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August 2010

How Do I Resist This Spirit Of Pythos?

This specific spirit works in a very opposition is discerned, steadfastness
cunning way in that it gets close to you and becomes the key to resistance. Discern
feeds. 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; him - resist him. How? Steadfastness. Be
because your adversary walks about steadfast in your faith.
like a roaring lion seeking whom he What does it mean to be vigilant?
may devour. Resist him, steadfast in the Vigilant is defined as being keenly watchful,
faith…” It doesn’t say resist him by prayer, to be keenly watchful and aware, to detect
by fasting, by dancing, although all of this danger, to be wide-awake and open-eyed. I
is important. He’s saying that the way that find this interesting because it connects to
you resist him is by being steadfast. Did you the word “perceptive.” As you know, one of
ever think about that? Why would that give my stronger gifts is the ability to perceive
you the power to resist him? That’s what I’m something spiritually, and deal with it either
going to show you. That’s why he tries to with resistance, if it is evil, or embracing
divide you. He has to divide your thoughts it, if it is good. That’s what many people
about yourself to take away steadfastness. struggle with; knowing if it is God. Good
Too many Christians believe that resisting is not always God. When I say that, I mean
your adversary, (and we’re going to call him just because somebody does something
“Diablo” today) means addressing him in good, it doesn’t mean that it’s God.
prayer, or using words to persuade him to Sometimes good can come from someone
depart. Unfortunately, this is not always the who has selfish motives or ill intent. We
case and the good news is… it’s actually can be fooled because their actions are
simpler than that. You don’t have to go good, when, in actuality, the good action is
through a strenuous process to get rid of coming from an evil place.
your enemy with shouting, screaming and
The term “awareness” means,
naming him.
“consciousness devoid of ignorance”.
In this verse, Peter speaks of a spiritual Awareness means, not only devoid of
sobriety and vigilance as being the key to ignorance, but dualistic fixation. So,
the discerning of our foe, and steadfastness when talking about awareness, we have a
being the key to resisting him. So what dualistic fixation of consciousness that is
does that mean? It means that you have devoid of ignorance. Awareness is the state
to have the power to resist him through of knowingness and wakefulness. It means,
vigilance and spiritual sobriety, and that “cognizant, alert, watchful and vigilant”, and
is the key to discerning our foe. Once the awareness is “knowledge gained through
one’s perceptions and the attitudes of others”. Ignorance into a relationship, the end is near.
and obliviousness are the opposites of awareness. To be steadfast means to be fixed in direction, firm in
Ignorance is not bliss in this case. purpose, resolution, faith and attachment, unwavering
Steadfastness is the key to resistance. Steadfastness and established. One of the ways the enemy will devour
in faith is the highest form of resistance to your enemy. you is when he’s aware of your lack of an unalterable
We often use the term “devil” too loosely. The word “devil” fixation of purpose and direction.
is Diablo. When you dissect it, “Dia” and “Blo”, Dia means,
“divided, double, two” and Blo means, “breathe, whisper,
blow, speak”. I am explaining this to you because it is
Be fixed on your purpose.
essentially a dualistic issue: he speaks to divide so that
you will not be steadfast. For a double-minded man is
Be fixed on your direction.
It’s very important that you understand this. It will
unstable in all of his ways. That’s what the devil needs in
help you to overcome your enemy because if you’re fixed
order to attack you. He cannot just attack you; he goes
on your purpose, your call, your election, and where
