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Student's Book MOONJINMEDIA ag) ee 1B Sates Bool & HRS 0k Chat Heb AF PLACE OA) ORM at MI aL "BH oleh, 0] he estoto Heb] aa Re el AHO oh. Lae a) ash 7d AE ol 2359 HB Ng OLN, 7891 VO] SHE SS SES oe of Safe] ep SARE CA aa 7m 2M, Qe] Me pel tol SUES Fol MU ol apo] ag ASIANS TUS NERF Asoikch oF Sik |S} BS] A, HOME We, AL FA AGO lak nel NIA ag alee at of AN Hg ol AB Se GSOe AEA a ‘a8, ar 201 ee Bal oj} ovo| Stal shel elo} aia ay spf iRoTIES Fee, CARE #4 3b 490 opi 4 LSS V8 a SI 191 A PH SI SUE el IAG BAS BHI Shel Ree AGS A SANE AMS dag ae aga wee AEA, Ge MM Me Co-ROM 44 ESA ie, FFL SB, Co] AA ISS FHM, Orne 2H] A AEA SI gos ASEM RBA Aig) EEA Bie, EY BG Soll See ee AAG ASE of at ol AMBOEM oh fo doh Beate Se le HE wea sate, oF Soh BAL ALE ES of REE ABH] Ba BH Fe AAO oA ee IM Bite, WHE Sh TR AS S94, 9 Fe MoH MSA ee FNS els ate, et, 8h Le go] See abs oI + aks leat, IA sek 9, LG] Al AL esa) ype] Seo Rela Ue woe Us Be Wes ANE, EO BS SSIs aa & SG Se eb] SPIKE 71 7TH Islet, CF Este ARE HNL lat Hr] PS a 2 Aa, SM, CD-RONG BA ABS] SUBSET oho AS HEROES ABBE lah CD-ROM of 2291 OUT Ee, HSS, $1 SAE VEINS, HEU SS, om, SUE ee ABSio gest Yao SAS OBA = OLA Hah CRM. oo} AR Ml Sotel AHaHA mE Oo] ol AEBS siete. RAPT 2 NE, Soh ae Sot Ws em ABHisLo 8 Le, Ao) SOL we sae, 2B, 42, ey 50] Abe BHA AB AAO Fo] ale Cheol SEA sa, ES | Hse] SE Ae ARS Be lols See Asha ehh sl OIG SALON aA RSM att oa ol SUSI We el Seis 4071 glk, HOLLY om riko da Be Aa AT ae. 24rhH1e8] AES Cele wo| Ueig + asie, tk aud athe Ae eh Behe BS Sea Sch Sal Gat, UAL ISH, 1, ONG, oO, WIE, MFA, oY, ol, aD AN, A SE CEOS SES HA 9 UAT, 9914 HES Sal BE SAO, olgel a) SSVI Oe 71 Se Fe Soke BUoUIoia| Salo PNT Seg HH, eee MT, ST ely, a a SIE AA aE ONE OLS a oneal asin wWAaee tal Usverty Roe Langage 18 Stes Boo> the it volume nthe masts eh ded inert. Toh his appoac, ole sou gue antes ak ae intracavity shes ae pol as edd. The CD-ROM ofr eed A syematic aprons les voctbluy,grenmar ab povanitio sap Ctl sed oa SEL rl te meng a of pn io ep me The rea Sra recreate fk en aha cnn gee Pen Wek designed ence ce wi anon ition, Cla i bund vel cose xin Th bck th prs are fl mpgs proton by Saige vm expenses, Tie specs toe, Aton vul issu torah an usr makeing moe rein al noble Yas cle “tip fon rhyme cn Mo ncn ti tie eile Ae ol ht elvis moa ite ie An sn 312 in hg Kn Hn Kin Spang et Lin Chacon non Hoe rela ao es Phy See {© Kin Pits te CEO of Mowat, Dect Do Hye. al Mise Poh topos ne Mach 2013, Jeong Sangjun Eucutve Ditstr Language Edeaton lnstit, Seoul Naina Univery 245=7| How to use this book SRMMTSAB/Siudent’s Book? 9 ~ 1634s $PYSfo} at, 2 KS ‘lH, “Bah ae eee oe ee ee S1on) Sms axiom Maslo] Stet. ME URS chest eh, ‘The Seoul National University Korean 1B Student's Book is comprised of 8 units. Each unit spans 8 hours of instruction divided into sections entitled and emphasizing: Vocabulary, Grammar and Expression 1 and 2, Speaking 1 and 2, Listening and Speaking, Reading and. ‘Writing, Task, Culture Note, Pronunciation, and Self-Check. A detailed explanatica follows, He) 2s Bele A #Aalog Asai a use 984 as ate. Photograps illustrating the unit topes allow students to visually orient themselves tovward the learning SE Lewning Guts pate SHO} yee A te ing Goals present the content and objectives of each unit by section 2424527 | How to use this book se > or he Sb SD © 0181 Vocabulary 204 oft 3h bal aeie tion introduces key lexical items The ¥ {2} FEB Grammar and Ex ob, Bott The Grammar ay Ex gato ta a agste age mar is presented with rowel dslogue seh Be EE ided in the workbook, AAA How to use this book © SWAP Livening and Sseakin seek The Listening and Spe son offers Preparation, Listening 1,2 and Speaking activites. Bu i previews the content of the listenin pa m Thsrtes or photograph plement yl xpos ja eae ane anes eta eas The Speaking se afolow-up task the theme anf the isening ask, © G11 A] Reading and Writing “aero a7], ws FARM, ‘The Reading snd Writing section rrovdes a Preparation, Reading, and Writing task aul abl AWS, EMSS AGES ale ae, om BREE ae + oe Wm Se AAS, ‘The Preparation section offers a pre-reading that previews the content ofthe ading passage providing schema activetion, and utilizes ilustations oF Photographs y supplement vocabelary and expressions. vl 271 Hale, Heel eon as) ataola cart F091 Bah, QE ula el 1 ANS et AAI. ‘The Reading section presen’ practical and learner level matched texts witha compre ension check, 4» =) wistaee ele # eae, 871 HASSE {| 9) gay) abso) ololalses diet, ‘The Waiting ction, as fllow-up task, uses the reading ext 8a model fr arting and produce similar tet. | How to use this 500k © BHA) task Abele Ded eq | da shusisia gos | problem solving ‘opportunity zo communicate rammar lamed inthe unt 1nd helps build Nueney ET St ALA Culture Note ash aorsoT The Cultare No Presentation. and Idea Sharing. © BS Pronunciation ‘Boro Fal, aes Pale, Ho] ois Bah ae dle G8 the eestes ae ‘The Pronunciation section offers Wacrm-up, Rule Presentation, and Practice of the phological ules related to specific vocabulary and grammar forms taught in each unit. Laut SE Ugo] aug deng eden aetee | arash te, The Preparation section presets operant steno plsesorsentenes tht include target pronunciation, L— aa ge wag Saale ABtC, ‘The Rls section presents pronunciation rules | clearly and diagrammatically | See yatisy| gel Ea cise des HES ae. Practice section offers opportunity to listen and repeat sentences to ternaizz | “romwncaton rules © AZ 7H setrcheck oa} as Sos they Ang Og AEE a HES tH, The Self-Check etion ends each unit with a review of grammar and vocabulary. 