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Articles are pieces of text written to entertain people, usually in planes or

waiting rooms. They are normally found in magazines. Because their function is
to entertain, they have a specific structure.

The reader normally flicks through a magazine looking for something that
catches they eye. The title of an article needs to be provocative, or intriguing, to
make the reader want to stop looking and investigate.


Once the reader has decided to investigate the content of the article, the
opening sentence needs to persuade the reader to, at least, read the first
paragraph. For this reason, it needs to be provocative.


Once the reader has read the first paragraph, a hook needs to be included
between the first and second paragraphs, to persuade the reader to continue
reading the article. This can be a question, or a persuasive statement.

The idea of keeping the reader engaged with the content of the text at all times
is crucial, to avoid the reader moving on. For this reason, the linking in the rest
of the article needs to be carefully constructed, and the content needs to be

The final paragraph, which is the conclusion of the article, needs to be amusing
or thought provoking, especially the final sentence.

The language of an article needs to be fun and readable, so it's neither formal
nor informal. It should be neutral, with interesting expressions, linking words,
and descriptive adjectives. Personal pronouns should be used to include the
reader in the narrative.

Before writing an article, you need to consider the following:

• What is the purpose of an article?
To inform the reader about a subject in an entertaining way.

• What information should I include?

An article can be used to describe personal experiences, personal opinions,
and there is no need for the content to be true.

• What style is best for an article?

Magazine articles are often written in a light-hearted style. The title and the
first few lines should capture the reader's attention.

Here are some useful phrases that can be used for articles:
• Addressing the reader directly:
Have you ever...?
What do you think about ...?

• Expressing a strong opinion:

There's nothing worse than .....
You may not agree with me, but I think ...

• Describing a personal experience:

It happened to me when.....
This is what happened when ...

• Conversational expressions:
You can imagine.....
If you ask me ...

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