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A Synopsis On


“Online Violence For Justice System ”

Submitted for the



Department of Computer Engineering

Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology (Polytechnic),

Shendre , Satara .

Academic Year
2023 – 2024

Vidyavardhini Charitable Trust’s
Abhaysinhraje Bhonsle Institute of Technology( Poly )
Shahunagar- Shendre, Tal/Dist – Satara, 415519 (MS)

This Is To Certify That Synopsis Report Submitted by
Following members (CO-5I)

Enrollment No. Name

2109830053 Shinde Shreya Sambhaji
2109830056 Waghmare Sahil Ramesh
2209830266 Mohite Vardan Dipak

Is partial fulfilment to the requirement for the award of Diploma in

Computer Engineering (MSBTE) and is a record of their own work
carried under our own supervision and guidance.


Miss.Nikam R.A Miss. Nikam R.A Mr. Dhumal S. U.
CO Dept CO Dept
A.B.I.T. Satara A.B.I.T. Satara A.B.I.T. Satara

Sr. Contents Page
1 Abstract 1

2 Action Plan 2

3 Introduction 3

4 Literature Survey 4

5 Proposed System 5

 Proposed system

 Objectives of proposed system

6 Proposed Methodology 6

7 Facilities Used 7

 Software Requirement

 Hardware Requirement

8 System Analysis Diagram 8,9

 Data flow Diagram

 E.R Diagram

9 Objectives 10

10 Use Case Diagram, DFD Diagram 11,12,13

11 Advantages 14

12 Disadvantages 14

13 Applications 15

14 Expected Date Of Project 16

15 Conclusion 17

16 References 18

The online violence for justice system provides an a plateform for public through
which they can fight against the crime issues. Criminal Justice Abstracts is the leading
bibliographic database for criminal justice and criminology research. It provides cover-to-
cover indexing and abstracts for journals covering all related subjects, including forensic
sciences, corrections, policing, criminal law and investigation. this system provides an en-
Here we want to create an online crime reporting system software which is well accessible
to the general public, the department of local government and there-fore the body

The traditional public in Asian country is afraid to lodge a grievance as a result of

their full of a false worry regarding the department of local government. A web grievance
registering system can allay the fears of the general public and can conjointly facilitate
within the public serving to the department of local government in catching criminals. This
system has been taken as a protective and safety based application for both public and
government interest.

The criminal justice system is the network of government and private agencies
intended to manage accused and convicted criminals. The criminal justice system is
comprised of multiple interrelated pillars, consisting of academia, law enforcement,
forensic services, the judiciary, and corrections. These pillars are fashioned to support the
ideals of legal justice. Legal justice is the result of forging the rights of individuals with the
government’s corresponding duty to ensure and protect those rights – referred to as due

Literature survey

Survey of previously published literature on a particular topic to define and clarify a

particular problem; summarize previous investigations; and to identify relations,
contradictions, gaps, and inconsistencies in the literature, and suggest the next step in
solving the problem.
Literature Reviews should:

 Provide an overview of the topic including

o Key concepts that are being researched
o The areas that are ripe for more research—where the gaps and inconsistencies
in the literature are
o A critical analysis of research that has been previously conducted
o Will include primary and secondary research
 Writing the Literature Review:
o Be selective—you’ll review many sources, so pick the most important parts of
the articles/books.
 Organizing your Literature Review:
o Although this structure will not necessarily work for all literature reviews,
most literature reviews have the following components:
 Introduction: Provides an overview of your topic, including the major
problems and issues that have been studied.
 Discussion of Methodologies: If there are different types of studies
conducted, identifying what types of studies have been conducted is
often provided.
 Identification and Discussion of Studies: Provide overview of major
studies conducted, and if there have been follow-up studies, identify
whether this has supported or disproved results from prior studies.
 Identification of Themes in Literature: If there has been different
themes in the literature, these are also discussed in literature
reviews. For example, if you were writing a review of treatment of
OCD, cognitive-behavioral therapy and drug therapy would be themes
to discuss.
 Conclusion/Discussion—Summarize what you’ve found in your review
of literature, and identify areas in need of further research or gaps in the


Online violence for justice system is a new concept which we want to introduce
with all public who faces the various criminal issues. The purpose of Online violence for
justice system, explain the structure and aims at a An understanding of criminal justice
necessitates an overview of the entire gamut of crimes, criminal law and criminal justice process
and administration. It is a complete phenomenon dominated by different social and political
systems and the values underlying them. In this module, an attempt has been made to introduce
the basic aspects underlying criminal justice with focus on the purposes, approaches, models
and fundamentals of the same.