124 5E7| How to use this book © EB Appendix al The A ea eat eS, “Fs] er “ate: nix includes Activity Shets, Grammar Extension, Culture Extension, Listening Script, se, and Glossary esx eel 3H Sol CaM REAE AEC — Activity Sheets for exerises or tasks are provided - bs} BON thee Bol ot aS ABE, S| a ae Ab, WIS wel FEE Lg “elt ober a : The Grammar Extension section p 7 = each unt, promoting grammar comprehension ard reducing errors by providing information on meanings and conjugations with ‘example sentences and grammar notes, = i at a 7 THERE oh SF IONOHA| AIRE BS ROL of The Q & A section adds indepth cultural information to that presente in the ‘Culture Now eine ‘ga toby See tet, ‘Transcriptions for listening passages in ‘Listening and Speaking” are provided ou ge ‘Ea WPT, aT 277s] Bal A we ET, Answer key for comprehension checks in “Listening snd Speaking snd "Resng snd Writing’ ae provided. og} ket Bate OE DE ofpish BeUeE alo] 9h ee AT. Allis s provided of al the vocatulary in the textbook, with page umber. | How to use this book CD-ROM oi, EW RWS] AE SL Oe BA, Lob} 1-79) ABKE, S71 A, QI] MAE, ocle el AOD S44 59 ze, we a Seu Se Be, ‘The CD-ROM fumishes example sentences and exercises forthe Vocabulary and Q-ammar and Expression sections, dislogues forthe Speaking | and 2 sections, as well as tanserns, reading texts, audio ile, supplementary materials such as photograjs and movie clips, and helpful tips OIE SH.9 sta} gh ale + ae The Vocabulary section provides ‘pportuity to check key lexical ims with audi files 250), 12) Ae $5) Bea Sah ola tt alt ‘Vocabulary an be practiced through secvtiog such a matching or memory games “eust aeel 3a ge cee or. ‘The Grammar and Expression section presents core information those items, opysoyie Fas Sep] os S84 adh The Speaking ection provides animated Pl AER A a This section provides texts for dialogues ae This function offers Eng! He ols wi + BIE. sh tanslations ‘eay7) ee 1S] wae she a A “This function shows substituted dialogues L wepr dss testes t+ ach, This function allows fr role-play for Exercise BABS Be BE + ae The Listen and aad ton provides transcrip sat ‘This function offers dictation exercises. A So Sh ES RIL 4 Sle, ‘Th: popup asistan offers ‘of ew vocabulary with example sertences when a wordis highlighted, — 21 9] WSS oh a 4 ‘Ths Function allows the text to be hese, AM, 89059 0g BA ng Aaa The Reference Room provides supplementary materials such as Photographs and video cps. — shi aE BN, Activity Shoes are provided forthe Tasé section. sede ERS SeRe 30 Hebfl ips forthe Tsk section re rovied for instrctr. sr10. 58 OF mo MLE AERIS, Mp3 aio ile are provid. fa Pete AIEAL How wo we this ook {BM FAH Scope and Sequence SHE Curses 936 O18 ¢PM2? Woeishssenan? AOR} ADS MUL? Whe time isit now? 113) 2710 454012 roasmea co 128 1842 Hoo ake me o Seo Staion 13m) Egos 71 S42 AABE ©] 2 YO} BALD. sry tore clothoson 15h 1S 712 YOM 1 oanr tcp 16a $21 Yl B 4 O12? canyon same w my hn BBX Acinig snes {24 td Grammar Extension 241 8 Ci Examion B71 IE.Lscin Ses BYE Anwerkey OFM. Glossary 2% “s 6 86 108 130 152 1% 196 206 226 22 236 27 ee TAAH FAAE scope and Sequence 7B 401g Me AE) Ato wea neta teenies a) 8 41 sowie Tagger et ly Sa ioc saa a1 =e ones +3487 7 ithe a 21 +26 a3 “ou ue) +5 anna ona 1 ae i = 10 Miccrcpims COM wes, A paas a2? A B oe, # RH. ED He se a tata? ~ ein He no aa, se ate BRA, ove Sah Raola, AS [wri)o} do) stat opis wae, ons, Bake Pores ° 4 x BS Ml, CISMIG, OFFS Bele woe. B 2% ohiside, gale wi? AS BelQ wl, OS Ie Mes, SS wen Sololeolg, BILE SIRI, BS WW, Ai Selgolols, Acie ulol stsof eh &!7a2. Uy, BILL WHS, Acle ulstell olo}7| Bo] BROIL, HE BE | of0}7| aol saio19. Bel ws Mew OF Bete. HO, ¥ RHO. a7 eM Me, Price with your pane Sip Solan ae ce 882 cals utes Me A /olae ye ats. 28301 a2, | a¢g0 yee | ge re mas, 2g ie 2215 482, gens ou enguic, —_ De BAUR ES ee BHM e qua enne, 1 opgorag, a ois | Whar ecg rer ge Now wets, saies ore aes yee, B asics i A ORS SHMI27 mn 8 $2] obbizIMg, @ Aline MET fete gs OBS atPOIA Arte, 2 a 2 oe \ —— : oloisyo1e. ome, Finns tis a aeve aia, aide 177 wea, dave aa ai 2a oa) Ho of of Maa ato. S41 (27021 dol olor aa. "ak sour family embers shown inthe example io) oi A OWE Se 1S SHR? B BIAjOH CILIA, @ + 70] 8 Bolle? Pam oie Ul Bolole, rea) BHO! ALR OfBAOl é 8 siOIR. oF OTE Pe BS BIAS? opie S1AtOH CILIA. 4 OfDILI7} OISIOLMIa, 1M} Ofg| SIM? eelBOIME, a 7R0l 25 ehetol aM? Oz O}L|S, OEMS SIRO cHstzIO} CHAS, Mel a7e sea wee, Pati ih your este ) a as ts -aoevete: wari a ry ot Sa Ae 60 2 opr ienntatvmae OR enty EAeoeernstting cng, SAL M42 A ort So BPSt ojoy7iek wae. ME, ‘ech ther questions ego “aBal ogA S? 01 I? uo aie Bean ent ang sores | ane a anonipse ‘stl on sao? acho ste? Fe we ana? | BML 70) 8 eoj127 ow many ppl ein our fy? % Fa grow NEO aye SH] renjwo| 0197 2 Awe eg ROLE? Ds yubav fey no? When asi ae $712 Benge AB DEMS, *, mor {sen crf an chose tres never 1 Sue IRE OF # Bole? ong eue @ cute @o5 neM, © FE SLE av CHR. © FEA gm tans He @ BEL obs AME, BOP ests we oletl ge Ar wa 8 you aly phot ad ince yout ly meters tthe las Bis a ojat9l Re Fe we shale? Wl os 28 22 weol wee, Read he sige dss flowing gations : > cae 22 ES ANLICH F21 7S SH Yl Bololg, osiaist ofeiLi7e aLAlD 27} 8 oka, OWeiAIE SIAN CIAL. OFF MHOIgLOAIT aay ROMO. Tain Rae OFF BNE, $2 O01. 