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Stephen Hawkings once said - The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the

end of the human race… It would take off on its own, and re-design itself at an ever
increasing rate. Humans, who are limited by slow biological evolution, couldn’t compete,
and would be superseded. Opposition aims to tell you about the benefits and positives of AI
while overlooking the fact that we as humans cannot physically or logically compete with AI
if we cannot compete with it then pray tell opposition how we can keep control over it.


While we as side Proposition acknowledge that…

we cannot possibly overlook all the negatives, as time goes on human beings become more
complacent and lazy all the while AI becomes wiser and more efficient. Is our goal as a
society to enhance and add to that aspect of laziness and complacency or to tackle bigger
issues faced by the world I’m sure adding an AI takeover to the list of all our problems
throughout the world would not help anyone.

A survey conducted by the Pew research Center shows that in the United States Overall 52%
of Americans say they feel more concerned about the increased usage of artificial
intelligence and a mere ten percent are more excited about the increased usage while 36%
say they are not quite sure. That 52% have every right to have concerns and in fact that
percentage should be higher. As first speaker has mentioned AI results in job displacement,
stats show that by 2025 AI could possibly take over 52% of jobs globally and by 2030 job loss
due to AI and automation could affect 14% of the global workforce. We’re aiming to
continuously better our world by making AI more efficient but in all honesty what is the use
if it will lead to people becoming unemployed which would further lead to poverty and
people resulting to stealing and looting making our world a chaotic mess but hey at least
we’ll still have a more efficient robot doing everything for us cause that’s so much better.

A few unintended consequences due to the continued development of AI are reduced

privacy for human beings AI’s were created to and developed to manipulate data so
nothing is truly stopping them from invading your private data, and in addition to that you
would become more susceptible to cyberattacks and more advanced ones at that due to it
becoming exploited. The more complex AI becomes the harder it is to locate and fix it’s
technological errors and unintended outcomes. Lastly we rely more on it with time and as
you rely on something more and more you eventually cannot live without it and in the
circumstance that AI does become independent no longer serving us as humans would we
live without it.

In all honesty I would like to say this isn’t even up for debate the continued development of
AI is only leading up to one thing – the extinction of human beings. For a short period of
time AI has been resourceful and helpful to us however we cannot be blind to the fact that
we are sealing our fate and in the long run this will not be practical or plausible for our
society human beings might not be as efficient but we have and can continue to live without
a more complex AI. AI should remain as it is now – in simpler forms as we enhance it we
enhance our possible issues that come along with that this is why the motion should do
nothing but stand

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