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IMP Biology

By – Indo Pathshala
Contact Number – 9123206137

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 Yawning occurs - due to excess concentration of CO2 in blood

 starfish - living being has respiratory organ but does not have brain

 Which vitamin helps in blood coagulation - Vitamin-K

 A substance that stimulates the production of antibodies when introduced into a living organism
is known as— antigen

 ‘Darwin finches’ refer to a group of – Birds

 The tissue in man where no cell division occurs after birth is – nerves

 The source of oxygen generated during photosynthesis is : - water

 Fluorine - is an elements is associated with teeth disorder

 Ketone bodies is an abnormal constituent of urine

 Lymphocytes - cells produces antibodies

 The Vitamin which helps in clotting of blood is : - Vitamin K

 At very high altitude, the Red Blood Corpuscles in the human body will : - increase in size

 A test tube baby means : - fertilisation in vitro and then transplantation in the uterus

 The metal present in insulin is – Zinc

 Roundworm is a human parasite found in the - Large intestine

 Milk - is a rich source of Vitamin B-12

 What is the number of chromosomes in a normal human body cell – 46

 Xerophthalmia is a deficiency disease caused by lack of - Vitamin A

 Pituitary - is a gland which is referred to as the master gland

 What is an antibiotic - A synthetic compound inhibiting the growth of bacteria

 Carbohydrate is stored in the body as – glycogen

 Process of digestion is helped by – Enzyme

 Which is the organ that excretes water, fat and various catabolic wastes – Kidney
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 EEG is used to detect the functioning of – Brain

 Locked jaw disorder is the other name of the disease – Tetanus

 Excretory products of mammalian embryo are eliminated out by – Placenta

 In male sharks, Claspers are found attached to - Pelvic fin

 What part of the eye gets inflamed and becomes pink when dust gets into – Conjunctiva

 Clove, the commonly used spice, is obtained from the - flower bud

 Milk is not considered a balanced diet now-a-days because of the absence of : - Iron and Vitamin

 Sea sickness is due to the effect of the motion of ship, on – stomach

 The main function of white blood cells in the body is to - protect body against diseases

 ‘ELISA’ test is employed to diagnose - AIDS antibodies

 The largest cell in the human body is : - Nerve cell

 Protein – can be consider as body builder

 Biopsy – is one type of tests that can helps in diagnosis of cancer

 During dehydration what is the substance that is usually lost by the body - Sodium chloride

 The animal which uses sounds as its ‘eyes’ is – Bat

 Pregnant women usually become deficient in - Calcium and Iron

 Which components of light are absorbed by chlorophyll - Violet and red

 Ginger is a stem and not a root because - It has nodes and internodes

 Eyes of potato are useful for - Vegetative propagation

 Taenia solium (Tape worm) lives as a parasite in - Intestine of man/woman

 An ant can see the objects all around it due to the presence of - Compound eyes

 What is the approximate time required for a heart-beat - 0.8 second

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 Who discovered the Cholera-bacillus - Robert Koch

 Tortoise - animals has the longest life span

 Which animal produces the biggest baby - Blue Whale

 Heart attack occurs due to - Lack of blood supply to the heart itself

 A person will have brown eyes, blue eyes or black eyes depending on the particular pigment
present in the : - Iris

 Iodine – element can be obtained from the sea algae

 Hydrogen, Magnesium, Carbon are the component of chlorophyll

 Ostrich - is the largest living bird

 Cat is a animal generally hormone is not found

 The causative organism of dengue fever is – Virus

 Which of the following is considered to be the best cholesterol – HDL

 Thalassemia is a hereditary disease. It affects – Blood

 Plant – Rabbit – Tiger – is one type of a foodchain involving a producer, a vegetarian and a

 Keratin - makes the skin layer impervious to water

 Two richest known sources of edible protein are - soyabean and groundnut

 Water hyacinth – is a weeds has been found useful to check water pollution caused by industrial

 Adrenal - is correlated with blood pressure

 Which of the following structures present in mammalian skin directly helps in keeping the body
warm - Lymph vessels

