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What is food?

 provide nutritional support and energy


 Carbohydrates- provide energy for our body.

(Example: bread, beans, milk, popcorn, potatoes, cookies, spaghetti, soft drinks,

 Proteins- so we can have the energy we need to stay active. It can strengthen our immune

Example: eggs, peanuts, meats, fish

 Fats & Oils- they are a source of energy for the body, they insulate and protect the body's
vital organs.

Example: butter, margarine, lard(soft bread), dairy products


 Vitamins & Minerals- Vitamins and minerals are essential for bodily functions such
as helping to fight infection, wound healing, making our bones strong.

Example: Fruits and Vegetables such as: mango, potatoes, green leafy vegetables, green
peas, and orange

Essential minerals example: calcium, iron and potassium.

 Salts- other term is sodium chloride/ preservation

Example: Salted nuts. Etc.

Classification of foods:

According to the statues of Food

 Solid- 2 types (hard, soft) such as meat, raw vegetables, and nuts. Soft bread, and many
 Semi-Solid- it is easier to digest than solid foods. They have a smooth, soft texture that
falls between solid and liquid.
Example: Yogurt, Mashed potatoes, Ice cream, Smoothies
 Liquid- (COMMON SENSE)
According to the source of Food

 Plant-Roots, leaves, and stem of some plants are edible.

Example: spinach, cauliflower, Potato and ginger
 Animal- directly or indirectly
 Microorganism- such as bacteria and yeast, are important source of food due to their
ability to ferment or transform food. They are used in many types of food production and
processing. Yeast used in bread making, lactobacillus in Yakult, and bacteria in cheese
such as lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptoccus thermophilus. (keep the cheese fresh and
free of harmful bacteria that could spoil the cheese such as listeria monocytogenes (cause
of poor sanitation,…)

According to the way of serving

 Cooked Food- it refers to any food that has been prepared by heating.

Example: bake, grilled, fry and boil.

 Fresh Foods- refers to the any food that has not been processed or preserved. And its still
in its natural state

Example: Fruits, vegetables, raw meat, raw fish. Etc.

According the basis of their stability during storage

 Non-Perishable- Foods that can be stored for a long period of time without significant
loss of quality or safety. They don’t require refrigeration or freezing.

Example: Canned goods, dried fruits, bottled water, shelf stable dairy products. (incase of
emergency foods)

 Semi-Perishable- do not require immediate refrigeration. Shelf stable for a certain period
of time.

Example: Left overs (panis)

 Perishable- highly susceptible to spoilage.

Functional of Food:

 Body building foods- contains large amounts of proteins which is essential for building
and maintaining muscle mass, as well as carbohydrates and fats to provide energy and
fuel for intense workouts.

Example: meat, fish, egg, oats, nuts, avocado

 Energy giving foods- provide quick boost of energy and are essential for maintaining
energy levels thoughout the day.

Example: banana, oatmeal, coffee(caffeine content), eggs, nuts and many more.

 Protective Foods- contain nutrients that protect us from diseases and help maintain our

Example: Vegetables, fruits, milk, avocado, tea, yogurt and many more.

Food composition:

 Macronutrients- are nutrients that the body needs in large quantities to function

Example: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats

 Micronutrients- nutrients that the body needs in smaller quantities but are still essential
for our body.

Example: Vitamins, Minerals

 Role of Quality Assurance in the Food Industry

 Quality Assurance is important to adopt a set of measures or setting criteria for providing a
quality end product for the consumers.
 QA Department is necessary to protect the consumer from any danger due to any
contaminated food and ensure the customer gets value for the amount he paid.
Water Testing
Food businesses should have the Quality Assurance programme to inspect and test the food
annually and the quality of water used in the preparation of product twice a year.
 2. The testing of water should be done based on ISO 10500 which includes various
parameters like microbial, chemical and physical parameters.
 Quality Assurance at different Stages of Production.
1. Raw Materials Receiving Stage
The producing of a quality product is possible only when the raw materials used in it are also of
good quality. Since it is the starting point in the production, so it is very important to assure the
quality of the raw material before using it in the process.
2. Food Processing Stage
Proper attention is required during the food processing stage. Various parameters should be
checked for ensuring the production of quality and safe end product like correct amount of
ingredients, accurate method of preparation, mixing, processing time, temperature and some
more, specific for the product.
3. Finished Product Stage
At this stage, it is inspected that how many and up to what level the specifications have been met
by the final packaged product.

Emil M. Mrak
 was an early student in the Department of Viticulture and Fruit Products at the Berkeley
 In 1948 he became Chair of the Department of Food Technology
 He helped the campus achieve academic and administrative autonomy from Berkeley
 Eugene L. Jack was the last chair of the Department of the Dairy Industry.

Eugene L. Jack
 was the last chair of the Department of the Dairy Industry.

Basic methods of food preservation.

 Drying - In ancient times the sun and wind would have naturally dries foods.
 Freezing - freezing was an obvious preservation method to the appropriate climates
 Fermenting- fermentation was not invented, but rather discovered.
 Pickling - Pickling is preserving foods in vinegar (or other acid)
 Curing- The earliest curing was actually dehydration.
 Jam and jelly- Preservation with the use of honey or sugar was well known to the
earliest cultures.
 Canning- Canning is the process in which foods are placed in jars or cans and heated to a
temperature that destroys microorganisms and inactivates enzymes.
What does a Food Technologist do?
 Food Technologists research, develop and oversee the production of food stuffs.
 They study the physical, chemical and biological properties of food and help to improve the
products in any way, from the nutritional value to the shelf-life

Minimum degree required

 Food science- Food science involves understanding processing methods, harvesting,
preparation, preservation, packaging, analyzing texture, flavors, nutritional composition,
and food safety.
 Biology- Biology is very important in food safety because it allows us to understand the
microorganisms involved and how they affect humans. Other areas of food engineering,
such as food storage and processing, necessitate a thorough understanding of both the
food and the bacteria that inhabit it.

Food technologist usually work for

 Food manufacturing- The food manufacturing industry includes all of the processes that
go into transforming raw ingredients into prepared foods and beverages. As a food
technologist, you will be responsible for the creation, production, and recipes of food and
beverage goods. Your goal will be to ensure that the items are safe, efficient, and fulfill
particular criteria.
 Food laboratories- Food laboratories play an important role in identifying food concerns
and giving accurate testing results for parameters such as Salmonella ( a common
bacterial disease that affects the intestinal tract.), Listeria(Listeria monocytogenes
infection, severe food contamination.), E.coli(bacteria normally live in the intestines of
healthy people and animals.), Coliform(organisms that are present in the environment
and in the feces of all warm-blooded animals and humans.), and Clostridium
botulinum(a bacterium that produces dangerous toxins (botulinum toxins) under low-
oxygen conditions.). They aid in product development, meet export and import
regulations, detect pathogenic contamination, and test food allergies. Food laboratories
also help with shelf life research and sensory inspections, assuring wholesomeness and
preventing food poisoning outbreaks. Food laboratories also help with sensorial testing,
which involves assessing food samples with human senses such as sight, touch, and
 Food factory or office- You produce and package food as a food production operative.
Your responsibilities include weighing and inspecting raw materials prior to production
and maintaining a clean atmosphere. You must also ensure that food safety precautions
are followed and that quality inspections are performed after production.
 is the technique of growing plants using a water-based nutrient solution rather than soil

 Food and Agriculture Organization
 World Health Organization (WHO)
 Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)

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