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A Thesis,

Presented to the Faculty of College of Arts & Sciences


Calapan City Campus

Masipit, Catapan City, Orient Mindoro

In Partial Fulfilment

of the Requirements for the Degree


Belano, David Kyle C.

De Guzman, Georgie



introduction, statement of the problem, statement of the hypothesis,

'Thischapterpresents the
significance of the study, theoretical framework and the definition of
scope, limitation and delimitation,

terms used in this study.

Background of the Study

who will provide education for them

Increasing number of students means the need/ for people
and so as the facilities need to teach
but as they grow in numbers, the number of teachers can't keep up
school teachers work at
these students. An article from Inquirer (2022) tate that nearly 900,000 public
one teacher for every
all evels of elementaryeducation in the nation. This es Its n an average ratio of
school year.
31 students in each class, with slightly more than 28 million students enrolled for the current

Moreover, this data are backed by the Senate Act No. 541 introduced by Senator Grace Poe (2022) which

in Section 4 states that allocation of teachers and student per classroom on all levels of basic education

must not exceed to the ratio of 1:35.

A lot of difficulties comes into place that challenges the abilities of public teachers. In which one

of them is overcrowding. Where it can be more challenging for the teachers to control a chaotic classroom

environment when there are too many students present. With less resources available to accommodate

the extra pupils, a higher student population increases the chance of disruptive conduct and conflicts

among students. There is no teacher who wants to spend less time teaching and more time managing

behavioral problems in overcrowded classrooms (Meador, 2019). In order to assess such ability, Stoltz

formulated a way to measure the capacity of an individual to overcome

challenges in life which he called
Adversity Intelligenceor Adversity Quotient.
According to Fauziah (2014), adversity intelligence is the
also true: people
idea in SOT_ of and
e. 'l
domain, they
autonornv and in a
work. When appraisal of that
that domain, leading to a pot,itive
engaged in
to motivatedand

detract from people's

cultural elements influence or
focuses on how social and
The most
wellbeing and performance quality.
of and volition, as well as their
engagement for activities, including improved
and superior types of motivation individual's
to be fostered by conditions that support the
and are claimed
relatedness. Additionally, self determination theory
of autonomy, competence, and
not met or
three psychological demands in a social situation is
that the extent to which any one of these
Ryan, 1985). Hence,
on wellbeing in that context (Deci and
ts denied would have a strong negative effect
intelligence as the motivational aspect of
suggesting a possible connection with adversity
of an individual in face of situations that are
oetcrminattonmay affect the level of adversity intelligence

less significant to them.

In conclusion, self determination and adversity have an underlying connection to one another that

are often overlooked by. This connection may contribute to public teacher's professional competence and

may help them to improve their abilities. It also suggest that the study may be able to determine which

aspect of self determination and adversity intelligence are need to be improved to cater motivate nd

increase teachers capabilities and characteristics to overcome difficulties. Therefore, the researchers

determinesthe lack of studies and literatures surrounding the relationship of the variable. Therefore, a

study has been conducted to further dive into the problem. Whereas the researcher, aims to determine

the relationshipof self determinationand adversity intelligence of public school teachers in Oriental

Mindoro National Highschool.

of teachers. This study will investigate how self determination influences their ability to navigate

d overcome adversities in their professional lives.

will solely
However, certain delimitation is in place to ensure the focus of the study. This research
findings may not be
focus on teachers in Oriental Mindoro National Highschool therefore, the
face constraints
generalizable to public teachers in other schools or regions, Moreover, the research may
population of
due to limited sample size, which may restrict the generalizability of the results to a larger

public teachers. Additionally, external factors such as organizational policies or personal circumstances

may not be comprehensively accounted for in the study.

Significance of The Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the relationship of Self-determinationand adversity

intelligence. Benefiting the study are the various sectors as follows:

The Teachers - The study can directly benefit teachers by providing insights into the factors that influence

their self-determination and ability to navigate adversities in their professional lives. Understanding these

factors can empower teachers to enhance their motivation, resilience, and overall well-being. The study

can offer practical strategies and interventions for teachers to cultivate self-determination and develop

the skills to effectively handle challenges they may encounter in their classrooms and schools.

The Institutions -- The research holds significance for the Mindoro State University as it contributes to the

existing knowledge base within the institution. The findings can help the institutionidentify effective
teachers, enhancing
strategies to cultivate self-determination and adversity intelligence among future
the research can
their preparedness to handle challenges in their professional lives. Additionally,
as an institution that fosters research and
to the reputation of the Mindoro State University
the field of education.
zcademic excellence in

as a valuable contribution to the field and can inspire future

Future Researchers The research serves
self-determination and adversity intelligence among
researchersto delve deeper into the study cf
explore the topic in different contexts or
teachers. The study can also encourage researchers to
field of education.
populations, broadening our understanding of these concepts in the

