Used of Artificial Intelligence Robotics

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Used of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Military Field

Article · January 2023


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Janith Anuradha
University of Gloucestershire


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Used of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Military Field

Used of Artificial Intelligence & Robotics in Military Field

WKDJ Anuradha1
IT Department, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham GL50 2RH, United Kingdom
IT Department, IDM Campus, Dehiwala, Colombo, Sri Lanka



Developments in Artificial intelligence, deep learning, and robotics allow new capabilities that will affect
military strategies strongly. And also, military experts are discovering how to used artificial intelligence
effectively for military applications, such as surveillance, underwater mine warfare, recon- naissance,
cyber security, threat evaluation, intelligence analysis, command & control, education and military
training. The consequences of these progresses will be felt across the range of military standards from
knowledge investigation and identification to balance of offensive and defense as well as to the nuclear
weapons program themselves. In this suite, AI applications within autonomous weapons and monitoring
systems are the points of discussion about the moral and realistic challenges of handling the world-wide
eruption in military AI research and development. The intention to maintain fast progress in machine
learning from trigger in a global arms race in the backdrop of artificial intelligence poses a new existential
threat to humanity. This journal paper reflects ongoing major projects and how AI & Robotics used in
military applications and future researches, as well as how AI & Robotic effect to the Futuristic Military

Keywords: Artificial intelligence, Autonomous weapons, Deep learning, Robotics

Artificial intelligence (AI), precisely the subfields machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL), has
within a decade moved from prototyping at research institutions and universities to industry and real-world
application. At the tactical level, AI can improve partly autonomous control in unmanned systems so that
human operators can operate unmanned systems more efficiently to, eventually, increase battlefield
influence. In the context of US, China and Russia rush its use of AI in military settings. Future concepts,
models, algorithms, data sharing, access to spread company power and sophisticated testing and training
are proposed to make a data mobility framework AI is turning into an essential review of current warfare
compared and regular structures in application to military set-ups furnished with AI are suited to take care
of larger volumes of info all the more expertly. Also, AI progresses self-control, self-guidance, and self -
activation of battle contexts.

WKDJ Anuradha

When we consider about military robotics, can be used to carry out unsafe works, dark, or repeated tasks
with continuous accuracy and regular precision. Hence, it is not to see why additional and extra makings
are beginning to adopt robotics for different applications. This is due to their helpfulness. There are
different kinds of robots. They differ in their uses, applications, and features. These come in varied models
or types and have diverse features such as the distance it can cover, the amount of load it can facilitate,
and how many axes their jointed arm holds. Military robots can work without time limitation. They don’t
get tired or go for breaks like human labors. because robots are lifeless machineries, they can easily
perform risky tasks that are otherwise challenging and unsafe for their human counterparts. The use of
robotic technology similarly increases efficiency and improves cost-effectiveness. At the same time, it can
remove labor-intensive tasks that could pose some threats to their physical well-being and result in
accidents or injury.


2.1 Military Robots

The robotic uprising is more

evident in public safety and
defense industry. The expansion
of drones has changed the
industry. Currently, military
robots support to carry out an
investigation, provide support in
the war forward-facing, and
perform patrol tasks. They
equally have applications in
public safety where drones are
presently serving as the main
responders during accident
incidents. Drones are useful in
investigating the situation of
things in the accident scene real-
time. And also, their uses include
detecting other types of accidents.
Remote-controlled drones also
Figure 1 Types of Military Robots, Image Download from
have uses in the military for
security purposes.

Military robots have transformed how the military and community safety industry conducts their analysis
and involve in surveillance actions. The use of automated machines to carry heavyweight weapons may
make you nervous. Anyhow, these robots can potentially reduce the loss of life. Also, they can make it
easy for soldiers to securely reconnaissance locations or break enemy targets. The structures of a lot of
military robots are for helping life instead of eliminating life.

