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Raising Girls With ADHD

Tips And Strategies For Parents Dealing With

Raising A Daughter With ADHD

I want to thank you and congratulate you for downloading the book,
“Raising Girls with ADHD: Tips and strategies for parents dealing with a
daughter with ADHD”.

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to help you parent
your daughter who is diagnosed with ADHD. You will find effective
information on coping with the day-to-day struggles that come with raising
a daughter with ADHD, and you will enjoy having this tips at your
fingertips in an easy to read format

Raising girls with ADHD is a challenging task for

parents, but through the tips and strategies found in
this book you will begin to have fun with your child,
learn how to manage ADHD, and begin to embrace
some of the unique qualities that ADHD brings to
your child.

One of the unique features of this book is that it not only gives tips and
strategies for managing ADHD in your daughter, but it provides some
simple care strategies for you, the parent.

This book is laid out in six chapters. Chapter 1 discusses that challenges of
raising a ADHD daughter, chapter 2 discusses and emphasizes embracing
your ADHD daughter’s unique qualities, chapter 3 summarizes 20 helpful
tips and strategies to help deal with raising a ADHD daughter. Chapter 4
goes into more detail about each of the tips and strategies outlined in
chapter 3. Chapter 5 discusses on how to implement the tips and strategies
outlined and keep the momentum going. Finally, as raising an ADHD child
can be taxing for any parents, chapter 6 emphasizes the importance of
parents taking care of themselves.

I hope that you find this book to be a helpful companion on your journey of
raising a daughter with ADHD.

Thank You.
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Chapter 1
Understanding Challenges
Chapter 2
Embracing Your Daughter’s ADHD And The
Unique Qualities It Brings Her
Chapter 3
Helpful Tips and Strategies
Chapter 4
Working The Strategies And Adapting Your
Parenting Style
Chapter 5
Keep The Momentum Going
Chapter 6
All About You
Check Out My Other Books
Chapter 1

Understanding Challenges

If you are a parent you understand the challenges that comes along with
raising children. When raising a daughter with ADHD those challenges can
become a daily struggle to just make it through.

This book will help to explain the special challenges that come
with raising a daughter with ADHD, and give tips and strategies to
help you overcome those challenges and be a more effective parent
to you daughter with ADHD.

An important step is to recognize what is typical behavior for your child

and what behaviors are happening because of ADHD.

The problems with impulse control, inability to keep attention focused

and the hyperactivity which girls with ADHD display are not only a daily
struggle for them but for the entire family.

On any given day your daughter could have any number of symptoms in the
categories of attention, hyperactivity and issues with impulse control. For
both parents and educators it is a very stressful situation.

Following are just some of the daily issues that could be happening for your

Trouble completing tasks and school assignments.

Having trouble processing information, leading to problems in
following directions.

Lose interest in tasks quickly.

Losing belongings.

Constant fidgeting.

Having trouble being able to stay still.

Issues with being able to engage in quiet activity.

Struggles with patience.

Having trouble with turn taking.

Interrupting conversations, and so many more.

Can you imagine how exhausted your daughter must be when she is
constantly being disciplined for these behaviors? Not to mention the
trouble she has with making friends due to the deficit in social skills that
often accompanies children and teens with ADHD.

This book will present you with ways to parent your child so that
you can have a great relationship with your daughter with ADHD,
and still have the ability to discipline her, and handle the special
challenges of ADHD.

You will find a list of 20 important lessons that will help with the
parenting of your child with ADHD. These tips and strategies are based on
the research that has been done thus far on the disorder of ADHD.

Each of these tips and strategies will be broken down and suggestions will
be given on how to use them efficiently within your family and community.
Be sure to realize that not all of the strategies will be for you and your
specific circumstances. That is okay. ADHD has different effects on
families, and on the children diagnosed with it, and for that reason it is
important to have many different resources and strategies to use.

