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A Report On

Micro-project of DCC (22414) on

“Peer-to-Peer Networks”



Abhaysinhraje Bhonsale Institute of Technology(Poly)

Shendre, Satara.
Institute code-0983

Academic Year-2022-23

Vidyavardhini Charitable Trust’s

Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology (Polytechnic)

Shendre, Satara.


Sr. No. Members Name Roll. No.

1 Shedge Nandini 49
2 Shelake Shrawni 50
3 Shelake Swapnali 51
4 Shinde Shreya 52


Ms.Talekar S. P. Mrs. Nikam R. A Mr. Dhumal S.U

A peer to peer network is a simple network of computers. It first

came into existence in the late 1970s. Here each computer acts as a
node for file sharing within the formed network. Here each node acts as
a server and thus there is no central server to the network. This allows
the sharing of a huge amount of data. The tasks are equally divided
amongst the nodes. Each node connected in the network shares an
equal workload. For the network to stop working, all the nodes need to
individually stop working. This is because each node works
Action plan

Sr. Details of Activity Start Finish Name of

No. Date Date Team
Select the Topic for Micro 15-3-2023 15-3-2023 Shedge
1 nandini
We organized things required 21-3-2023 26-3-2023 Shinde shreya
for Micro Project.
3 We browse data on internet. 2-4-2023 6-4-2023 Shedge
We attained extra lecturer for 7-4-2023 10-3-2023 Shinde
project topic. shreya

We mode points notes on 8-4-2023 15-4-2023 Shelake

5 swapnali
We create word document 8-4-2023 11-4-2023 Shelake
with the help of teacher.
We mode correction by 8-4-2023 10-4-2023 Shinde
discuss our teacher.
We creates pdf document to 10-5-2023 12-4-2023 Shalake
8 swapnali
make hard copy.
Did final testing and trouble 17-4-2023 18-5-2023 Shinde shreya
sharing of the program.
Resource Required

Sr. Name of Specification Quantity

No. Resources Remark
1 Computer Computer Intel core i5
System RAM 8GB ,HDD 1TB
2 Operation Windows 7/above
3 Software Cisco packer tracer
4 Hardware RJ 45 connector UTP
cable crimping tool LAN
Tester Switch, Router
Actual Procedure Followed

A peer-to-peer network allows computer hardware and software to
communicate without the need for a server. Unlike client-server
architecture, there is no central server for processing requests in a P2P
architecture. The peers directly interact with one another without the
requirement of a central server.
Now, when on peer makes a request, it is possible that multiple peers
have the copy of that requested object. Now the problem is how to get
the IP addresses of all those peers. This is decided by the underlying
architecture supported by the P2P systems. By means of one of these
methods the client peer can get to know about all the peers which have
the requested object/file and the file transfer takes place directly between
these two peers.
This software works to prohibit the sharing of information until a peer
grants you access. So, it a computer wants to access files from a
different computer. It will need permission to access it. A peer is in full
control of their files and has the option to allow or deny access to
another peer. For instance, if users X wants to see the files of user Y,
users X must first seek permission from user Y to reach the files. User Y
can deny this access or accept it and provide the password to user X.

We will now discuss the major types of peer to peer network.
• Pure P2P Network
• Unstructured P2P Networks
• Structured P2P Networks
• Hybrid P2P Networks
• It is useful for small networks with less than 10 computers.
• Every computer can work as a client and server.
• There is no central control system.
• It does not offer a high network security.
• Operation systems used is Windows 2000 and its subsequent
• Use less expensive computer hardware.
• Easy to administer.
• No NOS required.
• More built-in-redundancy.
• Easy setup and lower cost for small networks.
• Users can control resource sharing.
• A user is not dependent on other computers for its operation.

• Individual performance is affected.
• Less security.
• Backup is difficult.
• Hard to maintain version control.
• Users are supposed to manage their own computers.
• It is not possible to save important data in a centralized manner.

When to use Peer to Peer Networks

The peer to peer networks are suitable for the following working
• If networks security is not an important issue.
• If the number of users is less than 10 (small network).
• If all the users are situated in the same area.
• If the possibility of future expansion is less.
Peer to peer networks can be implemented with very little investment
costs. But in order for the network to work properly. The users must be
very experiences with computers. And strict guidelines must be
implemented and followed in order for the data to remain secure and
archived properly. In my experience. Peer to peer networks tend to
become more of a headache instead of a help after about 6 computers.
Especially if your company has a moderate employee turnover.
Skill Development
This project is on ‘Peer-to-peer network’ so we have collected
informationabout peer-to-peer network and we got various information
of peer to peer networks. Doing this project now we know how to
execute queries and Pdf too. Doing this project our project knowledge is
We improve our presentation skill. When we will get job opportunity we
use this skill to present our self. This project is fully about on peer to
peer networks so we got information about it work and also increase
basic knowledge of peer to peer network.

People want to use peer-to-peer in many different applications including
e-commerce, education, collaborative work, search, file storage, high
performance computing. In this series of posts. We will look at different
peer-to-peer networks is decentralized, self-organized, and dynamic in
its pure sense, and offers an alternative to the traditional client-server
model of computing.
Reference / websites
• http://www.google.com/?source=serchapp
• Books used for reference
• Techmax - Data communication and computer network-by Pankaj
• Nirali - Data communication and computer network-by S.G.Gujar.
Area of future improvements
1. P2P in audio and video casting
A P2P approach for audio and video casting would also work along the
same lines. Different bits and copies of a file will be held in different
servers across the world and would be served from multiple points to
users. The challenges here again would be the quality.
2. Mobile application of P2P
P2P network can be used for custom mobile application development.
Mobile application development using Peer-to-Peer networking has a
huge potential when wireless network enabled mobile phones become
more popular. The mobile P2P application may be used for various
functions like instant messaging, File sharing, IP telephony, etc. the best
android application development companies can make a transition to
P2P networking for superlative results.
3. P2P in E-commerce
E-commerce services are one of the most popular services on the
internet. Most of the trading platforms are centralized. Such a platform
allows consumers to trade. Buy or sell their goods. However, in such a
centralized system. There is always a possibility of the central system
failure. When the central system fails or gets busy due to traffic, the
trade is interrupted. P2P enabled e-commerce can eliminate the need of a
centralized system and hence can lessen the possibility of failure.
4. Block chain app development

The concept of block chain in app development services was first

introduced in October 2008 as a part of the proposal for Bit coin. Bit
coin was a concept of crypto currency to create peer-to-peer money
without banks. A peer-to-peer network is a very important part of how
block chain technology works. The block chain application development
company is very solid and secure because of the P2P network.
5. P2P in search engines
The search engines we use now are client server based. When you type
something in the search bar as a client, the server gives you information
regarding the P2P search, each connections in the network serves its
local index as a source of search. When you look for something on a P2P
search engine, the information will be collected in bits from all the
serves. The difficulty in this the selection of good servers to provide
satisfactory results.

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