WKDJ Anuradha

2.2 Types of Military Robots According to The Functions

2.2.1 Military Transportation Robots

These robotic soldiers perform transportation

tasks. They can support the soldiers in the
transportation of artillery, bombs,
ammunitions, military supplies, and other
materials. As well as these military robots
normally have wheels, some of them come
with legs instead of working on rough terrains.
Military robots used for transportation
improvement logistics productivity and
equally support soldiers in their maneuver.
They help to soldiers to transport materials to
the battlefield. Also, they similarly support to
take up causalities from the battlefield.
Figure 2 Autonomous Platform Demonstrator, Image downloaded from The soldiers who gone through risky combats
have payments for their duty. Though, they are still human and has right to live, so the use of robotics
army in various tasks can be safe of life. The life threats will be preventable over using robotics army.
And also, they can support in developing the transport system. For example, robots would be convenient
for pick-up casualties from the battlefield. They could equally expand the transportation system like the
Autonomous Platform Demonstrator. United States Army Tank-Automotive Research designed and
currently doing researches to enhance the features of APD military transportation robot.

2.2.2 Fire Fighting Military Robots

This type of robot soldiers is very useful when

there is a dangerous situation like a fire. It can
support to save the life human soldier from
threat. To help in eliminate the fire can be
used hydrant by firefighting military robots.
They can secure the lives of sufferers and also
the lives of firefighters. These kinds of
robotics army that contribution firefighters
are not yet common. Anyway, some robot
army at present is for such tasks. Some of
Figure 3 Fire Fighting Robot, Image downloaded from these types of robot soldier help to inspect the
situation in a fire site. There are similarly
some huge remote-controlled fire extinguishers and currently investigating the enhance the features of the
future firefighting military robots.

WKDJ Anuradha

2.3 Advance Military Robots with different uses

Due to high-tech developments, armies’ different types of robots to expand continuously and get better
result day by day. Currently, these are the different types of advance military robots with different uses.

2.3.1 SAFFiR

SAFFiR (Shipboard Autonomous

Firefighting Robot) is a 5 feet 10 inches
military robot and weighs 65 Kgs.
Technologically advanced by
researchers at Virginia Tech, the robot
designed to extinguish fires that break
out on naval ships. SAFFiR can’t stand
without a chain, but it can measure
steps and conduct a fire hose. Its
unique mechanism plan equips it with
a superhuman range of motion to move
in multifaceted spaces. The final goal
is for SAFFiR to work in tandem with
Navy officers, not replace them and
Figure 4 Shipboard Autonomous Firefighting Robot, Image downloaded from
enhance futuristics capabilities.

2.3.2 MUTT (Multi-Utility Tactical Transport)

MUTT is an unmanned ground vehicle and it

has two versions, wheeled and tracked.
MUTT accompanies the fighters, making
travel easier by decreasing the entire
equipment that they carry while crossing
difficult terrain on foot. This autonomous
war vehicle derives in three sizes: tracked,
6×6, and 8×8. The 8×8 MUTT is 112 inches
long by 60 inches width, holding up to 544
Kgs. It can offer up to 3,000 watts of power
and move up to 97 Kms on a single tank of
Figure 5 Multi-Utility Tactical Transport Robot Vehicle, Image downloaded gas. The researches of MUTT project
investigating the future features of this robot.

WKDJ Anuradha


3.1 Types of fields using AI based in military

3.1.1 Combat platforms

Defense troops across the world wide from
different nations are developing artificial
intelligence elements into weapons and several
other applications used in the segments of
ground, naval air, and space. The use of AI in
systems dependent on these fields has enabled
the progress of productive routines of warfare
that are less dependent on human intervention. It
has also contributed to amplified combined
power and performance of enhanced warfare
systems while demanding less maintenance. AI
Figure 6 AI using modern combat battle field, Image downloaded from is also likely to attempt cooperative attacks through autonomous and quick weapons.
Researches currently investigating the futuristic elements to further developments.
3.1.2 Identifying targets
A multiple battle situation, artificial
intelligence procedures are intended to
increase the accuracy of target
recognition by analyzing documents,
documentary evidence, news feed sand
various types of unstructured sources of
information, these strategies enable
security troops to gain extensive
knowledge of potential operational
judications. Also, artificial intelligence
Figure 7 Military Artificial Intelligence use of future warfare, Image downloaded
in target acknowledgement frameworks
from augments the capability of these
structures to recognize the strategic
positioning of their target’s techniques of AI -empowered recognition frameworks include probability
centric estimates of enemy strategy an aggregate of climate an ecological contingency, reconnaissance
and honoring of hidden inventory line barrier of ex poseur appraisals of target vicinity and proposed
moderation plans. Furthermore, machine learning is also used to determine track and awareness the
information received for instance DARPS target recognition and adaption in contested. Environments
program uses machine learning move to instantly search and locate targets with the assistance of synthetic
-aperture radar. Researches are currently investigating the modern features to further developments.

