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770 Lexington Avenue, 3rd Floor New York NY 10065 Phone: (212) 521-5719 Fax: (646) 775-3272

PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: I am a ____ Broker (check if applicable)

___________________________________ print name ___________________________________ street address ___________________________________ city/state/zip ___________________________________ phone/cell

This is to confirm that ___________________, (Broker), acting with its co-broker Eric Karmitz ("CoBroker"), to represent the Buyer and its designees in connection with its purchase of a 3 building package deal (Morris Ave, Ryer Ave, Creston Ave), located in Bronx, NY. a. Commission will be split 50/50 between both brokers at 5% of gross purchase price. b. Broker will indemnify, defend, and hold Buyer from any other claims for commission or compensation from other agents or persons in connection with the Property, provided such claims are based upon dealings with Broker and that Brokers liability under this indemnification is limited to the amount of commission actually received by Broker for the transaction. By signing this Agreement, the outside Broker or Principal recognizes and agrees that Halstead Property presented to them on or about the date below, property/ies as follows: 3 building package deal (Morris Ave, Ryer Ave, Creston Ave), located in Bronx, NY.

If the above-mentioned Broker decides to pursue the above property/ies, they will do so only with the contact and aid of Halstead Property. Further, the above mentioned Broker agrees to keep any and all information provided by Halstead Property about the property/ies CONFIDENTIAL. Broker shall not contact the Seller/s directly unless Broker so requests and permission is granted by the Sellers Broker in writing. Brokers signing this Agreement will split commissions 50/50. Broker agree not to advertise the above referenced property, including on websites and on the internet. Although we believe that the information provided in the Confidential Information is reliable and relevant for the purpose of your investigation, the undersigned understands and acknowledges that Halstead Property and the seller make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the Confidential information. The financial information and projections contained in the Confidential Information represent estimates based on assumption considered reasonable under the circumstances. Halstead Property and the Seller make no representation or warranties, express or implied, that actual results of operations will conform to such projections. Halstead Property and Seller expressly disclaim any and all liability for representations or warranties, expressed or implied, contained in the Confidential Information or for any omission from the Confidential Information, or in any other written or oral communications transmitted or made available to the undersigned Principal or Broker, excepting only those particular representations and warranties which may be made by Seller to an ultimate Purchaser in the executed purchase agreement, and subject to such limitations and restrictions as may be specified therein. The undersigned agrees that Halstead Property and Seller shall have no liability to the undersigned or any of their customers, or Related Parties, resulting from their use of or reliance upon the Confidential Information. This agreement shall expire in two years, or at such earlier date of consummation of a transaction. Dated:______________________________________ Insert date Broker SIGN HERE: ____________________________________________

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