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In this day and age, a worrying percentage of old people suffers from severe issues, as
like loneliness. Undoubtedly, the government is currently focused on trying to solve it
and for that, an enormous amount of money should be invested. This essay aims to expose
some solutions that could be enormously helpful in order to stop this social plague and
where public money should be destined to.
Firstly, recent studies has have shown that building new social centres has a positive
influence on reducing elderly loneliness. Bringing old people together, so that they share
their daily moments, helps them to relieve anxiety and nostalgic feelings that could
damage their health and welfare. Moreover, these centres offer a huge variety of activities
that are crucial to boosting their physical and mental agility.
Secondly, there is little doubt that preventing possible dangers at in old people’s homes
is absolutely necessary. In this direction, meals on wheels is are starting to leave its mark
on their lives, being a lovely support for them in order to provide daily meals without
being concerned about what they have to cook every day and above all, avoiding
complications at one’s dwelling, especially coming from usual elderly illnesses.
In light of the above, not only should public money be spent on providing physical
solutions, but also to enhance old people’s mental wellbeing. As far as I am concerned, it
is an urgent balance that could be found in social centres, where pain and sadness
disappear, at least, for a couple of hours.

To whom it may concern

After a couple of months debating on ideas to publicise our company, we deliberately have
reached the conclusion that recording a video featuring all the staff currently working at the
company will be the best option to start our annual marketing campaign. The footage will be
posted on all our social media accounts as well as on our website, with the aim of broadening
our range of clients, as well as gaining access to multiple international markets.

This material will encompass the company values, our working methods, and the objectives we
expect to achieve by next year. Following a brief introduction explaining our main commercial
activities, the video will firstly display the company’s installations and facilities in a tour led by
the Quality Manager. Afterwards, the workers will appear explaining the cutting-edge (without
hyphen) technology we own and the advanced techniques we make use of. At the end, the CEO
of the company will discuss the company ethics and the ambitious plans we have for the next
twelve months.

In order to display the afore-mentioned features of our company, the Publicity Manager is kindly
asking all our current staff personnel to rehearse for the video and show willingness to
participate. We will arrange a few groups and they will appear in the footage one after another,
with a view to having the best possible outcome.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any doubt or any suggestion.

Kind regards,
Since there were general complaints about some aspects of the centre, the need of for
repairs was evident. This temporary closure of the building is seen as an opportunity to
improve its facilities and also its services, in order to provide a more enjoyable and
productive experience in it. The aim of this proposal is to evaluate the benefits that could
have this renovation for its users.

Present situation
The outlook for the current conditions of some spaces are is quite far from being practical
enough. According to a survay survey given to the members of the centre, a great part of
the respondents claimed that it is too difficult to get a place when you want to play tennis
due to the reduced space. Another point to highlight is related to the leisure area, where it
is generally said that very few films are projected on the cinema screen and, moreover,
not every day of the week.

In order to guarantee the users’ satisfaction, it would be absolutely advantageous to
include a new tennis court next to the existent existing one, where there is a big proffitable
space only occupied by a few benches. In addition, as a solution to the cinema issue,
people would feel very grateful whether the film catalogue was wider and so on its

The implementation of the ideas above would result in a more cheerful and positive
atmosphere, which would also increment the earnings, owing to the increased number of
people who would assist.

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