It is my hope that out of the twenty different tips and strategies listed, you
will find many that will help you, and your child reach success in
effectively managing ADHD.

Having a guide that is easy to read and understand can help you be able to
implement strategies right away and begin to change your life, and the life
of you daughter.

With different tips to choose from you can begin by choosing one or two
that fit your lifestyle and work from there until you have success! This is a
process and it is ok if you do not see results right away. Just keep trying and
stay consistent and you will see a difference.
Chapter 2

Embracing Your Daughter’s ADHD And The Unique Qualities

It Brings Her

The most important step for parents of girls affected by ADHD is to

acknowledge and accept that their child is not perfect.

Once you can accept this fact, you will already be on your way to being a
more effective parent to your child.

Girls are more in tune with emotions and if they suspect or sense
that you are sad or angry about their diagnosis they could end up
developing self esteem issues.

And that will bring on a whole new set of challenging issues for you as a
parent. After you have acknowledged and accepted the differences your
child has, learn to embrace them. Look for the qualities that make your
daughter unique, look for the things she does well and compliment those

ADHD children have a great amount of energy, and we all could use more
energy! Just think of all the things she can accomplish if all of that energy!

As a parent it can be difficult to embrace the intense energy that your child
has. It can be overwhelming to look at the different behavior you deal with
every day and try to find the positives when you are frustrated and not sure
how to help your child.

By learning to embrace the uniqueness of your daughter the door will be

opened for you to begin seeing small positive aspects of ADHD.
You might be wondering how you can go about accepting and embracing
that idea that your child has ADHD. And that is what we will explore right
now. To embrace the best qualities your daughter with ADHD has try to the
following steps:

Be thankful your child has lots of energy.

Focus on the love you have for your daughter.

Join her in the activities she loves to do.

Have a quiet space just for you.

Share your joyful moments with someone else.

Take a moment at the beginning of each day to think of the

struggles you and your daughter might face and be thankful that
you both have each other.

Take a moment at the end of the day to recap all of the wonderful
things your daughter accomplished.

Once you have had time and practice, you will see that before long you will
be happily embracing the different qualities your daughter brings to your

Taking the time to join her in the activities she likes to do will help
build a stronger relationship between the two of you.

Embracing her ADHD as a part of who she is, and not as an affliction she
has, will help you to encourage your daughter to believe in herself.

By turning her interests and hobbies into causes of celebration will show
your daughter you value her, and appreciate who she is. ADHD does not
have to be a negative. Not for you and definitely not for your daughter.

Embracing ADHD as a part of your daughter’s life and as a part of yours,

you are opening the door to a new kind of freedom.

Instead of seeing ADHD as an affliction with only negative symptoms, you

will have gained the freedom to see ADHD as a fundamental aspect of who
your daughter is.

This new found freedom will help ensure that you find success in
managing and coping with the challenges that ADHD can present in day to
day living.
Chapter 3

Helpful Tips and Strategies

So now that you have begun to embrace your daughter’s unique qualities, it
is time to turn to some strategies for parenting her in the most effective
way for both of you.

The next 3 chapters are dedicated to providing tips and strategies for you
to parent your daughter with ADHD. These tips and strategies are easy to
implement in your life, and before you know it, they will become a part of
your regular parenting style.

Here is a list of the tips and strategies that will be looked at in the next 3

1. Encouraging your daughter’s interests.

2. Celebrating your daughter’s individual strengths.

3. Working as a team with your daughter and anyone else involved

with her.