Theoretical Framework

Adversity Quotient

According to Dr. Paul G. Stoltz's (2015) definition, the Adversity Quotient@is "about how an individual

responds to life, especially the tough ones." It looks at a person's ability to handle everything from small

problems that come up every day to big problems that life can throw at them. Additionally, it is a well-

established method, theory, and science for increasing measurable resilience. Adversity Quotients has

four aspects that depict the example of response to affliction. These are Control, Ownership, Reach and

Endurance. Control is a person's perception of their ability to influence what happens next. It is how much

control an individual sees to have over the unfriendly occasion. The likelihood that a person will actually

take any action to improve the situation, regardless of their official responsibilities, is ownership. It is who

or what the beginning of the affliction is or the degree the individual claims the outcomes. The extent to

which an obstacle is perceived to "reach into" and influence other aspects of the circumstance, or the

extent to which it will extend beyond it, is known as reach. It is how much the person's life will change as

a result of the outcome. Endurance is the time span the

individual sees the difficulty will endure. It is how
long the adversity will keep going and how
lengthy the reasons for difficulty will endure.
explains how adversity works in this study and how will it be measured
by Stoltz in his theory which are control; it,the of influence
position in the situation,
ownership; the initiative action regardless of their
theyhave over the situation,
is endurance; how long the individual can resist the
reach;the rerceivcd scope of the difficulty and lastly
difficulty and how long the adversity will

Self Determination Theory

theory (SDT), which was

The macro-level theory of human motivation known as self-determination
motivation, and wetl-
put forth by Deci and Ryan (2013), tries to explain the dynamics of human need,

being within a social framework.According to the theory, all people have three psychological demands

that influencewhether or not they take action: relatedness (feeling linked, loved, and interacted with),

competence (feeling competent and effective), and autonomy (feeling self-governed and self-endorsed).

When these three psychological requirements are met, people feel more psychologically healthy and, on

the other hand, when their needs are not met, they feel very fragmented, alone, and receptive.

Hence, this theory is use to provide details about self determination and how the three (3)
psychological needs should be satisfied in order to attain self determination. Moreover, this theory also

gives adept understanding of how an individual accepts or are motivated to respond

in a situation.

Casualty Orientation Theory

Th casuality rientation theory explains differences in how

people prefer to manage their behavior
and orient toward their settings. Three different
causality orientations are described and evaluated by
COT: the autonomy orientation, where people
act out of interest in and value for what is happening; the

control orientation, where rewards, gains, and

approval are prioritized; and the impersonal or amotivated
orientation, which is characterized by
concerns about competence (Deci & Ryan, 1985)
the self determination of an individual namely; competence, autonomy and relatedness. On

e other hand, Adversity intelligence refers to how an individual responds to life, especially the tough

ones (Stoltz,2015),whereas a four concept are used to measure our ability to overcome difficulties

namely:control, ownership, reach and endurance. Moreover, the single headed arrow from the table

represents the hypothetical significant correlation between the variables.

Definition of Terms

Self-determination —Self-determination refers to a person's ability to make choices and manage their

own life. Being self-determined means that you feel in greater control (Cherry, 2022). In this study, self-

determination is defined as the combination of autonomy, competence, and relatedness in an individual's

motivation, decision-making, and sense of control over their own actions and circumstances.

Autonomy —refers to the feeling of being self-governed and having the capacity to make independent

decisions (Deci and Ryan, 2013). In the context of this study, autonomy is defined as the
subjective sense
of freedom and self-endorsement in decision-making and actions of an

Competence refers to the feeling of being competent and

effective in performing tasks or
responsibilities (Deci and Ryan, 2013). In this study,
competence is defined as the subjective perception
of one's abilities, knowledge, and effectiveness
in carrying out duties and responsibilities.

Relatedness - refers to the feeling of being

linked, loved, and interacted with ( Deci and Ryan, 2013). In
this study, relatedness is defined as the
subjective sense of connection, belongingness,and positive
relationships with others.
htettigence to how an individual ree,ponds to life, especially the tough ones

this stody, adversity intelligence is defined as the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral

ef to effectivelynavigate and cepe with adversitiese

that person will actually take an action to improve the situation, regardless

their eftÄcialresponsibilities (Stott:, 2015). In the study, ownership is defined as the individual's

c and willingness to take responsibility for addressing and resolving challenges they

f3ce, regardless of their assigned roles or obligations.

Reach the extent to hich an obstacle is perceived to «reach into" and influence other aspects of the

Circumstances(Stoltz. 2015). In the study, reach is defined as the perceived influence or impact of the

er adversity on different aspects of the individual's personal and professional life.

Endurance •ethe ttn•tespan the individual sees the difficulty will endure' (Stottz, 201S). In
the •tudve
the percept'on of how tong the difficulty oe challenge will persist and
continue to affect thetr personat or professional circumstances,


foreign and local in which

This chapter presentsthe review of related literature and studies of

relevant and similar to the

researchershave perused to provide familiarization in the information that are

topic of present study.

Literature Review & Studies

Self Determination.The theory focuses on how social and cultural elements influence or

oetract from people's feeling of Initiative and volition, as well as their wellbeing and performance quality.

