothes?
Your fashion style
Do you keep up with the latest fashion

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