201 SLOWS, oft: WSESED BteHALe, AM O19! ASE O1HLIB OFF BotaHe StS AMOI Bee wee 2E2 w Ree, 2M OS One Soleo ABIES RS, we 9217158 UE Alga, a a8 oF nENS, 0 ORE SBONLE, 2 oF: So 7 2 Om ofits eh wR aU DaNRE RB Aridi BEM BAD. Wie pasge nce your fay SE eee : i M B1POH CHB ROPE, Geo know sdouyour cama, @ NSPE We OE eae Deets nen perenne ach @aehian xe Aleaoms, 23 Maoita. oo @ P72 ass oieewe Bel ue oAIcH a7 ‘each eran comple the nmi shot ene penn. acolo oie ees, (Ga yout mad oui \ eer a9 ae 2 213 ¥ HoloIa? Bago | BUR ee 1) 281 S101 077} eof eae ort erect, ees aol gud, xlas HOPt etc 9 See 2H sBeN IC of 9] awe sweet ‘ote tao] Buc. Az} Rose 1 Tell FA cf ALICE, else Late OfwaLIT? ofa BES LCI: HPL AIBILIM? In Korea, xenon gone year alder othe Ist of ana Ho abt in youu? ‘Wiats your Korean as? BP cris, Ons owner AE HR detnmny Cf wie = & ; wl ae SOMA, Syma Lise the ollowing. 1 ott 2a 9 Fol ‘12] go FoIsh0, eae > 28H +p 2 ay > es Lise erty nd eet flowing sens 1) PE Mle Se oF9tE04 eioie. 2) We walgtol omrgIYCL, 9) SA) a0] Bole ata 4) A obi Lut ale] RBOIOI? 8 CILIG, esol RcHOIaID, of) SHA) of} 12801) of) 221 7haPeeoH 7H) [Oke eof v sho, {eck al ne words hy ou know ‘wore gsie 2g Be} e8e ewstle. Flin cach Hank wing he ore wed from hbo. aut each 9) woHL. mB ofc ( ” 2 obsites w ( im Aol 78018. sag an cists eho, Took atthe pictures ad complet cach aap. A Ue mloteinie Be ae Bane EhioSHEC Bes THER TERT ae BZ ler ter for mle siny ole sister for femle seventy ler ter fo fre cat Regular Honorfic uel aw tee Sic} och — EAlch tocat to dik wee = reron oe ae ae sack tote (oes Kt tose a ome house govt ger 2 PREEPEEE Jeongu, this is Julian. Hello, Julian, Julian, this is Jeongu, Jeongu is my roommate. [Nice to meet you, Jeongu. Iam Jalian. Iam Steven’s Koreas language clessmate; [Nice to meet you. Ihave heard alot about you from Steven, T’ve also heard about you from Steven. Jutian is very good at singing. 1No, not relly. I am not that z00¢. ow mary members are there in your family? ‘There are four Thave my parents and one younger sister. ‘What does your father do? He works fora company. ‘Your mother isa beautiful laly! How old is she? She is $7 years old. ‘Ave your family members ll in Japan’? No, my younger sister goes to a aniversty in Korea. What time is it now? eum ae ws ett} me? wer snus) an471 ab eat ata ue of swat Arte NEE NDIA + 9ta 2 a8P1 so ha/OiN svete 708, saa 22 eet) +29 88 £71 + shat cht 71 + Sa ee hast) AL MBIOL Ct Ome! BP) + ojo ert 287) Repgng tan 13a maa?) Making plan for be wechend + BB rie ols Aled sate | 1. dizi Site tote ste, ‘Witte cons ane word inh ox | a ee A xia @ Aloi@? B AAI O14 Bolo, +a 8 Ata? -F ALa, Dian ecas + Aaa Bolts, (A Woota, A & Aloll AAS A012? B St AIBOl Hole, E1721 ojo}is4 wus, Asta ber qusions ad respond 5 & Al oui? Ay eto OKC se ae wou | —-Ea—-GS—- Gp = + GBA we Sd FB iio coca tenan Brians armntenian Wit Bikar Oman PB dm AS Amin] AROS UHR? BOW Ales OF Ala] wisi. ‘AM 8:00 ~ PM 1:00 +5 AR uh Aba aks oi, + mp seta? ~ 9 oat aap ea + laaeel gacinal Ba) 409) Nols, + 88 2H Sielta aotoa, ogg um oie Hae 2 ofa! THE! oAniA ESI eye) rule) ewiay Fae) ous) 2) Wel St 72? wala B02. ct ARE] UY SMO so} 40] Loi, SX Alvin| -SeiweHe? Bale GAME) TAMIA! 81.2. AA Ae Pal Aol hema? Gain 1A) EO Sz gto etLte, AG ul es Bol emia? Geiz ag. Uc Yon Bs we, #179} lest BME, Macc wih yourpamaer, ee eM Ausra aes tagpraer SRL oA ta = 2A aa SAL BAL SAL ~ TAL 1A oH ane ene oe eee Teena oe bay MG2 wow vse Men a7e lag of HO Maks lineal set wpa schol fo Sandy wah oor sie [aeanaomeoame aye < Aza Gey Sxl A Ofn 8 HOI? B QIAISOl 7M AS oO, + APS WHA Zo gets OLB, + Alte eheOlM Sez sola, aes ‘sx [371)2} Zo) oloyiet wut. Crete aoe iach pict stows oe xa [ae ea on ti mua 8a URE Hoe? a8 384 BOIS. ina B A Sgol M a 7i01e? B AFetD Zo] Sas = rola, 4) ie 5 or Bok 2 + oe aMol ase we Aaa, + Welsioa? — ela, 28 29 og eta, + Seed 4 8 HAE SE Aa 872) ojo} iat Bae. Incriew your clams 1) 2 OFC alee Qo" @ 4 2 142» 3 —8Fe BUN ~auee a ol Bele wl, Far at etoia7 5 Ul, AEE MIS Fat a Stole? alo A BOL? — waa) 2l MBIT Zo] QUAHEO 7-A1 AED AON. Bama ta) 0}, HOIEBOA? 25S FH ME ea? OLS. See BS MB CIA HBBIOH Z i012, Bag ME Fol | B 4012? AE SABO 7 BHR 7iol2, 879} ee He. Practice with your par ) OWS 2 eae 2 Ose 4) Peet AB ofalet Sag wc ara tes EABIOA 7A a0) 7144 rie 188 Nol 71M aualct aI Ich atch wasict ONES Halo H Bt Hol? 47S ofolzisk Ho. ‘What wil you do ver the weekend? Ask ech othe: questions and respond. [00 m4, B01 8 a 72? c HE 28 OF MIAN, AHA AIA 8 HOLS, “OAN Oi ws La Seteiate OL sein 2 4B He? WHS 8 Le, Pe RMR ee cL aes uices ae BEtaemnsad FEE manned WE nom BB re Bee ayntam eH et fw Alo OIL? land what ie doo et up? ofeHee 3 AL ‘Waa ee do WEDS * mers Lise ly asd micah activity with comet in @ 9 4 5 S81 SS Bois? HS BAS xoi2? Do youlhe moves? Have you seen aKoran movi? P72 BeEDVe HE DANA * ma {ise ctf nd coo ore answer, 2) sie ie nee © tte B08 HR, 2 eee souomia, © 2Nok wale a Zita, @ Bawol ol ae me KR. UA oes UT APS! OAS af WO Tein hes AE YOM BAH SM. Make ls with your ptr And preset or las tel. aA 2161 AER RL? eco 1600 #301730 ico dogo | 1130 2030 teeo Goo J 14302330 Ngerio7 es / re ng a eR ND, ‘Sale ayer g vas, ‘5 At ua gH BH AAAS HERE BS, 7 iso 177} oie? = BAe Oia ee 70127 Do youve fendsin Kore? When re you goa ee then? digg ein Sea gate, ead the emi andar he lowing guasons ‘To. | AIBOF jeg stkoeaet> Subject BSO1A BHMIa? 20}, x) nietzate BAS? 7] SFE WAY ofnkE? OS HEE OF 4912, Ht ole! Sol ESo| 2 viol. IRA SIS BE Sem Hie Pie, 22| S22 SOG oie ZANE GAIA! SIE ate, BEBOIE 4201 SONI HE UOTE SAO VS ro! Asbo oI Im A A Of 2 712, AMON Bt A AID WIRE IB te, ALT BAO A801 8 712, ‘BOF MIs HLS Bolan? al sea BHI Bol AE ITA? = OF WE Gin] A210] 01S? o}Y SH, nas, Se 1) Ojala Oi 81S HE elm wie Ios? © Say oH 2 sauce @ sues 2 ve 2g 2ENS, oleae aol 71M ale Mee Zola, ojala wee ofiol eNM oI OKs, Gofal Aigol stm oH ah Ziots, oe abr & fei] 2017} SOM BAS a ste. Prom. | “HHOF conan 1, [ORE magnons Sj | Rr SSD DIS? AIP SEXISM plans for the weekend. Sol olclol 2 ola? BA SE LT 2Ol a AAS OM mE —o.6) Tre yougoingio goon the weeken? Lack he locaton cara in fred goin othe Same pac. 2504 O(co| B 10127 . 