The most volitional and superior types of motivation and engagement for activities, including improved

performance,persistence,and creativity, are claimed to be fostered by conditions that support the

individual's perception of autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Additionally, self determination

theory contendsthat the extent to which any one of these three psychological demands in a social

situationis not met or is denied would have a strong negative effect on wellbeing in that context (Deci
and Ryan, 1985).

Autonomy. Is defined as a sense of volition and an internally

experienced locus of causality. Instead of
being the result of outside influences, the
person believes that their behaviors come
from within and
represent who they truly are (Deci & Ryan,

Competence.A sense of mastery and

effectiveness in one's tasks. One feels
capable of doing what they
do, capable of finishing tasks and
achieving their objectives (Deci & Ryan,
atedness. Is the interpersonal aspect which reflects how much a person feels tike they are connected
community, is more important
to others,have meaningfulconnectionswith them, and are a part of a

(Deci & Ryan, 2017).

Adversity Intelligence. Adversity intelligence is the capacity of a person to be able to overcome

a challengewith a characteristiccapable of controlling difficult situations, assuming sources of external

difficulties,having responsibilityin difficult situations, being able to limit the influence of difficult

situationsin the aspects of his life, and having enduranceboth in the face of difficult situations or

circumstances (Fauziah, 2014).

Control. Is our capacity to take charge of our circumstances and reactions. It makes it possible for us to

concentrate on the aspects of a situation that we have control over rather than becoming overburdened

by factors beyond our control. This prompts us to act and positively impact our circumstances, which

results in better outcomes and a stronger sense of empowerment (Parekh, 2023).

Ownership. The likelihood that a person will actually take an action to improve the situation, regardless

of their official responsibilities(Stoltz, 2015). In the study, ownership is defined as the

proactive engagement and willingness to take responsibility for addressing
and resolving challenges they
face, regardless of their assigned roles or obligations.

Reach. The extent to which an obstacle is perceived to

"reach into" and influence other aspects of the

circumstances (Stoftz, 2015). In the study, reach is defined

as the perceived influence or impact of the
obstacle or adversity on different aspects of the
individual's personal and professional life.

Endurance. The time span the individual sees

the difficulty will endure (Stottz, 2015). In the study,
endurance is definod as the individual's
perception of how long the difficulty or challenge will persist and
continue to affect their personal
or professional circumstances.


chapter presents the research roothods used in tho study. Jhi% includr••,the
instrument, validity
aesjt;n, reseaJch locale, respondents of the qtudy, sampling technique, resoarch
procedure, ethical
the instrurnent,reliability of the instrument, scaling and quantification, data collection

constderattons and statistical treatment.

Research Design

The researchers used correlational research design in this study. A correlational research design

investigates relationships between two variables (or more) without the researcher controlling or

manipulating any of them (Bhandari, 2021). The researchers believed that correlational design is

appropriate to utilize in this study to determine the relationship between self-determination and

Adversity Intelligence of teachers in Oriental Mindoro National Highschool.

Research Locale
This research will be conducted at Oriental Mindor ational Highschoot.This school is located at
San Vicente East, Calapan City and is known as t e flagship ca pus
and he largest public high school in
Oriental Mindoro. This school was chosen to determin the self
determin and t level of adversity
Intelligenceamong the teachers who will be the rese rch
respondents. The researchers Iso believe that
the chosen location is ideal for the study due to its

Respondents of this Study

from Oriental Mindoro National Highschool
respondentsof the study are the teachers
because according to Robosa et al. (2021) most
teachersare selected to be the respondents
resources, handling of students, and the submission and
teachersare significantly challenged by lack of
occurrence of the digital age limited most
workloadsthat contribute to stress and burnout. Also, the
students virtually, provide an effective
publicschool teachers. They hardly perform specific tasks for the
the resources are inadequate. The
learning environment, and communicate with students, given that
of understandingthe relationship
selection of public teachers from OMNHS is based on the objective
best of the researcher's knowledge and
between self determination and Adversity Intelligence. Also In the
be enough to provide sufficientpnd
efforts of data gathering, they believe that these participants would

Information to answer the questions raised in this study.

Sampling Technique

Tvs study will use a purposive sampling method which receive selection based on the characteristics

which are present within specific population group and the overall study. In this case, the participants are

the public trachers in Oriental Mindoro National Highschool. Creswell (2014) suggests being purposeful

in identifying participants that might provide insight into your research question. Purposeful sampling

Involves selecting participants because you believe that they might contribute something to your analysis.

Research Instrument

io determine the relationship of Selfdetermination and adversity intelligence, the

researchers will use research instrument which is a standardized questionnaire and a self made

questtcnnmre that is based on the research problem. To measure and quantify the Self determination of

the public teachers, the researchers used a self-made survey questionnaire. It has 3 subscales namely;

competence, autonomy and relatedness that is composed of 18-item questions and scored using 4-point

Likert*ype scale ranging from 1 (never) to 4 (always).

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