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Performance Test Report

This performance test report presents an analysis of the system under load conditions to assess its
stability, responsiveness, and overall performance. The primary objective of the performance test was to
evaluate the system's behavior under increasing load, stability during sustained usage, and responsiveness
during ramp-down phases. The test scenario involved a gradual ramp-up from 0 to 100 virtual users over
90 seconds, a stable phase with 100 virtual users for 90 seconds, followed by a ramp-down from 100 to 0
virtual users over 90 seconds.
Test Metrics
1. Total Number of Requests:
- Importance: This metric indicates the overall workload imposed on the system during the test. It helps
in understanding the volume of requests the system can handle and provides a basis for calculating other
performance metrics.

2. Peak Requests per Second:

- Importance: Peak requests per second represent the maximum number of requests the system received
in a one-second interval. This metric is crucial for identifying the system's maximum capacity and helps
in understanding how well the system handles sudden spikes in traffic.

3. Average Requests per Second:

- Importance: Average requests per second provide a more stable view of the system's performance by
taking into account the overall test duration. It helps in understanding the sustained load on the system
and whether it can handle the expected traffic over time.

4. Peak Response Time:

- Importance: Peak response time indicates the maximum time taken by the system to respond to a
request during the test. This metric is vital for identifying performance bottlenecks or slowdowns under
high load. A sudden increase in peak response time may indicate issues that need attention.

5. Average Response Time:

- Importance: Average response time gives an overall view of the system's responsiveness. It helps in
understanding the typical user experience and whether the system meets the required performance
criteria. Consistently high average response times may impact user satisfaction.

6. Failed Requests:
- Importance: The number of failed requests is a critical metric that indicates the system's ability to
handle the load without errors. Failed requests may lead to a poor user experience or even system
instability. Identifying the reasons for failed requests is crucial for improving system reliability.

Understanding and monitoring these key metrics allow us to:

- Identify performance bottlenecks or weaknesses in specific endpoints.
- Assess the overall system capacity and scalability.
- Pinpoint areas that require optimization or improvements.
- Ensure that the system meets performance requirements and user expectations.
Test Results