7 = SiNSo) #7012, ase HE Sigol 702 8 #21 dol B78? FASE MOLY IPED VARS PEO! Male (wes ~ 99) schedule wit your classmate enn he ards Aol ie? Apsset sia A BS VBE Ofori HD. our sss abou your weekend plans ‘Sle Syo UES B78. Yael asa}Us BUH Ae gE ots. bees AL et alma 2 peer. / 33, BSt AMY Culture Nore Bel geo 2a SR, SeIRBEAIRAD| Zo1R? ben at, pt ff, oa inition oie in Kora hea DEW © AUR! OIE SLRS OF 7AIBE} OF TAIN Six ALOE 2 auc ‘87 ofaite Li2io| Vel, SAR, MENS BANE! SE ALEX) at? F271. What te snes ous for bls, post les, and par ou coun? eeaaanes, see 397 BO RHIE. wacko sent foloing 210... 4, m)z WEL, 13, 2 ae pronounced as [7,8 oe) Ae) / 9 SLR / wlan) / ate tate / ea ACR) EDM ALAS +, raz ucla repeat he flowing setences. 9) Aap} sta 3t01 Belg. 2) UF tle Bx! nAb 2 Boia, 9) A aig 3 110127 B oft A144 ola, 4) A ail oa st Bata, Bu? x 27 BULBS 1. OF ol v sia. (hsckall he wards at you kao a | 2 os 1 1 1 ee | esse we saa 2 ane eens, 9 sara eum | ma wet mas 20) a eam san near yasmin 730 aw sao asec san 20, 990 ~ 20 3, Teg a ati eee, [Lik tthe pictures nd complet cach dog A ug 25pm UM 8B 218? Aol sts? 2 xen Se _ 8 enei2 2 nie 2 BE hon very erty AM ours BAB ICIICE —wowaitforabus smoming beaks AB etch ‘omkeabus Aaytime ‘metic to othe lnunry evening! dianer inate toakea shower ign watch to wash one’s face AM/ mid:mominghafor noon SI8ICH vo s008 PM/ afternoon bets dinnee eutsict twive uote vote auth ‘oall acct tosteas to od a (formal) meeting ‘Shall we watch a movie tomorrow? ‘Sounds good. But have Korean class tomorrow morning ‘Until what time do you have class? Thhave class from 9 t0 1. ‘Then, what time sall we meet? Let's meet in fron: of the movie theater around 1:30. ‘Okay. Shall we eat together? ‘Okay. Let's eat together and watch a movie. Julian, did you have a good weekend’ ‘Yes. Steven, did you have a good weekend, too? What did yeu do over the weekend? | went to Insadong with Yujin and drank ta, Oh, did you have a date? Are you seeing Yujin today as well? No, Iam going tomeet Jeongu and we will go toa museum. ‘What will you do this afternoon, Julian? TU goto the library and study. I caught a cold wept wepl2 aM eave eet wey Sea me 2 2 B81 2a Co VR A, + an ax] Beeb Net + V-oleoH08 Set +918 Beis + Bol H6t WE colt B71 +583 2 chal BOSH 48) E71 + Ob es a7) + Ayr zlol Ct 7) ae — 1 wee ie eee, Wood 2 2 i 2, Hol Se wine wale. ‘Witte nner of ech expression nr he com pete Mera = @SoloME BOL Linge] RTL Ct aS2 2 g o & i s & < Bu, weuc, wale Pay Bal, 2 At wale 91 At zee O17 LOM. ofA SAt012? ous Brio WHOL. (es) Ofc} ORES? ES, 30] Go} om, UMIE] OF AO12? xe SOMHeo, 2B U717t FMOlA. HS SAD Vol HAs. e/a at eo} six] cae, uy geuch MEL LFS: SI LAD Metco win ourpuner ) gol 2 280) a ie | gol gol oleh gol uct ol act bol Uct eau ao aay) anu Be wuol sc Oe RRSICH ‘aunts mic @8 och B wns. Pe wicnsiccvicts omtnce FAR WIIGE eatin A SSO] BE 0127 B ON1R, AclE ule soi. + Asie sHie}2? — Fa, FS sista, + o}BMo] ola? — Ha, HEME a dole, +o) Re tale ae1A, UFO} OO} Iaf HI. Complete the setsses wit our pares 92] BAO (AIH or PIS ABODE, a i | { J /= Ane OR, $ a c eft Aeore! Ao] Wois, cae a z he efe sa / REEt QOIs. 5 yee ( vet oes. | ( es eae ois, | A UO SF eini2? 8 Olgiaie, SHsH0F sia, AldiOl 21042, @D | 8 use 494 99 07-4, yas one, + W714 Bale ta, ade eye] oma + WOE 88 Cote a, £79) olo}7ek ws ake ao st french ston with our pre fe mo 2 A EIB OLS, HOF SA? husd i UO a ots. a 27 tage 2 Hols, 0} 54927 dal Sele al Bis oie? ras gol oma? © gee Tide waolR. 71ael a ake, Fen) weal CHHOIUI2. Qe= BHO! 710} SHA? ; Baz og, 22 et 712. 22 28 Fol Zo} + or7L? Bey O/gtei2, QS SHaHor She. Ly! Algol oie. Wa] a2? A Cheol PIL, LIS Felstal OH. Bae ul, Bore. BST MAS} Geet SM. Proctice wih your partner, a valysich = 2 ofalyolms 9) ey 8 Sots “arate Bett -HoHwA! Sol ich ale Ach ue! AIBio] Sic OHOHLDH SEO Sc} oveHx| AAAlO|CF uHBIMIA| OF Sich AS2 a A201 ila? 9 Ho} sia? eS} oloH7lek ale. ‘come youve ms? What shoul you 6? Practice aaesatos with your eet ‘2B eg? te Bol selene? | oem oiasiojeaor se, =| a) =e) __ Re aaa 710} st. = Sala oa ceo wa C= eo | OBE BP sachet CADE ntemmnm arom Pe $2) wrote Elton en een: Sp HEL wor 270] Zst012, 2404 ofc}7t oma? BET Me AE DEMA, * a isencteliya home coma 1) Ute fei oma? 2s mae, ® @ wy) ae st, cola xa we ome cute om Set Bote, Ge & Ain 8 Sol HOF A ofei2 OfC17} oFROLS? HAI ofA HOI? 22S} ofo}B4 BAS. ‘Whi ompions hive yu ba ef? How di you ta the smploms Tk sou ourexperienes wt a aaa. 2 WEIN OME, EH 28 2801 oie? 2e aryo|aIET Tssameting wong you tee dys? Wha’ te matey? 271 cae en weO Bsa, eadanl answer lowing queso. wie taal nis So1g, Se OIE 7A) APIO] | seme-nz goa, BIA BEDOK BA 30M OK, ofa stor 427 830] WO] LF Ola | ABO 725 u aojaia” aoi9, | sete oO) wot Re aol. oft ato} S427 Bi Bini Bey Wome wie ie 857 gia. 2HAl 20a al ateleY Is, BE an ela, fa alsa, oft ao 127 Mes Bre ABB ois, OFM IS AIR BE OH Rote. IBN BTA LAO let ota, aia HFS MOA of ator a2? cc ») Se ae asia, 2) Sle 2e 25 ma © Hole Stee! eto sto, Ouse He Hite, THM BPE SIS 9 Bue #501 Wao) Leto @ HRlo| AEF Of 18h BEB 8 MOIR, 47| upgo| 2ge ein se Be GBS Mi ula. ‘koe af te wor so and writ st alc clumn ees) ee @ 9S ABE oIclol BoLe? ofgH so S127 ‘Where have you sen ewig ses? Wht shuld you 3? ®B®OS9s ‘Apso ei QUES eso! ae, Crete cos with your sme fort lowing aes. — = ume ate) aac omg) PE eee oe Aner - 793 048 i] as Send orl bee | 2, wig sil ola 3 4 @ M38 0 cues wae ee, 27/0 BOL®. ofgi7 stor S427 , AarIol BBOIR. mie ol BOI, & —\B S701 BRO. sage Un 8 wae, a ia 04 ato, ff e270 waOIe. Sse onmane, & A82t iets LetoIAe OFA 3122 Ue? svete some hove rests for cos in your ity? scan ciara Gane Wave nnp arcccv8 be ome eu a BOM.) mam se he allowing 0 an 2 BRR 9) stale 4) ea “eB QoL Fol Ste xigoN wet wig] BaHEIUIC ©" gpienueed flere secoting ote consnas posed flo @_e0e@ ae off ofs-Afoimint] / Beet / extaIeIaI@) ‘@,ee8 ee a ro) Goose” &. ol) Sista] / mRHICIs] /eetnfolmn) BERGE A BHA Sve ise arly and repens ences 1) Mo] aistofar REEL, 2) BUDE BNE cio, 3.4 BEBNE? 