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COUN 5318 | Counseling Skills and Techniques

Verbatim Transcript Comments &


- Hello Julia, so what brings you in here today? Introduction

- Ok, ok
- I’ll let you know some things I need to go over, some Confidentiality
documents with you, some confidentiality and consent forms,
so, just go over it, if you agree with the terms and conditions
just let me know
- So, just know that I am a graduate student
- I am a graduate student working toward the completion of a
master’s degree in Professional Counseling. I am currently
practicing counseling techniques and therefore will be
recording our session, but only my professor and classmates
will see the tape. The recording will be destroyed at the end of
the course if requested. Likewise, please know that there are
some limitations to my counseling. Please note that it is not
possible to guarantee any specific results regarding your
counseling goals. However, together we will work to achieve
the best possible results for you Rights and
- It is your right at any time to inquire about the process and responsibilities
procedures being used during our counseling relationship. You
have the right to refuse or request changes to any of my
suggestions. If at any time you are not satisfied with my
services for any reason, you can inform me or my supervisor
- Once you have begun counseling with me, there is no
obligation to continue. You have the right to discontinue at any
time, though I ask that you participate in a termination session.
Should you desire a referral to another therapist, I will provide
you with one
- My services are rendered in a professional manner consistent
with the ethical standards of the American Counseling
Association. If you have a complaint concerning malpractice,
this can be reported to my supervisor
- Everything we discuss in sessions will be kept confidential,

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- If I determine you are an imminent danger to yourself or to
- If you report child and elder abuse/neglect
- If your records are subpoenaed by a court of law
- If you disclose sexual contact with a mental health provider
with whom you have had a professional relationship
- If information is requested by your contract provider (HMO,
insurance company, EAP)
- If I am directed by you in writing to disclose information to
someone of your choosing
- If you bring a malpractice suit against me
- There are all the situations where I am not required to retain
that confidentiality
- Do you understand?
- Do you agree with everything that’s been mentioned? Is there
anything you disagree with or have any questions about?
- Let me just go over the form that you filled out, get a decent
idea of, I know you talked about your ADHD
- How long has that been going on? Discussion about ADHD
- So, you mentioned you had ADHD since birth?
- Do you feel that its ever gotten worse, less worse?
- Has it ever led to any other bad habits or negative
- You gave a moderate rating for anger, hostility and irritability, Self-ratings
do you think that could’ve had anything to do with your
- Yeah, yeah
- You also listed your career goals and choices as a four, you
think that may be a byproduct?
- You think that affected your relationships with teachers?
- You would run away from negative feedback?
- And how did that make you feel? Open question
- You think that may have also affected your relationships in any
- You had a pretty high rating for guilt, and judgement
- Comes with what sorry?
- What kind of importance do you place on yourself, because you Open question
said you fell into the trap of people pleasing?
- Could you respect yourself?
- Its not very difficult to see how that can lead to self-resentment,
you let people walk all over you as you fail to set boundaries, it Reflecting content
can blur those lines
- It can mess up your relationship with yourself
- You think you ever dealt with compulsion in any way? Or

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- Caffeine is one of those, you know, I drink it every morning, it
gets the job done
- I read a stat the other day, it was something like 90% of
Americans have coffee every single day
- How has your anxiety generally been throughout your entire
life, how has it changes?
- Have you ever, and you don’t need to get into the specifics of
it, but you can say if you want to, but how does rejection make
you feel if you have ever been rejected
- How have you’ve matured exactly? You said you’ve matured
- In terms of that fear of rejection, how do you think you’ve dealt
with it or fought against it, where are you on that struggle?
- What stage of the battle are you in in terms of your battle with
fear of rejection, like what are you doing to fight against it?
- You also mentioned a pretty high rating in decision making,
why is that?
- Yeah, it’s not easy
- Do you think your ADHD affects your decision making?
- Have you ever pushed past those moments of indecisiveness
and just made a decision on a whim?
- How would you rate your stress level?
- How do you see yourself, what do you see is the ladder of
success to overcoming your ADHD problem?
- So, organizing, and structuring your day, and keeping your day
disciplined, things like that really help you?
- It definitely helps putting yourself into a routine, as you Reflecting content
condition yourself, you don’t have to consciously think about
something, anytime you need to change a habit you can
condition yourself to change that behaviour, things that are
necessary to do overtime will help you
- How much has your ADHD improved ever since you started
making conscious efforts to improve?
- Do you think your living environment is chaotic and messy or
is it clean?
- Do you have any pets by chance?
- What breed?
- Oh nice, they’re adorable
- Do you think having a pet and having more responsibilities
impacts your ADHD?
- Makes sense
- To me it seems like you’ve been becoming much more
Reflecting content
conscious of your actions towards alleviating your ADHD
which is good and it’s the right thing to do
- The more conscious you are of your behaviours, the better your
ability to change them

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- One thing I would advise you is to be more conscious of your Setting goals and
behaviours that may impact your ADHD. homework for next
- Just start being more aware of all your behaviours that you do session
that may increase or decrease your ADHD
- That will be your homework assignment for next time
- Is there anything else you wish to speak about or any questions
I can answer?
- Alright Julia, it was great to meet you and yeah, I am looking
forward to next time
- Alright, take care, have a great day

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