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3801 North Keeler Avenue Chicago, IL 60641



Reconciling Ministries Network, along with Methodist Federation for Social Action and A rmation, invite you to join the energy building for our combined mission trip to Tampa, Florida in April of 2012 for the next international legislative session of our church, General Conference. This is a once-every-four-year opportunity to alter our rules of life as United Methodists. At Sing A New Song, RMN, MFSA, and A rmation launched Love Your Neighbor, a grassroots and legislative organizing campaign to develop relationships with delegates to General Conference via one-on-one phone calls and meetings, including RMNs rst ever international strategy with Central Conference delegates. We mobilized every Sing A New Song participant and made over 650 phone calls to General Conference delegates in less than 10 minutes (pictured right)! It was incredibly exciting! Together we will build relationships with our elected delegates, o er resources for justice decisions for our denomination, and provide support for a vibrant United Methodist future. Visit to learn more about how you can get involved.


transformING our Church and world into the full expression of Christs inclusive love

There are over 450 Reconciling Communities across the United States in churches, Sunday school classes, and campus ministries, including 34 new reconciling communities in 2010. Please visit to nd the one nearest you.

Our Mission
Reconciling Ministries Network mobilizes United Methodists of all sexual orientations and gender identities to transform our Church and world into the full expression of Christs inclusive love.

Our Vision
Reconciling Ministries Network envisions a renewed and vibrant Wesleyan movement that is biblically and theologically centered in the full inclusion of all Gods children. Reconciling Ministries Network is committed to making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world by living out the Gospels teaching of justice and inclusion.
Photos Richard W. Garnett

Reconciling Communities New Reconciling Communities in 2010 <10 - States with less than 10 communities 11-25 - States with 11-25 communities >25 - States with more than 25 communites

2010 Board of Directors

Helen F. Andrew Rachel BirkhahnRommelfanger Vincent D. Cervantes Rev. Dr. Daniel F. Diss Lawrence T. Duncan Rev. Duane A. Ewers Elizabeth Fimbres Will J. Green Esther Villarreal Houser Madelyn Marsh Rev. David W. Meredith Dr. Randall Miller Rev. Holland Morgan Rev. Joshua M. Noblitt Rev. John Oda Elizabeth Okayama Rev. Dr. Karen P. Oliveto Rosario Quiones Rev. Dr. Bruce W. Robbins Sally Sparks Rev. Dr. Derrick Spiva Monica L. Swink Joy T. Watts Ralph A. Williams

2010 Expenses
81% Program ($567,249)

2010 Income
53% Grants from Foundations ($405,362) 39% Donations from Individuals ($294,969) 3% Income from Sales, Interest, Registration Fees ($23,860) 5% Donations from Churches ($36,306)

8% Fundraising ($55,790) 11% Administration ($79,951)

In my opinion, the 2010 financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Reconciling Ministries Network as of December 31, 2010, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. Lance Tuscany, C.P.A. (Visit to view a full copy of the auditors letter.)

Gaining Ground
In a year marked by bullying, RMN gained ground by spreading the Good News of Gods inclusive love of people of all sexual orientations and gender identities by growing its grassroots leadership: Facilitated 36 regional trainings, producing 786 Believe Out Loud Disciples Organized, promoted, and recruited more than 70 Reconciling United Methodist organizers to attend a Believe Out Loud Power Summit of more than 500 ecumenical partners

Our Gratitude
RMN is deeply grateful for the generosity of the individuals, classes, foundations, congregations, and communities that have supported its mission through their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness.

Believe Out Loud House Gatherings

In 2010, nearly 800 Believe Out Loud Disciples invited people into their homes and shared stories with friends and neighbors of why they believe in an all-inclusive church. These personal gatherings laid the foundation for the Reconciling Movement to take action in Love Your Neighbor, a grassroots and legislative organizing campaign to transform our church into a place of reconciliation and healing for all. Visit to learn more about how you can get involved.

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