 Tuberculosis is a diseases usually spreads through milk

 Which are the largest fixator of solar energy - Green plants

 Green leafy vegetables – Vitamin A, Raw cabbage – Vitamin C,

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 Brewers yeast – Vitamin B1, Wheat-germ oil – Vitamin E

 tissue culture - Science of cultivating animal tissue in artificial medium

 Study of field crops is called – Agronomy

 Carrot is orange in colour because - It contains carotene

 Full form of the infectious disease SARS is - Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome

 Insects responsible for transmitting diseases are called – Vector

 Camel is a desert animal, that can live without water for many days, because - water is formed in
the body due to oxidation of fat ,it has the water sac in the walls of the lumen of stomach

 Streptomycin - is effective against tuberculosis

 Which of these components of the blood is responsible for clotting – Platelets

 Founder of Homeopathy is - Samuel Hahnemann

 Development of an egg without fertilization is called – Parthenogenesis

 Weak sight - Deficiency of Vitamin A, Anaemia - Deficiency of Iron

 Skin problem - Deficiency of Vitamin C, Breaking of bones - Deficiency of Calcium

 In the process of dialysis, used on patients with affected kidneys, the phenomenon involved is –

 What is the normal blood sugar level of a human being - 120 – 150 mg/dl

 Literal meaning of the term “Homo Sapiens” is - Man – The Wise

 Bleeding of gums and loosening of teeth is caused due to deficiency of - Vitamin C

 During photosynthesis in plants, the gas evolved is – Oxygen

 Plant cells contain chloroplast while animal cells do not, Plant cells are large while animal cells
are small in size

 The blood cholesterol level in 100 ml of blood in a normal person varies between—150 and 200

 The body temperature is regulated by— Hypothalamus

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 The seeds of certain plants fail to germinate if they do not pass through the digestive tract of
fruit-eating birds. This is due to - seed coat impermeability
Types of Vitamins
Vitamin Chemical Name Food Sources Deficiency Diseases
A Retinol Milk, eggs, fish, Night blindness, Skin
butter, cheese and dryness.
B1 Thiamine Legumes, whole Beri-beri.
grain, nuts.
B2 Riboflavin Egg, milk, cheese, Inflammation of
nuts, bread products. tongue, sores in the
corners of the mouth.
B3 Niacin or Nicotinic Meat, fish, pea nuts, skin disease,
acid whole grain. diarrhoea,
B5 Pantothenic acid Eggs, liver, dairy Fatigue, muscle
products. cramp.
B6 Pyridoxine Organ meats, cereals, Anaemia, kidney
corn. stones, nausea,
B12 Cyanocobalamin Meat, fish. pale skin,
constipation, fatigue.
C Ascorbic acid Oranges, tomatoes, Scurvy, anaemia,
sweet and white ability to fight
potatoes. infections decreases.
D Calciferol Direct sunlight, fish Rickets,
oils, eggs. osteomalacia.
E Tocopherol Vegetable oils, olives, Neurological
tomatoes, almonds, problems, problems
meat, eggs. of reproductive
K Phylloquinone or Soyabeans, green Failure to clot blood.
Naphthoquinone leafy vegetables,
dairy products, meat.

 Sucrose content in sugarcane decreases - if frost occurs during the period of ripening

 Animals having open circulatory system possesses – haemocoel

 The concept of ‘survival of the fittest’ was first advocated by – Darwin

 Deficiency of vitamin D in children causes – rickets

 Scurvy is a disease which is caused due to the deficiency of – Vitamin C

 Respiration is – oxidation
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 During photosynthesis green plants absorb - carbon dioxide

 Tamiflu is frontline drug against - bird flu

 ‘Why excessive heating and repeated use of cooking oil are most undesirable - Carcinogenic
substances like benzpyrene are produced

 The name of the first cloned sheep was – Dolly

 Meningitis is a disease which affects the – Brain

 Number of teeth which are replaced in man are – 12

 Plaster of Paris – can be used for wrapping of fractured bones

 Cholera is a water borne disease

 The tallest plant in the world is – Eucalyptus

 The only bird that flies backward is - Humming bird

 From which one of the following is quinine extracted – Bark of the Chinchona tree

 Which vitamin deficiency causes the disease, Pernicious anaemia - Vitamin B12

 the smallest endocrine gland in human body – Pituitary

 Yellow spots on citrus leaves is due to the deficiency of – Magnesium

 Vector of Kala-azar is : - Sand fly

 The chief raw material used for manufacturing Rayon is – Cellulose

 Cadmium pollution is associated with - Itai-itai

 The example of hermaphrodite animal in which cross fertilization occurs is – Hydra

