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Chapter – 8 Cloud Computing and IoT

Revision Worksheet

A. Tick the correct answer: -

1. Out of these, which one is the most restrictive and refined service model?
a) SaaS b) FaaS c) IaaS d) PaaS
2. Which of the following cloud computing system is operated for an organisation privately?
a) Public b) Private c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of the given
3. Which of the following things you will need if you wish to setup an IT company?
a) Office space b) Computer Servers c) Expert staff d) All of the given
4. __________________ is the replication of human intelligence
a) AI b) 5G c) Machine learning d) None of the given
5. Which of the following cloud computing system is operated for general public as a whole?
a) Public b) Private c) Both (a) & (b) d) None of the given

B. Fill in the blanks: -

1. A Hybrid cloud is a combination of both Private and Public cloud.
2. IoT stands for Internet of Things
3. The practice of delivering computer services over the internet is called IoT.
4. ATM is known to be one of the first IoT that went online in 1974.
5. IaaS is also known as HaaS (Hardware as a Service)

C. Answer in one word or sentence: -

1. Write any advantage of cloud computing.
Ans: Low on cost
2. Which applications provides storage services on the Cloud?
Ans: One Drive or Google Drive
3. Name any one wearable IoT device.
Ans: Smart watches or fitness band
4. Name the company that introduced serverless computing.
Ans: Amazon
5. Write any one field where IoT uses.
Ans: Smart Home

D. Write the correct statements for the following: -

1. A private cloud is provisioned for open use by the general public
Correct: A private cloud is not provisioned for open use by the general public.
2. The elastic cloud was launched by Amazon in 2005.
Correct: The elastic cloud was launched by Amazon in 2006.
3. Cloud computing is not reliable.
Correct: Cloud computing is reliable.
4. Gmail is an example of FaaS service.
Correct: Gmail is an example of SaaS service.
5. The combination of a public and private cloud is community cloud.
Correct: The combination of a public and private cloud is hybrid cloud.

Note: Do answer the following according to IT book.

E. Answer the following:
1. Write any three disadvantages of IoT?
2. What are the key features of IoT?
3. Write any two advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing.
4. What is cloud computing?
5. What is private cloud?


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