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July 2010

Dear Warriors,
Many of you know that a few weeks ago we were praying for my dearest friend,
Michael Babin, who is a bishop and pastor of a church in Oceanside, CA. I saw with my own
eyes how a suffocating spirit of divination attacked him. His own son had to carry him into
the hospital. For those of you that don’t know him, Michael is almost seven feet tall, and
must weigh close to 280 pounds. A few weeks ago, he suffered from three heart attacks.
His heart was working at 10% when he had them and the last one happened when he
was trying to get into the emergency room. He turned to his son and said, “I don’t think
I am going to make it; goodbye.” I got the call while I was traveling home from our event
in Nashville.

While I was ministering that weekend in Nashville, I started having heart pain, chest
pain, and shortness of breath. I didn’t worry about it too much because I don’t have a
history of that kind of problem. I have a very healthy heart, and in fact, I had just been
for my physical checkup where they said my heart and everything else was in incredible
condition. But it kept on the whole day while I was in Nashville, even on the stage. That
following Monday, when we were flying back from Nashville and while on a stop in Dallas,
I discovered that my friend had been rushed to the hospital. He had in fact died and they
had resuscitated him three times. He was then put on ice and ended up in a coma. The
prediction from the doctors at that time was that he wouldn’t make it. As you know, the
prognosis is never positive from the doctors because they’ve seen so many cases. So this
negative prognosis was surrounding the entire family and telling them that even if he did
come back, he would not be able to walk. They said he had probably had a few strokes and
he was most likely brain dead.

While they were telling me this, I said, “The best thing that I can do is ask the Lord to
show me what the outcome will be.” He DOES provide information from the future, so
that we can pray effectively. I thought about the few prophecies that Michael had received
through me and I began to use these to wage a GOOD WARFARE. 1 Timothy 1:18
says, “This charge I commit unto you, son Timothy, according to the prophecies
which were given to you, that you by them might wage a good warfare.” Michael
Babin had traveled with me so many times, when I was is a real enemy that’s out there and he’s seeking to devour
working in Detroit, and during those years, he received those whom he can, and the only ones he can devour are
several prophecies about his future. I recalled one those that he gets close to.
specific prophecy about him ministering to a famous
basketball player (Michael Babin is a former professional Within twenty-four hours, Michael started talking and
basketball player). I began to pray for him, recalling these of course there was a huge celebration. The doctors were
prophecies, and I began to wage a good warfare. What stunned. In fact they began to call him “Miracle Babin”
does a “good” warfare mean? The Greek word they use because he had negated every prognosis they had given.
for good is “agathos,” which means an “honest, virtuous” My family and I went to San Diego to visit him and after
warfare. I believe that this means that your fight must be hugs and tears, his family told the entire story and I have
conducted with the right weapons. This specific weapon to honor their faith. They said that each time I would send
that Paul is referring to is the spoken word of prophecy. a word, it would break the power of every prognosis that
In the next verse, 1 Timothy 1:19, Paul continues by was surrounding his deathbed. You need to understand
saying, “…holding faith, and a good conscience. Some that during these times, the prophetic word is vital,
have rejected these and so have shipwrecked their because it supplies FAITH. The key is knowing what action
faith.” To fight for someone’s life means that you have to you should take, and recalling any promise that God had
approach this battlefield with weapons fit for this enemy. given in the past.
What many people don’t understand is that our The word divination is “pythos” which is derived from
adversary knows whether you have a sword that is the word python. Python is a non-venomous snake that
sharp enough to destroy him. To simply run into a kills its victim by squeezing, causing suffocation and
battle without a revelation from God could place you in removing the breath from its prey. It literally squeezes its
jeopardy and result in shipwrecking your faith. I had a victim to death. The python has bad eyesight and limited
weapon that I believed would assist my friend back to hearing, just like the devil. It uses its forked tongue to
life and a full recovery. detect odors. The tongue flicks in and out to collect
God spoke to me at that point and told me to tell airborne chemicals and dust. The more dust, the easier it
his family that within twenty-four hours he would start can detect the victim. Dust speaks of flesh.
moving and he would come around. Well, within twenty- What does the python do? The python swallows
four hours that’s exactly what he did! They started its meal starting with the victim’s head. These are all
asking him questions, trying to ascertain his mental important things to understand. This is the nature of
state. Michael, being a professional basketball player divination. When Paul and his team were approached
in his early days, was asked questions about various by a woman who had a “spirit of divination,” they were
teams and players and he responded to each question unaware of this spirit. She followed them for many days
not only positively, but in his usual sassy fashion. They declaring, “These are servants of the most high God who
knew he was responding positively. He had been on life have come to show us the way of salvation!” What she
support for five days at that point, and the doctors were was saying was correct – the words were accurate – but
suggesting removing him from life support. the spirit (or breath) was evil. It was only after many days
Over the next forty-eight hours, I sent words of this complimenting and flattering them with words
(revelations) to his son, Gabriel, who in turn combated that sounded good to their ears, that a deep irritation
every negative report by speaking these words into set inside of Paul and he finally dealt with this spirit.
Michael’s ear. At one stage, Gabriel shouted what we had 2 Peter 2:18-19 states, “For when they speak great
heard from God – “YOU WILL COME BACK!” swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the
lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who
I was dealing with a spirit of pythos/divination have actually escaped from those who live in error.
and that spirit is suffocating many nations, families, While they promise them liberty, they themselves
relationships and industries at this very hour. I’m not a big are slaves of corruption: for by whom a person is
“looking for demon spirits” person; I don’t do that. There overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.”
The spirit has to get close to you to suffocate you; so and speech, condemning and damning sin and sinners,
it does that by getting familiar with you. It’s also called and it is quite obvious that they are deep in private sin.
a familiar spirit. This spirit is a very serious thing and it I read a saying once, “Because I am are evil.”
operates because people are caught unaware and they This basically means, because I am practicing evil, I see
don’t really know how it operates. Once you do know, everyone else doing the same thing…even if they aren’t.
you are able to detect it and you are able to get rid of it. Their sin IS affecting others because they are ministering
It’s important that you understand that. to these precious people with anger and bitterness.

