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Information Retrieval Framework (IRF)

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SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP 7.52 | SP13


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Information Retrieval Framework (IRF)

The Information Retrieval Framework (IRF) allows you to search for and retrieve personal data of a speci ed data subject. The
search results are displayed in a comprehensive and structured list containing personal data of the data subject speci ed,
subdivided according to the purpose for which the data was collected and processed. The results can be downloaded and
provided to the data subject.

 Note
The Information Retrieval Framework might be considered as a potential tool for complying with data protection
requirements. It might be used to inform the data subject on his/ her personal data undergoing processing, including the
reason (purpose) for processing.

To use the IRF, you must rst set up a data model containing all relevant database tables that you want to be searched for
personal data. The IRF assists you in this process by automatically creating an initial data model which you must then verify and
enhance with the help of the IRF modeling tools. Once your data model is set up, you can start the actual data collection

Refer to the following sections for more information on how to create an IRF data model and start the retrieval process:

Setting Up the System for the IRF

Learn how to set up your system for the Information Retrieval Framework. This section gives an overview of the relevant
prerequisites that need to be ful lled before starting the data model creation. For more information, see Setting Up the System
for the IRF.

Creating the Data Model Used by the IRF

Learn about the IRF data model and get an overview of the data modeling process. For more information, see Creating the Data
Model Used by the IRF.

Generating the Data Model

This section describes how you can generate a data model for an ILM object. In addition, you can nd information about IRF
Business Add-Ins (BAdIs) that can be used to modify the data model. For more information, see Generating the Data Model

Modifying the Data Model

Once you have generated a data model, you can use the modeling options described in this section to further adjust it to your
needs. For more information, see Modifying the Data Model.

Testing the Data Model

Learn how to perform a test search for personal data. By doing so, you can make sure that your data model contains all relevant
database tables and that the direction of retrieval (table hierachy) is correct. For more information, see Testing the Data Model.

Retrieving Personal Data

To get a business-speci c output of search results, you must create and assign purposes to the ILM objects relevant for data
model creation. This step is mandatory before starting the retrieval process. For more information, see Maintain Purposes.

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Once your data model is set up correctly, you can use the following reports to retrieve personal data of a speci ed data subject:

Start Data Collection report (transaction DTINF_START_COLL) to trigger the retrieval process.

Process Data Collection Results report (transaction DTINF_PROC_COLL) to get an overview of all data collection
requests as well as to display and download the search results.

For more information, see Retrieving Personal Data.

More Information
For a list of all SAP Notes required to work with the IRF, see the composite SAP Note 2646204 .

Central functions supporting the use of the Information Retrieval Framework are grouped in Customizing for Cross-
Application Components under Data Protection Information Retrieval Framework .

The reports relevant for the IRF are listed in the SAP Easy Access Menu under Cross-Application Components Data
Protection Information Retrieval Framework (IRF) .

The terms used in this documentation are explained in SAPterm under component CA-DPP.

To get an idea of how the reports mentioned in this documentation are used in the data modeling process, refer to the
how-to guide attached to SAP Note 2682544 .

Setting Up the System for the IRF

To set up and use the Information Retrieval Framework, make sure that the following prerequisites are ful lled:

Activate Business Function

De ne System Status

Set Up Users, Roles and Authorizations

Activate OData Services

De ne Parameters

Schedule Background Job

De ne Purpose Maintenance Tool

Identify Relevant ILM Objects

Activate Business Function

To utilize the framework, you must switch on the business function Information Retrieval Framework (CA_DTINF_FW) in every
system that you want to enable for the search and retrieval of personal data.

More Information
For more information about activating business functions, see Switching on Business Functions.

De ne System Status
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You must de ne the status of the system you want to enable for the data retrieval process. Depending on the status you
choose, a different range of functionalities for this system is available.

To de ne the system status, go to Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Data Protection Information
Retrieval Framework Maintain System Status or call transaction DTINF_SYSTEM_STATE.

The following status values are possible:

Disallow Usage: This is the default status. Even if the business function is active, the IRF cannot be used in this client.

Allow Usage as Remote System: The IRF can be used, however, its functionalities are restricted to the system and client
you are currently working in.

To enable the use of the IRF, select the option Allow Usage as Remote System from the drop-down list.

More Information
For more information about the different system statuses, see the associated system documentation located in the same
location as the Customizing activity.

Set Up Users, Roles and Authorizations

In order to con gure and/ or use the Information Retrieval Framework, a user must have a role based on one or more of the
following authorization objects:

Authorization Object Description Authorization Fields Permitted Values

S_INF_ADMIN Administrator tasks ACTVT (Activity)

01: Create/

03: Display

S_INF_CONF Create and maintain pro les for ACTVT (Activity)

01: Create/
data collection

02: Change

03: Display

06: Delete

S_INF_DPO Trigger the data collection ACTVT (Activity)

01: Create/
process and view the search

02: Change

Recommendation 03: Display
When working in a
39: Check
production system, the
assignment of this 43: Release
authorization object should
be limited to a few users

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Authorization Object Description Authorization Fields Permitted Values

PURPOSE_ID (Purpose) De nes purpose IDs for which

an information retrieval can be
triggered. In addition, users can
only review search results if
they have a role with the
relevant purpose ID assigned.

S_INF_MAIN Maintain the data model used ACTVT (Activity)

01: Create/
by the Information Retrieval

03: Display

64: Generate

S_INF_RFC System users for RFC ACTVT (Activity)

16: Execute

More Information
For more information about the authorization objects and their permitted activities, see the system help of the relevant
authorization object in transaction SU21.

For more information about setting up users and authorizations, go to Customizing for SAP NetWeaver and choose
Application Server System Administration Users and Authorizations .

Activate OData Services

The activation of OData services is necessary to enable the data transfer between the browser-based modeling tool designed
for the Information Retrieval Framework and the SAP NetWeaver back end system.

Register the Service DTINF_TC_MAINT_SRV

Follow below steps to register the service. If the service is already registered, you can use the following instructions to also
validate or edit the service parameters.