8 viata wet aa, 4) A Si eyo|oLa? 8 Uf, afm sraolaia, os 3 7i@ 8c -go|orzch CO aren ect 22 a2 cts eaatue, lank using be comect wad fom the ba. ct och Con) AQ? — of24( 2 et eIsi012.( 12 -awolweecns. Sn cits S18 pictures und complete exch dslogue 104 2) a Sol Sete B72? 4 ete, B olgisis. a2w01 Aigo! goia, Shea hie BhEN Te flo edz 4 & Translation rege) at -0| mcs zo} cach) o/c soul wert Please have. seat right here. What brings you here? ve caught a cold ‘Where does it hurt? Thave a sore throat, Doctor When did itstart? Last Saturday. Doctor There isa cold going around these days. Take your medication and rest deeply at home. And try notto talk too much, Okay, I've got it 712 Julian, how's your cold? Are you stil sick? | eel better now. just have a title cough. Good, Do you have to goto the doctor today? No, I don’t go today. “Then shall we have tea together this afternoon? 1am sorry. have to study today Ihave a test tomorow. Don't work too hark Really? Then let's meet next (Okay, hanks. 1. SAS? OS SIMO? eee Bay SMe, ‘Wins you poe unter? Say our poe mes, 2, Mae a Fe ae 8127 ‘Waa you say wen yu tk on he phn? ouae, 3 THO ge wise AMS. ‘ete he mmr ofeach expresso ext othe mash piste OBNE ect ane much Ouse wo A 988 muz19? Bu), Bug. ED oun reese a.o7 + ome Wat aaa? — of $8. + ahs GEMMA? — 4 Fe LD, G1 ofolzol era ete 210] SEA! [2791 Lol aISoNN Solel MLD, Confirm things ta you know abot your classmate as shown in the evap. a Gane 3304 88> are eH BID 20 LR HE @ A BEIM SCHEOIAIR? 8 u,, 2aweUch, + 4, of ga Bama? a, A eae +97 daa dome? — 4, a¥euq eux + aa 10 + on? A Ache ull BahHS7} B HO zLa? B 010-025'-333801012. ia? ~ 12,0008uEH + 289] Re auela? - Faqsi1a, MS1 aig 2 [2r/1t Zo] oji7iet wala, Look tecture and pci logo sha in ts exampl 1] ofa we nwonie? | iy ae wou +o Bele + O18 FI + tol a5ab + uot 3048 aU: 38 ea =e) sae ea Te +Ber EBA i +3 we a: a +28: 2A) + HS : O10-c345-297 +e + 010-o967-€005 BF saeticnesen A Kia 4 aa? B galsn yoig, BA BMD, OeIZ Ml HOHEOIRIA? x FEOLOL, ojeIz of, SAI a, SBHOIOLS. a XILAIA? SM UL STIG. ofe|a wl nha wat BAROED? Oz Yl, MMOL. Velstt YR. eal Fe Wola? FU faa Ml, OAH MIAHEA Mts gore? aia, Bok, SM MaE7 gS Hone? ojeiz azivie, s6e8-o102049, eu zoe. ain B2. 221 CHRO vie, SM uae egal Mg, Gel wre ose ous, Ce ec ee 3588-9102 795340 4283-4719 Of0=C208=3458 BS casi iH wegeaa, 20 AP youpiae ea eee? et ee CO “a © yo, ay aga 62. A Syol SA 7127 B oie, 8712, Co ore toes + 51288) -¥, oN BER Boa, + old aueia? — he, RaolR, AST [ris ol ojorzien was, ED ais 0:2 18 0127 2 uamoia? 9) OM BP eNOIR? 4 eB oa? 5) MOM 2B 227 Bie A 94 BEHE of WIStOIe? B Sojsi QO Sw. + ag gol ob sa + RAT ER? — + wit wel ay olga oka, + adage aod gee aia, G1 aes x [27191 Zo ofo}7iH aie, ‘Gee hg orc pct ae shown in example e718? —_— — Tomo 7a | AR GoM 718 & 4 ‘eupract >A OAE & hes ‘to 20 sigol gt |__ ater woes ol 1) 09a arma OKs? 2) #90 eRe e827 9) dae 8 N12? 4) But gol eat wa? 5) 912 AIgOu XE 7127 8 EF Bien BBR oman ag ga aw ots lat ea opie eu opie ea ore 4, MEOIAIILIC. OWNS, 217] HEOIMARI? At ofa} A ALSILITI? Ofvlat MLR? ater ICHELMI. 4) AS obvaHQILICh O72 Ml, 1 PRO|OR. RASS ot wor Uarseoi. Of, $2! Ml, OF SISIE Sim ROI & RLOIS, ojeres. ANON, Os AFIS ul YO) Melo B 4x? ABS. O15 Al Be zgeOIxIe? Azel ME QO/ BO a) He Se 7a2, OF, aH2? etz042. al ola wie. 4, ola 2, ET FO Gas LM Pace with your per soe 2 Mae 3) Aap 4 ee weep ojorisie) ae A ae TAIN aN RE tion age Fe 2180) io} Sich Alor Sich eich BP crac: Oksana Caner MSZ oie a AcE x waI0IR7 o[orrIH HID. Wy cout you snes your cl phon Tak tot the re may ith EH a} vies woia? |= ¢ BA-E=e oa ae 2711 PED A WHE. * mas Tien canyon omen. ow 2» sgcaR 2 ES ouzea oo - ] 2 | oomny Bel wsoie axis BUR? WeetMl axis sue Sls, Doyou se att mssge in Kren? Send ate megs your ache ty, Pale aime 20) sin ota? 712 Yen ewe DEMS. *, mi Lis afl and chose the core ane, emt mel 7187 aeHe, OoleIRE He Mel BAR SOIR. 2 Rauel Sele! wel Mey? dois, 0 wale owe ag melo 2 x, au wl uz. 247] Reading and Writing ‘ais wo] 27 0] Sus? Hee gin weol Atle 1 mel7t TSS SeeoKi2? EE 22 oF siloia, se] a Helo 2b x12? Nig EMBO Doi Set BR Bors, GABON & Hig siz Yoie, Hl We a 0127 a 2 al, ete 34 ‘= iba ACI a af a see = oie. L UKE oie? 2 uf 20] waeatol 7144 pee ap. 019. Ota of 4,28 ops, feito] YL i0t B21 Mota 4,2 oe, RIA te wa AN Ha See 2 Hole, UL Me NOIa? 2 al Jo] wartol 744 AE Wem nity « a ‘POIA RASH SEATS, cal yours @ Sst 7iSe woMe TLD BOM Y Bes AMS, me — pam) SD ro wit mene cant om your ence We tos HM HOM 242 @ 27001 Be Bows, SS cat yon sua dk he goss, ay acABOTRIR? 