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ATE - Top 10 Interview Questions

1. Tell me about yourself (Be work specific and recount a brief success story from a past work
experience that highlights a couple of your strengths. Try and pick strengths that are in line with
exactly what is called for in that position)

2. Why should we hire you? (Be specific and highlight a strength that is perfectly in line with
what the company or organization is specifically looking for)

3. What is your greatest strength? (Be specific and tell a brief work-related example of you
exhibiting that strength. Again, pick an example and a strength that is based on your knowledge
of what they're looking for)

4. What is your greatest weakness? (specific steps taken to handle them. Avoid mentioning any
weakness that could affect the specific job opening)

5. Why do you want to work here? (Be specific and mention aspects of the company or
organization that you admire and show how your strengths and abilities make you a perfect fit)

6. Why did you leave your last job? (If it was because you left voluntarily then reference a
specific characteristic that the company you are interviewing for has that you are attracted to,
one that your previous employer didn’t have. If you were let go, be honest and explain the
situation and own it. Explain what you learned from the experience, because the interviewer
knows you're human, you make mistakes, and just wants to see that you were able to do
something about it)

7. What is your greatest accomplishment? (be specific and talk about a past work
accomplishment. Make sure you pick an accomplishment that shows how valuable you will be
in the position you are interviewing for)

8. Describe a difficult work situation and what you did to overcome it... (Again, the key is to be
specific. Bring up a past work situation that you handled well. Try and pick an example that
shows you tackling a problem that could arise at the new company you're interviewing for. This
shows your value)

9. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? (Your answer should show that you are a person with
direction and that you have goals. You should show that those goals include you advancing and
thriving at the company or organization you're interviewing with. But don't overdo it. If you are
going for an entry-level job, don't say you plan to be CEO in 5 years. It will seem unrealistic and
could take you out of the running...)

10. Do you have any questions for me? (This is your time to make an impression and show your
knowledge and passion for the company or organization you are interviewing for.

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