1. Go to transaction Maintain Service (/IWBEP/REG_SERVICE).

2. In the Technical Service Name eld, enter OData Service name DTINF_TC_MAINT_SRV.

3. Choose Create.

4. On the next screen, ll in the following elds with the values indicated below:

Field Field Value

Description Maintenance of data model


5. Click Save.

6. Choose Create Model and ll in the following elds with the values indicated below:

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Field Field Value

Technical Model Name DTINF_TC_MAINT_MDL

Model Version 1

7. Click Create and ll in the following elds with the values indicated below:

Field Field Value

Model Provider Class CL_DTINF_TC_MAINT_MPC_EXT

Description Maintenance of data model

8. Choose Save.

9. Navigate back to the Create Service screen.

10. Choose Assign Model and ll in the following elds with the information about the newly created model:

Field Field Value


Model Version 1

11. Choose Continue and then Save.

Add Service to the Service Catalog

Follow below steps to add the newly created service to the service catalog:

1. Go to transaction Activate and Maintain Services (/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE).

2. Choose Add Service.

3. For System Alias, type in LOCAL and hit Enter.

 Recommendation
If the system alias LOCAL does not exist, follow below steps to create the system alias:

a. Go to Customizing for SAP NetWeaver under SAP Gateway OData Channel Con guration Connection
Settings SAP Gateway to SAP System Manage SAP System Aliases and call up the activity.

b. Choose New Entries.

c. Enter the following details for the SAP system alias:

Field Field Value

SAP System Alias LOCAL

Description Local system alias

Local SAP GW Enable the local SAP GW

For Local App Disable the local app

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Field Field Value

RFC Destination NONE

Software Version DEFAULT

System ID Name of the SAP target system

Client Target client

d. Choose Save.

4. Select your newly created service DTINF_TC_MAINT_SRV from the list displayed under Select Backend Service and
choose Add Selected Services.

5. On the Add Service dialog box, choose Local Object in the Creation Information section.

6. Click Continue.

Activate the SAP Gateway

To activate the SAP Gateway, go to Customizing for SAP NetWeaver under SAP Gateway OData Channel Con guration
Activate or Deactivate SAP Gateway .

 Recommendation
If you face OData failure after following the above mentioned steps, do the following:

1. Go to transaction Activate and Maintain Services (/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE).

2. Select the service DTINF_TC_MAINT_SRV.

3. Click on ICF Node.

4. Deactivate it and then activate it again.

5. Verify if the status icon is green to ensure that the OData service is active.

De ne Parameters
You can de ne parameters that in uence the creation of IRF data models as well as the data collection process.

 Note
Maintaining this Customizing activity is not a mandatory prerequisite, however, if you want to use any of the parameters
described below, you should make the settings before you start with the data model creation.

Go to Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Data Protection Information Retrieval Framework De ne
Parameters and maintain the relevant parameter:


You can use this parameter to collect data across data models. By default, data will only be collected per data model. If
you maintain this parameter, the collection will run across multiple data models.

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Parameter SEARCH

You can use this parameter to de ne an application-speci c starting table for the data collection process.

The data collection can only be triggered using a business partner number, customer number, account number of
supplier, user name or personnel number. This means that a master data table must be the starting point for the data
collection. However, several applications storing personal data might not have a connection to any of these master data
tables. In these cases, it is possible to de ne an application-speci c table as the starting point for the data collection.

For more information on the parameters and their possible values, refer to the system documentation.

Add Additional Data Sources

In general, the data collection performed by the IRF is based on tables de ned in ILM objects and their related archiving/
destruction objects. If required, however, it is possible to also include other data sources in the data collection process. This
might be necessary in the following cases:

Some tables containing personal data are not part of any ILM object.

You only want speci c tables of an ILM object to be searched for personal data.

To include additional data sources, you must register so-called data collectors in Customizing for Cross-Application
Components under Data Protection Information Retrieval Framework Register Data Collectors .

Data collectors are ABAP classes de ning speci c sets of data that is to be selected from the relevant application and sent to
the IRF. Therefore, you must create a new ABAP class with interface IF_DTINF_COLLECTOR and implement the method
RETRIEVE_DATA. The selected application data can be passed on to the IRF using exporting parameter ET_TABLE_DATA.

To include the newly created data collectors in the search process, you must assign them to a purpose using Customizing
activity Maintain Purposes. For more information, see Maintain Purposes .

More Information
For more information, refer to the system documentation of Customizing activity Register Data Collectors as well as to the
documentation of interface IF_DTINF_COLLECTOR (transaction SE24).

Schedule Background Job

You must schedule and release a background job for report DTINF_COLLECTION_MONITOR. This report regularly monitors and
triggers data collection requests.

The corresponding background job SAP_CA_DTINF_DATA_COLLECTION is already available and only needs to be released
using transaction SM37. For more information, see Releasing Jobs.

More Information
Job Scheduling Explained

De ne Purpose Maintenance Tool

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To enable the business-speci c output of search results (i.e. which personal data was collected for which purpose), ILM objects
relevant for a data model must be assigned to purposes. You need to de ne how you want to maintain these purposes in
Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Data Protection Information Retrieval Framework De ne Purpose
Maintenance Tool .

For the system you are currently working in, you can de ne the way of maintaining purposes by using the Purpose Maintenance
drop-down list:

Information Retrieval Framework: Select this option to create purposes and assign them to ILM objects using the
Purpose Maintenance report (transaction DTINF_MAINTAIN_PURP) provided with the IRF.

Identify Relevant ILM Objects

The framework assists you in creating an initial data model based on information stored in Information Lifecycle Management
(ILM) objects and their related archiving objects. Therefore, ILM objects must exist for the applications that you want to enable
for the retrieval of personal data.

 Note
To nd out which ILM objects are available for the respective applications, refer to the data protection section of the
application-speci c security guides.

Creating the Data Model Used by the IRF

The IRF data model forms the basis of the collection of personal data. It contains all relevant database tables that are searched
for personal data, de nes table relationships and determines how tables are linked to one another ( eld to eld links between

The IRF assists you in creating a data model for your applications by automatically generating an initial model based on
information stored in ILM objects and their assigned archiving/ destruction objects. For a detailed overview of which tables are
considered when a data model is generated, see Generating the Data Model.

