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The Key to Unlocking Your Athletic Potential

Welcome Guide_______________________________________4 Introduction__________________________________________5 Training Schedule and Workout Programs Schedule________________________________________7 Warm-Up________________________________________9 Cool Down______________________________________9 Level One______________________________________10 Level Two______________________________________10 Level Three____________________________________11 Level Four_____________________________________11 Exercise and Technique Breakdown Warm Up______________________________________12 Cool Down____________________________________13 Double Ankle Hop______________________________14 Side to Side Box Jump__________________________15 Front Barrier Box Jump_________________________16 Rim Rocker___________________________________17 Quick Blasts__________________________________18 Power Skipping_______________________________18 Behind Head Toss_____________________________19 Double Long Jumps___________________________20

Square Box Leaps____________________________21 Switch Leg Bounding_________________________22 Bend and Bounds____________________________23 Depth Jumps________________________________24 Step Up Box Jumps__________________________25 Individual Leg Hops__________________________26 Safety Tips and Disclaimers________________________27 National Strength and Conditioning Association Position Statement_______________________________________28 Conclusion _____________________________________28 Exercise Cheat Sheet_____________________________29 Vertical Gains Chart______________________________32 Training Sheets__________________________________33 White Hot Handle Program________________________55

*Like with any exercise program injury can occur.

It is strongly suggested that you check with a doctor before beginning. Read the safety tips and understand the risks involved. By participating in the program you waive any and all rights to hold the creators of MaxVertical liable for any injury that may occur.

First off Id like to congratulate you on making a decision to take the next step with your athletic training. Regardless of what sport or level of competition you are involved in the MaxVertical system is the key to unlocking your athletic potential. The reason MaxVertical was developed was because I was sick of seeing people, especially high school kids, throw away their money on programs that cost anywhere from $50 to upwards of $1000. It was absolutely ludicrous to me because I knew these people didnt need volumes of books, DVDs, or special shoes. What they needed was a step by step program that consolidated the mountains information into an easy to follow vertical maximization curriculum, and that is what is being delivered This program was designed with the sole intent being to train and strengthen all muscles involved in your vertical leap. Our program uses plyometrics as its base and is designed to be an integral part of your strength and conditioning routine. By purchasing this system you understand that no shoe, drink, or DVD is a substitute for just doing it. The key is getting out there and actually doing the exercises in a technically correct and safe manner, AND STICKING WITH IT!! My program does not have all the bells and whistles that might be offered by other web sites. This was purposely done. It is completely unnecessary and takes away from what you are trying to do. I am giving you the necessary exercises to increase your vertical leaping ability and boost your quickness and speed. The program is laid out with your best results in mind but just like anything in life, it is up to you to get the most out of it. Laid out in a very simple and user friendly way, the idea of MaxVertical is not to be confusing and complicated but something that is easy to follow and creates results. I do not go heavily in-depth into the science of plyometrics and jump training like some other workout books may. I try to give you a base of knowledge so you know what you are doing and understand what is involved to make it work, but anything on top of that will need to be researched by you. There are many articles and books available on this subject if you find the need to know more. MaxVertical is presented in the following manner:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction to the history, goals and pitfalls of this type of exercising technique. Training calendar Warm-up program Level One through Four programs Warm up Cool down Specific Exercise breakdown