4. Making structure a priority.

5. Clear explanation of rules and expectations.

6. Giving positive feedback.

7. Finding appropriate consequences.

8. Task expectations.
9. Time management and avoiding distractions.

10. Being a role model for your daughter.

11. Adapting your parenting style.

12. Using selective attention.

13. Knowing the effects ADHD has on brain.

14. Utilizing motor activities.

15. How touch and physical contact can help.

16. Taking time out for you.

17. Relaxation techniques.

18. Frustration tolerance.

19. Working with educators.

20. Be flexible.

This list is 20 most helpful things to focus on when parenting a girl with
ADHD. And over the next three chapters we will explore each one of these
tips and strategies in further detail.
Chapter 4

Working The Strategies And Adapting Your Parenting Style

Now that you have an idea of the strategies it is time to break them down so
that you can implement them in your parenting. It is important to see that
one of the strategies on the list is to adapt your parenting style, and that is
exactly what using the strategies will help you do.

1. Encouraging Your Daughter’s Interests

The first step to changing your parenting to raise your daughter with ADHD
is encouraging your daughter’s interests.

When you encourage your daughter in her interests you are giving
her the gift of freedom to engage in something that she likes and

When you encourage her to participate in things that matter to her, and that
she likes, you are giving her time to be herself and do things that she can do
well and she won’t feel like she has to worry about getting it right, since it
something she wants to do, and does not have to try so hard to understand.

2. Celebrate Your Daughter’s Individual Strengths

Along with encouraging her interests you should definitely celebrate her
strengths. ADHD kids spend so much time getting reprimanded for
undesirable behavior that it is crucial to celebrate the things they are good
at in order to make sure they are developing good self-esteem.
When they hear the things they are good at consistently it will help
offset the negative things she hears when being disciplined at
school and at home.

When she is engaged in her areas of interests be sure to point out that she is
doing a great job when she is doing well.

When she is displaying any talents in any area, be sure to compliment these
talents. Whatever she is good at be sure to encourage her, to praise her, and
tell her what her strengths are. You will be amazed at the joy you will be
giving your daughter by celebrating her, instead of focusing on her ADHD

3. Working as Team

When raising kids with ADHD teamwork is crucial. And I am not talking
about teamwork with her teachers, counselors and others in her life. That is
important, of course, but she is also a part of the team and needs to be
included in the scope of teamwork.

When you get together with teachers, counselors, occupational therapist and
any other health and behavior specialists, you should be sure that you are
all on the same page regarding your daughter’s goals, and since you are
discussing her goals, she should be included and treated as part of the team.

4. Make Structure a Priority

One goal that is always talked about when team meetings take place to
discuss ADHD is consistency and structure.

Structure means a lot to children with ADHD. Knowing what is

coming up next and what is expected of them makes things so
much easier for them.
If your daughter struggles with transitioning from one activity to the next
or has problems when she doesn’t know what is happening next, then
making structure your priority will change your life, and make her’s easier.

Put up a schedule of her day and make sure all of her activities are on it.
The more you can put on it the better.

Of course there will be things that pop up from time to time but if you can
structure her life as much as possible you will be pleased at the progress
your daughter makes.

5. Clear Expectations and Rules

Now that you are all on the same page with goals and you have made
structure your priority for you daughter it is time to move to the next piece
of the puzzle.

Once your daughter has adapted to the structure in her life, you will see
that things go smoother for her, because she knows what to expect. That
means the next step is to introduce always using clear instructions for her
when she is expected to do a task.

For Example:

If you want her to “do the dishes” and all she does is unload the dishwasher
but does not put the dirty dishes in the washer, you might get upset with
her for not finishing the task.

However in her mind she has done the dishes, just like you asked. A clear
instruction would mean saying, “please unload the dishwasher, and then
load the dirty dishes into it.” You will see with very clear instructions she is
probably more than willing to finish the task!

6. Rules
Along with clear instructions, another big change would be to give her very
clear rules to follow.

A lot of kids with ADHD do not do well with vague rules.

Making sure she clearly understands the rules and the consequences will
help her tremendously. Try setting out a list of five to ten household rules,
with clear expectations and consequences.

For example:

No phone calls during supper may sound clear, but what about texts, or
social media? Perhaps the rule should be no cell phone activity during
supper, or you could say cell phones must be turned off.