To reduce complexity, the IRF automatically creates the following structural entities when generating a data model:

Table cluster

Since the number of tables relevant for an ILM object can be very high, tables are automatically grouped into table
clusters to improve the data modeling process. A table cluster is a group of tables that have the same application
component, package and delivery unit assigned. Every table cluster has a starting table from where the data collection
process for that particular cluster starts. You can display a visual representation of these clusters using the IRF Modeling

Responsibility ID

When creating the initial data model, the IRF automatically generates so-called responsibilities, groups of table clusters
that belong to the same application component, the same delivery package and the same delivery unit. These unique
combinations are assigned numeric IDs.

Responsibilities are used to simplify the data modeling process. Since an ILM object can contain hundreds of database
tables, the data modeling process could become hard to manage. Therefore, the usage of responsibilities allows you to
work on smaller parts of the data model. In addition, it is possible that several users edit the data model of one and the
same ILM object at the same time.

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Several responsibilities might logically belong to one application area. In these cases, you can also merge and/ or
rename different responsibilities to enable a holistic way of data modeling. For more information on how to work with
responsibilities, see the Model Maintenance report (DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL).

In most cases, it is necessary to enhance the initial data model that is automatically created by the IRF. For this, you can use the
following modeling options:

BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object (BADI_DTINF_ILM_OBJ_TABLES_C)

This BAdI is called when generating a data model. It can be used to modify the initial set of tables that the IRF considers
to be relevant for an ILM object, for example to add or remove tables.

IRF Modeling Tools

A set of transactions you can use to change existing data models. For more information, see Modifying the Data Model.

Once you have generated (and modi ed) a data model, start a test run to check if the data is retrieved correctly. For this,
simulate a data collection run using the Test Data Model report (transaction DTINF_TEST_MODEL). If the test results do not
meet your requirements, you can either delete the model and change the BadI implementations or use the additional modeling
options provided by transaction DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL.

If the model is set up correctly, the modeling process for this ILM object is done and you can start the data retrieval. For more
information, see Retrieving Personal Data.

Related Information
Generating the Data Model
Modifying the Data Model
Testing the Data Model
Advanced Modeling Options

Generating the Data Model

You can use the Model Maintenance report (DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL) to generate, modify or delete the data model of a
speci ed ILM object.

Make sure that you have ful lled the prerequisites necessary to run the framework as described in section Setting Up the
System for the IRF.

With this report, you can perform the following actions:

Simulate the model creation process

This preparatory step is highly recommended. Simulate the model creationl to check which tables, table relationships
and eld to eld links will be considered when a data model is generated.

If the results of the simulation do not meet your requirements, you can implement BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object
to add/ remove tables and/ or eld to eld links between tables. For more information, see IRF Business Add-Ins (BAdIs).

Generate the data model of one or more ILM object

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By choosing this option, you can generate a data model for an ILM object. When (re)generating a data model, the IRF
considers the following information (in the order of appearance):

1. Information stored in ILM object:

a. Tables de ned in archiving/ destruction object structure.

b. Tables de ned in the Archive Development Kit (ADK), if implemented.

c. Tables de ned in the associated classes of the archiving object.

2. Method GET_TABLES of BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object.

3. Information stored in ILM object: check tables (of the elds that store application data).

4. Method REMOVE_TABLES of BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object.

5. Method ADD_FIELD_LINKS and REMOVE_FIELD_LINKS of BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object.

You can display a visual representation of the data model by using the IRF Modeling UI. To call up the relevant model, use
the information provided on the Model Details tab described below.

Get detailed information about existing data models

By clicking on the Model Details tab, you can get detailed information on already generated data models (application
component, package, delivery unit, etc).

Access additional modeling options for existing data models

You can adjust existing data models according to your needs. For this, make use of additional modeling options described
in Modifying the Data Model.

More Information
For more information, refer to the system documentation of the report.

IRF Business Add-Ins (BAdIs)

The IRF provides BAdIs that can be used for data modeling. You can nd an overview of the BAdIs used as part of the IRF in
Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Data Protection Information Retrieval Framework Business Add-Ins
(BAdIs) .

BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object

You can use this BAdI to modify the initial set of tables that the IRF considers to be relevant for an ILM object. It is possible to
add additional tables or to remove obsolete ones. In addition, you can add and remove eld to eld links between the tables
determined for an ILM object. The BAdI is called during data model creation.

SAP-Delivered Implementations of BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object

For certain applications, SAP provides implementations of BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object
(BADI_DTINF_ILM_OBJ_TABLES) . These implementations are meant to simplify your data modeling process by modifying
the initial set of tables that is automatically considered by the IRF. This initial data model might contain super uous tables or
erroneous eld links. The implementations are called when a data model is created, they add/ remove tables relevant for an
ILM object and adjust the relationships and eld-to- eld links between these tables.

To get an overview of the application-speci c BAdI implementations delivered by SAP, refer to SAP Note 2939146 (SAP
S/4HANA) or 2743548 (SAP Business Suite).
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 Note
SAP does not guarantee completeness or accuracy of data models generated based on the delivered BAdI implementations.
Always make sure that all tables relevant for you are included, and super uous tables are removed from the model.

 Caution
If any IRF data models already exist in your system, these will most likely be changed when using the BAdI implementations
delivered by SAP.

It is highly recommended to rst maintain parameter SAP_MODEL_BADIS using Customizing activity De ne Parameters.
With this parameter, you can determine that the framework rst ignores these delivered BAdI implementations. Once you
have ensured the stability of your existing IRF landscape, you can actively decide to make use of the delivered
implementations by following the instructions given in the system documentation of the Customizing activity.

Refer to the system documentation of the respective BAdI to get more detailed information.

BAdI: Change Descriptions of Tables, Fields and Field Values

You can use this BAdI to change the descriptions of tables, elds and eld values displayed in the Process Data Collection
Results report (transaction DTINF_PROC_COLL). It can be used to give tables, elds and eld values a meaningful description
to make the search results of the data collection process easier to understand.

Refer to the system documentation of the BAdI to get more detailed information.