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Endpoints _req pon q_faile Document Result
st uest pon requ
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ond ond e
41.4 20.9 100. Executive Summary - Home
/home 420 4 2 7 5 0 00% performance.pdf
Executive Summary -
39.1 22.8 100. Announcement
/announcement 236 3.3 2 2 1 0 00% performance.pdf
45.3 38.5 100. Executive Summary -
/announcement/create 176 2.7 1 7 9 0 00% announcement_createjs.pdf
4efb3c34ac4742478ded/ 4.24 32.5 Executive Summary -
edit 123 4.3 1 60 2 83 2% Announcement Edit.pdf
38.6 50.8 100. Executive Summary -
/classroom 220 2.7 2 4 9 0 00% Classroom performance.pdf
50.9 32.1 100. Executive Summary -
/classroom/create 198 2.7 2 4 65 0 00% classroom_createjs.pdf
Executive Summary -
/classroom/ 57.5 36.4 100. classroom_2a8f7d6adf6945
2a8f7d6adf69454fa811 179 3 1 7 7 0 00% 4fa811js.pdf
/classroom/ Executive Summary -
2a8f7d6adf69454fa811/ 47.0 47.0 classroom_2a8f7d6adf6945
edit 136 4.7 1 60 14 72 6% 4fa811_editjs.pdf
Executive Summary -
/classroom/ classroom_2a8f7d6adf6945
2a8f7d6adf69454fa811/ 41.7 4fa811_timetable_createjs.p
timetable/create 127 5 1 60 50.4 74 3% df
40.6 27.1 100. Executive Summary -
/demerit 206 3 2 2 4 0 00% Demerit performance.pdf
51.1 34.9 100. Executive Summary -
/demerit/create 197 4 2 1 2 0 00% demerit_createjs.pdf
/demerit/ Executive Summary -
199be154267d41e6a790/ 51.0 30.8 100. demerit_199be154267d41e6
edit 215 3 2 7 7 0 00% a790_editjs.pdf
47.5 27.8 100. Executive Summary - Merit
/merit 205 3 2 8 3 0 00% performance.pdf
45.1 27.7 100. Executive Summary - merit-
/merit-student 239 3.3 2 3 7 0 00% studentjs.pdf
41.3 94.8 Executive Summary -
/merit/create 176 4 2 59.9 5 9 9% merit_createjs.pdf
/merit/ Executive Summary -
44ca2939f16b47b2af63/ 47.2 49.6 merit_44ca2939f16b47b2af
edit 139 4.7 1 60 7 70 4% 63_editjs.pdf
58.1 40.7 100. Executive Summary - Parent
/parent 163 3 1 7 1 0 00% performance.pdf
45.9 27.7 100. Executive Summary -
/parent/create 239 3.3 2 5 3 0 00% parent_createjs.pdf
/parent/ Executive Summary -
gyXBu7jVlo5GEFZ3Jh 70.1 parent_gyXBu7jVlo5GEFZ
Xi 154 4 1 60 40.4 46 3% 3JhXijs.pdf
/parent/ Executive Summary -
gyXBu7jVlo5GEFZ3Jh 52.6 100. parent_gyXBu7jVlo5GEFZ
Xi/edit 196 3 2 5 33.8 0 00% 3JhXi_editjs.pdf
77.4 Executive Summary -
/report 146 5 1 60 46 33 0% reportjs.pdf
46.1 28.2 100. Executive Summary -
/student 200 3 2 5 7 0 00% Student performance.pdf
45.5 Executive Summary -
/student/create 134 5 1 60 49.6 73 2% student_createjs.pdf
Executive Summary -
/student/ 53.1 33.7 100. student_a0d7092d0b394701
a0d7092d0b394701a945 197 3 2 3 9 0 00% a945js.pdf
/student/ Executive Summary -
a0d7092d0b394701a945/ 42.2 64.0 student_a0d7092d0b394701
edit 150 4.7 1 60 7 54 0% a945_editjs.pdf
43.2 25.8 100. Executive Summary -
/subject 214 3 2 7 5 0 00% Subject performance.pdf
45.3 51.4 Executive Summary -
/subject/create 142 4 1 60 8 69 1% subject_createjs.pdf
/subject/ Executive Summary -
9d112edcaf07415a84bb/ 46.5 48.5 subject_9d112edcaf07415a8
edit 142 5 1 60 5 73 9% 4bb_editjs.pdf
100. Executive Summary -
/teacher 154 4 1 60 42.4 0 00% Teacher performance.pdf
53.0 100. Executive Summary -
/teacher/create 199 3 2 2 33.4 0 00% teacher_createjs.pdf
Executive Summary -
/teacher/ 38.6 26.3 100. teacher_e759833bd28945e6
e759833bd28945e6a2d5 258 4 2 5 2 0 00% a2d5js.pdf
/teacher/ Executive Summary -
e759833bd28945e6a2d5/ 40.5 70.7 teacher_e759833bd28945e6
edit 154 4 1 60 5 45 8% a2d5_editjs.pdf
/schooladmin 270 4 2 28.7 17.0 0 100. Executive Summary -
3 3 00% schooladminjs.pdf
41.2 24.5 100. Executive Summary -
/schooladmin/create 222 3 2 4 8 0 00% schooladmin_createjs.pdf
/schooladmin/ Executive Summary -
0dc76cffdb28441daa18/ 46.2 100. schooladmin_0dc76cffdb28
edit 213 3 2 6 22.4 0 00% 441daa18_editjs.pdf
55.5 37.2 100. Executive Summary -
/school 170 4 1 3 6 0 00% schooljs.pdf
29.3 16.5 100. Executive Summary -
/school/create 277 5 2 8 6 0 00% school_createjs.pdf
/school/ Executive Summary -
8f61498631564814a851/ 29.5 100. school_8f61498631564814a
edit 266 4 2 8 17.9 0 00% 851_editjs.pdf
22.6 100. Executive Summary -
/superadmin 240 3 2 36.8 9 0 00% superadminjs.pdf
28.6 18.0 100. Executive Summary -
/superadmin/create 264 4 2 7 2 0 00% superadmin_createjs.pdf
Executive Summary -
/superadmin/ 24.1 100. superadmin_super_admin_e
super_admin/edit 218 3.7 2 39.6 4 0 00% ditjs.pdf
1. /home:
- Minimal failed requests (0).
- Low peak (4) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 41.47s and average response time of 20.95s.

2. /announcement:
- Minimal failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3.3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 39.12s and average response time of 22.81s.

3. /announcement/create:
- No failed requests (0).
- Low peak (2.7) and average (1) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 45.37s and average response time of 38.59s.

4. /classroom:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (2.7) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 38.64s and average response time of 25.1s.

5. /classroom/create:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (2.7) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 50.94s and average response time of 32.165s.

6. /classroom/2a8f7d6adf69454fa811:
- No failed requests (0).
- Low peak (3) and average (1) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 57.57s and average response time of 36.47s.

7. /demerit:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 40.62s and average response time of 27.14s.

8. /demerit/create:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (4) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 51.11s and average response time of 34.92s.

