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I am Doctor Sanyukta Bhaduri, Dean Research and professor of urban planning in the

school of planning and architecture Delhi.

I have been in experience as facility past three decades.
And I am offering this course on city and metropolitan planning.
Why is this course relevant or what can we learn from this course.
Cities are dynamic entities and they are continuously growing and developing.
And we all know that more than 50% of the world is Urban and which is would
increase to 66% in 2050 as the future estimates state. In India it would double
from 32% in 2011 to 60% in 2050 as the estimates again state.
At present there are several issues, problematic problems pertaining to the
business growth and development and many of our cities are unplanned.
This course hence would provide various processes, approaches, techniques related
to planning of city and Metropolitan areas, considering the scale, severity and
complexity of these issues which are plaguing the cities today.
Let us take a look at the contents of this course and what would you learn from
this course.
We will start with the trends of urbanization.
How more and more people are migrating to the cities causing a rapid increase in
the population? And also increase in the number of megacities like Delhi, Mumbai,
New York, Tokyo in the world.
We will learn about the various implications of urbanization in our cities.
It can be both positive as well as negative.
We will then look into what’s sort of opportunities the cities are providing and
which is acting as a pull-factor for the migrating population.
And at the same time the cities are also having lot of issues like slums squatters,
lack of waste management, pollution, increasing congestion extra.
Cities cannot be understood in isolation because they impact and are impacted by
its hinterland.
A city needs to be understood in the context of its region or its hinterland.
We will learn about the history of settlements and try to develop an understanding
of how the cities have evolved from Paleolithic period to what they are today.
For example about river valley civilizations, about the Roman Empire, about the
Mughal period.
All this we would learn in this course.
You would also learn about the new towns that have developed and about the
satellite towns, about inner city areas, the peri-urban areas, the counter magnet
Next, we come to the history of town planning, spanning from the industrial
revolution to the modern day planning.
We would look at the various theories and models in the field of planning from
classical, to neo-classical to postmodern to neo-classical counterrevolution and to
the emerging approaches.
The most significant part of the course would be the planning approaches and
And these planning approaches which would talk about how to plan the cities, what
is the process, what are the data requirements, what is to be analyzed.
So therefore various techniques in order to continue with planning.
See this is the land use plan .
it’s a proposed land use plan for the city.
These are the existing residential areas, and these are what are proposed, these
are along the major highways and these are the recreational areas, which are
proposed and we have the recreational areas, parks gardens all within the city.
This part is the existing city and these parts are the proposed city.
Because the city is not static, city would grow, so these are for the future
development areas, which have been earmarked for future development.
Residential areas then we have the public and the semipublic areas, then we have
the water body, there is a water body here, which has been proposed for protection
as recreational zone.
And then there is also a buffer zone, which is there to protect the water body from
Then there are also a proposed transportation corridors.
There is a railway line, existing railway line and there are these proposed
corridors, which are proposed for future development.
We have different levels of planning in our country i$e there is a hierarchy of
plans, based on the extent of area to be planned.
So, Therefore, the need, contents and the process of various plans we would try to
look at.
From regional plan, to master plan, to zonal plans and then to local area plans,
which are, ward level plans and finally layout plans.
So from a large area we would come down to the micro scale.
All the plans are prepared under some acts and thus it is important to know about
the legal mandates and the policies, missions and schemes, which would guide the
development of the cities.
As the cities increase in size from small cities and continuously grow to become
mega cities, they need to be managed in order to have smooth and efficient
functioning of various aspects of urban development and we have to also look at the
aspects of urban governance reforms, urban re-development and participatory
Finally, we have to know how do we finance the urban development, which would
include the resource mobilization, innovative financing and investment requirement.
This course would be helpful for anyone who wants to enhance their knowledge base
and learn about city or metropolitan planning.
Predominantly postgraduate students, graduate students and anyone who can be
students from school or professionals or anyone who wants to know about cities and
about planning of cities can benefit and learn from this course.

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