BAdI: Archiving Information of Tables

You can use this BAdI to de ne a list of tables from which archived data must be retrieved during data collection. You can
determine if archived data is considered for a data collection run by making the required settings in the Maintain Pro le for
Data Collection report (transaction DTINF_MAINT_PROFILE).

Refer to the system documentation of the BAdI to get more detailed information.

Modifying the Data Model

After you have generated your data model, you should perform a test search for personal data to make sure that the data
model is set up correctly, e.g. that all relevant tables are part of the model/ super uous tables are removed. If the test search
does not meet your expectations, you can use the following reports to modify generated data models:


You can use this report to display a visual representation of a generated data model. It also offers limited con guration

Model Maintenance Report (DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL)

You can use this report to further re ne your data model. Choose Show Additional Modeling Options from the application
toolbar to access a set of modeling functions, such as maintaining links or deleting speci c data models.

IRF Modeling UI

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The IRF Modeling UI (transaction DTINF_MODELING) is a browser-based user interface that allows you to display the data
model required for the retrieval process and to manually adjust it to your database setup, for example to add and to link
additional tables.

Make sure that you have ful lled the prerequisites necessary to run the framework as described in section Setting Up
the System for the IRF.

You must have generated a data model using transaction DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL.

The selection criteria listed in below table are available on the entry page. You can nd out the relevant information, for
example the application component or responsibility ID, by using the Model Details tab in transaction DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL.

Entry Field Description

Model Type You can choose from the following options:

CUSTOMER: Choose this option to display and/ or edit

data models you created. This is the default setting for this

ILM Object Specify the ILM object whose data model you want to display. The
data model can only be edited if this eld is lled.

Application Component Specify the application component the data model belongs to. The
drop-down list is automatically lled based on the ILM object you
speci ed.

Responsibility Specify the responsibility the data model belongs to. The drop-
down list is automatically lled based on the ILM object you
speci ed.

Table Name1/ Table Name2 It is also possible to only display and/ or edit speci c tables. To do
so, use the selection criteria Table Name 1 and Table Name 2 and
leave the other elds open.

If you want to get a cross-model view, ll the elds Application Component and Responsibility and leave the rest blank.

Click Next (arrow in the bottom right corner) to display and/ or edit the data model.

Con guration Screen

The following graphic depicts how a data model is displayed with the IRF Modeling Tool.

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Data Model Displayed With the IRF Modeling UI

The following information is provided:

The system you are currently working in (marked in light blue).

The table cluster containing all database tables of an ILM object (marked in beige).

 Recommendation
Table clusters should contain tables that logically belong together. Every table cluster has a starting table where the
data search starts. The starting table also forms the basis of all other tables included in the table cluster.

There might be table clusters marked in yellow. These table clusters are unchangeable, either because you are not
responsible for them or because they belong to a software layer you cannot work on.

The different tables of the ILM object (rounded rectangles).

The starting table of the table cluster (marked in green).

The eld-to- eld links between tables (marked by arrows). The direction of the arrows indicates the hierarchy between
the tables.

The elds that are relevant for a link are displayed for each table (e.g. the eld ID in table SCUSTOM is linked to eld

The SELECT diretion (from-to) as indicated by the direction of the arrows.

Editing Options
You can hover over the buttons at the bottom of the screen to get information on the editing options available.

The following buttons are available on the toolbar when the data model is in display mode:

EDIT Switch from display to edit mode.

To edit the model, the system will prompt you to enter a valid
workbench request containing a task of type development/

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SHOW DELETED SYMBOLS Display objects/links that were removed from the model.

HIDE DELETED SYMBOLS Hide objects/links that were removed from the model.

The following buttons are available on the toolbar when the data model is in edit mode:

DISPLAY Switch from edit to display mode.

SAVE MODEL Save changes made to the data model.

DELETE SELECTED SYMBOL Delete selected objects (tables and/ or links) from the model. All
link types can be removed except for function module links.

UNDELETE SELECTED SYMBOL Restore a deleted object.

UNDO Undo the last action.

REDO Redo an undone action.

REVERT TO PREVIOUS STATE Revert data model to the previous consistent state.

JOIN Create eld to eld links between tables of the data model. The
direction of the arrows indicates the hierarchy between the tables.
Only links of type “reference” can be added using the IRF Modeling

Model Maintenance Report

Call transaction DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL and choose Additional Modeling Options from the application toolbar to display
further modeling options for existing data models.

Make sure that you have ful lled the prerequisites necessary to run the framework as described in section Setting Up
the System for the IRF.

You must have generated a data model using transaction DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL.

Add Table to Table Cluster

To add a table to a table cluster, follow below steps:

1. Select the tab Add Table to Table Cluster.

2. Choose an ILM object from the ILM Object drop-down list. The system automatically determines a list of tables.

3. From the Table drop-down list, choose the table that you want to add to a table cluster.

4. Use the checkboxes Existing Table Cluster and New Table Cluster to specify whether you want to add the table to an
existing table cluster or if you want to create a new table cluster to which the table should be added.

When choosing to add the table to an existing table cluster, select the respective table cluster from the Target
Table Cluster drop-down list.

When choosing to add the table to a new table cluster, specify the new name of the table cluster and assign a
responsibility from the Responsibility drop-down list. Choose Add Table.

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 Note
This function only adds a table to a table cluster without any eld to eld links. To add links, refer to the Maintain Link

Maintain Link

To create eld to eld links between tables, follow below steps:

1. Select the tab Maintain Link.

2. Depending on what you want to do, choose either Create Link or Remove Link.

3. You can now specify the tables you want to link from and to/ for which you want to remove the link. The system
automatically determines the relevant elds for which you can de ne/ remove a link.

4. You can now specify the elds you want to link from and to/ from which you want to remove the link.

5. Select the ILM object for which you want to create/ remove the link.

6. Select a linkage option using the Linkage via drop-down list. In case of a constant or function module link, provide the link
value. When you are trying to remove a link, this eld will automatically be lled and cannot be maintained.

7. Choose Create Link or Remove Link.

 Note
If the link you want to create has already been de ned in another data model, but with a different link type, you will have to
con rm whether you still want to add the link. If you do, the link type will be changed in all other data models it was de ned

Delete Model

To delete the data model of an ILM object, follow below steps:

1. Select the tab Delete Model.

2. In the ILM Object input eld, enter the name of an ILM object whose data model you want to delete.

3. Choose Simulate to rst get an overview of what tables/ eld links will be deleted or choose Delete to directly delete the
data model.