around like a roaring lion. He isn’t a roaring lion; he’s
you’re going, he cannot get to you.
like a roaring lion; the roaring lion, seeking for “whom
he may devour”. Whom may he devour? He can devour As we delve deeper into understanding divination
those with whom he is able to speak to and divide with and the spirit of python, we must understand some of
the words spoken, and when he divides them, he divides these fundamental truths. The enemy wants to entice
their thinking. you away from your element.
In the garden, he simply spoke and confused Adam Romans 12:3 says, “For I say through the grace
and Eve with suggestions, which resulted in duality. given to me, to everyone that is amongst you, not to
Duality is the perception that antagonistic forces of good think of himself more highly than he ought to think,
and evil rule the world. Once Adam and Eve’s eyes were but to think soberly according as God has dealt to
opened to this knowledge (remember that’s what he every man the measure of faith.”
was feeding them), they literally gave their power to the What he’s saying is if you’re thinking more highly of
serpent because they saw themselves as equal. yourself, you’re going to get into trouble, because you’ve
This is a very important point; the enemy wants to get lost that sobriety. That’s what happens when people get
you to the place where you see yourself as an equal, or drunk, they get confident and full of themselves, and a
even inferior, to him. He cannot attack you as long as you lot of people do that because they are out of their realm.
see and understand, by the knowledge of God, that you He’s telling us to watch out for this because the devil will
are superior to him. It seems like we have this fear of the flatter you so that you will think more highly of yourself
devil; that he’s going to come into our house and destroy so that he can move you out of your protection. He has
our kids. As long as you are aware and praying, and you to get close to you and he does that by flattery, which is
are steadfast, and there is no duality in you, he cannot – part of the spirit of divination.
he cannot – get in and win as the victor. He cannot win if
Romans 12:6 “Having then gifts differing
you see yourself as superior to him; because of the blood
according to the grace that is given to us, let us use
of Christ, he cannot do anything because he knows you
them: If prophecy, let us prophesy in proportion to
are superior, and fears when you see yourself as superior.
our faith; or ministry…”
He’s trying to equalize you, to a point where you have
to fight him all of the time. Even if you are “equal” with He says to stay within the measure of rule. That word
him, if there was such a thing, you will still overcome him. in Greek is “metron.” He has given to every one of us a
The only way he can “equalize” you is to persuade you by “metron” of faith and authority, or rulership. The word
giving you a double mind about things; about theology, “metron” is where the word meter comes from; the metric
the Scriptures, about God and about good and evil. Jesus system. So he’s given to you a “metron” or a measurement
Christ overcame him and so can you! of authority. If you go outside of that, you are moving
The Bible says in James 1:8 that a “double-minded into a very dangerous area.
man is unstable in all of his ways.” Remember that The other thing he wants is to get you out of your
what you perceive you receive, and what you see, you element. These are important things that you must
be. I’m convinced that once discord or division sets understand. What is element? For those that have not
been on my School of the Prophet course, let me just
give you a mini thought on this quickly. Element. What
does it mean to be “in your element?” Element is used to
describe a place where things we love to do and things
we are good at come together. Each one of us must
find our element. When I’m playing the piano and I’m
ministering to people, I’m in my element. When you
shove me in a three-piece suit, tie, and shove me before