0,4 mes aia zig # 0, aia? 28 BW OLS ete aa, Fon aetOIR? #2 oP Ie HIE? © esis yu Waid abou? Me ssle 2 ego 4 428 BHA Ba a8 Yee Ban Perry soins, Bae Bel a HOI, uae aus ADE WOLD. O18 0K? You wera an cient, What wold you ds ae Boer eae Yol ESO S12, ay nR7 yore, 119% eto oe comme | Wb ofa L2ioks ole vert gia? w wojoia? H71 Do you have telephone numbers ike this in your country? What's the number? sido ii BOLE, Sy roast [stent folowing y eas 2 23 3) Roe 4) Rae FAL wo] wEol FoIeH4o. Pay atenton othe promuciion of 52 9 2gT: eo Ete of) Sst see) Me LenceeME Saw sen acl and epee folowing sence, 1) OA SIE & eto1o, 2 He 4ae Rate, 3) A OHIO FAB Bg0127 B ojue, & S2ioi2, 4) A mi8i97 8 Hom ale 2012, 4, of eiool v aig, Chet vrs ay 20 uae seep wct aes exe suct ext ct one sues Fy 2 wee gel ase es, Filing th cone cig fo the Box. ons. wea 17, ween eula? eam, MLS ML SPF era HR, AUS 2m aie tebe, 2) A of eto OI? 8 obs, &7 2 cs exe ect orev tet ge APIA SFMO? —Hacwe we STE SUCH toantatet mage ee nae we to meverite pine oor nae eH) sict vo pone neti phone aber AO ve celina unter Mariko Yuji Mariko Yajin Mariko Yajin Mariko Yogi Mariko Yajin Hello, is this Marko's cellphone? This is Yai, On, Yuin. 1's been along ime, How are you doing? Tam doing well. Can you talk on the phone new? Yes, Lam okay. lam cooking. So, what's up? Mariko, do you know Akins office phone number? Yes, know it Hold ona second, I's 3588-9102. “Thanks, No problem. Lets get together sometime, Yes, let's, Okay, bye Agent Akira Yojin Akira Yujin Akira Yuli Akira This isthe World Travel Agency Hello, World Travel Agency? May I speak to Su Akira? Akira? Hold on please This is Sudo Akira speaking Akira this is Yuji, I called because you didn’t enswer your cellphone, Ob, Lam sorry Yujin. I eoulda't pick-up because was having a metieg awhile ago. It's allright. Are you coming to Steven’ birthdcy party today? Of course. It's at Gangnam sation a 6:30, right? I'l probably be 3¢ minutes late because Ihave & Jot of work. (Ob, really? Okay, then see you later: / (Okay, see you later eee aS offi Bein we wap) 2 2 Beh = zAtay “HERS 285) 2B: yet atch NO NRL wat ia asi + vob} $c: swiss + 98601 -S8inlol 7h Ww) GH chet E21 DON Chet BSS chsh ram / “ele ea IBRESE NBO BA Xo}>H| 1 Ba ge wee AHS, ‘Wee te amb of ech wor eto the matching pice. s sty > oe a O “oer ty oxen ' moO wee, 2 1342? wera elatehalS. What the pron ong? Math each ite with he cot wo k Ee ech ojetch water 3. O17 ofci012? O}7/01N W SHER! Bat AES. ‘What ete folewing plies Talk tout wht pope dat ac rato, Ha Ra 704 nau efotg tae 44 BRADY Ae EIS — Wa BBO HAR 7 A Hid 2 842? ws127 8 ONS, Hie7| BE Aer sh2. ED | 86 2 1427-90, e904 12 Gas ae, + oA, Ade da Mola? We ods ae, + ofa UEHE wak IR a7 eM Moja, Fig 42, (371}} zo] 239} ofo}eH Ho. th your pares show nthe example BOO 8 Bie? aaa saa Ha “0 (ert ony i ot een a Ao) 72a iam 2 aia ae, A MAb Eng? B @7| AIRE A alg, sae eet eae, + Ag 8, tei Sag SORA, sad, aes aa, + ag ald hes ols A aR, + Bibel S014 cae ela, Mel LTS! 7HluHee SMe. 0121 AIS BI AlBIOIA Hele 2s Olo}7aH Zale, “b @- Sra wa) sa 3g, 2 a Beenie A Gcle 72? 8 HBceIme 7 aM, ie ome canna 0) wie ABLE 18, ALM OCS FER? aly Meter 71 54g. I Ab ARIO|AIMIS. O1 Labo SAto12?- BAe TBA Roig. al Ab MBSE SE Ola? ofa 7A? Bay uy, Aatal Zo| Slow 18S B 1012. 7A BREE OF BEAD. gag 89, of Festa { Belt Obs), 17] HANAIRAIOLA Ale 71 Ab ul, ARBUICH, gelg 2eeuct. a1 er ced waa, Frais wih our ptt 0 Aes 2 maWA HO — 9) Cielo) ES ow oes wens aie age ae {Ale EFM Mol 7h2tD BILIch, AF WIA 7IAP Zio ooo Se one, pace sig with ou pas, 1M 8 4 eos? eH Ste MLA ZF £127 OjcloLa etm oc hess? ‘Which bus do you nde fe? Where yo ac and whee you et of? (om mag ne >) erase. euest get, Beal Be aes ems en pleas e 2am es oaeas exact Be oaaR cess xisied ! S48 =H EL? ‘Wich bay late do you the most fen? a (mmm 124) mmm Se SEM 72 SE | mm 24 mm AS MG A SL $712 Berge Ae TENE, *, mas owe tte oat 72 8? wag ea 7a ae, © Niue ein aia 19, > Sie ein 7am a. a nena, © soeel mart apres 719, © BARD He OA Ba, © BRE EBON Bois, WOM ese BoM [7i)s ol ojo} ish eats, ok ithe ms Ask ah oer queso esd x shown inte example SUL ojate $1771 ola? 3 AFEE ofetwoLn Pate et SRI0187 U7 cee em Beal Geta ad te psage end nsw ie loving qsion, 2, NIE, WY DML! Bd O1BE LIURILICh nie 3EiO1 SOI BBLICh. ni MBCIE OLA e1S0ig ssi aU oF Hol sis Blo] ORALIC), AIO RON 742k gHxIet SIAL SIRSUCL M BOIO|E SI) APF rol AE af 2, aR =a Zo wROE 7 RELIC CG QE Sino in Sola AMALIE Olam lst fel aot Sal . ‘Boll Sti Gels af Ba Bis} SHE SOMPAL IC}, alm CRON IH OH Ar amguch 22M. OER ML, Me ml a BoInie, er 7B UUoDI PSR a FRUIT OF END wala £4 ag nen. Uue Alm elz wot BeLI @ ULE Bol olny staal & zt@Lic O ULE oan Hale SOREL Biv Al oieiee eM HEROIL? Amt 7, ofl SeHRRIOIO? ES ‘Whee you ha ificalie? Wit bt wh sige you and ow thy ei? __ i, WU Dor%yQy Mol B-A0] 742132 BILICH, O17 7hoF S27 ofc 22m 40k? BE Rol 7: 2 372I sae oi eta at, t Xie MBIA Sole. eA ZO? Q 801 Bovina ats. of 210 st? @ S78 B04 was ee, Mae presentation he ass, ‘Vofcot ain a? 2 etO0A SiR OFA 722 A? 9) FIM Bi RA 7387 Towa // $2 Bago no13 a ani Pept yg eta aia a8) 81 ye Baas yy go $21 yon] Haneg g ne, galeynend } oN poe fi song uate, WiA0Ly 0] AalB Sol HeLiNe Md BOUT ve you hears od one us Whe ave you hee 7 wer fe MEIEDH VEL, Rel BEVIS FHI BAL? DMPIE #8 Ase HAS Elm TSE BUC, Tala MAE UIC e712 BO! SLIM? Are ther tampon cnsin your oun? How do you ay asprin as AAZb_ ojeis DENS METIS SLIM ISI MAB Sw ofA EB WLU? aoHeIet | f q BH soja, *, mos Listen the folowing. » ame 2 Be 2) ates FAL ome] ea01 FaIstMLD, Py aterson the pros of following station names. © & ols o4 Wal ‘='0] ate BeOIe ‘eF0) (218 Wo} waBLECr ‘Whe the eo sion ed wth cons», "5 pononced s 2 of) 4BOLMEe] / SALA / nacido aeeiosse] 26 : 2 21 OBO “2” olael walo| Sit Aa [Le OK WARILICh : ‘When the me of tain ends witha al ose cer tans i pooounced e Ol] SCH S CE] / Spat / AlAs) Me gencaete snus Lisen coil ad pete flowing 1) S21 ABeOy heme? 2) HBR Boy AI AS. 3) A ciclola| Hale? 8 BEAL Leo HO, A Maciolie 22 gol? 8 aren BAlow omg ei 2, oft elo v abla, wa 2 ate ae Bal ee Sebi 14 me oe opi 38 ok ate ~ somes aa 01 ofc ) 9? - Bl ue aug en dale Sees, A Wa Nein ao? A igo] Buolds, a at aa? 8 EP OM eae Bae 4 & Translation on tain ole sotaaster 4 von tip ee ogtat is vas et wie S71 line S810] motnyce “RAMA cfd Expres Bus Tin a4 >is ein sation XB stmay HABRE — oo sep wy ta ist bay ston Steven Shuoming Shioming Steven Shioming Steven Driver Julian Driver Julian Driver Julian Deiver Jellan Driver Julian ‘What are you doing now? 1am looking into anal ticket. ‘Are you going to travel? No. I would like to go (bck) to China during schoo! break. 