WKDJ Anuradha

3.2 Ongoing major futuristics innovation projects in military

3.2.1 Futuristic soldier - exoskeleton suit military

Moscow decided to develop and

introduce next-generation
infantry combat systems called
ICS to further enhance this high-
tech feature of the Futuristic
modernized Russian soldier. The
present Ratnik ICS will be
changed, by 2025, with the
upcoming Sotnik modernized
version called Centurion,
developing a further advance for
the Russian military to
modernized network-enabled
warfare abilities. The Ministry of
Defense thinks the Russian
defense industry to finalize the
overall design of the next-
generation ICS by 2021.

This has complex modernizing

the table of organization and
equipment, increasing the
proportion of contract personnel
within the military manpower
system, increasing mobility and
firepower, automating command
and control, and increasingly
exploiting space-based
reconnaissance and
communications systems. This
progression has also stretched to
Figure 8 Future Russian Combat Suit, Image downloaded from the matter of equipment and
specialist gear for Russian
soldiers. The latest variant of the Ratnik system, Ratnik-2, is designed to expand the connectivity and
efficiency of combat soldiers in the Ground Forces. Its developments on earlier methods to equipping
soldiers include efficient body armor, a helmet with a special eye monitor (thermal/night vision),
headphone sets, and communication system. The Ratnik system use and tested in Russian combat

WKDJ Anuradha

The third-generation soldier’s personal equipment system will facilitate a number of innovations,
including anti-mine boots, an anti-thermal suit to “hide” soldiers from enemy detection, and an anti-radar
element. The Sotnik will also fit in the wearer of the system with automatic command and control and
“micro-drones,” allowing gathered images to be transmitted in real time to the helmet visor or safety
glasses. On the electronic glasses, the soldier will see commands, Ground maps and additional relevant
military data. The system will also consist with artificial intelligence (AI) technology. In order to plans,
the third-gen Sotnik kit should replace Ratnik already in 2025. It will be primarily new equipment, which
will integrate the best high-tech developments of Russian enterprises, including those belonging to Rostec.
Thanks to the use of innovative materials and combining the intention of individual fundamentals, the
weight of the suit will be reduced by 20 percent and will be about 20 kg.

Although the futuristic generation of soldier gear will collaboration with high level technology
developments in Russian forces, the system mainly focuses to develop the capacity of intelligence and
reconnaissance personnel. Though, it will clearly represent a significant boost to the infantry personal
systems currently in use. Sotnik will also facilitate electronically regulated kameleon material,
technologically advanced by Roselektronika: this electrochrome material can change color depending on
the masked surface and the military environment. Researches are currently investigating the modern
features to further developments in this suit.

3.2.2 Integrated Visual Augmentation System (IVAS)

When we consider the Call of Duty
game it is different from real battle.
While there are the apparent
variations, one of the more perceptive
variances is the no of information
provided to game players. Soldiers do
not have continues access to
information – maps, health scores,
enemy location, weather condition
like they do in the computer games.
Instead that, they must break what
they are doing and refer a paper map
Figure 9 Futuristic IVAS, Image downloaded from
or electronic tablet, putting them in an
unsafe situation. To overcome this
issue, the Army has tried to develop a heads-up display (HUD) that can enable critical military related
information to a soldier within their field of view. Over thirty years, numerous advancements attempt have
unsuccessful due to technological and programmatic challenges. Nevertheless, the latest effort by
Microsoft will soon offer this much-wanted capacity to soldiers.

