Solar System Computation

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MODULE 1: Solar Power Technology
Session Objectives
• At the end of the session, you will be able to:

Explain what solar energy is

• Identify how solar energy works
• Describe the process of turning solar energy
into consumable electricity
• Explain the system used in solar power
generation technology
• In this lesson you will learn how renewable
energy such as solar energy is used as a means
to fill in problem of electricity scarcity in a way
that is affordable and environment friendly.
What is Solar Energy
• Solar energy is
energy provided by
the sun. It is
energy in the form
of solar radiation
that makes solar
What is Solar Energy
• Solar power is the direct or indirect conversion of
sunlight into electricity. Direct conversions are
done through the use of photovoltaics (PV) while
indirect conversions are done using concentrated
solar power (CSP).
• Photovoltaic, which means “light” and “electric”,
(PV) cells are used to directly produce electricity
through solar energy. These are cells made from
materials that exhibit “photovoltaic effect” or
when sunlight hits the cell, the photons of light
excite the electrons in the cell, causing them to
flow thus generating electricity.
What is Solar Energy
• In photovoltaic system, solar cells produce
direct current (DC) power which change with
the sunlight’s intensity. For practical use, it
usually requires conversion to certain desired
voltages or alternating current (AC), through
the use of inverters.
• Concentrated solar power systems use lenses
or mirrors and tracking system to focus a large
area of sunlight into a small beam.
Session Objectives
• At the end of the session, you will be able to:

Understand the different components of solar

power generation technology
• Explain how solar power generation works
• Identify how solar power generation is used in
everyday energy consumption
• In this lesson, you will learn the initial steps in
employing the solar power generation
technology in different households.
Determining Power Consumption
• In determining the
power consumption
demands, you will be
able to estimate the
amount of energy
needed to be supplied
by the solar PV
1. Calculate the total
Watt-hours per day for
each appliance used.
Calculate the total Watt-hours per
day for each appliance used.

– Make a list of all the appliance and/or loads that you

are going to run using the PV system. To determine
the wattage, most appliances have a label on the back
that indicates the wattage. Specification sheets, local
appliance dealers, and the product manufacturers can
also be used as reference.
– Add the Watt-hours needed for all appliances
together to get the total Watt-hours per day which
must be delivered to the appliances.
Calculate total Watt-hours per day
needed from the PV modules
• After determining the total watt-hours per
day, multiply it by 1.3 (the energy lost in the
system). In doing so, you’ll be able to get the
total Watt-hours per day that needs to be
provided by the panels.
Sizing the PV modules
• Sizing the PV modules will help you find out
the appropriate size of PV module that will
produce an amount of power suitable for your
daily consumption.
• To find out the sizing of the PV module, you
need the total peak watt produced needs. The
peak watt (Wp) produced depends on the size
of the PV module and climate of the site
1. Calculate the Watt-peak rating
needed for PV modules
To get the total Watt-
peak rating needed
for the PV panels
needed to operate
the appliances, you
will need to divide
the total Watt-hours
per day needed from
the PV modules by
2. Calculate the number of PV panels
for the system
• After getting the Watt-
peak rating needed for
PV modules, divide it
by the rated output
Watt-peak of the PV
modules available to
you. If the answer
resulted to any
fractional part, just
increase it to the next
highest whole number.
The answer you got
will be the number of
PV modules required
Battery sizing
• A deep cycle battery is recommended to be
used in PV systems. It is specifically designed
to be discharged to low energy level and rapid
recharged or cycle charged and discharged
day after day for years. Make sure that the
battery is large enough to store enough
energy to operate the appliances even at night
and cloudy days.
• Calculate the total
Watt-hours per day
used by

Divide the total
Watt-hours per day
used by 0.85 for
battery loss.

Divide your answer
from the previous
step by 0.6 for
depth of discharge.
• Divide your answer
from the previous step
by the nominal battery

Multiply your answer
from the previous step
with days of autonomy
or the number of days
that you need the
system to operate
when there is no
power produced by PV
panels. In doing do,
you’ll get the required
Ampere-hour capacity
of the deep cycle
Solar charge controller sizing
• The solar charge controller is used to maintain
the proper charging voltage on the batteries. It is
typically rated against Amperage and Voltage
capacities. In selecting the solar charge controller,
it should match the voltage of PV array and
batteries and then identify which type of solar
charge controller is suitable for your system. You
have to make sure that the solar charge controller
has sufficient capacity to handle the current from
the PV array.
Solar charge controller sizing

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