 Blubber is - a layer of thick fat

 The coding segment of DNA is called in – Codon

 Fat soluble vitamins are - Calciferol, Carotene, Tocopherol

 Silk is produced by - Larva of silkworm

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 Spiny ant-eater - is an egg laying mammal

 The colour change in the Chameleon is due to the presence of – Chromatophore

 The deficiency of iodine leads to – Goitre

 Two richest known sources of edible protein are - Meat and eggs

 The saliva helps in the digestion of – Starch

 When the fertilisation is external and development is internal – is the phenomenon of “Test Tube

 Biodegradable wastes can usually be converted into useful substances with the help of – Bacteria

 Greater population can be supported on the earth only if we eat more - plant products

 Functional unit of ‘Kidney’ – Nephron

 Fat present below the skin surface in our body acts as a barrier against - loss of heat from the

 The life span of RBC of man is - 120 days

 Which organ is the alternate term for womb – Uterus

 In onion the edible part is – Leaf

 Mushroom cultivation is not useful in - Biological control of crop diseases

 The Drone in honey-bee are - Fertile male

 Of which tissue nails, hoofs and horns are made of – Keratin

 Haemoglobin has highest affinity for – Carbon Monoxide

 Which chromosomal combination is responsible for maleness in man – XY

 Air bladder in fish acts as - Hydrostatic organ

 Which one of the following glands is responsible for secretion of sex hormones - Pituitary gland

 In cauliflower plant the useful part is - Young inflorescence

 The acid stored in batteries is - Sulphuric acid

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 ‘Stone Cancer’ occurs due to - Acid rain

 The chemical which is used in art and craft and can cause anemia and leukemia is – Benzene

 Total number of muscles present in our body is – 656

 Which of the plant products is used in leather industry – Tannin

 The duration 19-21 days refers to - the period of menstrual cycle soon after menstruation,
during which fertilisation is most likely to occur

 Cockroach cannot survive in the water because its respiratory organ is – Trachea

 Mercury poisoning in man causes the disease – Minamata

 Chromosomes consist of - DNA and proteins

 The yellow colour of urine is due to presence of – Urochrome

 Which of the following is known as ‘grave yard’ of RBCs – Spleen

 The main use of salt in the diet is to - produce in small amounts the hydrochloric acid required
for the digestion of food

 Which of the following weeds has been found effective in checking water pollution caused by
industrial affluents - Elephant Grass ,& Parthenium

 Blue-green algae are included in the group – Cyanobacteria

 Haemoglobin contains the metal – Iron

 Comose’ seeds are seeds with - Long hairs

 The sugar present in DNA is – Pentose

 A seed can germinate in the absence of - adequate light

 Production of alcohol from organic compounds by microorganisms is known as – Fermentation

 Odontology is the branch of science which deals with the study of – Teeth

 An invertebrate does not have – Notochord

 Excess amount of absorbed water by plants is liberated out by – Transpiration

 What is a sponge - an animal

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 Types of vertebrate animals which creep and crawl are called – reptilians

 Which enzymes aids in coagulation of blood – Rennin

 Flowerless plants are termed as – Cryptogams

 Substances which are used to bring down the temperature in high fever condition are called –

 The only plant cells without nuclei - Cambium cells

 A man suffering from diabetes mellitus drinks water more frequently as he has to eliminate from
the blood extra – glucose

 Jaws are absent in – Protochordates

 Which one of the following is an indicator of air pollution – Lichens

 Symptoms of Jaundice occur mainly due to disorder and malfunction of – Liver

 The heat treatment applied to milk before distribution to stabilize and to remove disease causing
bacteria is called as – Pasteurisation

 The main function of insulin in the human body is - to control the level of sugar in the body

 Plants which flower only once in their life time are known as – monocarpic

 The larvae of cockroach is called – Nymph

 In which animals, is open circulatory system found – Prawn

 Blood fails to clot white flowing in the blood vessel because of the presence of – Heparin