8. Safety Tips (READ THIS)

9. NSCA position statement 10. Daily workout sheets

Please read through the entire program before beginning. 4

Thank you for purchasing the MaxVertical program. You will not be disappointed with the results.
Plyometrics is the term applied to exercises that have their roots in Europe where they were first known as jump training. It revolutionized vertical and speed training and helped Eastern European coaches train athletes to meet their full potential. Interest in jump training increased in the 70s as these Eastern European athletes emerged as powers on the world sport scene. As their successes grew the secrets to their training methods began to leak to the outside world. An American coined the term Plyometrics, a Greek word meaning length and to increase, in 1975 and a revolution was born. Acceptance has steadily grown over the years and it is considered an essential part of most athletic training programs. That said there are to this day many things that are misunderstood about plyometrics. It has become a buzzword, and not viewed as an important part of a serious methodology and training routine. It should be part of training program that is designed for the enhancement of explosive power. Cutting through the technical lingo that you will read below it is basically trying to increase your Power. POWER = STRENGTH + SPEED Power is essential in performing most, if not all, movements and skills in sports. It is a combination of strength and speed. It is the ability to produce maximal muscular forces very rapidly, and is therefore very important in athletic competition. Plyometrics allow you to generate a force in a short time allowing for athletic movements beyond what raw strength will allow. In order to achieve this greater muscular force, the muscle must contract within the shortest possible time following lengthening. The body is continually subject to external forces and impacts which muscles contract against. These contractions are concentric (+) or eccentric (-). The + contractions undergo contractions and shorten your muscle while the contractions make your muscles undergo tensions therefore lengthening them. The contractions are the basis of plyometric exercise. When muscles contract eccentrically, they lengthen as they simultaneously produce force. The external load is greater than the internal muscular force it can apply. Every movement in the direction of gravity is under the control of an eccentric contraction. These movements, performed at medium to high speed make the muscles call on what is called your fast twitch muscles fibers. These fibers are larger and produce more force than other muscle fibers. Performing contractions builds your fast twitch fiber, and your tendons at insertion receive larger loads creating increased strength. The MaxVertical system is based on the principles of plyometric exercise. It uses explosive movements to develop muscular power, improve quickness and add inches to the vertical leap. For maximum effectiveness you must use this program in conjunction with other power development training routines, mainly a weightlifting program. Adding

short, explosive weight training to the MaxVertical routine will show increased vertical gains above what you would otherwise obtain. You will find a recommended Basic Power Lifting Cycle on page 8, the Training Schedule page. Following this program twice a week will only help you to achieve your desired gains. Using correct techniques and proper progression are extremely important in order to minimize injury and maximize results. Many well respected fitness experts argue the benefits and effectiveness of plyometrics and it is supported by the American Council on Exercise and the American College of Sports Medicine. Remember to read the safety tips section.

Are you Ready?

Any fitness training program developed to enhance your performance needs to be diligently reviewed. You should have an ongoing method of judging its merits and what progress has been obtained. To use the MaxVertical program optimally you should evaluate several components including your fitness level, your age, and your workout environment. If serious plyometric training is for you, you should be able to honestly review the preceding criteria and give answers that show you have what it takes to train with this method. Your age is an important factor. If you have not reached puberty you should not perform plyometric training because it can have a negative effect on your skeletal system and joints. Moderate programs should be used for youth in early post puberty development stages. As you increase in age your ability to gain from plyometric exercise decreases. While some of this can be attributed to age the most likely cause of the decreased results is due to lack of training, and sedentary lifestyle. Your fitness level is also very important in determining your ability to perform plyometrics. Flexibility in the ankle joints and calf muscles are specifically important. Having a good level of overall fitness is key to your success. You should have at the minimum a body weight that is healthy, enough cardio fitness to be able to exercise for several minutes straight, and strength enough to move your own body weight around with relative ease. All that said there are still those pesky things that scientists refer to as genes. Unfortunately for most of us are genes limit our ability to become super athletes. We will not all respond similarly to the same training methods and should be aware when we reach our limits. You are in luck when it comes to your workout environment. Really all you need is open space. Grass is generally the best surface if it is not soggy. Cushioned hard floors such as those you would find in a rubber gym or a workout studio work as well. You should avoid using cushioned mats as it defeats the purpose of reactive landings which are key to plyometric exercise.

