Line Chart - 2

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The line chart above illustrates the recycling rate of 4 materials (namely: Paper -

cardboard, Glass containers, Aluminium cans and Plastics) from 1982 to 2010 in a
unamed country.

In general, the ratio of paper to cardboard, glass containers started at the highest
point, while aluminum and plastic cans were at the lowest point.

More specifically, paper and cardboard recycling started at around 65% in 1982.
This rate then gradually and significantly increased to 80% in 1994 before
gradually decreasing to just 70% in 2010. Glass containers were at around 50% but
decreased moderately to 40% in 1990 and then increased steadily to 60% in 2010.

Aluminum can recycling began in 1985 at a percentage of about 5% and increased

to about 45% by the end of 2010.

In contrast, plastics were recycled in 1990 at a rate of about 3%, the lowest of the
year, following a similar but steady trend, increasing steadily to about 9% by the
end of the 2010 period.

In summary, the chart above tells us that the recycling rate of these four types of
materials fluctuates, in which paper and cardboard tend to decrease while glass
containers, aluminum cans and plastic tend to decrease increase gradually or

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