 Note
Purposes created for this data model will not be deleted automatically. To delete purposes, you can use the report Maintain


When creating the initial data model, the IRF automatically generates so-called responsibilities, groups of table clusters that
belong to the same application component, the same delivery package and the same delivery unit. These unique combinations
are assigned numeric IDs.

Responsibilities are used to simplify the data modeling process. Since an ILM object can contain hundreds of database tables,
the data modeling process could become hard to manage. Therefore, the usage of responsibilities allows you to work on smaller
parts of the data model. In addition, it is possible that several users edit the data model of one and the same ILM object at the
same time.

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Several responsibilities might logically belong to one application area. In these cases, you can also merge and/ or rename
different responsibilities to enable a holistic way of data modeling.

Select the tab Responsibility to perform the following tasks:

To merge two responsibilities, select the radio button Merge at the top of the screen. Specify the two responsibilities you
want to merge in the Current Responsibility ID and New Responsibility ID input elds. Choose Execute.

To rename a responsibility ID, select the checkbox Rename at the top of the screen. Choose an ID from the Current
Responsibility ID drop-down list and give it a logical name in the Rename input eld.

 Note
The responsibility ID will be renamed or merged in all IRF data models using this ID.

Remove Locks

While a user is con guring the data model, it is locked by this user. That way, inconsistencies can be avoided by ensuring that no
other user can make changes to the model at the same time. In case the browser session is abruptly ended, this feature can be
used to remove the inconsistent locks, if any.

 Note
Do not remove valid lock entries by other users working on the data model.

1. Select the tab Remove locks.

2. Enter the name of the user who is currently locking the data model.

3. Choose Remove Locks.

More Information
For more information about the con guration features and how these are used as part of the data modeling process, refer to
the how-to guide available with SAP Note 2682544 .

Testing the Data Model

Simulate a data collection run to verify the data model required for the IRF. Based on the output, you can make sure that all
relevant database tables are part of the model and that the direction of retrieval (table hierarchy) is correct. This report is an
integral part of the iterative process that needs to be carried out to gradually improve the data model.

Make sure that you have ful lled the prerequisites necessary to run the framework as described in section Setting Up
the System for the IRF.

You have generated a data model using transaction DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL.

To verify the tables and links that will be considered for data collection for the data subject ID and the purpose, use transaction
DTINF_TEST_MODEL and specify the following to test the data model:

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Starting Table: Starting table from which the data collection process can be triggered. Depending on the design of your
data model, the starting table may vary.

Starting Field: This is the starting eld within the starting table.

Data Subject ID: In this enter the subject ID for which data collection should be run.

Purpose: Enter the purpose for which data should be collected. For more details, refer the Purpose section.

The report displays all tables that are part of the model in hierarchical order. In the Hits column, you can see if any data records
were found for the data subject ID speci ed on the entry screen.

Click on the number in the Hits column to see more details regarding the data records that were found. You can nd out more
about the direction of retrieval, i.e. from which elds the data was pulled, by clicking on the Display WHERE condition button
(abacus symbol) on the application toolbar.

Advanced Modeling Options

This section provides an overview of additional modeling options that can be used for data model creation:

Adapt Data Models

With SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SP05, a new modeling behavior is delivered introducing boundaries between ILM objects. You
can use this report to adapt data models present in your system to the new behavior.

Download/ Upload of IRF Data Models

You can use this report to make backup copies of data models you created. It enables you to download all your model
data as a text le and store it on your device. If necessary, this data can be uploaded to your system again.

Clear Customer Models

You can use this report to delete all IRF data models that exist in your system. This might be necessary if the test search
for personal data yields inconsistent results and you would like to start from scratch.

Adapt Data Models

You can use the Adapt Models report (transaction DTINF_ADAPT_MODELS) to adapt generated IRF data models stored in your
system to the newly developed IRF modeling behavior.

This new behavior introduces boundaries between the data models of different ILM objects, i.e. there now is a clear assignment
of tables and their relationships to speci c ILM objects. This affects, for example, the data collection process. Data is now no
longer automatically retrieved across several data models but is collected per model (unless you explicitly change this default
behavior in Customizing activity De ne Parameters).

 Note
As of SAP NetWeaver 7.52 SP05, it is mandatory to run this report if you have already created data models that you want to
keep using. Otherwise you cannot call up any of the IRF transactions.

If you no longer need any of the data models that exist in your system, you can delete them using the Clear Customer
Models report (DTINF_REFRESHMODELS). In such a case, it is not required to run the Adapt Models report.

If you need some, but not all data models that exist in your system, follow below steps:

1. Adapt all existing data models using DTINF_ADAPT_MODELS.

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2. Call transaction DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL, select the Delete Model tab and delete the data models that are no longer

Make sure that you have ful lled the prerequisites necessary to run the framework as described in section Setting Up
the System for the IRF.

Both customer-speci c as well as SAP-delivered implementations of BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object should be in the
same state as they were when creating/ adjusting the model.

If any adjustments (e.g. adding a table) were made to the model using the IRF Modeling UI, these must be replicated in
the respective methods of BAdI: Tables Used by an ILM Object.

Ensure that no open transport requests exist that contain IRF-related objects.

You can specify which data models you want to adapt to the new behavior:

ILM Object: Specify one or more ILM objects whose data models you want to adapt to the new IRF behavior.

All Models: Select this checkbox to have all data models stored in your system adapted to the new IRF behavior.

According to your selection criteria, data models are adapted to the new IRF behavior. You can view the details of the model
adaptation by using the Analyse Application Log report (transaction SLG1) with the following information:

Object: DTINF

Subobject: DTINF_ADAPT

If you need to make any changes to the models after the adaptation process is nished, you can use transactions

You must also create new purposes for adapted models. Purposes that were created before the model adaptation can no longer
be used.

