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GCSE M'ths - ex'm pr'ctice

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GCSE m'ths quizzes - expl'ined
GCSE m(ths quizzes - expl(ined
Try these quizzes b(sed on GCSE m(ths p(st p(pers. By working your w(y
through the m(ths questions cre(ted by experts, you c(n prep(re for your
GCSE m(ths revision questions 1-10
m(ths ex(ms (nd m(ke your revision more interesting.

GCSE m(ths revision questions 11- These questions (re suit(ble for students working on GCSE m'ths studying
20 (ny (w(rding body specific(tion.

GCSE m(ths revision questions 21- There (re 50 ex(m-style questions (nd e(ch (ctivity cont(ins ten questions.
30 Go to the quiz th(t best suits your revision needs:

GCSE m(ths revision questions 31- To pr(ctise l'ws of indices, pl'ce v'lue (nd other topics go to quiz 1.
If you’d like to pr(ctise subtr'cting fr'ctions, st'nd'rd form (nd other topics
GCSE m(ths revision questions 41- go to quiz 2.
50 If you need to brush up on r'tio, Venn di'gr'ms (nd more m(ths topics h(ve
( go (t quiz 3.
GCSE m(ths revision links
Go to quiz 4 if you’d like to pr(ctise signific'nt figures, the surf'ce 're' of '
More GCSE ex(m quizzes cylinder plus other m(ths topics.
He(d to quiz 5 if you’d like to h(ve ( go (t simil'r tri'ngles (nd working out
the equ'tion of ' line.

Get st'rted with the first ten GCSE m'ths

This is ( non-c(lcul(tor (ctivity, so m(ke sure you h(ve ( pen (nd p(per
h(ndy for your working out.

There (re ten ex(m-style questions covering topics such (s l'ws of indices,
pl'ce v'lue (nd equ'tions. This (ctivity should t(ke (pproxim(tely 5-10
minutes to complete.


GCSE maths questions 1-10


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Pr'ctise your GCSE m'ths ex'm skills

Ple(se use ( pen (nd p(per for this (ctivity (s ( c(lcul(tor is not (llowed.

There (re ten ex(m-style questions covering topics including st'nd'rd form,
simult'neous equ'tions (nd prob'bility. These questions should t(ke you
(round 5-10 minutes to complete.


GCSE maths questions 11-20


Some of your information will be collected when you play this quiz.
Terms & Conditions

Boost your GCSE m'ths revision with the

next ten questions
This is ( non-c(lcul(tor (ctivity, so h(ve ( pen (nd p(per to h(nd for your
working out.

There (re ten ex(m-style questions covering topics including fr'ctions,

sequences (nd gr'phs. These questions should t(ke 5-10 minutes to


GCSE maths questions 21-30


Some of your information will be collected when you play this quiz.
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Ne'rly there, keep going with the next ten

m'ths GCSE questions
These questions (re non-c(lcul(tor; use ( pen (nd p(per for your working out.

There (re ten ex(m-style GCSE m(ths questions b(sed on p(st p(pers,
covering topics including proportion, surf'ce 're' (nd signific'nt figures.
This (ctivity should t(ke you (round 5-10 minutes to complete.


GCSE maths questions 31-40


Some of your information will be collected when you play this quiz.
Terms & Conditions

L'st push, fin'l ten GCSE m'ths questions

These questions (re non-c(lcul(tor, so ple(se h(ve ( pen (nd p(per h(ndy for
your working out.

There (re ten ex(m-style GCSE m(ths questions b(sed on p(st p(pers. This
quiz covers topics including Pyth'gor's’ theorem, trigonometry (nd pie
ch'rts. This (ctivity should t(ke you (round 5-10 minutes to complete.


GCSE maths questions 41-50


Some of your information will be collected when you play this quiz.
Terms & Conditions

GCSE m'ths revision links

Click the links below to review (ny of the topics covered by your (w(rding
body in the (ctivity:

AQA CCEA Edexcel


More GCSE ex'm quizzes

T(ke ( look (t more GCSE ex'm-style quizzes or try our quick-fire quizzes.

The tests (re ex(m-style questions (nd scores do not directly reflect ex(m
bo(rd m(rks or p(ss r(tes.

More on Ex'm pr'ctice

Find out more by working through ( topic

GCSE M'ths: quick-fire

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