Below you will find the weekly training schedule that should be followed as closely as possible. All the drills are designed to benefit the small number of power movements necessary in most sports. The program starts with simple less stressful exercises and progresses in difficulty as you move through the weeks. There are 4 exercise routines each representing one level of the program. It is imperative to give at least two days rest in-between workouts as plyometrics can be hard on your joints and muscles. Remember to warm-up before beginning. Please note that if you feel training is progressing, meaning you have recovered well and your vertical is improving you can skip week 5 and 10 in order to reduce MaxVertical to an 8 week program. As well if you find the routine to not be getting any easier you should add another week similar to 4 or 10 depending on where you are in the program. This allows for athletes of different fitness levels to show gains. As well once you have complete the program and obtained what you believe to be your max results you can add weights or weighted clothing.

Weights and Weighted Apparel

Clinical evaluations of weighted clothing have shown that results can be improved when using it. I do not recommend prolonged usage of this however and do not think anyone besides the top athletes should be using it in the beginning of their MaxVertical training. Once you have reached maximum results without clothing you can add it to your routine as long as it does not detract from your technique.

Plyometric MaxVertical Training Schedule:

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Day 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 2 off off off off off off off off off off 3 off off off off off off off off off off 4 Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Level 4 Level 4 Level 4 5 off off off off off off off off off off 6 off off off off off off off off off off 7 off off off off off off off off off off

Weight Training Schedule: Do each workout once a week, using a 4 week cycle, in order to enhance the gains obtained through the MaxVerticla program. Follow the guidelines in the safety section.
Week 1 2 3 4 Workout A Leg Press Leg Extensions Calf Raise Incline Situps Sets Reps 2 x 8-12 2 x 8-12 2 x 8-12 2 x 20-30 Weight % of Max 60 65 70 75 Workout B Incline Bench Dips Power Cleans Crunches Sets Reps 2 x 8-12 2 x 8-12 2-5 x 2-5 2 x 30-50

Dynamic Warm-Up:
Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Abs Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 240 30

Static Cool-Down:
Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Abs Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 240 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2

Level One through Four Program: Below are the breakdowns of LEVEL ONE through LEVEL FOUR of the MaxVertical system. Follow each routine according to its breakdown and the training schedule. Since you will be doing these exercises at maximum effort ample rest is imperative. Much depends on the stress scale of the exercise, but at the very least for the higher intensity exercises I subscribe to the 1:5 work to rest ratio. So if some box jumps take you 30 seconds you should be resting 2 minutes. Do not rest less then 90 seconds in-between any reps (even the ones you think are easy). DO NOT EXCEED THE SET AND REP LEVELS. IF YOU FIND THE LEVEL TOO INTENSE-STOP-AND REPEAT THE PREVIOUS LEVEL. GIVE YOURSELF AT LEAST 90 SECONDS OF REST INBETWEEN REPS.

Level One:

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Side to Side Box Jump Front Barrier Box Jump Rim Rocker Quick Blasts

Sets 3 3 3 3 3

Reps 15 10 10 10 1



Level Two:
Exercise Double Ankle Hop Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Side to Side Box Jump Double Long Jumps Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 2 3 3 3 3-4 Reps 15 1 10 10 8 10 1 Yards 30



Level Three:
Exercise Double Long Jumps Square Box Leaps Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Step Up Box Jumps Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 4 Reps 8 10 1 10 10 8 1 Yards

40 30


Level Four:
Exercise Side to Side Box Jump Square Box Leaps Step Up Box Jumps Depth Jumps Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Individual Leg Hops Quick Blasts Sets 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Reps 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 Yards