There is a pattern of divination: 1. Familiarize If the Holy Spirit is not ministering and
2. Equalize 3. Neutralize breathing on the people, something else is.
A “familiar” spirit is exactly that; it desires to be seen The breath of God that should flow through
as kin or family. Why couldn’t Jesus do many miracles in a servant of God is (Greek) Psoo-kho –“Spirit
his hometown? Familiarity. Literally, this familiar spirit in breath” and Zoe-Pneuo – “To make ALIVE.”
Nazareth suffocated the gift in Jesus. That’s as serious as
it is. Once this spirit is upon a person, community, church There are many churches that are under the spell of
or a nation, it will begin to suffocate the gifts through divination and because there is familiarity, the people are
unbelief, which comes from familiarity. One of the ways fooled into believing that because the sermons sound
that a familiar spirit attaches itself to a nation is when evil good and right, that all is well. It is not. This means that
is legalized and it is pronounced as good. Let’s move that you may not necessarily have drawn that spirit to yourself
to a human being. Once a man convinces himself that because of your own fleshliness or carnality, but you
adultery or sexual sin is justified, for whatever reason, this could be under the influence from someone else THAT
spirit attaches itself to that person because it has been YOU FEEL SAFE WITH. Bob Mumford once said, “If I
embraced and allowed to be “family.” The same goes have measles, but I tell you that I have mumps, what will
for lying, drunkenness, etc. We make mistakes and it is you catch?” If you are part of a church and you are not
important to understand that I am not referring to times “made alive” – get out! So does this mean that you have
when people stumble, but I’m referring to what Paul calls to be suspicious and walk around judging everyone?
“practicing” sin. I believe that a person has to “follow after Absolutely not! But be aware, watch and pray.
the flesh” to get to the place of practicing sin. We are not
Sometimes, family members can neutralize your gift
perfect and will stumble and sin, but this does not mean
by familiarity.
that you are “following after the flesh.”
NECROMANCY is a method of divination through
Galatians 5:21 speaks of the “works of the flesh”
and defines a few things that will help you with this. Paul alleged communication with the dead. It’s called black
deals with these “works of the flesh” and names them. art. This has nothing to do with the color of a person’s skin
After defining them he says, “…They which DO such but rather the blackness as in darkness. Necro – mancy.
things shall not inherit the Kingdom of God.” The Mancy originates from “mantic” which is derived from the
word for “do” in the Greek is prasso and it means practice, word “mantis,” as in praying mantis – one of the several
to perform repeatedly or habitually. A doctor practices predaceous insects of the order Mantidae having a long
medicine. What does that mean? It means he affects other prothorax and typically holding forelegs in an upraised
lives by his practice of medicine. Not for one second am I position AS IF IN PRAYER. So the spirit of familiarity, kin
suggesting that sin is to be taken lightly, but I am aware to divination, approaches you in a false, religious, pious
of the fact that no matter how powerful a Christian you stance in order to trap you.
may claim to be, you will sin, and the joy of salvation is TO BE CONTINUED…
that you can and will be forgiven. However, the continual
transgression will eventually become habitual and Stay tuned for my next article, Pythos Part 2, where
certainly affect other lives. I’ve watched ministers preach I will teach you how you can resist this spirit of pythos in
from holy pulpits with anger in their hearts, countenance your life.
Jane s
Gouldian Babies
on a nest in the top corner
of the cage. It was just out
of view so we couldn’t
see inside the nest.

