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Clothes Store Dialogue - 2º Ano @teacher_lucans

Custumer: Hello! Can you help me?

Storekeeper: Hi there! Of course, I’d love to help. What

are you looking for?

Custumer: I want to buy some clothes.

Storekeeper: Great! We have a nice collection. What

do you need?

Custumer: I need a shirt, please!

Storekeeper: Sure thing, What color do you like?

Custumer: I like blue Can you help me? = Você pode me
Storekeeper: Here’s a blue shirt for you
What are you looking for? = O que
você está procurando?
Custumer: How much is it?
Sure thing = Claro
Storekeeper: It’s $10
How much is it? = Quanto é?
Custumer: All right, I’ll take it I’ll take it = Eu vou levar

Storekeeper: Is there anything else you’re looking Is there anything else you’re
looking for? = Há algo mais que
você está procurando?
I also = Eu também
Custumer: Yes, I also need pants. Take a look at = Dê uma olhada
Storekeeper: No problem, take a look at these pants
What size do you have? = Que
tamanho vocês tem?
Custumer: What size do you have?
Look good = Parece bom
Storekeeper: We have a small size
I’ll take both = Eu vou levar os dois
Custumer: These look good, how much are they?

Storekeeper: They’re $15

Costumer: Perfect, I’ll take both

English EEEP Rita Aguiar Barbosa

Restaurant Dialogue - 2º Ano @teacher_lucans

Waiter: Can I take your order?

Custumer: Yes, I would like the hamburger and french


Waiter: Good choice! Would you like anything to drink

with that?

Custumer: Yes, I would like a diet coke

Waiter: Okay, Would you like to order anything else?

Custumer: No, that’s all VOCABULARY:

Waiter: How’s the food? Can I bring anything else? Can I take your order?= Posso
pegar o seu pedido?
Custumer: Yes, Can I have some ketchup, please? French fries = Batatas fritas

Waiter: Of course! Here you are. Good choice = Boa escolha

Diet coke = Coca cola zero
Custumer: Would you like any dessert?
that’s all = Isso é tudo
Waiter: No, thanks. Could you bring me the bill,
Can I bring anything else? = Posso
trazer alguma coisa mais?
Can I have = Eu posso ter (isso
quer dizer a mesma coisa de “eu
Custumer: Sure! Here you are. It’s thirty-three dollars. gostaria”)

Waiter: Here you are, thank you very much! Here you are = Aqui está
Dessert = Sobremesa
Custumer: My pleasure, thanks a lot!
Could you bring me the bill? =
Você poderia me trazer a conta?
My pleasure = O prazer é meu

English EEEP Rita Aguiar Barbosa

Gadget Store Dialogue - 2º Ano @teacher_lucans

Storekeeper: Good morning! How can I help you?

Custumer: We’re looking for a laptop for my dad.

Storekeeper: I see, Do you prefer a laptop or a


Custumer: I’m not sure, But I guess he would prefer

the laptop. But the desktop is faster than the laptop,

isn’t it?

Storekeeper: Yes, that’s right. And it is more powerful

as well. We’re looking for = Nós estamos
Custumer: But the thing is, it takes more space than
I see = Entendi
the laptop. And I guess that the desktop is more I’m not sure = Eu não tenho certeza

expensive than the laptop too, right? Faster than = Mais rápido que
isn’t it? = não é?
Storekeeper: Yes, the laptop is cheaper than the
More powerful = mais potente
desktop. as well = também

Custumer: How much is the laptop? But the thing is = mas a coisa é
It takes more space than = ocupa
Storekeeper: It costs $900 dollars. mais espaço que

Custumer: Cool! I’ll take it. My father’s going to love more expensive than = mais caro
love it? cheaper than = mais barato que
How much = quanto
It costs = custa
I’ll take it = eu vou levar

English EEEP Rita Aguiar Barbosa

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