Warm-Up: It is extremely important to warm up before attempting plyometric exercises. They are designed to be done at maximum effort and can be very intense. Having the proper range of motion and loose muscles will greatly reduce any possible negative outcomes. Warm ups increase contraction speed, muscle relaxation, increased range of movement and blood flow, as well as many other essentials to a positive and constructive MaxVertical session. Stretching as you think of it in a traditional sense (Static Stretching) should be left mostly for the end of your MaxVertical session. In order to increase range of motion Dynamic Stretches are the most appropriate. Dynamic stretching focuses more on movements that will help increase the range of motion of your joints. All warm up exercises are to be preformed in a controlled easy manner Joint Rotations: Standing, with your arms hanging at your sides, flex, extend and rotate all of your joints from the top of your head to your toes. Focus on each joint as you move through your head, neck, shoulders elbows, wrists hips, knees, ankles and toes. Hip Twists/Circles: Hands on hips makes circles in a clockwise direction then counter clockwise direction. Arms extended from your sides twist your torso and hips to each side while shifting your weight to that side as well. Half Squat: Stand straight with your arms out in front of you. Bend your knees while keeping your back straight and lower yourself into a squat position. Straighten up and repeat. Breathe in as you go down and out on your way up. Leg Swings: Stand sideways next to a wall. Place your right hand on the wall and your weight on your left leg. Swing your right leg back and forth reaching for maximum height. Repeat with your other leg. Ankle Bounce: Lean forward placing both hands on a wall. Bounce up and down on the balls of your feet. Strive for maximum range of motion in your ankles but stay on the ground.


Cool Down: As opposed to the warm up where range of motion (dynamic) exercises are the most appropriate, the cool down session should consist of more traditional (static) stretches. Static stretching is composed of techniques that gradually lengthen the muscle. This is accomplished by holding a stretch to the point of mild discomfort and holding it for up to 30 seconds. When done correctly static stretching allows the muscles to relax and have a greater range of motion. Side Bends: Standing upright, knees slightly bent, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width, hands on the hips. Bend slowly to one side, come back to the vertical position and repeat to the other side. Avoid leaning forward or backwards. Hamstrings: Sitting with legs directly in front of you, bend the left leg and place the sole of the left foot alongside the knee of the right leg. Your left leg should be relaxed. Lean forward keeping the back straight, feel the stretch in your hamstring. Repeat with the opposite leg. Calf: Place one leg in front of the other, put your hands on a wall at shoulder height. Ease your back leg further away from the wall, keeping it straight and press the heel firmly into the floor. Keep your hips facing the wall and the rear leg and spine in a straight line. Switch legs and repeat. Hip: Stand with your feet two shoulder widths apart. Turn the feet and face to the right. Bend the right leg so that the right thigh is parallel with the ground and the right lower leg is vertical. Gradually lower the body. Keep you back straight and use the arms to balance. You will feel the stretch along the front of the left thigh and along the hamstrings of the right leg. Repeat by turning and facing to the left. Groin: Sitting with a straight back and legs straight out in front. Ease both of your feet up towards your body and place the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to come up and out to the side. Resting your hands on your lower legs or ankles ease both knees towards the ground. You will feel the stretch along the inside of your thighs and groin.


Double Ankle Hop: The double ankle hop is one of the most basic reactive strength exercises. These are useful for conditioning the muscles and tissues of the lower leg as well as being preventive shin splint exercise. 1. Start with your feet shoulder width apart, hands to your sides, and legs locked (soft knees though). 2. Jump upwards keeping legs locked using only your calf muscles. 3. Use only the ankles for momentum. 4. Hop continuously in one place 5. Extend the ankles to their maximum range during every hop


Side to Side Box Jump: This exercise is designed to increase lateral explosiveness. Directional changes and cuts will be greatly enhanced by this exercise. One rep consists of coming back to the starting position. 1. 2. 3. 4. Place an object to your right that is 6-8 inches high (increase 6-8 each level) Start with feet shoulder width apart and arms at your side Striving to be as high as possible laterally jump over the object Bound back and forth over the object as quickly as possible


Front Barrier Box Jump: This exercise will improve acceleration and horizontal jumping distance. As you become more advanced in your training you can use higher obstacles. One rep consists of jumping over one obstacle. 1. Place an object that you can very comfortably jump over equal distances apart (distance will be determined by the length of your jump) 2. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and in a squat position 3. With full force push off the ground and jump as far forward as possible 4. Attempt to land on the balls of your feet 5. Keep your body vertical, and try to not let your knees move apart 6. Anticipate the landing springing up as quickly as you can into the next jump 7. Limit the amount of time spent on the ground to as short as possible


