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Causative verbs: Let, Make, Have, Get, Help

The verbs let, make, have, get and help are called ‘causative’ verbs because
they cause something to happen. As such, these verbs are used in a causative
sentence structure.
 Causative verb LET
Meaning: allow someone to do something.
Structure: Let + person/thing + verb
Example sentences:
We couldn’t let our daughter adopt a kitten because she’s allergic to cats
My brother let me use his computer when mine broke down.
Sarah never lets anyone tell her what to do.
 Causative verb MAKE
Meaning: force or require someone to do something.
Structure: Make + person + verb
Example sentences:
They make students exercise regularly.
John’s mum made him eat his dinner.
His parents tried to make him be a better person.
 Causative verb HAVE
Meaning: give someone the responsibility to do something.
Structure: Have + person + verb
Example sentences:
We had a painter paint our apartment.
Sheila had a hairdresser do her hair.
Paul had a mechanic fix his car.
 Causative verb GET:
Meaning: convince/persuade someone to do something.
Structure: Get + person + to + verb
Example sentences:
Jane got her son to help her with the dishes.
She got her boyfriend to buy her an expensive ring.
I got my neighbor to help me carry my suitcase.
 Causative verb HELP
Meaning: give aid to someone in doing something.
Structure: Help + person + (to) verb
Note: after “help” you can use the infinitive with to (to do) or bare infinitive
Example sentences:
Helen helped me (to) do my homework.
A cup of coffee in the morning helps me (to) wake up.
My colleague helped me (to) write my CV.
 Exercise Fill in the gaps with causative verbs let, have, make, help and
get and the verbs in brackets in the correct form:
1) I don't _____ my children _____ video games. (play)
2) The police ______ him _____ for the damage he caused. (pay)
3) Rob _______ his house _____ next weekend.. (paint)
4) Julia _____ her boyfriend _______ her a ring. (buy)
5) Sam ______ me ________ the grocery. (carry)
6) When we were little our parents used to _____ us ______ late on
Saturdays. (stay up) 7) Please, try not to _____ her _____. (cry)
8) This quiz can ______ you ________ causative verbs better. (understand)
9) Laura never _____ people _____ her what to do. (tell)
10) My friend _____ me _____ her with her CV. (help)
11) Reading _____ you _______ easier. (fall asleep)
12) I ______ a plumber _____ my plumbing this morning. (fix)
 Rewrite these sentences using have or get.
1. The mechanic changed the oil in my car.
2. The hairdresser cut my hair in a completely different style.
3. A decorator has repainted our house.
4. A friend of mine, who´s an electrician, is going to repair my DVD player next
5. My jacket is being cleaned at a specialist cleaner´s.
6. The town hall has just been rebuilt for the council.

 Rephrase the sentences below to form one statement that includes a

causative verb
1. I can’t return to the restaurant after yesterday’s incident. They won’t permit it.
2. I’m painting the bedroom tomorrow. John will help me.
3. I sometimes drive my dad’s car. He lets me.
4. I can’t solve these math equations. Can you help me?
5. Only family members can visit the patients. The hospital staff allows it.
6. You have to fill out the form to donate blood. They require it.
7. The soldiers lay down their weapons. Their general ordered it.
8. I have to call my mom when we reach our destination. Please remind me!
 Change the sentence below to include the form of the verb in the
bracket and use the passive causative form.
1. The teacher cleaned the blackboard. (have)
2. I did my nails. (have)
3. She dyed her hair. (get)
4. I picked up the groceries. (have)
5. I did my homework. (have)
 Choose the correct usage of verb form for each of the sentences below.
1. Do you clean the apartment yourself or _____ someone do it for you?
A. had B. have C. to have
2. I don’t know if I should buy a new smartphone or get my old one ______.
A. to fix B. fix C. fixed ______
3. I left early to help my mom ______ the groceries.
A. carry B. to carry C. carried
4. Sarah had Tom _______ her new laptop.
A. to format B. formatting C. format
5. My mom doesn’t allow me _______ sugar in the evening.
A. to eat B. eat C. eating
6. Our company requires us _______ to do random unannounced drug tests.
A. to agree B. agree C. agreed
7. Her lung problems force her ______ smoking for good.
A. quitting B. quit C. to quit
8. I won’t let you ______ another night in that house!
A. to spend B. spend C. spending
9. Francis should let Fred _______ her with her project.
A. help B. to help C. helping
10. Upon further discussion, we have agreed to allow parents _______ their kids
to work.
A. bringing B. to bring C. bring
 Fill in the Gaps
1. Jenny really wanted a pony, but her parents wouldn't ______________ her
have a pet.
2. I can't believe she ______________ you look at her vacation pictures again
last night. We have to look at those stupid pictures every time we go to her house.
3. I don't know how you convince John to clean his room. I couldn't
______________ my children to clean their rooms if my life depended on it.
4. Professor Yu ______________ her students use a dictionary while they were
taking the test.
5. Jenny ______________ me take off my shoes before I went into her house.
She said she wanted to keep the carpet clean.
6. Diane thinks television is a waste of time, so she won't ______________ her
children watch TV.
7. Mr. Jones ______________ his secretary call Ms. Jackson and reconfirm their
meeting on Thursday.
8. Marcus ______________ me drive his new car.
9. My boss ______________ me get him coffee, pick up his dry cleaning and buy
presents for his wife.
10. Tommy didn't want to go to his cousin's birthday party, but his mom
______________ him go.
11. I can't believe the zoo keeper ______________ you feed the snake. That was
so cool!
12. Our boss doesn’t ______________ us eat lunch at our desks; we have to eat
in the cafeteria.
13. Oops! I wasn’t paying attention while cooking, and I ___________ the food

Is there anything your mother or father always makes you do?

What do your friends get you to do for them?
Is there something that you let other people do for you?
Is there anything your mother or father let you do?

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