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CENTRE NAME: Freeburg Secondary


SUBJECT: English

TITLE: Abuse


TEACHER: Coleen Rogers


Table of Contents

Contents Page

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................ 4

PLAN OF INVESTIGATION .............................................................................................................................. 6

ARTIFACT #1 ...................................................................................................................................................... 7

ARTIFACT #2 ...................................................................................................................................................... 8

ARTIFACT #3 ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

REFLECTION ONE .......................................................................................................................................... 10

REFLECTION TWO ......................................................................................................................................... 10

REFLECTION THREE ..................................................................................................................................... 10

WRITTEN REPORT ......................................................................................................................................... 10

OUTLINE OF ORAL PRESENTATION .......................................................................................................... 10

ORAL PRESENTATION................................................................................................................................... 10

BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................................................................. 10


First and foremost, the researcher would like to give gratitude to the Lord, who provided energy,

strength, ability and faith towards completing this English School Based Assessment (SBA).

The researcher would also like to thank his parents and family for providing the necessary

equipment and materials to aid in the completion of this S.B.A.

The researcher would like to thank everyone who sacrificed their busy schedules and chose to

assist and give guidance along this S.B.A.

The researcher would also like to give recognition to his English teacher, for his able guidance and

support in completing this task.


Psychological abuse, often called Emotional abuse, is a form of abuse, characterized by a

person subjecting or exposing another person to behavior that may result in psychological

trauma, including anxiety, chronic depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

In this English SBA, the researcher will briefly analyze the life of emotionally abused teenagers

and the adversities they are faced with as a result. As you go on to read you will find reflections

entailing what the researcher has discovered and how doing this SBA helped his as an individual,

the artifacts used in the investigation and a poem written by the researcher which encapsulates

the topic chosen.


Plan of Investigation

Effects of Emotional Abuse on teenage girls

The issue of emotional abuse on teenage girls is an issue that not everyone pays

much attention to which is why the researcher have chosen this topic to research on. Too often

persons are being abused emotionally and other persons tend to just let it happen. This

disquisition will enable the researcher to understand the sentiment of victims who were abused


As a student of English, I expect to improve in my writing and reading comprehension skills

because I will be exposed to new words and the use of literary devices by researching and

analyzing the School-based assessment. Using a poem, song and Video, the researcher will

analyze the topic and extract as much information as possible.

Artifact #1

Screenshot of the poem Ice Queen by Tori Anna

Artifact #2

Screenshots from Emotional abuse- short film | DARIA

Artifact #3
I will not make
The same mistakes that you did
I will not let myself
Cause my heart so much misery
I will not break
The way you did, you fell so hard
I've learned the hard way
To never let it get that far
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
I lose my way
And it's not too long before you point it out
I cannot cry
Because I know that's weakness in your eyes
I'm forced to fake
A smile, a laugh every day of my life
My heart can't possibly break
When it wasn't even whole to start with
Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I find it hard to trust not only me, but everyone around me
Because of you
I am afraid
I watched you die
I heard you cry every night in your sleep
I was so young
You should have known
Better than to lean on me
You never thought of anyone else
You just saw your pain
And now I cry in the middle of the night
For the same damn thing

Because of you
I never stray too far from the sidewalk
Because of you
I learned to play on the safe side so I don't get hurt
Because of you
I try my hardest just to forget everything
Because of you
I don't know how to let anyone else in
Because of you
I'm ashamed of my life
Because it's empty
Because of you
I am afraid
Because of you
Because of you

Kelly Clarkson- Because of you

Reflection One

The poem written by Tori Anna “Ice Queen” was very enlightening. The words in the poem

describes how Stolid Anna has become because of being emotionally abused. It shows how the

poet pleaded with Anna to show some type of happiness or liveliness within her soul which

further illustrates how deep and

The song “Because of you” by Kelly Clarkson shows how the singer was affected by the

relationship between her mother and father. The effect of their relationship was passed onto her

and now affects her adulthood.

The video “Emotional Abuse- shot film DARIA” shows how words affected individuals with

insults, even if not physically but mentally it impacted them by second-guessing oneself.

Reflection Two

The language used in the poem was formal and it was written to be understood by anyone. This

was instrumental since it aided in the better understanding of the topic emotional abuse and

helped the researcher to create a suitable definition for the topic.