Rim Rocker: Rim Rockers are simply vertical leaps designed to simulate rebounding or blocking. As you can imagine one of the best ways to improve vertical jumping ability is to jump vertically. This is a low intensity exercise that will greatly improve vertical explosiveness and develop power throughout the entire torso.. One rep consists of one vertical leap. 1. Find a high object (that relates to your sport like a backboard or volleyball net). 2. Begin by taking 3 quick steps into a jump stop below or next to your selected object 3. Jump up reaching for the highest point with one hand 4. Land on the balls of your feet 5. Spring back up reaching for the same point with the alternate hand. Minimize movement away from your original landing spot.


Quick Blasts: This exercise will greatly improve quickness, the ability to get to max speed and get off the ground quickly. This is not just sprinting. It is part of a complete program and your technique should be the same every time. 1. Each rep consists of sprinting the described distance at speed, the same distance at full speed, and finally a warm down at speed of the same distance. Power Skipping: This exercise is much like skipping done by children but with a twist. The twist is POWER and while not incredibly high intensity it is imperative that you maximize your power in order to get the most out of this. One rep consists of one skip with each leg. 1. 2. 3. 4. Hold your arms out in front of you at shoulder height. Move forward in a skipping motion (use an exaggerated skipping motion) Bring your lead foot up as high as possible exploding off of the ground Repeat this motion with the other leg continuing to skip for the indicated distance and minimizing ground contact.


Behind Head Toss: Increased explosiveness in your deltoids is what this exercise brings to the vertical leaping table. Upper body exercises are important to increased jumping ability. Research shows that up to 8% of ones jumping ability is created in the arm thrust. Dont believe it? Try jumping up without using your arms and see how high you get. MaxVertical does not focus on your core trunk muscles. However, you should understand that increased strength in your core will greatly aid in developing your vertical and quickness. Core exercises should be integrated into your other athletic training. 1. You will need an object approximately 5-10lbs (sand bag, small medicine ball, really anything that isnt dangerous) 2. Stand with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart. Have a partner or trainer stand approximately 10-15 yards behind you. If no partner is available practice exploding out of your finishing stance to retrieve your object 3. Lower your body into a semi squat position while holding the ball in-between your legs. Explode up extending backward your entire body and throwing medicine ball up and over the head. 4. The aim is to throw the ball as high as you can and generating most of the power in the legs. 5. Catch ball on the bounce from your partner and repeat according to prescribed repetitions. With no partner explode out of your stance and retrieve the ball


Double Long Jumps: Long jumps are very similar to the front barrier jump. However they do not involve any obstacle and you should strive for higher and longer distances. This exercise builds speed and power in the muscles of the legs and hips. It is specifically used to develop explosiveness and applied to the speed work required in running short bursts. One rep consists of one jump. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and in a squat position With full force push off the ground and jump as far forward as possible pull your knees up to your chest in tuck position Attempt to land on the balls of your feet Keep your body vertical, and try to not let your knees move apart Anticipate the landing springing up as quickly as you can into the next jump Limit the amount of time spent on the ground to as short as possible


Square Box Leaps: This exercise is designed to increase lateral explosiveness. Directional changes, and cuts will be greatly enhanced by this exercise. One rep consists of four hops landing back in your starting position. 1. Draw (or use rings or just imagine) a large square and divide it into four smaller squares 2. Stand in one square with feet slightly wider than hip-width apart and your body facing the square in front of you. 3. Hop forward using both feet and land in the second square. 4. Now hop to the left and land in the square to the side. Now jump backwards to land in square behind you. Finish by jumping to your right to land in the original square. 5. Remember to keep ground contact time to a minimum


Switch Leg Bounding: This exercise emphasizes horizontal jumping and acceleration. This is a moderate to high intensity exercise. This is a prime exercise in developing explosive leg and hip power It is very important to make every effort for maximum height and distance. Focus on air time and quickly getting off the ground. 1. Start by jogging a few steps into the drill 2. Powerfully push off main jumping leg and bring the leg forward. At same time drive your opposite arm forward. (like the start of a regular long jump) 3. Continue with other leg and arm until required distance is completed