After about 15 days
recently adopted some Gouldian Finches. My sister
we heard the babies
Margaret was visiting from South Africa, and we
chirping and knew
decided to build them a cage. We found a beautiful
they had already
little armoire at a consignment store and went to work.
hatched. We were all
First we had Kim’s brother, David, replace the sides with
excited and eagerly
mesh wiring, transforming the armoire into a beautiful
watched and waited for
showpiece cage. My sister and my son-in-law, John, are a chance to catch a glimpse
both artists and they worked together and painted a of the new life emerging. Within
stunning mural on the back. Before I knew it, the whole a few days, we could see tiny pink heads
family was involved in making a dwelling for my little peaking out with open beaks whenever one of the
birds; even Kim would emerge from his studio from parents flew up with a crop full of baby food. The
time to time to offer his advice. Black Heart Finches are very dedicated parents.
I have always been a bird lover, but I’ve only ever A pair of Gouldians were also sitting on a nest, but
owned parrots. I decided to get the finches after being we hadn’t noticed because we were so pre-occupied
introduced to them by a lady breeder friend of mine. I with the new babies that had just hatched. I was
became fascinated with the Gouldian Finch because of changing their food, and as I was about to throw out
their beautiful bright colors. So I adopted a few pairs of the old food, I noticed a tiny baby bird the size of my
Gouldians and one pair of Black Heart Finches; both of thumbnail in the food bowl. I picked it up and put it
these species are indigenous to Australia. All Gouldians back into the nest. It was not long before they tossed
are brightly colored, but the females aren’t as vivid as it out again. I was shocked at this behavior. The baby
the males. One major difference between the sexes is was so cold and hungry, opening its little mouth and
that the male’s chest is purple, while the female’s is a squirming around. I set up a heat lamp and put the
lighter mauve. The males also do a comical courtship baby bird in a little nest that I had made to fit inside
dance to entice the females, which I found to be a box. I began feeding it some hand-rearing formula
especially adorable. with a tiny syringe that my vet recommended, but the
process of feeding it was extremely difficult because
Once the cage was ready, we moved our birds into the bird was so tiny. My maternal instincts set in and
their beautiful new home. We watched as they made I went into survival mode, looking up any and all
themselves comfortable and were amazed at how information I could find on how to care for the baby
quickly they began to build nests. I soon realized that and why the parents would have discarded it like that.
the pair of Black Heart Finches was taking turns sitting After hours of research, I found that this is common
behavior for Gouldian Finches, and a lot of breeders experience the same problem. One
theory is that the parents who are too young to be breeding will push the babies from
the nest because they are shocked when the egg hatches. The sudden emergence
of a baby disturbs the comfortable environment they have created and became
accustomed to, causing them to panic and push it from the nest.

Later that day, my daughter, Jacquelyn, found a second baby on the bottom
of the cage. As I fed them and worked to save them, I began to examine them.
Being that I actually had a chance to see them up close, I noticed how detailed their
miniature bodies were. They looked exactly like the grown birds, minus the feathers,
but the features were undeniable, not a single cell out of place.