Download/ Upload of IRF Data Models

You can use the Download/ Upload of IRF Data Models report (transaction DTINF_BACKUP) to create a backup copies of all
data models that exist in your system. These copies can be downloaded and, if necessary, uploaded again.

Make sure that you have ful lled the prerequisites necessary to run the framework as described in section Setting Up
the System for the IRF.

Before uploading model data, you should perform the following actions:

Ensure that IRF tables in your system are empty. For this, you can either use the option Delete Existing Data or
you can run the Clear Customer Models report.

Ensure that no open transport requests exist that contain IRF-related objects.

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Download Data Models

Select this option to download all data models you created in the system.

1. Select the Download radio button.

2. Place your cursor in the File Name input eld and call up the eld help (F4) to browse for the location of the text le you
want to download.

3. Choose Execute to start the download process.

Upload Data Models

Select this option to upload data models from a locally stored text le to the relevant system tables.

1. Select the Upload radio button.

2. Place your cursor in the File Name input eld and call up the eld help (F4) to browse for the location of the text le you
want to upload.

3. Choose Execute to start the upload process.

Clear Customer Models

You use the Clear Customer Models report (transaction DTINF_REFRESHMODELS) to delete all IRF data models that exist in
your system.

Do not use this report if you want to delete one particular data model only. For this, call transaction DTINF_ADJUST_MODEL,
choose Show Additional Modeling Options from the application toolbar and select the tab Delete Model. For more information,
see Model Maintenance Report.

Make sure that you have ful lled the prerequisites necessary to run the framework as described in section Setting Up
the System for the IRF.

It is recommended to make a backup copy of any model data that might exist in customer tables before starting the
deletion process. For this, you can use the Download/ Upload of IRF Data Models report.

Ensure that no open transport requests exist that contain IRF related objects.

When calling up the report, a warning appears prompting you to con rm the deletion process. Click on Yes to delete all IRF data
models that exist in your system.

 Note
The purposes you created for the relevant data models will remain in the system. To delete purposes, use the Purpose
Maintenance report (transaction DTINF_MAINTAIN_PURP).

More Information
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For more information, refer to the system documentation of the report.

Retrieving Personal Data

Before you can start triggering a search for personal data, you must de ne purposes and assign ILM objects to them. Purposes
are used to create the business-speci c output of search results, i.e. they indicate the reason for collecting and processing
personal data. For more information, see Maintain Purposes.

After you have set up a data model, tested it and maintained purposes for it, you can use the following reports to search for and
retrieve personal data of a speci ed data subject:

Start Data Collection

Process Data Collection Results

Related Information
Creating the Data Model Used by the IRF

Maintain Purposes
For the business-speci c output of search results, you must create purposes in your system that indicate for which reason a set
of personal data was processed. Purposes must have ILM objects and/ or data collectors assigned to them.

To manage the purposes relevant for the IRF, to Customizing for Cross-Application Components under Data Protection
Information Retrieval Framework Maintain Purposes (transaction DTINF_MAINTAIN_PURP). You can use this activity to
create, edit or delete purposes as well as to assign lters to purposes.

Make sure that you have ful lled the prerequisites necessary to run the framework as described in section Setting Up the
System for the IRF.

Create new purposes or edit existing ones. For each purpose, you can speci y a purpose ID and a short description.

 Recommendation
In addition to application-speci c purposes, you should also create purposes for master data (e.g. business partner,
customer) and assign the relevant ILM objects to them.

Delete purposes that you no longer need in your system.

Assign one or more ILM objects to a purpose. With ILM objects, you can de ne which data models are run through when
a data collection process is started for a certain purpose.

Assign one or more data collectors to a purpose. You can use data collectors to extend the data collection beyond the
information stored in ILM objects. For more information, see Add Additional Data Sources.

For each purpose, you can maintain lters that are based on the tables/ elds of the generated IRF model(s) assigned to
a purpose. Filters can be used to re ne the data collection in several ways, for example by restricting the retrieval to a

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speci c data controller/ legal entity or to a speci c product. In addition, the assignment of lters also affects the
authorization a user is granted to access the search results.

More Information
For more information, refer to the system documentation located at the Customzing activity.

Maintain Pro les

Pro les allow you to store personalized settings that in uence the collection, display, and download of personal data. Pro les
can be of the following types:

General pro les: These pro les serve as templates and are typically designed for general usage across multiple systems
and users. You can create, maintain, copy, or delete general pro les in transaction DTINF_MAINT_PROFILE. They must
be stored in a transport request and can therefore be made available in other systems. If you want to create, edit, copy,
or delete pro les using this report, you need authorization object S_INF_CONF assigned to your user.

User-speci c pro les: These pro les are stored locally in the system you are currently working in. You can create,
maintain, copy, or delete user-speci c pro les via the Pro les button in transaction DTINF_PROC_COLL, no special
authorization is required.

The pro les created with this report can be applied to the data collection results in the Start Data Collection (transaction
DTINF_START_COLL) and Process Data Collection (transaction DTINF_PROC_COLL) reports.

For general pro les, your user has a role with authorization object S_INF_CONF assigned. For more information about the
authorization object, refer to the system documentation in transaction SU21.

On the entry screen of the report, you can perform one of the following actions:

Create: Enter a pro le name and choose the Create Pro le button from the application toolbar to create a new pro le.

Change: Call up the value help (F4) of the Pro le eld, select a pro le from the list and choose Change Pro le from the
application toolbar to change an existing pro le. Pro les created by other users cannot be changed.

Display: Call up the value help (F4) of the Pro le eld, select a pro le from the list and choose Display Pro le from the
application toolbar to display an existing pro le.

Delete: Call up the value help (F4) of the Pro le eld, select a pro le from the list and choose Delete Pro le from the
application toolbar to delete an existing pro le. Pro les created by other users cannot be deleted.

Copy: Call up the value help (F4) of the Pro le eld, select a pro le from the list and choose Copy Pro le from the
application toolbar to copy an existing pro le and save a new version under a different name with you being the pro le
owner then.

Import: Choose Import Pro le from the application toolbar to import an existing pro le that is stored as JSON le on
your computer. You can save the pro le under a new name and start editing it.

Export: Call up the value help (F4) of the Pro le eld, select a pro le from the list and choose Export Pro le from the
application toolbar to download an existing pro le as JSON le to your computer.