 Through ‘Photosynthesis’ green plants generate - organic materials

 Lac is produced from - an insect

 Toxicology is related to the study of – poisons

 Which hormones is released in excess quantity during excitement – Adrenaline

 Scientific study of birds is known as – Ornithology

 Penicillin - is used in the treatment of tuberculosis

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 Study of bacteria and the diseases caused by them is called - Bacteriology

 Science dealing with the origin and development of mankind is called - Anthropology

 Study of cells is called - Cytology

 Science dealing with the functions and the diseases of heart is called - Cardiology

 Study of skin is called - Dermatology

 Study of Blood Vascular System is called - Angiology

 Study of Fungi and fungus diseases is called- Mycology

 Study of Tumors is called -Oncology

 Study of Liver and its diseases is called - Hepatology

 Study of the Nervous system, its functions and its disorders is called - Neurology

 Branch of Biology dealing with the phenomena of Heredity is called – Genetics

 Study of causes of Diseases is called – Etiology

 Study of Ears and their diseases is called – Otology

 Study of Condition and Structure of Earth is called – Geology

 Study of Kidneys and its function is called – Nephrology

 Study of Fossils is called – Palaeontology

 Study of Bones is called – Osteology

 Study of Soils is called – Pedology

 Branch of science dealing with Urinary system is called – Urology

 Study of Viruses is called – Virology

 Study of resistance of body against infection (immunity) is called –Immunology

 Study of Muscles is called – Myology

 Study of development of Embryos is called –Embryology

 Study of Insects is called – Entomology

 Which part of human body is first highly affected by nuclear radiation – Skin
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 Olive Ridley is a famous - turtle species

 The standard audible capacity of a healthy human being as per World Health Organi-sation is in
the range of - 5-10 decibels

 Jonas Salk invented the vaccine for – Polio

 Cancer is a disease where we find uncontrolled - cell division

 Lac, which is used as sealing wax is produced by – insect

 Triple vaccine is administered to a new born child to immunize it against - whooping cough,
tetanus and diphtheria

 An antibiotic is - a chemical synthesised by a micro-organism against another micro-organisms

 Vitamin – K – can be synthesized by Liver

 Fluid part of blood devoid of corpuscles is called – Serum

 Heart murmur indicates a - defective valve

 The language used in writing the scientific name of animals is – Latin

 Ripe grapes contain – Fructose

 M.R.I. stands for - Magnetic Resonance Imaging

 The enzyme in whose presence glucose and fructose are converted into alcohol is – Zymase

 The study of visceral organs is – Splanchnology

 The study of extinct animals is called – Palaeontology

 The medical term used for the sleeplessness is – Insomnia

 The causative agent of Tuberculosis is – Mycobacterium

 The enzyme that is present in the saliva of man is – Amylase

 Blood cancer is otherwise called as – Leukaemia

 Radioimmunoassay (RIA) is a therapy used - to detect antibodies and hormones present in the
blood samples

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 Whale, Bat, Kangaroo, Hippopotamus - belongs to the class Mammalia

 Shark and Ray - belongs to cartilaginous fish

 Silver fish – is not a true fish , has no skeleton at all

 Saw fish , Hammer fish, Sucker fish are the example of true fish

 Johann Gregor Mendel is famous for propounding - Laws of heredity

 What is an endoscope - It is an optical instrument used to see inside the alimentary canal

 The age of a tree can be determined more or less accurately by - counting the number of rings in
the trunk

 Of all micro-organisms, the most adaptable and versatile are – Viruses

 The disease in which the sugar level of blood increases is known as - Diabetes mellitus

 Dengue fever, Filariasis, Malaria – are mosquito borne disease

 The term ‘gene’ was coined by - W. L. Johanssen

 Study of newly born up to the age of 3 months is called – Neonatology

 The term ‘GM food’ refers to the food - that is genetically modified

 Hepatitis, HIV, Malaria – are transmitted via blood transfusion

 Flat footed camels can walk easily - pressure on the sand is decreased by increasing the area of
the surface in contact

 Jaundice is a symptom of disease of – Liver

 The vaccination against small pox involves the introduction of - weakened germs

 Deficiency of Vitamin B6 in man causes – anaemia

 First successful heart transplantation was done by - C.N. Barnard

 Yellow Fever is transmitted by – Aedes

 Washing of peeled vegetables removes the vitamin – C

 Vaccination is discovered by – Jenner

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 double helix structure is discovered by – Watson

 blood grouping is discovered by – Landsteiner

 penicillin is discovered by – Flemming

 A man with colour blindness will see red as – Green

 The metal, which is a constituent of vitamin B12 is – Cobalt

 According to WHO, the bird flue virus cannot be transmitted through food cooked beyond - 70
degrees Celsius