I fed them successfully for three days, waking up every two hours all through the night. Kim thought I was crazy,
but I couldn’t abandon the little birds. I was their only hope of survival. I don’t know why, but in the afternoon on the
third day both babies died, and I had done my best to keep them alive. I was extremely upset that I couldn’t save them,
and as I thought more about what had happened, I remembered what Jesus said about the sparrow:

Matthew 10: 29-31 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground
apart from the will of your Father. 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be
afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.

As I grieved for the lives I couldn’t save, I thought of how God even knows the number of hairs on our heads…
of course He does! He created all life, and knows and understands everything that happens in His creation. He is not
an unreachable, separate entity, waiting to judge us; He dwells among us and knows every detail of our lives. In that
moment, I was humbled and overwhelmed with His love, and grateful for the life that He has given all of us. Although
I was unable to save the baby birds, I learned a deep and precious lesson from their brief existence that will stay with
me forever, making their lives all the more important. If God cares so much about the smallest and most helpless of
His creation, think of how much He cares about even the smallest details in our lives. When we are overcome with the
really hard times along life’s journey, surely He is there with us, knowing and understanding; we need only to talk to
Him and ask for His help. I pray that you will be encouraged by this, and always remember how much God loves you.

Maybe you’ve experienced loss in your life and have felt alone. Kim lost his brother when he was 38 years of age,
and he lost his father when he was traveling and ministering in the USA. It was devastating for him. I observed how
he dealt with this trauma and it was so refreshing. He made me understand that death is an extension of life and he
always handled it with tears and joy. Kim is not a bird lover and acts like he’s totally disinterested, but every now and
then I’ll catch him cooing and making cute noises at the birds. So we all laugh about this because he’s got a soft spot
for birds, but for some strange reason doesn’t want anyone to know…

Follow me on Twitter @JanesCorner to see video footage of the

baby finches and other behind the scenes fun.

Mealie Soup (Corn S
4 tablespoons butte
r heat the butter
onions In a large saucepan,
1 cup finely chopped Add the onions
over moderate heat.
2 tomatoes, chop ped tes. Stir in
corn, well and sauté for 5 minu
2 cups canned whole the tomatoes and co
ok for a few
drained th e co rn, milk, stock,
minutes. Add
2 cups creamed corn simmer for 15
salt, and pepper, and
1 can evaporated milk minutes. Serve with
3 cups chicken stoc
1 tablespoon salt
1 teaspoon black pep
oin Kim and the Team as they Rock the Flock in
Detroit, MI. Come experience a powerful LIVE
gathering and let the presence of the prophetic
inspire and ignite you. Whenever we gather together
m CL em en t
in this setting, people get innovative ideas, song
Br in g th is co up on to Ki
t ta bl e,
M in is tr ie s ev en t pr od uc
writers get songs, artists get pictures, and we receive
news before the pews. You do NOT want to miss
si ng le it em .
this event! an d re ce iv e 20 % of f an y
mit One Coupon Pe r Visit - EXPIRES 8/31
Guest Speaker Fiona Desfontaine
Returning Guests - The Arrows Follow Kim and Jane on Twitter for updates,
behind the scenes fun and much more!
For more details visit us at:

things are shaped and developed.

Harrisburg, PA LIVE from the Den So the exercise of a skill is ‘molded’
July 30 & 31 Join Kim and the team on Saturdays by its matrix. A biblical worldview
Live from The Den, as they gather is also a matrix - a womb that has
Life Center Ministries Int. around the piano and worship God
411 S. 40 Street been carefully constructed out of the
and then share from the Word and principles, patterns and paradigms expound on the various prophetic that are contained within the
717.232.9006 words that God has recently spoken. Scriptures.
Every Saturday (Except Saturdays on Tour)
6 pm EDT and rebroadcast @ 6 pm PDT Without an understanding of
Detroit, MI these moral absolutes, our lives
Rock the Flock are rooted in spiritual myth and
August 20 - 22 @ 7 pm Join Kim’s Tuesday Night theological fantasy. The Scriptures
Online Bible study From are the touchstone of the only valid
Ignited Ministries worldview!
20320 Superior ST The Matrix
Matrix is derived from the Latin Every Tuesday
word for womb and is figuratively 6 pm PDT & 9 pm EDT
used for any pattern or mold in which

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