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On selecting Display Pro le or Change Pro le from the application toolbar, a tabbed view is displayed listing the con guration
settings that can be made for a data collection run. For more information, see Data Collection Settings.

More Information
For more information, refer to the system documentation of the report.

Data Collection Settings

With the help of pro les, you can customize the collection, display, and search of personal data according to your needs. This
chapter gives a general overview of the con guration options possible. To learn more about how to set up your own pro le, refer
to the system documentation of the Maintain Pro les report (transaction DTINF_MAINT_PROFILE).

The following settings are possible:

General Settings

Make settings that apply to all tables/ elds of the data model/ data collector, unless you have speci ed any table or
purpose-speci c settings. This includes the following con guration options:

Data Collection: Improve the performance of the data collection by restricting it to a maximum hierarchy depth
and/ or de ne tables that are not to be considered for the collection run.

Data Masking: De ne if and how data is masked in the search results display.

De ne what data is displayed in the search results. For example, you can hide all empty elds or de ne speci c
elds/ tables that are not to be displayed.

Purpose Settings

Maintain purposes that can later be used to create purpose-speci c settings for a table. Click on Append row and select
a purpose from the value help (F4) to add it to your pro le.

Before you can assign purposes to speci c settings, you must maintain purposes for the IRF in Customizing for Cross-
Application Components under Data Protection Information Retrieval Framework Maintain Purposes.

Table and Field-Speci c Settings

Further re ne the con gurations made on the General Settings tab by de ning settings for individual tables and/ or

In addition, you can de ne so-called scopes for each table of your data model/ data collector. A scope de nes the
conditions under which the table settings should be applied. These conditions can either be purpose-speci c, source
table-speci c or they can be a combination of both. For example, you might want to con gure that all elds of TABLE1
should only be hidden, if the data collection is performed for purpose XYZ. For all other purposes, the elds of TABLE1
should be displayed. You can de ne several scopes for a single table, if necessary. It is not permitted, however, to have
two different scopes with one being purpose-speci c and the other one being source-table speci c. You can always
change an existing scope. For this, select the relevant table from the list and click the Maintain Scope button.

The scope de ned for a table is automatically applied to the elds of this table. In case multiple scopes are de ned for a
table, it is recommended to maintain eld settings for the most generic scope. Field settings are automatically derived
from the more generic to the less generic scope.

Download Settings

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De ne settings for the download of search results:

De ne if the system downloads all attachments that were identi ed as relevant for the data subject speci ed. If
the system nds attachments containing personal data of the data subject speci ed, the metadata (e.g. le
name, le description) of these attachments is displayed in the tree view. To display the actual attachment, you
must download the search results.

On the General Settings tab, you can de ne that certain objects, such as tables or elds, should be hidden in the
search results display of the Process Data Collection Results report (transaction DTINF_PROC_COLL), if this
pro le is applied. If you still want to download the hidden objects, you can make the necessary settings in the
download section.

More Information
Refer to the system documentation of the Maintain Pro les report (transaction DTINF_MAINT_PROFILE).

Start Data Collection

You can use the Start Data Collection report (transaction DTINF_START_COLL) to trigger the automated retrieval of all
personal data of a speci ed data subject.

To trigger the retrieval of personal data from the system, you must rst set up a data model containing all relevant
database tables that you want to be searched for personal data. For more information , refer to the section Creating the
Data Model Used by the IRF.

For the business-speci c output of search results, you must create purposes in your system and assign the relevant ILM
objects and/ or data collectors to them. For more information, see Maintain Purposes. To enable a user to start the data
collection, purpose(s) must be assigned to authorization object S_INF_DPO in the user's pro le.

You must schedule a background job for program DTINF_COLLECTION_MONITOR. For more information, see Schedule
Background Job.

The following prerequisites are optional:

By default, data is collected per data model of an ILM object. If you want to trigger a cross-model data collection,
you can do so by de ning the relevant parameter before triggering the data collection. For more information, see
De ne Parameters

By default, the data collection is triggered for standard starting points (business partner, customer, supplier etc).
If you want to trigger data collection using application-speci c starting points, you can do so by de ning the
relevant parameter before generating the data model. For more information, see De ne Parameters.

The data collection results can be personalized with regards to what data is collected, how it is displayed and in
which format it should be downloaded. You can manage pro les for data collection using report
DTINF_MAINT_PROFILE. For more information, see Maintain Pro les.

It is possible to change the descriptions of tables, elds or eld values displayed in the Process Data Collection
Results report. To do so, you can implement BAdI: Change Descriptions of Tables, Fields and Field Values before
triggering the data collection. It can be used to give tables, elds and eld values a meaningful description which
helps to make the search results of the data collection process easier to understand.

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Select the ID type of the data subject whose personal data you want to retrieve from the system.

Enter the ID of the data subject whose personal data you want to retrieve from the system.

 Caution
When choosing ID type Business Partner, be aware that the data collection process is only designed for business
partners representing a natural person. Do not try to retrieve data for a business partner that stands for a whole
organization. Due to the possibly large amount of data, this could cause heavy performance issues, or even lead to a
program termination.

Specify the language of the data subject to create an easy-to-read output. If a language was maintained in the master
data of the data subject speci ed, the Language dropdown list will automatically be pre lled with that language. If no
language was maintained, the Language dropdown list will be pre lled with the logon language.

Specify one or more purposes using the Purpose entry eld. To update the list of purposes displayed in the value help
(F4), click Refresh Purposes on the application toolbar.

Optionally, choose a pro le to be applied to the data collection results by selecting it from the Pro le dropdown list. The
list contains all pro les in status "active".

Click on Execute to trigger a cross-application search and collection for all personal data related to the data subject ID
speci ed.

For this report, application logs are written. To get more detailed information about a data collection run, go to
transaction SLG1 and use the following values to call up the application logs:

Object: DTINF


After you triggered the data collection run, the system displays a success message. To display and/ or download the search
results of the automated data collection process triggered by this report, go to Process Data Collection Results (transaction
DTINF_PROC_COLL). Here you can get a structured list of personal data related to the data subject speci ed, subdivided
according to the purpose for which the data was processed.