They may differ from country to country; never the less, these reflect the larger thought
process governing criminal justice The system that deals with agencies of government that are
responsible for enforcing the law in the country, maintaining peace and harmony and treating
criminal conduct is known as the criminal justice system. The aim of the criminal justice system
is to ensure that every person who suffers an injury or loss at the hand of others is allowed to
present his case and seek justice.

Proposed Methodology

1 •Meeting of class coordinator with students.

2•Formation of group based on students’ interest.
A. Meeting of Class-Coordinator with students:
A meeting was conducted in TEIT class to discuss about activity, decide rules
& regulations, ethics to be followed etc. Objective of this activity was
clearly mentioned to the students It was decided that every day one student
will post 10 questions and remaining students will participate by posting the
answers. Duration set for posting answer was 30 minutes. One student who
will post maximum correct answer first will be announced as winner of the
day. It was also decided to conduct this activity for two months.
B. Formation of Group:
After conducting meeting a WhatsApp group called ‘TE-IT class’ was
formed on 2nd February 2016. 30 Students voluntarily joined this
WhatsApp Group. One faculty member was member of this WhatsApp
group for monitoring activity and one student was appointed as a activity
coordinator. Schedule of two months was prepared by coordinators to see
that every student will get a chance to coordinate the activity.
3.Data are collected from the following different sources:
police: data of offences, victims, and suspects
prosecution service: data of prosecuted persons
courts: data of convicted and acquitted persons, number of legal cases
processed in first instance (civil, criminal, administrative and other under
national law)
prison departments: data of prisoners and capacity of prisons
all departments: data on personnel.
Classification of criminal acts
The criminal acts are counted by crime type. These types are defined
according to a common standard, the International classification of crime
for statistical purposes (ICCS). This classification groups all types of crimes
for statistical rather than for legal purposes.

Proposed Work

After finding and understanding various distinct methods used by the police for surveillance
purposes, we determined the importance of each method.

a) Requirements Gathering:
This first step is also the most important, because it involves gathering information about
what the customer needs and defining, in the clearest possible terms, the problem that the
product is expected to solve.

b) System Requirements:
In this phase Business Requirements are converted as Software Requirements.
Waterfall Model Diagram
c) Design:
In this phase Global and Detailed design can be produced based on Software

d) Coding:
This step consists of actually constructing the product as per the design
specification(s) developed in the previous step. Typically, this step is performed by a
development team consisting of programmers, interface designers and other specialists,
using tools such as compilers, debuggers, interpreters and media editors. The output of this
step is one or more product components, built
according to a pre-defined coding standard and debugged, tested and integrated
to satisfy the system architecture requirements.

e) Testing:
In this stage, System will be tested by testers, if the find any mismatch they report defects.
Developers /Programmers fix the defects and then testers close defects by performing
confirmation testing (Regression Testing).
f) Release & Maintenance:
Release team (consists of a few developers, testers, and tech-support people etc…)
install software in Customer environment and they consider below factors;
Correct & Complete installation
User Management
Services Management
Coexistence with other software
Handling of Input & Output devices
Handling of secondary storage devices
Maintenance team process Customer issues based on service agreements.


 The various objectives of the online violence for justice system are:

 To punish the wrongdoers.

 Prevent the further occurrence of crime in society.
 Regulate the behaviour and conduct of people, especially criminals.
 Provide relief to the victim.
 Treatment of offenders and their rehabilitation.
 To create deterrence in the minds of people at large not to indulge in any criminal


Facilities Used:

Software Requirements :

 Windows 11
 Visual Studio(HTML,CSS).
 Xamp Server
 PHP,Scripting language.
 Notepad++

Hardware Requirements :

 Processor : i5
 Hard Disk : 1 TB
 Memory : 8 GB RAM
 Monitor : 15” CRT, or LED Monitor
 Mouse : Compatible Mouse


Use case Diagram :

DFD Diagram:-




 The advantages of the online violence for justice system in a country are:

 It helps in maintaining law and order.