9. /demerit/199be154267d41e6a790/edit:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 51.07s and average response time of 30.87s.

10. /merit:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 47.58s and average response time of 27.83s.

11. /merit-student:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3.3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 45.13s and average response time of 27.77s.

12. /parent:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (1) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 58.17s and average response time of 40.71s.

13. /parent/create:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3.3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 45.95s and average response time of 27.73s.

14. /student:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 46.15s and average response time of 28.27s.

15. /student/create:
- High failed requests (73).
- High peak (5) and average (1) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 60s and average response time of 49.6s.

16. /student/a0d7092d0b394701a945:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 53.13s and average response time of 33.79s.

17. /subject:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 43.27s and average response time of 25.85s.

18. /teacher:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (4) and average (1) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 60s and average response time of 42.4s.

19. /teacher/create:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 53.02s and average response time of 33.4s.

20. /teacher/e759833bd28945e6a2d5:
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (4) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 38.65s and average response time of 26.32s.

21. /schooladmin
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (4) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 28.73s and average response time of 17.03s.
22. /schooladmin/create
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 41.24s and average response time of 24.58s.
23. /schooladmin/0dc76cffdb28441daa18/edit
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 46.26s and average response time of 24.4s.
24. /school
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (4) and average (1) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 55.53s and average response time of 37.26s.
25. /school/create
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (5) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 29.38s and average response time of 16.56s.

26. /school/8f61498631564814a851/edit
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (4) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 29.58s and average response time of 17.9s.
27. /superadmin
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 36.8s and average response time of 22.69s.
28. /superadmin/create
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (4) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 28.67s and average response time of 18.02s.
29. /superadmin/super_admin/edit
- No failed requests (0).
- Reasonable peak (3.7) and average (2) number of requests per second.
- Peak response time of 39.6s and average response time of 24.14s.

 Bad Category

1. /announcement/4efb3c34ac4742478ded/edit:
- High peak (60s) and average (50.89s) response time.
- Significant failed requests (83).

2. /classroom/2a8f7d6adf69454fa811/edit:
- High peak (60s) and average (47.01s) response time.
- Significant failed requests (72).

3. /classroom/2a8f7d6adf69454fa811/timetable/create:
- High peak (60s) and average (50.4s) response time.
- Significant failed requests (74).

4. /merit/create:
- High peak (59.9s) and average (41.35s) response time.
- Notable failed requests (9).
5. /merit/44ca2939f16b47b2af63/edit:
- High peak (60s) and average (47.27s) response time.
- Significant failed requests (70).
6. /parent/gyXBu7jVlo5GEFZ3JhXi:
- High peak (52.6s) and average (33.8s) response time.
- Considerable failed requests (46).
7. /report:
- High peak (60s) and average (46s) response time.
- Considerable failed requests (33).
8. /student/create:
- High peak (60s) and average (49.6s) response time.
- Significant failed requests (73).
9. /student/a0d7092d0b394701a945/edit:
- High peak (60s) and average (42.27s) response time.
- Significant failed requests (54).
10. /subject/create:
- High peak (60s) and average (45.38s) response time.
- Significant failed requests (69).
11. /subject/9d112edcaf07415a84bb/edit:
- High peak (60s) and average (46.55s) response time.
- Significant failed requests (73).
12. /teacher/e759833bd28945e6a2d5/edit:
- High peak (60s) and average (40.55s) response time.
- Considerable failed requests (45).

 General Observations:
The "Good" category generally have low to reasonable response times and a minimal number of failed
requests, indicating good overall performance.
The "Bad" category exhibit high response times and a significant number of failed requests, suggesting
severe performance issues.

Key Findings and Conclusions from Performance Testing:

 Overall System Performance:
Good Category:
Endpoints like /home, /announcement, /classroom exhibit minimal to no failed requests, reasonable peak
requests, and average response times.
These endpoints contribute positively to the overall system performance.
Bad Category:
Endpoints like /announcement/4efb3c34ac4742478ded/edit, /classroom/2a8f7d6adf69454fa811/edit,
and /student/create display critical issues with high response times and significant failed requests.
These endpoints have a detrimental impact on the overall system performance and user experience.
 Detailed Endpoint Analysis:
High Impact Endpoints:
/student/create, /merit/44ca2939f16b47b2af63/edit, /parent/gyXBu7jVlo5GEFZ3JhXi, and /report
significantly impact the overall system due to high response times and substantial failed requests.
Consistent Performance Issues:
Several endpoints, especially those involving creation/editing actions like /merit/create, /subject/create,
and /subject/9d112edcaf07415a84bb/edit, consistently exhibit poor performance with high response times
and notable failed requests.

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