Related Information
Creating the Data Model Used by the IRF
Process Data Collection Results

Process Data Collection Results

With the Process Data Collection Results report (transaction DTINF_PROC_COLL), you can display and download the search
results of the data collection process triggered by using the Start Data Collection report. The report shows a structured, easy-
to-read list of all personal data related to the data subject speci ed, subdivided according to the purpose for which the data was

 Note
You must review the results of the data collection process to make sure that only relevant data is reported to the data

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Your user must have a role with authorization object S_INF_DPO assigned. In addition, the relevant purposes for which
you want to display the search results must be de ned in the authorization eld of the object. For more information, see
Set Up Users, Roles and Authorizations.

You must have triggered a data collection run using the Start Data Collection report.

You must have created and scheduled a background job for program DTINF_COLLECTION_MONITOR. The program
triggers and monitors data collection requests.

Optionally, the data collection results can be personalized with regards to what data is collected, how it is displayed and
in which format it is to be downloaded. You can manage pro les for data collection using report
DTINF_MAINT_PROFILE. For more information, see Maintain Pro les

Overview of Data Collection Requests

View a list of all data collection requests.

Sort and/ or lter the data collection requests by


The following status values are possible:

Status Description

Green Data collection run successful

Yellow Data collection currently in process

Yellow with Data collection for one or more purposes has failed

Red Data collection run failed for all purposes

Data Subject ID Type: Type of ID used to identify the data subject.

Data Subject ID: ID used to identify the data subject.


User Name: Name of the user who triggered the data collection

Start Date: Date and time when the data collection was triggered

Last Updated On

If the status of a request is green, you can double-click the request to get a detailed overview of the data that was
collected for the data subject speci ed.

For requests that have a status other than green, double-click the request to open the Request Detail view. Here you can
get detailed information on the status of each individual purpose for which the request was triggered. In addition, you
can perform the following tasks:

Cancel data collections that are currently in process by choosing Cancel from the application toolbar.

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Start a new data collection for purposes that have the status Error or Cancelled by choosing Restart from the
application toolbar.

For this report, application logs are written. To get more detailed information about a data collection run, go to
transaction SLG1 and use the following values to call up the application logs:

Object: DTINF


Display Search Results

Once you have selected a data collection request, the following information is available:

Select a purpose from the dropdown list at the top of the screen and choose Go.

The results are displayed hierarchically on the left-hand side of the subscreen. Click on a folder to get additional details
on the data found for an entry.

View all personal data that was collected and processed for the data subject speci ed, for example name, address, date
of birth,employment, or creditworthiness data.

If the system nds attachments containing personal data of the data subject speci ed, the metadata (e.g. le name, le
description) of these attachments is displayed in the tree view. To display the actual attachment, you must download the
search results.

Personalize Search Results Using Pro les

With the use of pro les, you can in uence the collection, display, and download of personal data. For a complete list of changes
that are possible via pro les, see Maintain Pro les.

Pro les applied in Start Data Collection report: If you have already selected a pro le when triggering the data collection
in the Start Data Collection report, the pro le is automatically applied to the search results. Pro le settings can be
applied to model-based data collections only, data retrieved via function modules is not considered.

Pro les applied in Process Data Collection report: The Pro le dropdown list is lled with all active pro les. To apply a
pro le to the collection results, select a pro le from the list and choose Go.

Pro le settings regarding the collection of data (e.g. maximum hierarchy depth) do not change when selecting a
pro le in the Process Data Collection report.

Table and eld descriptions are changed according to the description settings made in the pro le. However, they
do not revert to their original values, as description settings are also applied during data collection.

Collection-Speci c Con guration

It is possible to con gure the data collection results by choosing Display ← → Change from the application toolbar. You can
in uence the display of search results for the selected collection by using the con guration settings available under Local
Settings for this collection:

Data masking and data hiding

Table settings and eld settings

Download settings

For more details on these settings, see Data Collection Settings. If required, you can choose the Add to Pro le option to add
these local settings to a user-speci c pro le. This pro le can then be selected when starting the data collection in transaction

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You can further in uence the display of search results for each data record using below options. In the tree view, you can
perform the following actions:

Right-click the Purpose node to show or hide all hidden tables. When hidden tables are displayed, they appear greyed

Right-click any node to view/ maintain the following settings:

Hide Table

Hide All Fields


Edit Search Results

If necessary, manually edit the data collection results by choosing Display ← → Change from the application toolbar. It is
possible to adjust values of individual elds on the Details subscreen. Once you have changed an entry, the version information
displayed in the app header changes from (Initial Version) to (Modi ed Version). In addition, change documents are written for
every manual change you make to the data collection results.

Download Search Results

Download the data collection results as a ZIP le. For each purpose found in the system, there is a le. You can de ne the
le format for the download either via the Settings button on the application toolbar or in the download settings of a
pro le.

Related Information
Creating the Data Model Used by the IRF
Start Data Collection

Destroying Collected Data of IRF Using DTINF_DESTRUCTION

You can use the data destruction object DTINF_DESTRUCTION for destroying the collected data of IRF.


The following application-speci c check is carried out on the collected data of IRF before it can be destroyed:

Authorization object S_INF_COLL.

The following prerequisites need to be ful lled before the collected data of IRF can be destroyed:

The ILM object has been assigned to an existing or new ILM audit area.

An ILM policy and the required retention rules for the ILM object have been de ned.

One or more policies with policy status Live are available for the ILM object.

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For more information, go to the product page for SAP S/4HANA and choose SAP Library SAP ERP Cross-Application
Functions Cross-Application Components SAP Information Lifecycle Management Using ILM Retention Management in
the Application System :

Processing Audit Areas

Editing ILM Policies

Editing ILM Policies Editing Retention Rules

ILM-Based Information for the Data Destruction Object

You create policies and rules for the related ILM object of this data destruction object.

The following eld for the ILM object is de ned in the ILM policy and is visible when creating or processing the ILM Policies:

Available Time References

LAST_CHANGE_DATE (last completion date for the job collection)

Available Condition Fields

PURPOSE (purpose for which a collection run was triggered)

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