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Hari, Tanggal : ……………………… Nama :

Mata Pelajaran : B. Inggris

No. Absen :
Kelas/Semester : IV / 2 (Genap)
Waktu : ………………………
Nilai :

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c, or d.

(Berilah tanda silang (x) pada hurufa, b, c, atau d di depan jawaban yang benar!)
1. Amel : What time is it? 5. Salwa : Can you show me what time it is?
Nazmi : It is ….. Ruri : It is ……
a. a quarter to six a. a quarter to ten
b. twenty three past six b. a quarter to eleven
c. twenty three to eight c. half past ten
d. half past eight seven d. half past eleven

2. Galang : What time is it,Bagas? 6. Rizal : Is it …..?

Zian : It is.... Satria : Yes, it is.
a. a quarter to nine a. thirteen to seven
b. half past nine b. thirteen past seven
c. a quarter past nine c. twenty three past seven
d. a quarter to eleven d. twenty three to eight
7. Fajar : Is it twenty past seven?
3. Firza : Look at this clock! What time is it?
Reva : No, it is not.
Fadlan : It is....
Fajar : What time is it?
a. nine past three Reva : It is …..
b. nine to three a. forty to eight
c. nine to four b. forty to seven
d. nine past four
c. twenty past eight
4. Axelia : Do you know what
time it is? d. twenty past seven
Kirana : It is.... 8. “Jam sebelas lebih dua puluh sembilan menit' in
a. eighteen past one English means....
b. eighteen past two a. it is nineteen past
c. eighteen to one
b. it is twenty nine past
d. a quarter pastone eleven
c. it is twenty niné to eleven d. jam empat lebih lima belas menit
d. it is twenty nine to twelve
10. It is 5.45.We can say....
9. "It is'a quarter past three" in Indonesian
a. a quarter past five
b. a quarter to five
a. jam tiga kurang lima belas menit
c. a quarter to six
b. jam tiga lebih lima belas menit
d. half past five
c. jam empat kurang lima belas menit

B. Write the following times in a sentence.

(Tulislah jam berikut dalam bentuk kalimat!)
Example : 2.55 = “It is five to three”.

1. 9.12
Answer: ________________________________________________________________________
2. 10.21
Answer: ________________________________________________________________________
3. 11.40
Answer: ________________________________________________________________________
4. 12.20
Answer: ________________________________________________________________________
5. 3.30
Answer: ________________________________________________________________________

C. Look at the following picture then answer the questions.

(Perhatikan gambar berikut kemudian jawab pertanyaannya!)
1. Where do you probably find the thing in the picture?
Answer: _________________________________________________
2. What is the function of that thing?
Answer: _________________________________________________
3. Can you read that thing? Write it in a sentence!
Answer: _________________________________________________

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