Bend and Bound: This is one of the more intense MaxVertical exercises. When performed correctly the bend and bound is one of the pre eminent movements for increasing calf and hip flexor muscles and explosiveness. One rep consists of one bound. 1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your head, thighs parallel to the ground, and your back straight in a slightly forward position 2. Explode upwards vertically keeping your arms on your head. Do not hold a squat position before jumping up. 3. While exploding upward extend the ankles to their maximum range 4. keep the time between landing, going into your squat and exploding out to as short as possible 5. Try your best to stay in one position on the ground


Depth Jumps: This is probably the ultimate reactive technique. Start with a 12 inch box and if you feel comfortable it can be increased to 30 inches (this should only be done by experienced athletes). It is an advanced exercise and you should be careful before moving up the starting height of any box. One rep consists jumping off the box and springing up. 1. Stand on box with toes close to edge, feet shoulder width apart 2. Step, do not jump off the box and land on both feet. 3. as soon as you hit the ground explode up as high as possible and reach up with both hands 4. There should be no horizontal movement during your jump 5. Keep time on the ground to a minimum 6. Use full range of ankles on your way up


Step Up Box Jumps: This is an explosive strength exercise. This movement focuses on developing maximal starting and explosive strength, as always technique is key. This also aids in landing mechanics and lessons the forces impact upon landing. The lower the box the less you should be bending you legs during your jump. One rep consists of jumping on the box and stepping off. 1. Stand in front of a box 12-24 inches high 2. Lower yourself into a squat position and immediately jump onto the box (extend the hips and knees and explosively push off the ground). 3. Step of the box and repeat


Individual Leg Hops: This is another high intensity exercise that increases lateral explosiveness and calf strength. It is an excellent drill for improving vertical leaping and the execution of speed and cutting in athletic movements. One rep consists of returning to the starting position. 1. 2. 3. 4. Draw a line on the ground (or use a crack, or a jump rope) With hands on your hips balance on one leg Hop back and forth over the line Keep time on the ground to a minimum, and push off powerfully from the balls of your feet


Important Safety Tips


A certain level of fitness should be obtained before starting the MaxVertical program. It is assumed due to your interest in this product that you have gained a level of fitness that is suitable, however if there is any question about this please see a doctor or medical professional before beginning. Just like the pros a physical may be necessary. MaxVertical is not intended as the sole program to be used for your athletic training. An approved weight lifting regime coupled with MaxVertical will only add to your performance. You should not weight train before you perform your Max Vertical routines. Preferably you will not weight train on days you are doing MaxVertical due to the all out nature of the program. A solid base strength is advantageous in plyometric training. Your lifting routine should compliment and not hinder your MaxVertical training. You should be able to squat 1.25 times your body weight before you are ready to start the program.

Individuals with a history of stress-induced injuries to the feet, ankle, shin, knees, hips or lower back should not perform plyometric activities without consulting a chartered physiotherapist, the creators of MaxVertical are not and do not claim to be experts in the field.

Each individual is different. The important thing in your training is to progress and show results. If you find the drills to be to very difficult or long please reduce them as you see fit. Safety is key and if it takes 10-12 weeks instead of 8 then so be it. Do not skip cycles. I know it can be difficult and time consuming to keep up with a scheduled program. I also understand that sometimes you may need to vary your schedule due to constraints in your life. If this is necessary please make it up as quickly as possible. Keep in mind that you should never do two days of plyometric exercise in a row.

Views regarding youth (pre-pubescent) involvement in plyometric activity differ from trainer to trainer and Association to Association. It is my view that due to the high intensity of the program people of a young age should not use it. Some authors suggest that moderate jumps can be included in the athletic training of the young however I do not subscribe to this theory. Due to the bone structure and development stages of the young I do not feel that this is an appropriate program. Please see a specialist before attempting this with any child or early teen.