senators, I am not in my element! I’m like a fish out of
water. That’s what it means. oin Kim and the Team as they Rock the
Element is that place where everything you do well Flock in Detroit, MI. Come experience
and beautifully is enhanced. So whatever you do well a powerful LIVE gathering and let the
is enhanced because you are in your element, and it’s presence of the prophetic inspire and ignite
expressed without hindrance because of the perfect
environment that you’re in. Water is the element of you. Whenever we gather together in this
fish. You’ve all heard that saying, “He’s like a fish out of setting, people get innovative ideas, song
water,” as I said before. Many people suffer unnecessarily writers get songs, artists get pictures, and we
because they operate out of their element, and when
this happens there is a pressure to do something and
receive news before the pews. You do NOT
be something that they’re not. People who struggle want to miss this event!
with this are easy to recognize, and that’s what the
enemy wants. First of all, he wants to get you out of your
measure of authority, and secondly, to get you out of
August 20 - 22 @ 7 pm
your element so that you’re unhappy and miserable, and
the method he uses is one of duality and division. Guest Speaker Fiona Desfontaine
This is one huge positive in terms of the prophetic Returning Guests - The Arrows
gift. My belief is that a prophetic voice places a person in
their element by releasing a word that in turn forces them
to seek an environment conducive or favorable for their For more details visit us at:
gift. What the enemy also wants to do is take away your
confidence, which has great recompense of reward.
The Bible says in Philippians that “we are confident
of this very thing, that he who has begun a good
work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus
Christ.” There it is right there. He will complete it. Fiona Desfontaine is
So you need to have that confidence. Now, what is the Senior Pastor of His
prophecy? You may say, “Kim, I’m not a prophet.” But you
Church in Pinetown,
may still prophesy, which doesn’t mean that you walk
around prophesying over everybody all the time. You South Africa. She began
can stand where you are in your room and prophesy over her ministry 30 years
your situation. You don’t have to phone “Mr. Prophet” to ago in the USA after
come to your house to give you a word.
attending Christ For The
It’s inside of you, it’s in your Bible, and it’s God-
breathed. Know that you are strong enough and wise Nations Bible college.
enough, through the power of the blood of Christ, to Fiona has traveled the
discern Diablo. Find God’s word for your life, see from His world extensively for many years, powerfully
perspective; and with vigilance and steadfastness, you
will soon recognize what is good and what is God as you
preaching and teaching the Word of God with
rise to see from His eyes. keen prophetic insight and apostolic authority.
To be continued…Stay tuned for Part 3 on dealing The mark of this incredible ministry is freedom.
with the spirit of pythos by using what God has revealed No matter who you are, you will not leave
to you about your future and your destiny.
one of Fiona’s meetings without your life
being changed.
Jane s

