RichieRich Comic Vol 1

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RICHIE presents approached them, they

ing the unhappy shark just as alone and

fled in fear . . . leav-

lonely as ever.

"What am I going to do?" he wondered

in despair. "Won't ever I find someone to
Snorkel was a shark ... a big, unfortun- talk to me ... or play with me ... or love
ately uglyand ferocious-looking shark. And me?"
it was unfortunate was
the reason
But there was no answer to his questions
Snorkel wasn't really ferocious at all. On
who and no one to whom he could go for
contrary, he was a kindly, gentle soul
. . .

advice and guidance. Not when everybody

wanted more than anything else in the
the other fish ran away at the mere sight of him! So day
world to be friends with all
after lonesome day, Snorkel roamed the
in the sea.
ocean alone, always searching and never . . .

But everywhere he went, it was the same finding. There was so much kindness, so
story. "Hello" Snorkel would smile at a much love in his heart . . that no one .

school of minnows. wanted . that sometimes he thought it

. .

"Atmeeeee!" the minnows would shriek would burst.

in terror; And then with a whoosh they'd be And then one day Snorkel was captured!
gone ... all of them ... so quickly that At first, he didn't know what was happening
you'd think they'd never been there at all. to him. But he was frightened, and he
Poor Snorkel. It wasn't his fault that his fought wildly against the powerful nets
smile revealed a set of sharp, jagged teeth that engulfed him. His huge body lashed the
that could scare the wits out of the most water into a raging fury but the nets . . .

stout-hearted of minnows. held. Then he could hear the excited voices

of the men who were hauling him in, and he
Or "Hello," Snorkel would call, swim-
. . .

realized the terrible truth. He was caught

ming up to a group of lazying swordfish.
. trapped . .probably doomed to death!
. . .

And . . . "Aiiiieeeee !"

the swordfish
But no! He wasn't harmed at all Instead, !

would yelp. And swish, they'd be gone, their

his captors took him to a big city aquarium
sharp noses knifing through the water to
. where hundreds of other fish lived and
. .
clear the way for their escape.
played in the sheltered protection of great
Poor Snorkel. It wasn't his fault that glass tanks. Safe behind their walls of glass,
when he swam body plowed through
his they waved and smiled to the big shark. And
die waves like an armored tank, ready to so did the thousands of boys and girls who
rip apart even the sharpest swords among came each day to the aquarium to see him.
the swordfish. Disaster had turned into success! Snorkel's
And that's the way it was with all the dreams had come true! And at last he was
other ocean inhabitants. Every time Snorkel a happy shark!


RICHIE pres&nds leave, when the woman asked, "Would you
give me a little help with him, sit? Would
you help me take him out of the park?"
It must have been the "sic" that won over

Desmond. Any other reason would be crazy.

Private Desmond Domar was having the So with a forced smile, he accepted his new
perfect furlough ... for Private Desmond role as an MP to a problem child.
Domar. He was resting, taking things calm-
Desmond was mote than just helping the
ly, and at the present time was taking a
boy's mother. She turned the entire project
leisurely walk through the park.
over to Desmond .gladly. And the pro-
. .

He didn't have a care in the world, and ject quickly turned up his heels. He kicked,
for the first time since his last furlough, he he bit, he punched, he pinched. And Des-
was really enjoying the world. He happily mond was quickly becoming a patchwork of
viewed the sunshining sky, and . . black and blue marks. The boy's mother,
"Ouch!" screamed Desmond suddenly. meanwhile, just stared ahead and walked on
He was brought back to earth with a bang silently.

— a bang on his foot Desmond was willing to accept these atro-

A little boy had dashed by him and slam- cities, until the little boy finally hauled off
med down with all his might on the top of and whacked htm in the eye.
Desmond's foot. "This is the limit!" said Desmond, and
"Catch that boy!" a woman now proceeded to slap the boy's backside.
Desmond took off like a streak, as if the
"What are you doing?!" shouted the
woman's voice was mother, suddenly coming alive. Then she
bis sergeant's. He quick-
ly caught the little boy, who looked like a proceeded to throw punches at Desmond.
five year old, but who had the strength of And if the boy was an M-l, she was a ma-
an.M-1 rifle.
chine gun.

"Hold on, youngfellow," said Desmond. Her arms finally tired, she cuddled the
"I think your mother's calling you." boy to her and said, "Let's get away from
this terrible man! He's a disgrace to his
"Leave me alone! Leave me alone!" was
the boy's answer. And he underlined it with
a swift kick in Desmond's shins. As Desmond picked himself off the
ground, he heard the woman's voice trail
Before Desmond could finish his "Ouch !" away with, "I'm going to write Washington
the boy's mother arrived on the scene. about this!"
"Oh, thank you, Private, thank you," she
Desmond boped she would as he walked
said. "That son of mine sure is a problem."
away. He figured he'd finally get a Purple
Desmond nodded, and was all set to Heart.


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