 There is uniformity in the laws and procedures related to criminal matters
throughout the country.
 It protects the accused from torture and harassment by the public and gives him
various rights like the right to a fair trial, the right to free legal aid, the right against
self incrimination etc.
 The impartial judiciary in the justice system helps in the impartial delivery of


 This application does not allow users to recover their passwords.

 It is not going to allow users to ignore or remove their crime reports.

 It would also not allow changing in their profile.

 It is not fully secured as anyone can visit anyone's profile.

Applications :

 Online violence for justice system applications:

 To Maintaining the rule of law in the country.

 To Preventing crime.
 To Adjudicating crime and criminals.
 To Compensating and rehabilitating victims.
 To Deterring offenders from committing any crime in the future.

Future Scope

So far, we have got an idea of what can be denoted as criminal activity. However, let
us look into the scope of such activities. Under the Indian law, the Code of Criminal
Procedure classifies the offences into different categories. It classifies offences into
cognizable and non-cognizable offences.

Cognizable offences can be stated as any such offences where the police can arrest the
accused without any warrant. In such offences, the police officer can start the investigation
of the case without the permission of the Magistrate. It has been observed that such offences
are usually grave and non-bailable.
On the other hand, non-cognizable offences are those where police cannot arrest the accused
without the arrest warrant from the Magistrate. In such offences, the police need to have
prior permission from the Magistrate to start the investigation. Such offences are usually less
serious and bailable.
Classification of crimes under the IPC is as follows:

Crime against the body – IPC recognizes crime against the body in the form of
murder, kidnapping, abduction, hurt, causing death by negligence.
Crime against property – IPC recognizes robbery, theft, dacoity, preparation, and assembly
to commit dacoity, burglary as crimes against property.
Crimes against public order – IPC recognizes riots, arson, etc.
Economic crimes – IPC recognizes criminal breach of trust, cheating, counterfeiting, etc.
Crimes against a woman – Rape, assault, dowry death, cruelty by husband and his relatives,
IPC also recognizes crimes against children. For example, kidnapping for slavery,
kidnapping from lawful guardianship, procuration for minor girls, etc.
All other crimes mentioned in IPC come under the scope of criminal activity.

Expected date of Project:

23 March 2024.


Conclusion :

The Online Violence for Justice System is a web application system which is too
much helpful for all the common people, government organization and different societies.
This is based on a very simple and non-complex approach. This has been created as a
safety measure for all section of people and societies. Anything which is against the law or
anyone who is violating the law will now have some fear as now filing an FIR is much
easier than it was before. The Online Crime Reporting System is a success with satisfaction
from both the people and government organizations. This has been tested and is a success.
So, this make it much more efficient



Books –

 The Criminal Justice System (2nd ed.) by Michael K. Hooper & Ruth
E. Masters
 Crime and Criminal Behavior (Key Issues in Crime & Punishment) by
William J. Chambliss
 Language and Media: A Resource Book by Rodney H. Jones, ‎ aivly‎
 Web Programming Language Sourcebook by Gordon McComb, Marty

Websites –



Action Plan:

Sr. Details of Activity Start Finish Responsible

No. Date Date Team Member

1. Selection the topic for 5/8/2023 9/8/2023 Shreya

Megha project Sahil
2. Organized things required 9/8/2023 12/8/2023 Shreya
for Megha project Sahil
3. Browsed for information of 12/8/2023 16/8/2023 Shreya
raw data
4. Attended extra lecture for 19/8/2023 23/8/2023 Sahil

5. Prepared notes accordingly 23/9/2023 26/8/2023 Vardan

6. Created Word document 26/8/2023 30/8/2023 Shreya

with our teacher’s help Sahil
7. Made required corrections 2/9/2023 6/6/2023 Shreya
after discussion Sahil
8. Also created a PDF 9/9/2023 9/9/2023 Shreya
document to make a hard Sahil
copy of the report Vardan


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