l and
Battlin’ Bil
The Broken Curse My Gra nd m other

was born on Easter weekend, more than six weeks
early. My mother was 35 years old, and I was 5^SSSC
her first child. She suffered from Preeclampsia, t e r , ;--*^^-'-^j4,C5^5S'i£SP""
&t£ teThey
a pregnancy-induced hypertension that made her ~ci:$before.
- years moved to a rental house, and my
pregnancy extremely difficult. I was due on May 21st, grandmother had to sell glass bottles to feed the
two days before my father’s birthday, but God had family, as my grandfather’s gambling debts increased.
different plans for me. After 26 hours of labor, my
mother finally delivered me. We were both in critical My mother always told me stories about her little
condition and it was a miracle that we survived, but we sister, Maureen Joy. She was a year younger than
did, together. I was so tiny that baby socks covered my her, and they were very close. Her fondest memory,
knees, and I spent the first three weeks of my life in an the one she’ll always tell you if you ask, is also one
incubator. of the last memories she has of her sister. The two of
them, dancing under a streetlight that stood alone
Because of my fragile state, my parents had to on the sidewalk outside of their house that cast
be extra careful with me when they took me home, their shadows on the wall as they danced; and they
panicked and cautious as they performed routine baby laughed and sang, watching the shapes they made as
tasks like feeding and bathing me. Ten months later, my they moved.
mother was pregnant again, with my sister Margaret.
She was born at 9:15 in the morning on February 26th, Later that night, Maureen took ill, she was only
and two years later, my brother Johnny arrived on the seven years old and came down with rheumatic fever.
same date at the same exact time, 9:15 in the morning. Within three days, she was dying, and they couldn’t
What’s interesting is that Kim’s brother and sister, find my grandfather. He had been on a gambling and
Barry and Shelley, also share a birthday, the 26th of drinking binge, and by the time he returned home,
November, and they are also two years apart. his little girl was clinging to life. He fell to his knees
and wept, pleading to God, vowing to never drink
My mother’s name is Gloria, the oldest of five again if his daughter could be saved. But again, God
children. Her father, my grandfather, William Benjamin had different plans, and little Maureen died in her
Ladson, was a railroad worker by day, and by night, a innocence.
fighter, a boxer named “Battlin’ Bill”.
Short and stocky, like a bull, he was Although one would expect my grandfather
the picture of athleticism, sporting to fall back into his drinking ways and drown in his
a tattoo of a tiger on his forearm. sorrows, the opposite happened. He quit drinking
As he gained popularity, he was and gambling, and even quit boxing. Within a month,
found more frequently at the he gave his heart to the Lord, and became a Christian.
local bars with his rugby buddies, His mother, my great-grandmother, had undergone
gambling and playing pool. Soon, much ridicule from her family when she became a
he wasn’t coming home until Christian the previous year, but now her son had
the early hours of the morning, become a Christian too. She was a beautiful woman,
sometimes not at all. The effect of and after her face was disfigured from a stroke, she
his alcoholism had already taken went to church in hopes that a faith healer could
its toll when he lost the house ask God to make her beautiful again. Instead, she
he had bought for the family found something much more precious than physical
beauty that fades with time; she found Christ and took age, and sensitive to His voice. By the time I was twelve
Him into her heart. I believe that when she did this, she years old, my mother had returned to God, and she
broke a generational curse that was a heavy burden on returned with a passion to know Him and seek His will.
our family. There are numerous references to this in the
Bible, but the verse that comes to mind is from Exodus I grew up and married Kim, and from the earliest
20:5: “…visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the days of our ministry, my mother has always been there,
children unto the third and fourth generation…” A curse helping us. Her and Kim can often be found discussing
was broken when my great-grandmother had the stroke doctrine and religion late at night, usually in the kitchen
that led her to church, and shortly afterwards, the tragedy over a cup of tea. This was, and continues to be, an
of Maureen’s death changed the course of many lives, irreplaceable aid to Kim because she knows the Bible so
including my own, through my mother. Her entire family well, and is not afraid to challenge popular dogmas and
got saved, and many are pastors and ministers of the ideas. She is a solid rock, an anchor in our lives and we
gospel to this day. Kim and I helped to pioneer the church would not be where we are today without her.
her brother-in-law Fred and sister (my aunt) Nellie started
in South Africa. When Kim began to receive more and more
invitations from all over the world, my mother was always
My mother is a well-read and learned woman. there to help us, especially when we had to travel. She
She spent her youth traveling the world, backpacking would take care of our children during the school year,
through Europe, visiting the Pyramids in Egypt and and travel with us when we brought them with us. In the
touring Israel. She married late, and surprisingly, she early years, we didn’t have much money and when we
married an unbeliever. This would seem to be a recipe for traveled it was difficult. We scarcely had money to rent
disaster, but again, God had different plans for us, and vehicles and hotels, so we would rely on families to host
as unexpected as this may sound, it furnished me with a us in the different cities, and my mother was always there
broad perspective growing up. It taught me to see both to help us.
sides before making a judgment and never deterred me
from becoming a Christian myself. For as long as I can remember, the kitchen was her
territory. She would prepare the entire meal herself and
We grew up in the country, outside of the city of expected everyone to be at the dinner table on time.
Durban, and our childhood was simple and stable. When No snacking was allowed before the meal, for fear that
we were young, my mother had stopped going to church. the meal would not be fully appreciated if tainted with
But she insisted that her children attend church every appetizers; this has not changed. Kim loves to snack
Sunday. Although she was struggling for a time, she knew before a meal, especially sausages from the grill. Every
that her children needed to know God. My father decided night, to this day, you will find Kim grilling sausages while
that the Methodist church up the road was acceptable.
Because of this, I was aware of God from a very young (continued on next page)