 The number of chambers in a human heart is – Four

 A universal recipient belongs to the blood group – AB

 cold blooded animals - Their body temperature changes in accordance with the atmosphere

 If the blood group of one parent is AB and that of the other O, the possible blood group of their
child would be - A or B

 How many bones are there in the human body – 206

 Dinosaurs were - reptiles that became extinct

 Sweat glands in mammals are primarily concerned with – thermoregulation

 The normal RBC count in adult male is - 5.0 million

 The H5N1 virus which causes bird flu was first discovered in – 1997

 Tetanus is caused by – Clostridium

 Vitamin E is particularly important for - normal activity of sex glands

 Birds usually have a single – Ovary

 Blood pressure is controlled by - Adrenal gland

 The carbon dioxide content in the air that we exhale is about – 4%

 Mineral constituent of chlorophyll is – Magnesium

 Which of the part of tongue bears cells for sour taste – sides

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 The deficiency of Vitamin B causes - Beri – Beri

 In which vertebrate oxygenated and deoxygenated blood gets mixed – Amphibian

 Mumps – is a viral disease in man

 The expansion for AIDS is - Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome

 Bee Keeping is known as – Apiculture

 HYV refers to - High yielding variety

 Human cloning is permitted in Britain for the purpose of – Therapeutics

 Vegetables are easily perishable because of their high content of – water

 Anaemia occurs due to the deficiency of - folic acid

 For a healthy heart, one needs to take a balanced diet, adequate sleep and - do right amount of
physical exercise

 AIDS is a/an - viral disease

 Amoebic dysentery is caused by - Entamoeba histolytica

 DNA test was developed by - Watson and Crick

 An ECG shows the functioning of the – heart

 AIDS is retroviral disease, AIDS is transmitted by homo and hetero-sexual contact, AIDS was first
recognised in USA in 1981

 If the radius of blood vessels of a person decreases his/her blood pressure will – increase

 Cell or tissue death within a living body is called as – Necrosis

 Insufficient blood supply in human body is referred as – Ischemia

 Deep fried food materials are carcinogenic because they are rich in – Hydrocarbons

 The toxicity of which heavy metals leads to liver cirrbosis – Copper

 Typhoid is caused by - Salmonella typhi

 BCG immunization is for – Tuberculosis

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Types of Minerals
Minerals Food Sources Properties Deficiency Diseases
Calcium Milk, cheese and other Build and maintain Weak teeth and bones,
diary products, nuts, bones and teeth, poor development of
green leafy vegetables. control heart beat and body.
blood pressure.
Iron Meat, liver, egg yolk, It is required for Anaemia, weak
nuts, cereals. transportation of immunity.
Oxygen in the blood.
Maintains Haemoglobin
level in the blood.
Iodine Iodine-enriched salt, Iodine is the main Goitre.
milk, cheese. building block of
thyroid hormone, T3
and T4. It is essential
for proper
development of the
Phosphorus Meat, fish, poultry, It is required in Poor body growth,
cereals. building strong bones weak bones and teeth.
and teeth. It also
repair cells. It is a
component of DNA and
Sodium Salt Maintains water Low blood pressure,
balance, blood muscle cramp.
pressure and nervous
Zinc Meat, liver, fish, milk, It is important for the Retarded body growth
cheese and other diary function for the
products. enzymes in the body.
It builds immunity and
regulates cholesterol
Potassium Fish, milk, pulses, It maintains the pH Low blood pressure,
nuts, green balance of the blood. It weak muscles.
vegetables, meat. controls the water
balance of the body.
Magnesium Green vegetables, Magnesium builds It affects nervous
nuts, cereals. immunity. It is system
important for nerve
cell function and
muscle contraction.

