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and the Particle Theory

Expansion and contraction
Solids and Liquids
Learning Objectives
• State that matter expands when it is
heated and contracts when cooled.

• Explain the expansion and contraction

of solids, liquids and gases in terms of
particle theory.

• Describe applications of expansion of

solids, liquids and gases.
How the particle theory explains this:
All three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas)
expand when heated.

The size of the atoms remains unchanged

The distance between the atoms increases.

Heat makes the atoms vibrate faster so they take up

more space.

This results in the volume/size of the matter

increasing. ( it takes up more space)
Applications in real life situations
Hot weather and railway tracks.
Buckling of track on a hot day Expansion gaps between rails.
• Train has derailed • Space allows for expansion
of track on a hot day
• No buckling of tracks
leading to accidents.
Expansion joints in bridges.
How they work….
• Bridges and sidewalks are built in segments.
• They have spaces called expansion joints
between them.
• These joints allow the concrete and steel to
expand without buckling and cracking
• The thumping sound you hear when you drive
over a bridge in a car or bus is the sound of
the tires going over the expansion joints.
Expansion & contraction of solids
When a solid is heated it gets bigger or expands.
When it cools it gets smaller or contracts.

Telephone wires are put up loose in

the summer so when winter comes
they don’t get too tight and snap.
Expansion and Contraction of Liquids

• Affect the volumes of liquids that

are used every day.
• Cars provide a good example of this.
• Cold gasoline in a car’s gas tank
expands in hot weather. If the tank is
filled to the brim, the gas may
Scientific Explanation

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