Koeksisters recipe Instructions on how to make it

(Pronounced Cooksisters) To make the syrup, put all the ingredients in a saucepan. Heat (stirring) until
the sugar has completely dissolved. Cover the mixture and boil for 1 minute.
The sweet taste of these plaited dough cakes makes Remove the saucepan lid and boil the syrup for another 5 minutes, but do not
them a great favorite in South Africa. The secret of stir it. Remove the syrup from the stove and allow it to cool for at least 2 hours in
their success is in preparing the syrup a day ahead and a refrigerator, or overnight.
chilling it before dipping the koeksisters. To make the dough, sieve together the dry ingredients and rub in the grated
butter with your fingertips, or cut it in with a pastry cutter. Beat the egg, add
Ingredients 250ml (1 cup) of the milk or water and mix lightly with the dry ingredients to
For the syrup: a soft dough. Add more milk or water if the dough is too stiff. Knead well until
1kg (35.3 ounces) sugar small bubbles form under the surface of the dough. Cover with a damp cloth
and allow to stand for 30 minutes - 1 hour.
500ml (2 cups) water
Roll out the dough to a thickness of 1 cm, then form koeksisters in either of the
2 pieces fresh green ginger (each 5cm), peeled and
following ways:
Cut strips 1 cm wide and twist 2 strips together, or plait 3 strips together, cutting
2ml (½ teaspoon) cream of tartar the twisted, or plaited lengths at 8cm intervals and pinching the ends together.
Pinch of salt
Alternatively, cut the dough into 8cm x 4cm pieces. Cut 2 vertical slits in each
Grated rind and juice of ½ lemon piece, reaching to 1cm from the end. Plait the 3 strips that have been formed
For the dough: and pinch together the loose ends.
500g (17.64 ounce) flour Heat 7-8cm deep oil to 350°F – a cube of bread should turn golden-brown in a
2ml (½ teaspoon) salt minute. Fry the koeksisters for 1-2 minutes, or until golden-brown, then turn
them over with a fork and fry until golden-brown on the other side.
30ml (2 tablespoons) baking powder
Remove the koeksisters with a lifter or slotted spoon, drain them for a moment
55g (1/4 cup) butter, grated
on paper towel and then plunge them into the cold syrup for 1-2 minutes. Stand
1 egg the container of syrup in a bowl of ice so that the syrup will stay cold. Remove
250-375ml (1-1½ cups) milk or water the koeksisters from the syrup with a lifter or slotted spoon, allowing the excess
syrup to flow back into the basin, then drain them slightly on a wire rack.
my mother bakes and roasts in the kitchen. Because this continue what God began in our family so many years
upsets her so much, Kim has had to sneak his sausages, ago. In this month of August, on the 16th, we will be
and I’ve even caught him having the children hand them celebrating two birthdays. My daughter Elizabeth was
to him through the kitchen window and distributing born in 1996, on my mother’s birthday, and as it is with
them to the hungry kids standing around before she both mine and Kim’s siblings, who share their birthdays,
catches on…but she always knows, and huffs and puffs I took it as a symbol of the broken curse that my daughter
around the kitchen, mumbling protests and glaring was born on my mom’s birthday. I pray that you too will
over her glasses in disapproval. Today she is 85 years old receive the blessings that God has promised for you and
and full of life. She is actively involved in our ministry your family, and that He will give you the strength and
and continues to be a source of strength, stability and insight to break the curses and step into your destiny.

When I think back over my life, and remember my
mother and the fight for my life, I recognize that I am
responsible, as the child of the third generation, to

Detroit, MI Join Kim’s Tuesday

Rock the Flock Night Online Bible
August 20 - 22 @ 7 pm study From The
Ignited International Ministries Matrix
20320 Superior ST Matrix is derived from the Latin
word for womb and is figuratively
734.407.5100 used for any pattern or mold in
which things are shaped and
developed. So the exercise of a
skill is ‘molded’ by its matrix.
LIVE from the Den A biblical worldview is also a
Join Kim and the team on matrix - a womb that has been
Saturdays Live from The Den, carefully constructed out of
as they gather around the the principles, patterns and
piano and worship God and paradigms that are contained
then share from the Word within the Scriptures.
and expound on the various
prophetic words that God Without an understanding of
has recently spoken. these moral absolutes, our lives
Every Saturday are rooted in spiritual myth
(Except Saturdays on Tour) and theological fantasy. The
6 pm EDT and rebroadcast Scriptures are the touchstone of
at 6 pm PDT the only valid worldview!
Every Tuesday
6 pm PDT & 9 pm EDT

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ev en t pr od uc t ta bl e,
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