These are clear directives. Making the consequence clear and relate to the
rule is important. The above no cell phone rule, may result in a loss of her
phone for the rest of the evening, or another consequence that works in your
home, as long as it is clear.

You have embraced your daughter’s ADHD, and her unique qualities and
strengths. You have celebrated her strengths, encouraged her interests, and
made structure a priority. You have set clear rules and expectations, and
make sure you give clear instructions. That’s great!

7. Positive Feedback

What is crucial for the continued success and to keep you daughter going,
is positive feedback. Praise her when she is doing something well, praise
her for all of her small success.

Praise her for any and all positive behavior. Positive feedback goes
much farther than negative discipline.
At first, it may seem really hard in the hustle and bustle of a typical day to
stay focused on catching your daughter making good choices and doing
positive things.

Often when our kids are quiet, or playing on their own, we use that time to
get to the many other tasks we need to get done on a daily basis.

Following are some examples of ways to make sure you can give positive
feedback to your daughter on a daily basis, which will help her to know
which behaviors are desirable to you.

Catch her playing quietly and be sure to thank her for giving you
time to get supper made, clean the house or just read a book.

Catch her sharing well and let her know that sharing is really nice
and you appreciate that she is sharing so nicely.

Catch her doing her homework with you without a meltdown, and
tell her you are very proud of her for working so hard. If it is a hard
subject, you can give a positive reward, by telling her since she is
doing so good, she can take a five minute break to move around
with you. This is a good time to let her be silly, and you can be silly
with her!

Catch her following the rules, and making good choices and thank
her for following the rules, tell her how happy it makes you and
perhaps a small reward or treat could be given sometimes!

Catch her listening to you, and thank her a lot! Praise this behavior
of listening immensely and she will work harder in the future to

Catch her calming down after a meltdown, and take this time to
thank her for calming down, to tell her you love her and you are
proud of her for calming herself down. Big hugs after she is calm
will be a great positive re-enforcer.
You might have guessed that “catching her” in desirable behaviors is the
main theme in using positive feedback.

If you can positively reinforce behaviors that you want to see from your
daughter, instead of having to discipline negative behavior you will find
that it becomes easier for your daughter to understand what behavior is
desirable to you.
Chapter 5

Keep The Momentum Going

With the strategies you have already read about and put in place, you may
feel that you are living a new life and do not need to go any further. That is
far from the truth.

You have given your daughter a more positive way to make her way
through her day. However, you want to set her up for success forever.

Most parents do not really teach time management. The truth is

time management is crucial to academic success, and even life

By showing your daughter how to manage her time, you will be setting her
up for success in other areas of life.

8. Time Management

Part of time management is the ability to avoid distractions, which is

something that can be very difficult for kids with ADHD.

In order to help your child avoid distraction, you may want to research
specific avoidance strategies used in schools or you may come up with
your own strategies.

Some common strategies for avoiding distractions are using headphones to

listen to music while working on a task, that way they don’t hear what’s
going on around them.
Perhaps they use a positive reinforcement schedule where they receive a
sticker or token for every five minutes they avoid distractions.

These are examples of strategies that can be used to help them learn to
avoid distractions.

9. Being a Role Model

Both time management and avoidance of distractions is an important part of

teaching your child to do these things. If you are always running late,
missing appointments or not finishing tasks because you run out of time, it
will be harder to teach your daughter to manage her time.

In the same manner, if you are answering your cell phone, or watching
television when working on things with your daughter she will not see how
to avoid distractions.

10/11. Motor Skills, Touch

There are a few other strategies that can help your daughter if she is more
active or has more issues being still or calm.

One of them is to utilize motor activities. Give movement breaks, go for

walks, or do some jumping jacks, basically do any activities that require
both gross and fine motor skills.

Lots of breaks like these can really make a difference for your

If you see some troublesome behavior coming on, get moving with your
daughter, it will help release excess energy and tension.

Some ADHD children really respond well to different types of touch.