You agree that Maxvertical can not be held liable


National Strength and Conditioning Association Position Statement

The following is the position of the National Strength and Conditioning Association regarding plyometrics. I have added it in full because it clearly states what benefits our program can offer but also the importance of proper training and diligence. 1. The stretch-shortening cycle, characterized by rapid deceleration of a mass followed almost immediately by rapid acceleration of the mass in the opposite direction is essential in the performance of most competitive sports, particularly those involving running, jumping and rapid changes in direction. 2. A plyometric exercise program which trains the muscles, connective tissue and nervous system to effectively carry out the stretch-shortening cycle can improve performance in the most competitive sports. 3. A plyometric training program for athletes should include sport specific exercises 4. Carefully applied plyometric exercise programs are no more harmful than other forms of sports training and competition, and may be necessary for safe adaptation of the rigors of explosive sports. 5. Only athletes who have already achieved height levels of strength through standard resistance training should engage in plyometric drills. 6. Depth jumps should only be used by a small percentage of athletes engaged in training. As a rule athletes weighing over 220 lbs should not depth jump from platforms higher than 18 inches. 7. Plyometric drills involving a particular muscle complex should not be performed on consecutive days. 8. Plyometric drills should not be performed when an athlete is fatigued. Time for complete recovery should be allowed between plyometric exercise sets. 9. Footwear and landing surfaces used in plyometric drills must have good shock absorbing qualities. 10. A thorough set of warm up exercises should be performed before beginning a plyometric training session. Less demanding drills should be mastered prior to attempting more complex and intense drills.

Congratulations. You have all the tools necessary to develop your quickness and vertical leaping ability. Should you have any questions please contact MaxVertical via the information on the website. Good luck in all your athletic endeavors.


Exercise Cheet Sheet

Double Ankle Hops

Side to Side Box Jump

Front Barrier Box Jump

Rim Rocker

Power Skipping


Behind the Head Toss

Double Long Jumps

Square Box Leaps

Switch Leg Bounding

Bend and Bound


Depth Jumps

Step Up Box Jumps

Individual Leg Hops


Vertical Gains Chart

Use this page to chart gains. Chart both your starting and ending Vertical. Chronicle your results using information from your clipboard training sheets.

Vertical Increase
12 11 10 9 8 Inches Gained 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Program Week



Attached are all the individual workout sheets for each of the MaxVertical training sessions. Keep the following things in mind when using the program training sheets: 1. Keep track of dates in order to verify that you are not performing training days to close together. 2. Test your vertical before and after each training session. You should see improvement from week to week, becoming increasingly noticeable as the workouts progress. 3. When testing your vertical use the jump reach method. Jump Reach-Standing Reach=Vertical 4. Standing reach is how high you can extend one arm above your head while keeping both feet together and flat on the floor. 5. Jump reach is jumping straight up without taking a step and touching the highest point possible. 6. Check exercises off as they are completed. 7. Should you not be able to complete an exercise or feel undue strain stop and mark what level you achieved. If you find this happening please do another day of the previous level. If this happens continually, stop and see a physician.





Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level One: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Side to Side Box Jump Front Barrier Box Jump Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 3 3 3 Reps 15 10 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level One: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Side to Side Box Jump Front Barrier Box Jump Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 3 3 3 Reps 15 10 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level One: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Side to Side Box Jump Front Barrier Box Jump Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 3 3 3 Reps 15 10 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level One: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Side to Side Box Jump Front Barrier Box Jump Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 3 3 3 Reps 15 10 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Two: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Side to Side Box Jump Double Long Jumps Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 2 3 3 3 3-4 Reps 15 1 10 10 8 10 1 Yards 30 Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Two: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Side to Side Box Jump Double Long Jumps Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 2 3 3 3 3-4 Reps 15 1 10 10 8 10 1 Yards 30 Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Two: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Side to Side Box Jump Double Long Jumps Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 2 3 3 3 3-4 Reps 15 1 10 10 8 10 1 Yards 30 Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Two: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Side to Side Box Jump Double Long Jumps Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 2 3 3 3 3-4 Reps 15 1 10 10 8 10 1 Yards 30 Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________


