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The purpose of this report is to provide a concise overview of the primary, secondary,
and tertiary economic activities in Ethiopia. Ethiopia, located in the Horn of Africa, is
a country with a diverse economy characterized by various sectors contributing to its
overall development. Understanding the different economic activities is crucial for
policymakers, investors, and individuals interested in Ethiopia's economic landscape.

The objective of this report is to analyze and describe the primary, secondary, and
tertiary economic activities in Ethiopia, highlighting their significance and impact on
the country's economy.

1. Describe in detail about major characteristics of censur and
then list the two procedures for collecting Census data ?

Characteristics of Census and Data Collection Procedures:

A census is a systematic process of collecting, compiling, and analyzing demographic,

social, and economic data from all individuals in a defined population.

Major characteristics of a census:

Universal coverage: It includes every person present or residing within a precisely

defined territory.

Individual enumeration: Each person is counted separately, and their characteristics

are recorded.

Geographic specificity: Data are collected at specific geographic levels (e.g.,

province, district).

Data collection procedures:

Enumeration: Enumerators visit households, interview residents, and record

Self-response: People complete census forms online, by mail, or over the phone.

2. Define population Dynamics and explain the effect Of three

demographic Variabler?

Population Dynamics and Demographic Variables:

Population dynamics refers to changes in population size, structure, and distribution

over time.

Demographic variables:

Fertility: Birth rates impact population growth.

Mortality: Death rates affect population size.

Migration: Movement of people in and out of an area influences population


3. Write the type of 6ttlement and describe in detail About
Urbanization in Ethiopia and Growth rate Of Urban centers?

Urbanization in Ethiopia and Growth Rate of Urban Centers:


Ethiopia is experiencing rapid urbanization, with over 35% of the population living in
urban areas.

Urban growth is driven by rural-to-urban migration.

Growth rate of urban centers:

Ethiopia’s urban population is growing at more than 5% annually.

Africa’s urbanization trend is significant, with Ethiopia playing a key role.

4. What does mean by Age and Sex structure of Ethiopian

populationg its efect on socioeconomic derit Of Ethiopia?

Age and Sex Structure of Ethiopian Population:

Age structure:

Understanding the distribution of age groups (e.g., children, working-age, elderly) is


It impacts resource allocation, healthcare, and education.

Sex structure:

Analyzing the male-female ratio helps address gender-specific needs.

5. Explain the Measures of population Distribution in Ethiopia

with Rrampler?

Gender balance affects socioeconomic development.

Measures of Population Distribution in Ethiopia:

Population density: Ratio of population size to land area.

Example: Even in the highlands of Ethiopia, distribution patterns are uneven.
Urban-rural dichotomy: Urban areas have higher population concentration.
Example: Urban centers vs. rural villages.

Chapter 8 = prepare ashort, clear and precise note

About the primary, Secondary and tertiary economice. Actilities of ethiopia,

The report meest includes coller pare, table of content, introductory Part.
Objective, main body, summary, recommendation. reference and others

Primary Economic Activities in Ethiopia

3.1 Agriculture

Agriculture plays a vital role in Ethiopia's economy, employing a significant portion

of the population and contributing to the country's GDP. The agricultural sector
encompasses crop cultivation, livestock rearing, and forestry. Ethiopia is known for its
coffee production, which is a major export commodity. Other significant agricultural
products include cereals, oilseeds, pulses, and horticultural crops.

3.2 Mining and Quarrying

Ethiopia has abundant mineral resources, and the mining and quarrying sector has
been growing in recent years. The country possesses reserves of gold, platinum,
tantalum, potash, and other minerals. The mining sector attracts both domestic and
foreign investments, contributing to export earnings and government revenue.

Secondary Economic Activities in Ethiopia

4.1 Manufacturing

The manufacturing sector in Ethiopia has been a focus of government efforts to

promote industrialization. It includes the production of textiles, garments, leather
goods, processed foods, beverages, chemicals, and construction materials. The
government has implemented policies to attract foreign direct investment and develop
industrial parks, creating employment opportunities and supporting economic growth.

4.2 Construction

The construction industry has experienced significant growth in Ethiopia, driven by

infrastructure development projects, including roads, dams, railways, and buildings.
The sector contributes to job creation and stimulates demand for construction
materials, such as cement, steel, and timber.

Tertiary Economic Activities in Ethiopia

5.1 Trade and Commerce

The trade and commerce sector plays a crucial role in Ethiopia's economy,
encompassing wholesale and retail trade, transportation, and logistics. The capital
city, Addis Ababa, serves as a regional commercial hub and hosts international trade
fairs and exhibitions. The sector contributes to domestic consumption, import-export
activities, and revenue generation.

5.2 Tourism and Hospitality

Ethiopia's rich cultural heritage and natural attractions make it a popular tourist
destination. The tourism and hospitality sector offers opportunities for job creation
and foreign exchange earnings. Visitors are drawn to historical sites, national parks,
landscapes, and cultural events, contributing to local economies and promoting
cultural exchang


In summary, Ethiopia's economy is characterized by various economic

activities across different sectors. The primary sector, including
agriculture and mining, supports livelihoods and contributes to the
country's export earnings. The secondary sector, comprising
manufacturing and construction, drives industrialization and
infrastructure development. The tertiary sector, encompassing trade,
commerce, tourism, and hospitality, boosts domestic consumption,
employment, and foreign exchange inflows.

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