1 see. By the way, how ong does i take to goto China from Korea? Wakes about 2 hours. What are you going too during the break? | wold like to just eax a home. Really? Aren't you going o travel? No, will be in Seoul during this school break: ‘Where would you like to go? Please take me to Seou! Staion 1 noticed that you are a foreigner, Which county are you from? Team from France, \What are you doing at Seou Station? Are you taveling? ‘Yes, Lam going to travel toBusan with my fried ‘You speak Korean very wel “Thank you, but I cant spedk well yet. Sir, plese drop me off athe bus sop over there. Okay’ Thanks. Try these clothes on eur se wep weuia) mel 2 wapl2 28571 sagare vege spade} N 21g BAlsi7| Neo + voto aii sage +901 ct cs} 671 i + 5A) al cA cat S71 1 + IRI Cet aH “ig bon cating i] +g #801 #23 2 271 i +70 = {8B CHB! 871 | ee i +18 S871 | +8271 | seals | Frm f dbl Sania \, stot / 24 2, aes sem (>|) Bol ah SM, 133 3, SFH0) 019? (7]I9h Hol we SMR. A | A O| ets Oa? B ul, Bos, | ED 1 p22 ~ 24 gu, + oes A, ofA Alt = Ao}A? — ohn, val EE Aaa, + esol Boba g AIOe dale, — a ott S MG1 ase Fe exe aeiz feria vol eats a we Roll te ioe wiv ance 2 semen sho in te example oie os yea os, Behe ect ty ‘A Ofgt Z]o}7} eHOI012? B WE Rol} SBOI0I2. @D «se rae swt? + ata $e aFa9, + Hata dau hy ka, | + ofa a1 Botta? — Asiake ae Bota, at EFo oobi wus. swojuct sasiesnin © 1) of@ ge gotets? 2) Og ABE BOIL? 3) of ete wimg? Bemis aera Of lat Ml, A AHBES Oe? able} S722 tee Bal | 77h2 BAe. Sees asioi2. ole Ob, Ht AE PAA Mole, 2! S|Afol| Cog. Bet SAAIME OW AlBOIOIL? apie OFF xHO}SI A}BOlO2, Hel aie? He MONE AS Zoleks, An aw § ofvle} &, TB Abe Bol 71M CAI? ae 4, zo, Fa, Met a7 Ses eMS Pacts wih ou puree Da aRE/ eA 2) AOL-ECH/ Yt 9) ARIChOIR! 4) of@irh ach / OAR seat a am OAT RA a xe a aie al Au wl aysict auwsich orBop mist sas Bier Sina aoc” le tee yap SO a Ss Me OBS Am, 3 AIFOI MAE! SION CHS Sule, =D Ge Sie Sm Mex Wel BMS. Te oe of your cases and we so her mame on plese of paper Ansrerthe questions seat that ee A 2 MZ] BS roe? B OLS, Arse Mee 7012. Ua [7121 Zo} olo}7jat aie ea ora Boe? A 0) = OHI, B die Alo} SMI. + MOM alba Mob da, - 14a? 2B ago BAR, + ie a7 Hola? — Ae aba, yy aig eh + as #2 He] Avioli? ~ ol he al AB, zie} Bol £1 FR01a ofa! LHe Artal MS Indie you cyt yor lsates sown nthe xampi catgoon 921 uate ones wc, vet _ am egue, So iio 2-28) yaa gage, 8 ae sags ea ao. SETHE gai ual gyte. we ob sala jf 92) ya Sage, 1m BBR HEt oe ae, EH @ selva gna, we Boe, omg, 22 gait ye ao, FP tetas eee cee Aon FE YUM, 0] EME O10? & 3} Exo. HUF BAIS. BI elof Seale. 2) ul7} eee IAI? RH OS. $2) Use Ae O12. HLF a2? ILE O18 Acie gojeH27 FH Papeilie Hest Aces Zolstg, ULE Bi 0121 o1nhe? ol 2& SetoloL9, ULE oma? O11 ALE, et size wes se. ) lta 2 aEe 3) ainias 4 wet ch uc ag saya 24 01014 waz 92) oiul aecict eisich atch Beach EF ii satin shan ig? 7a) tm Aug aim atch, Sola olgale AcIES S28 FH, Bl ofelee Usloivie Sete! wot ofe Hes ale? (On wha:acsions do 30 ie presets? What yo ie? | al WEDRE Ae DEM, *, mc 1) SRO O17 esi en ” ” sta aids ume. ume. sus OmmAER« om ase + 2) S Age TE 988 sata 8127 BH] oiaine ob Se 2 esicia7 What ae you weg dey? £712 genase xe neNe, Linen caf and coe he cores pe ag eM, B41 SOU he 04, aHe 2 BOHR, AME € HOLM oie Zita. ® B ition 2) malo Og Be ole? OF DENS, WOH Se ge 8 ola? 7s} Lo} oj}7ia4 ds, ‘Waste you gia to wear forthe flowing casos Talk sou ith our pane. a aKsEsbe © HOE RS O18 oma ay mer umag 2 be FE r © SORE SE a a Re) al Wa SH saI0| ernie? aol cfg! Hes BOIL? 271 cae an deol gee. Ren th page aos tbe owing guesios OF2 1.3 91 © 10FT1 & te Y Bid ofa BUNA, AM AEE ol Boia, PRE Uo 7S gla. 2 igerarg a goa 1 Sel 4 NLA YOY Sor) eH HOI yrcigag, AGE HAL WUE RAR, ah obIAage gol 01 are wa oF into. | uae geeis ages aia ol ge az ga pda 0) BMI Re SB weteL eee owe ane eo . 6 ew EMD aim) 72 BHM HIS, © oto OeInoIA REaIR FAIS, @ dela: WMH OIAARE eR Hg 71s SHE A480] Soa? 2 AES 7 NO}? of BstoIN? MAL. ‘What ne met mena if you tae eed? From whom do reve Why did you ke i? Wi aoa __ Bleg ne BRO Qe ASal SFO SASS eH we, @& 7571 Ut007 Se ajeta eILch FoI Hes aia 4 | AM, (1S — nace © Joven nese pee you ty nds Make at = 3 4 . Se MBB AiO Bax] IASt of} IaH wR, ‘What wou e ood ite fr? Tk aout tem wih your sats, @ iP re 88 448 Hota arp E0NH oP Ie Ae We 92) nae 988 9212 roar ea A A Tas, =ai2 {UME - Eo un 87 ob alata ge wee wn aoig7 (cine 23, sat UF wo we ew) degen 301 AYOINgUE, 2AM Ue NAH RRO TM ae 3 AGEL ORI AIDE QM 48 SH Sang 2 YER ABEL Ue Sy Bono Of 1H BENE, EMULE MH O1OMIE ED OF queue. “URE MF LEU SE YEE UMS, OFF URN SE AR OE wate vag Une AIH ob URE UNE EUCLA URE WD opt Alam aegUE, WHOS, yYeL OMS, Ae aE IIe” Seok YS THM OM Bolen Mee Y EUML Jy ee in At ele DRONE Se Hee 2 oF S12? AIRet oppiet BS. YE5S71_ aster abo in you county? Tak about tem with your lsat, GF aii ie eatin BML Boj HIE. ack Linen he towing ) ome / rn 2) sioaia / 2eUlct 3) ators / etait ‘2 Nd FA] wees wel Foss. 0 Wwe S sie] ee we. a) aieferm / eLieerauicy / ware] /e12re0) 2 wal ere Fol vo] o8 [= ]2 WeELICt, of) tt) Me gen nea wee ) she ol 01a, 2) ME ein ABE heLict 3) A om Ree 710187 BLE Aor Ain ae. 9 A ov eoMe, WBE? B sulci a saa, 1. Ole oie v she (Chek ll he word tat yo kao ge ee Bel cats esi. Flin te lank sing he caret word fom te os a mht 1) 0} Aetao] 2 eek. ( ) Atel ores, Zune aue — uM) SM ROAR 2 ofe SE wie? SRM () SH sh ALD at age 2 ce eee, ‘ook th pistes nd complet cack ilu. 4 aad 1k 0} ARP OF oN _ ofa a e049, er 3 shoe act eee ot at act a ems ect to wear (clas 2 st 25 ama co pe IOE/ ADE sie eet totecate Sst toe smat ons tobe prety sect tobe kind Kelly Akira Kelly Akira Kelly Akira Kelly Akira Kelly Akira, who i that person? Who? “The tall person over there, He is wearing blue jeans ‘Oh, that is Yoske, He works for our company. What she like? He i avery funny person Really? I ike funny people, Please introduce hin te me. Um, then shall we go and talk to him together? Okay, good Yon Nana Yulin Nana, how's this Tshirt? Please have a look (at i) for me. It’s okay. Try iton. You're the ane who'll wea it, right? No, Lam going to give it asa present o my sister. Really? What style does your sister like? My sister likes simple styles, Then, how about this one? This is in vogue these days That's prety Isn't prety? Buy this one I want to go on a trip os eel Bet wait etal wel? wer 2 2 ye aM eae oo +AN-(2I HEN + ofa al Bete} yeaa + vem aot let ae EEE} + aie A B71 sole az 871 + AS ofS chet 847] + ofts| Ariat @ #71 + ofr] AIS @ 471 + ofeo fe 224 261 arginine sicier -gaetoter) -uigst2 Bol ste Hse mute, ee uac (D les2| i otnteict oe tect @ sue oct 2 feel Mol St via ule. amber cus inthe caret on oe she = Sac r ) c ) ‘ feet 3, feiRS OfCl2 OMS Zia HoIe? 71717 a BOA? (7111 Zo wet ES Were wos you ie ove Why Tak abou as shown i te eal, weg Fale AE Gn EBS ue) Saisie asiale aa, pow gol 2 7a, + doh saad aie, aud 36 MEE wed S18? se) 0) OO! w B 710197 [71st Ho wah wale ‘ht woud yo oi you hd ot of money? Tak abot is stown nthe exam A Deol 7H AB A012? 8 UTES UA WUE Bue ag 7o12. \g cama Gy» nig gop spor setexm era en LIN /\ Wi ons 21971 Bole! we io, e0l goo Bias ise A SAO BRT} NAR? BU, OFF 2} m7} OFRALOH CHA, + 25 Use mee Aimee! wore, + Reside Sotela? ~ Ar Boe ale waa, Ae U3 AHS] Aa Ae BMPS, j + AMEE Uta of azata, AO (27 J9 Bol oo} Ista, viet wt aIFESI OBE Mi wD, Ak each le questions od spor a wn in th example. We he seo ach pron in our eg ie RUE UL 81 fale] Ml, ole eletod 9 Bt 240127 oe Wa PAol Ate 217 Hol 7iaia ah, 507) 8] sek2? eal 2 1012? By Boa wees eu aust ste. aa 3) of olgal 2 2012? a oloHatoia? 2 @ a ofa, 421 BL Ola} opotsiain aig, a] Selo} 7141 al @ 71012? A 2] SCHOLAR ioe. sie wie wAjol S| Bt 7iKLe? a1 et 2771 SRO] OF! Zo} o1sMs siz, 2 Oe LOLA A 71012, 1 ee IFO} SHH EMD, Practice vib yourpumnee ye 2 ae a oe a oe auioict Lice ict eect sicily Seisic lal ict ate sc Avie ect a oheck 1 ole 2s Be ay ase Bio caahaGsay he HA Bac AS2 NFS Lol ojor7iet Bae. “kata wha 00 wold ke do when your aly o fiends sit ou a uo] B01 SAI ol eal 2 APA HB OI? A oft B71ROIS? Bu, Bw Bizoig, = 7m Hole, + eae oh} am ala, sae Usee ala aia, sole me ein dome: + ola ast em Sea ota, Hat [wrist wo) ojrriet we an gone aopass ya am Gs s yams 9 9 2 Ye, A a EARS SS ERIS we E On AO (wrist Wo arp goi Ba Ne wes an clelseeio| 7 Binks BAH HS, A Sao 3 ef i012? Buco & Hole, F010) WCHOH 71 Ose, + Ape BOI On ael a, + OA Hig? — 837 aa}si ol A do) Mahal ada, "Wie ds quedon at you wo is oak yur cama 5 sem the example, The, ii WAR) Hagel 7 | ohn oie? sts, go!) SPAM Oa ye, age Ne aR OM womia yor Asia, yomia qo1ae og 7 2 & an SJ og 282 Wels 28 2 YOK, et AcE Of7l2} Ml, MES 1S BARR? ofviat Ul, MIS Bar ARIS Bet OScHBOlg. = 7 OIL. opie UiginERlol, 32? Acie x] 8137} 0fF@ 2i7/g Sa AO} SIM Ula! OFF BION 71241 812. Obie} HIS 7h S1R/Q! LIS 810] BlO4S. Bice Bienes HM ocainaon How OE cats Sue Hog? OL, SAS SH MBIRISt AlztO] BOM HOH Aen 87/7} AAR? ofiat ws: 20} 742. 3 7S GAH LMG. Pace wih ou pane DBA OBE 2 BA/aIsict — 9) Baia / ACH 4) AN / emt ees sict eyelet ach /7iCh al /eict ofn zal BCh Atal pact aa ct aun / oct oe ots cise an MS2 che EOI cat [H>]}91 wo] Esta o}o}7e4 LS, We down your answer foreach action inthe ile shown in te example an prac ares PIR ofs042? 210k 8 MOIS? >2Iol 74a A087 al aa? heel! Theta Fe Oe Ze ; % BHI B72 wert Ofate 79} Im oimNs 201? WET We 1B TENE * ror 1 oes x88 a = eiOIe? stat fer ea ms 2 ciety to ta i BBS 2 we © EL Of OWOLA 7B So] SOK, @ Clea aol an ze Re wo © rbiae via We Rae Wao 8 2010 A1BojMO cholo} 42, Me -eG25 eeu 1a yaa 92 Ayo gon os aH, Pg beBE BD Pye gee. ng agaz veaiys wa, $)ZL AAI Reacting and Writing Bel oft 7ietm als. eh, #2, oc} BOR? EE Wl des em weol gee suena yew? genok 7} waa. 901 BaP ‘28 Ado RY 21 woes, SE sia ogc ane Ha wid. X Bam cen woisot 2+ waa, woe Ble B48 2 12? B ico se ol opm, zis: woot |_| Sztor FR het to} wu Bao) onBcjoud catoie ol met Sie) HR SERRE ol B oa oe sets atm EDIE ets |S RaMISE Zoli SIS AINA wine tied thi saoaGnice RPK ne WiFi WA ) S80le sp} 90019? BF meme, 2) SOHO B88 Boe? @ on dh ice ul 9) Ste 28 2eHe © wovson ay an 73, © HEIN Oe Me AZ} ote, 271 olate uta att 38 18 rel rc fa ge OM! 3 j a ~ Ofgtol cHSt IAB] O11 ZApeH SUS, Sure oar clasts, Wht wld hy hk rel? @ sssoir BENE we # Ofte ofa) we, eR p20 209 Flin the ave frm 0 sf our hes, @ #E ABH ve APEC BolT, Siney youl: aysl gee Uae Agel ge8 1g onysia 44a ogee qoige suze oma ‘yeise ah aaa gee g491 OM organ 4o.9 @ 2 298 wae ous, Ge eo) 2a a ia as / mage Myo as oii yaa gouge gue, EH NH HOF He BE (aqqua aaa de gag equa ae eave getien 7 z Ge

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