 Besides carbohydrates, a major source of energy in our food is constituted by – Fats

 The limb bones of children become bent if there is deficiency – Vitamin D

 A medicine which promotes the secretion of urine is called – Diuretic

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 The chemicals released by one species of animals in order toattract the other members of the
same species are - Pheromones

 Jaundice is caused due to the infection of – Liver

 The average heart beat rate per minute in a normal person is – 72

 The colour of cow’s milk is slightly yellow due to the presence of – Carotene

 Cereals are a rich source of – Starch

 Plasma membrane in eukaryotic cells is made up of – Phospholipid

 Which is also called the ‘power plants’ of the cell – Mitochondrion

 What is the chemical name of vinegar - Acetic acid

 Animals l iving in the three trunks are known as – Arboreal

 What happens to a person who receives the wrong type of blood - The RBCs agglutinate

 Ringworm is a ....... disease – Fungal

 Pituitary gland is situated in - the base of the brain

 From which part of the plant is clove, the commonly used spice, obtained - Flower bud

 Chewing gum is made from – Latex

 The brain of human adult weighs about - 1200 – 1300 gm

 The ability of the eye to see in the dark, is due to the production of a purple pigment known as –

 Whole grain cereals and pulses are more nutritious

 The vitamin most readily destroyed by heat is - Ascorbic acid

 The disease that is caused by virus is - Common Cold

 The locomotory organ of ‘Amoeba’ is – Pseudopodia

 An instrument for measuring blood pressure is called – Sphygmomanometer

 The term ‘Rh factor’ refers to - Rhesus factor

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 According to Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, long necks in giraffes - arose because of constant
attempt to reach leaves on tall trees, generation after generation

 Rickets is the deficiency disease of Vitamin D, in which the affected part is the – bone

 ‘Darwin finches’ refers to a group of – Birds

 The tissue in man where no cell division occurs after birth is – nerves

 The normal cholesterol level in human blood is - 180 – 200 mg%

 Syrinx is the voice box in – Birds

 In a food chain, the solar energy utilized by plants is only - 0.1 per cent

 Which plant is called ‘Herbal Indian Doctor’ – Amla

 The pH of human blood is – 7.4

 Which part becomes modified as the tusk of elephant - Second incisor

 The noble gas used for the treatment of cancer is – Radon

 Bt seed is associated with – Cotton

 Bark of this tree is used as a condiment – Cinnamon

 Saliva helps in the digestion of – Starch

 The longest bone in the human body is – Femur

 Iodoform is used as an – antiseptic

 The optimum dissolved oxygen level (in mg/litre) required for survival of aquatic organisms is – 4-

 An example of false fruit is – Apple

 Normal fasting blood sugar level per 100 ml. of blood in man is - 80 -100 mg

 The vector of disease sleeping sickness is - tse-tse fly

 For how many years have the dinosaurs been extinct - About 65 million years

 Which phenomenon do bats or dolphins use to find prey, predators or obstacles - Echo location
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Important Facts About Human Body
Largest and strongest Femur (thigh bone)
Bone in the body:
Smallest Bone in the Stapes in ear
Number of Cells in 75 trillion
the body:
Volume of Blood in 6 litres (in 70 kg
the body: body)
Number of Red Blood 1. In male: 5 to 6
Cells(R.B.C.): million/cubic mm
2. In female: 4 to 5 million/cubic mm
Life span of Red Blood 100 to 120 days
Life span of White 3-4 days
Blood Cell(W.B.C.):
Normal White Blood 5000-10000/cubic
Cell(W.B.C.) count: mm
Time taken by R.B.C. 20 seconds
to complete
one cycle of
Other name of Red Erythrocytes
Blood Cell (R.B.C.):
Largest White Blood Monocytes
Smallest White Blood Lymphocyte
Who discovered Blood Karl Landsteiner
Blood Platelets count: 150,000 - 400,000
platelets per micro
Haemoglobin (Hb): 1. In male: 14-15
gm/100 c.c. of blood
2. In female: 11-14 gm/100 c.c. of blood
Hb content in body: 500-700 gm
pH of Urine: 6.5-8
pH of Blood: 7.36-7.41
Volume of Semen: 2-5 ml/ejaculation
Normal Sperm Count: 250-400
Menstrual cycle: 28 days
Menopause age: 45-50 years
Blood clotting time: 3-5 minutes
Weight of Brain: 1300-1400 gm in
human adult

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 ‘Cod’ is a variety of – Fish

