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Director of Tanzania Institute of

Education (C), Acting Executive Director
of TACAIDS (3rd R) and UNESCO Head of
Office (3rd L) during the closing session
of teacher training in Morogoro.

Comprehensive Sexuality Education

(CSE) online course for higher learning
students (age 19-26years) introduced
in three universities namely university of
Dar es Salaam; University of Iringa and
the St. Augustine University of Tanzania.
The three universities are offering CSE
through e-learning platform of which
learners have access to use their
mobile phone to register and undertake
the course. Over the period of 5 months,
about 8000 students (40% female)
registered and 2500 (31.3%) completed
by Nov.2021. The course is meant to
help students acquire desirable level
of knowledge & develop competencies
required to protect them from HIV
infection, GBV and other risk behaviour
as well as develop health practices
Student of University of Iringa, receiving her certificate of
while at campuses.
completion during the Launch of the CSE Online course at
the University.

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