Perhaps some firm pressure on their shoulders helps to release tension,
perhaps a hug with a deep squeeze comforts them.
Maybe your daughter likes to be tickled, giving both needed touch and
some motor activity to get out some energy.

12. Frustration Tolerance

The next few things on the list are natural strategies that you have already
been putting into practice through the strategies we have covered.

You have adapted your parenting style by becoming more in tune with your
child, you have realized the effects that your child’s ADHD has on her brain
and therefore on her behavior.

As we move into chapter 6 you should congratulate yourself on everything

you have accomplished so far, and be proud of both you and your daughter.

When it comes to frustration tolerance, your child has been working on

this since you have started changing things in your home!

Be sure to give her a platform to be able to say she is frustrated and why.
Make sure your daughter knows it is ok to be frustrated, but that it is not ok
to act out. Help your daughter come up with alternative ways to deal with
frustration. Maybe she goes to a quiet place, maybe she takes a walk,
maybe she counts to ten, or maybe she does yoga. There are tons of ways to
help your daughter learn to deal with frustration.

13. Selective Attention

One area not yet covered is that of using selective attention, and whether
you realize it or not, you have probably already been doing this. This is a
type of “pick your battles” strategy.

You can choose what you pay attention to and what you choose to let go. Is
she making lots of noise in the basement that is annoying but not really
hurting anyone and is letting her blow off steam so to speak?
Maybe it is worth it to let this go and praise her for going to the basement to
make the noise.

Use selective attention to choose which behaviors really need your

attention and which ones are ok to let go off.

Picking your battles will make your life so much better because you are not
striving for perfection in your child, instead you are letting your daughter
be who she is! This is helping you build tolerance and appreciation for what
is different.

Make sure you keep your daughter’s teachers and educators aware of what
you are doing in your home, and what strategies have worked best with
your daughter. This will help them to follow suit and use those same
strategies while your daughter is at school. Working with educators is
much more beneficial to your daughter than when you work against them.

14/15. Working with Educators and Being Flexible

Working with schools, teachers, occupational therapists and all of the other
people who are a part of the team that is assembled to help your daughter
can be frustrating at times.

Remember you are her voice, you are the best advocate she has. Be firm
with your goals for your daughter.

Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to in order to

understand her days at school and the issues that need to be addressed.
Don’t be afraid to tell them what has been working for you, and to give
suggestions of things for them to try.

Be flexible with your schedule, your daughter and with the team involved.
Flexibility will give you some freedom, and give you some peace of mind.

16. Flexibility Encompasses The Following Traits:

Being able to change your plans in a moment if you daughter is
having difficulty
Listening openly to others on the team and being willing to try new
Adapting how you handle situations with your daughter so that you
can be more effective as a parent
Being okay with change and modeling that behavior for your

These are just a few examples. There are other ways to be flexible, look at
your own personal situation and see where you can incorporate more
flexibility into your life.
Chapter 6

All About You

The last few strategies that we will look at are more for you than your

ADHD can be taxing on parents. Kids with ADHD need a lot of patience
and a lot of different techniques to help them be successful. And in order
for you to keep up with all you need to do, it is important to refresh

17.Your Time

You need to be sure to take time out for yourself each day, even if it is only
five or ten minutes to have a quiet meditation time, sip a coffee or read a
chapter in a book.

Do something each day that is just for you, and that refreshes your
mind and body.

18. Relaxation

Learn some relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, yoga, or even

taking a hot bath. Perhaps meditation is the way for you to relax, What
ever way you relax make sure you get in at least five minutes a day of
relaxing. Even five minutes can change your whole day!

When you are feeling more positive and relaxed your daughter will pick up
on that and in turn she will feel more positive and relaxed.
You can even do some of your relaxation techniques with your daughter, as
a bonding experience or to help her relax. Teaching her relaxation
techniques will come in very handy for her as well.

19. Time For Your Other Family Members

Be sure to make time for you and your spouse or other children.