 A large number of identical plants can be obtained in a short span of time through - tissue
culture technique

 The smallest flowering plant is – Wolffia

 Leukaemia or blood cancer is characterised by abnormal increase of the – White blood cells

 Birds which swim in water have – webbed feet

 The process of preventing the birds from flying is called – brailing

 Veins seen in the leaves, serve the function of – Conduction

 Which of the following processes are associated with plants during dark period - Conduction and

 The green colour of the leaves is due to the presence of – Chlorophyll

 The normal body temperature of human beings is - 98.4 °F

 Columba livia is the scientific name of – Pigeon

 An insect - catching plant is – Nepenthes

 The method not used as a Biological control is - Use of pesticides

 Wisdom teeth is the - 3rd molar teeth

 The tusk of elephant is an enormously enlarged - upper incisor

 Male (Anopheles) mosquito feeds on - Nectar of flower

 Growth of the baby in the uterus is found using - Ultra sound

 Besides ear ossicles, the cavity of the middle ear in humans contains – air

 The percentage of water content in the human blood plasma normally varies from - 91-92

 “Sodium Pump” operates in - Nerve impulse

 The element which is rich in most leafy vegetables is – Iron

 The functions of pacemaker is - Initiation of heart beat

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 The best method of disposal of garbage is - Land filling

 In ‘Scorpion’,poison is present in the – sting

 The number of heart beats on an average in an adult human is in the range of – 71-80

 The end product of the digestion of starch in the alimentary canal is— glucose

 Number of Eyes in an Earthworm is - no eyes

 Accupuncture is - a treatment method with needles

 Some viruses have RNA but no DNA. This would indicate that– these viruses have no heritable

 The nitrogen in the ecosystem is circulated by— Bacteria

 Which enzyme converts proteins – Trypsin

 Protein which renders a cell less susceptible to attack by viruses is called— Inferon

 Haemophilia is mostly associated with - Royal families

 Approximately how many times each day, do our heart valves open and close normally -
1,00,000 times

 Sugarcane plants are usually propagated by vegetative means because - they do not produce

 Free-living nitrogen fixing microorganisms are – Rhizobia

 Vegetable oils are converted into solid fat (ghee) by – Hydrogenation

 Aspartame is the name of a product used by diabetic patients as a sweetening agent.It belongs to
the class of— Peptides

 Natural organic fertilizers are found to be better then chemical fertilizers because - organic
fertilizers sustain soil productivity

 Metabolism is referred to as - synthesis and breaking down of biomolecules

 The enzymes are basically – proteins

 Why death of fish is more common during summer than in winter? It is because of - depletion of

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Disease caused by Viruses

1. Chicken pox - It is caused by Varicella-

zoster virus.
2. Small Pox - It is caused by Variola virus.
3. Common Cold -It is caused by Rhinovirus.
4. AIDS (Acquired Immunono Deficiency
Syndrome) - It is caused by Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
5. Measles -It is caused by Measles virus.
6. Mumps -It is caused by Mumps virus.
7. Rabies - It is caused by Rabies virus
(Rhabdoviridae family).
8. Dengue fever -It is caused by Dengue virus.
9. Viral encephalitis - It is an inflammation of
the brain. It is caused by rabies virus,
Herpessimplex, polio virus, measles virus, and
JC virus.

Disease caused by Bacteria

1. Whooping Cough - It is caused by a
bacterium called Borde tella pertussis.
2. Diphtheria - It is caused by Coryne
bacterium diphtheriae.
3. Cholera - It is caused by Vibrio cholerae.
4. Leprosy - It is caused by Mycobacterium
5. Pneumonia- It is caused by Streptococcus
6. Tetanus - It is caused by Clostridium tetani.
7. Typhoid - It is caused by Salmonella typhi.
8. Tuberculosis - It is caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
9. Plague - It is caused by Yersinia pestis


Malaria It is spread by it is a single
Anopheles mosquitoes. celled parasite that multiplies in red blood cells
The Plasmodium of humans.
parasite that causes
malaria is neither a
virus nor a bacteria
2. Amoebic dysentery It is caused by Entamoebahistolytica.
3. Sleeping sickness It is caused by Trypanosomabrucei.
4. Kala azar It is caused by Leishmaniadonovani.

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