When the beginning of year 2022, the US Army will have setup 40,000 Integrated Visual Augmentation
Systems (IVAS). This Microsoft device is offer to provide all of the information that Call of Duty game
provides and many more. As well as, the IVAS is an Augmented Reality system, which underlain semi-

WKDJ Anuradha

transparent graphics onto a wearer’s field of view. By doing this, the IVAS can enable soldiers with the
information that they want in battle while still enabling them to hold their “head on a rotate.” The IVAS
is not the Army’s first tried at giving soldiers with a HUD. The main attempt was part of the Land Warrior
system in the 1990s. The head-mounted display was comprehensively panned for being too weighty,
unsupportable, confine, and difficult to use. The entire plan was ultimately cancelled, with the HUD being
changed by a chest-attached tablet. Several other projects have tried to develop HUDs for the Army, but
they have faced similar challenges.

Anyhow, the IVAS is

far from a simple
Hololens production.
Instead, Microsoft
prefer to do a four-
repetition spiral
development process
to make the IVAS. The
first repetition was
mainly a Hololens
with new software that
combine with other
Army systems. The
third repetition is
Figure 10 IVAS to change how soldiers prepare for ballfield, Image downloaded from presently ongoing
tests, with the fourth
repetition hoped in 2021, before system’s fielding. The final version will include a range of combat
capacity containing thermal and night vision sensors, threat detection, and target acquiring aids. The IVAS
will also include various revolutionary features such as language translation tools and 3D mapping.

This development is not complying the rather complicated and tangled process classically used by the
Army for enhance and developing systems. The classical processes work successful for fighter planes and
tanks; anyway, it fared poorly when dealing with fields that are much more changing, such as electronics.
By the now that the Army can field an electronic application, the process used for the IVAS growth shows
that the Army is difficult about modernizing. By moving away from the traditional acquiring practices,
they have discovered a way to move at the acceleration of technology.

When the Army fields the IVAS end of the next year, soldiers will get a new modernized technology that
will offer them enable to information on the battlefield. The system itself is magnificent and will change
modern battle. But even more stunning is how quickly the Army handled to buildup and field this system.
The Army seems to have eventually break the code on how to get futuristic technology onto the battlefield
before it becomes obsolete.

WKDJ Anuradha

In the third revolution of warfare Autonomous weapons are the main component. They can conduct rapid
destructive attacks on a massive scale. Thousands of experts including Elons Musk’s and Stephen
Halwkings have signed and open letter calling for a ban on the autonomous weapons.Calls for a ban have
been rejected by the world’s ten largest military powers and Musk have warn that international competition
for AI superiority is the most likely cause of world war 3.Russia has protecting missile bases by using
several unmanned drone tanks and completely autonomous armed vehicles. America plans to empower its
Abrams tanks to manipulate robotic wingman vehicles, to attacks enemy while defending the manned
tanks. It is also considering a remote- controlled version of the high-speed ripsaw vehicles. Air power is
already used with relative liberty and soon the fighters will use AI to control drones wingman able to carry
weapons, test air defenses and keep unman pilots even further from danger. Around the world, anti-
ballistic missile defenses and drones are decreasing nuclear intimidation. There is a US navy s new
unmanned ship design to hunt submarines and launch surface weapons.
Autonomous weapons would be low-priced to mass produce and may become usable to terrorists and
dictators on the black market. But the weapons could also be extremely effective at assassinations,
subduing population and selectively killing particular ethnic groups the second evolution in warfare
brought the world close to world war 3 with the Cuban Missile Crisis. The third revolution may be even
more irregular. We also need to plan for and even greater threat from AI itself. Many experts believe it
will exceed human intelligence in the next few decades. It may then assume full control of the worlds
networked weapons. Whether or not human retains controlled and AI arms raised may be a race to
Aramageddon. we believe a ban that’s hard to carry out is better than a world covered with low-cost
anonymous autonomous weapons.

I would like to thank my supervisor Mr. Suseendran Sivanandan for his dedicated support and guidance.
He continuously provided encouragement and was always willing and enthusiastic to assist in any way he
could throughout the journal paper. I would also like to thank Miss. Saranki Sarvanabavan for providing
advice making this journal paper. Finally, many thanks to all friends support to this journal paper to be

WKDJ Anuradha

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