Sometimes parents report that they feel their ADHD child takes up most of
their time, leaving not as much time for their other children, or their
relationship with their spouse.

These types of feelings can lead to depression or even resentment.

By making your time with your spouse and other children a

priority, you can avoid these negative feelings.

To help you daughter with ADHD cope with you being unavailable to her
while you spend time with others, try making sure it is included in a
schedule for her. Explain clearly that it is not her turn for your attention.

Take turns with your spouse on who spends time with who and when. And
make a time for the whole family to be together.

20. Know The Daily Struggles Your Daughter May Be Having.

One last but very important strategy for you is to know the daily struggles
your daughter may be having. The reason for this is to increase your
patience and your empathy for your daughter.
You will have more patience with difficult behaviors when you are able to
remember what she has to deal with on a daily basis. In the first chapter of
this book there was a list of issues that ADHD causes. To refresh your
memory here is the list again:
Trouble completing tasks and school assignments
Having trouble processing information, leading to problems in
following directions
Lose interest in tasks quickly
Losing belongings
Constant fidgeting
Having trouble being able to stay still
Issues with being able to engage in quiet activity
Struggles with patience
Having trouble with turn taking
Interrupting conversations, and so many more.

These are only a few of the problems your daughter must face each and
every day of her life. Throughout her day at school she may have already
been reminded several times to stay on task, to sit still, to take turns
properly and so on.
By the time she gets home she may be completely exhausted and when she
is displaying troublesome behavior it may be important for you to
remember that she has had to suppress pent up energy at school. ADHD
makes it very hard to remain quiet, to remain seated, and so much of school
is to remain quiet and seated. Be expecting her to need to have lots of
activity to burn off energy and you will find things may go much easier.

Putting all of these strategies together can make a big difference, not only
for your daughter with ADHD, but for you and your whole family.

Taking control of ADHD and managing the difficulties it brings will bring
more manageability to your home and in turn make your daughter happier.

Remember ADHD does not have to control your daughter, or your


By working hard and putting these strategies to use in your life, you will see
that living with and parenting a daughter with ADHD can be very
rewarding and make you appreciate your daughter so much more!

The strategies and tips in this book are a great starting point for any parent
with a daughter who has ADHD.

Once the strategies are well ingrained, they will become second nature to
you and you won’t even know that you are doing them.

Change takes time and does not happen overnight, so be patient

and stick with it, you will be amazed at the difference you will see
in your daughter and in your home.

The hard work you put in will be well worth the time for you, your
daughter, and the rest of your family. Learning new things is never easy,
and incorporating new ways of parenting can be very challenging.

By working towards new ways of helping your daughter, you are already on
the path of providing a more relaxed environment for your family, and for

Be sure to give yourself positive praise for taking the steps you need to in
order to make raising a daughter with ADHD just a little bit less
challenging, and give yourself big rewards for working so hard to give your
daughter a better life!

One Final Thought For Parents:

You know your child best, you know what she needs, what works and what
doesn’t. You are her voice and her advocate in every area of her life. You
are on a journey with her for life, and you have the right to stand up for
yourselves and for her.
Be proud of yourself, you are the perfect parent for your daughter.
Making mistakes is a normal part of parenting, so be okay with making
mistakes, and be okay with the knowledge that not every strategy will work
with your daughter, but still be proud of yourself for trying.

Thank you again for downloading this book!

I hope this book was able to help you to find meaningful and effective ways
to help you deal with raising your daughter with ADHD.

Finally, if you enjoyed this book, then I’d like to ask you for a favor, would
you be kind enough to leave a review for this book on Amazon? It’d be
greatly appreciated!

Click here to leave a review for this book on Amazon!

Thank you and good luck!

Jamie Tyler
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Lose Weight: 30-Day Lifestyle Plan to Better Health by Losing Weight:

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Divorce With Children: Recovering From Divorce And Putting Your
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