The language used in the video was formal English. Terms used that was not understood by the

researcher were sought after by means of the internet.

The tone in the song is one of regret and depression. The depression is seen in the third stanza

which says, “I’m forced to fake, A smile, a laugh every day of my life…” Also, the song is very


Reflection Three

The process of doing my SBA helped the researcher to develop one important skill, that

is working as a member of a team. Through teamwork and co-operation, the researcher was able

to improve my portfolio and to correct my mistakes. I learned to listen to my group members and

to respect their opinions. My SBA has helped me to have more confidence and believe in myself,

to be outspoken in front of groups of persons.

The SBA also made me better able to read and analyze what I read. I learned how to look

at things from different perspectives and to identify the tone and purpose of an article.

Finally, every week, my class had to submit a different aspect of the SBA to our teacher.

This instilled in me the importance of time management and meeting deadlines.

Written Report

The outline of the SBA was discussed by the teacher with the entire class. Various groups were

formed consisting of four (4) students each. The group members choose a broad topic. Each

member of the group researched that specific topic and decided on a comfortable sub-topic

which would be of interest to him/her. Group members particularly researched their sub-topics

and brought relevant and interesting information to the next group meeting. Along with the

English teacher and the group members, three (3) of the best artifacts were selected. Once we

had all this in place each group member did individual research to find evidence for our artifacts.

The research of this project was made with the dedicated use of the internet. The articles found

were very informative and helped in improving our grammar and vocabulary. Analyzing on the

information was not very difficult, instead it was quite easy to grasp the concept of the articles by

just reading and listening carefully.

The three pieces chosen were a poem named “Ice Queen’’ by Tori Anna, a song by Kelly

Clarkson titled ‘’Because of you’’ and a video entitled “Emotional Abuse- Short Film| DARIA’’.

The three pieces were scrutinized thoroughly and analyzed. The poem “Ice Queen” by Tori Anna

shows that the persona’s friend has become stolid and wishes to restore her happiness. The poem

is expressed in formal language, this made it easier to decipher because of the writer’s free word

of choice.

The song “Because of you” by Kelly Clarkson was very enlightening. It explained to us how the

singer was affected by the relationship between her mother and father. The effect of their

relationship was passed onto her and now affects her adulthood.

In conclusion, this part of the SBA was successful with the help of each group member and our

teacher. The group members developed communication skills, as well as listening skills and was

able to function as to team to complete this part of the SBA. The group members also were able

to understand the importance of teamwork and how imperative each member was.

Outline of Oral Presentation

The researcher’s oral presentation will take the genre of poetry. A Free verse poem will be used

to effectively emphasize on the topic chosen. The researcher was inspired by the lax and

expressive structure of this genre which will enable her to evidently express her sentiment on the

topic chosen. However, the articles that the researcher had gathered will add content to her poem

because it contains relevant information needed to successfully elaborate on the topic chosen.

The researcher chose the formal register because she will be able to use a vast number of literary

devices to project her thoughts and feelings relevant to the topic chosen. The researcher’s oral

presentation will be based on the effects of emotional abuse on teenagers

Oral Presentation

Is it my fault?

Is it that no one cares about me?

Don’t they all see the life in me?

All these harsh and heartless words

They say showing no sympathy.

Is it my fault I could never fit in?

Because all they did was tore me up from within,

But what if I decided to end my life?

I wonder, would the even care now?

I’ve been broken far too long,

So unhappy, so afraid.

I just have to get away,

I think that should be one way to ease the pain.

Now that I have slit my wrist and drained away my life,

Is it my fault that I am different, lost in a world?

Where judgement is prevailed

I wish, I had the power to fight me like they did.

Their words had such a molding power,

So, I listened to whatever they said.

I fix my face,

Puffed my breast but they never changed.

I finally gave up the fight, I told everyone I was alright.

But deep down I wanted to commit suicide

I did what I needed to do, and I was finally happy

Sometimes, I wonder if there was anyone who really loved me for me.

If I was to do it again, I would do it so much faster

Who knew my life would be a disaster,

I’m in a better place, I guess

An afterlife without any stress.

Sherwin Sampson


Emotional abuse -short film | DARIA (2015). [Motion Picture].

Evans, P. (February 1st, 2003). The verbally abusive relationship; How to recognize it and how to respond.
Adams, Media.

ToriAnna. (2017, July 20). Retrieved from All poetry:



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