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Name :Aynur

Surname : ALİTAY

Na onality :Turkey

Date of Birth : 20.05.1989

Place of Birth :İstanbul

Marital Status : Maried

Driving License : B


E-mail :

Address : yeşilbağlar mahallesi salihler sokak no:3 Sancak apt. Pendik/IST

Telephone :+90-533-500-87-22


2007-2013 : Dumupınar Universty, Chemistry

2003-2006 : Pendik High School


Bilim Pharmaceu cals Inc,

Quality Control Senior Specialist

02.2020 -Now

Planning the raw material analysis in the quality control department, applying the method,
processing the results into the SAP system, checking the documents related to the raw material
analysis, checking the daily raw material entries through the SAP system and preparing the charts.
Progress of raw material planning and gran ng necessary approvals for produc on. I take part in the
prepara on, monitoring and comple on of R&D, licensing (domes c and interna onal) quality
assurance units and ministry applica on requirements. In addi on, I follow up with the partners with
whom interna onal and domes c studies are ongoing to ensure that the requirements are met. In
addi on, the formula on unit and raw material requirements are monitored for new product studies
carried out by the R&D department.

Biofarma Pharmaceu cals Inc.

Quality Control Specialist


Planning the arrival of the star ng material samples to the laboratory, planning and monitoring the
analysis, guiding analysts in solving problems that occur during the analysis, OOS in case of
inappropriate results.tracking and repor ng, checking the reports of completed analyses. Entering
the results into the SAP system. In addi on, produc on planning is followed and all orders are
prepared, followed and received through the purchasing department for all preliminary prepara ons
for analysis. . Prepara on of ministry documents together with the license department, prepara on
and delivery of ministry control samples. Preparing raw material method revisions, report formats,
preparing, repor ng and publishing raw material cer ficates. Making and repor ng analyzes in
alterna ve source studies. To monitor the ini a on and comple on of change control and devia on
through the QMEX system and to ensure that the ac ons are completed.

Mefar Pharmaceu cals Inc.

Quality Control Team Leader


To carry out finished product analyses, analy cal method transfer (AMT), analy cal method valida on
(AMV) analyzes in the quality control laboratory using HPLC (waters, agilent, shimadzu), UPLC
(waters) ICP-OES, UV, POLOGRAPHY, volumetric trator devices and comply with GMP rules. repor ng
appropriately. Follow-up of stability analyzes in accordance with the stability protocol. Checking the
reports of completed analyzes. Forwarding documents to the quality assurance department for
product release.Calibra on of laboratory devices (scales, pH),Keeping track of raw material stocks,
preparing, storing and ordering chemicals in the laboratory in accordance with
procedures,Conduc ng analyzes of incoming raw materials (sulfate ash, drying loss, iden fica on,
relevant substances, quan ty determina on) Making quality control reports of approved raw
materials Conduc ng quality control analyzes of incoming packaging materials and preparing reports


Reading wri ng Speech

English Beginner Beginner Beginner

Serbian Advencad Beginner Advencad


Computer programming : Ms Office Programs SAP,Qmex

Work Area and Equipment : GC,HPLC (Shımadzu, agilent,waters),Uv,F r and other lab,materials


Smoking : No

Want to work Areas : R&D,Quality Assurance,Quality Compliance,AS&T


If References is demande, it will be forwarded later

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