MAXVERTICAL CLIPBOARD TRAINING SHEET Workout 9 (possibly skip 9&10) Level 2

Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Two: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Ankle Hop Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Side to Side Box Jump Double Long Jumps Rim Rocker Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 2 3 3 3 3-4 Reps 15 1 10 10 8 10 1 Yards 30 Check/Level Attained


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________


MAXVERTICAL CLIPBOARD TRAINING SHEET Workout 10 (possibly skip 9&10) Level 3

Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Three: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Long Jumps Square Box Leaps Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Step Up Box Jumps Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 4 Reps 8 10 1 10 10 8 1 Yards Check/Level Attained

40 30


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Three: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Long Jumps Square Box Leaps Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Step Up Box Jumps Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 4 Reps 8 10 1 10 10 8 1 Yards Check/Level Attained

40 30


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Three: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Long Jumps Square Box Leaps Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Step Up Box Jumps Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 4 Reps 8 10 1 10 10 8 1 Yards Check/Level Attained

40 30


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Three: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Long Jumps Square Box Leaps Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Step Up Box Jumps Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 4 Reps 8 10 1 10 10 8 1 Yards Check/Level Attained

40 30


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Three: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Double Long Jumps Square Box Leaps Power Skipping Behind Head Toss Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Step Up Box Jumps Quick Blasts Sets 3 3 4 2 2 2 3 4 Reps 8 10 1 10 10 8 1 Yards Check/Level Attained

40 30


Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Four: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Side to Side Box Jump Square Box Leaps Step Up Box Jumps Depth Jumps Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Individual Leg Hops Quick Blasts Sets 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Reps 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained



Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Four: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Side to Side Box Jump Square Box Leaps Step Up Box Jumps Depth Jumps Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Individual Leg Hops Quick Blasts Sets 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Reps 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained



Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Four: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Side to Side Box Jump Square Box Leaps Step Up Box Jumps Depth Jumps Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Individual Leg Hops Quick Blasts Sets 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Reps 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained



Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Four: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Side to Side Box Jump Square Box Leaps Step Up Box Jumps Depth Jumps Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Individual Leg Hops Quick Blasts Sets 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Reps 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained



Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Four: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Side to Side Box Jump Square Box Leaps Step Up Box Jumps Depth Jumps Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Individual Leg Hops Quick Blasts Sets 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Reps 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained



Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level Four: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Side to Side Box Jump Square Box Leaps Step Up Box Jumps Depth Jumps Switch Leg Bounding Bend and Bound Individual Leg Hops Quick Blasts Sets 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 Reps 10 10 8 5 10 10 1 Yards Check/Level Attained



Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________



Day (circle) S M T W Th F S Date:_____________ Test Vertical:________

Warm-UP (check when done)

Exercise Run in Place Joint Rotations Hip Twists/Circles Half Squat Run in Place Leg Swings Ankle Bounce Run in Place Seconds 30 Rotations Until Loose 10 10 30 10 10 30 Check

Level_______: (check when complete or mark level attained)

Exercise Sets Reps Yards Check/Level Attained

Cool Down: (check when done)

Exercise Jog Side Bends Hamstring Calf Hip Groin Jog Seconds 180 20 20 20 20 20 180 Rotations 2 2 2 2 2 Check

Physical Fatigue: (circle level that applies) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Test Vertical:________


White Hot Handle Program.

Having handle isnt just to show off at the playground or make someone look silly in garbage time. Being able to control the rock is a basic fundamental that every basketball player should posses. Learning to become a good ball-handler and developing a feel for the ball is vitally important in becoming an excellent all-around player.

How to Dribble
Use your fingertips, not the palms of your hands. Basketball is played on the tips of your fingers and the balls of your feet. Use your forearm and wrist to bounce the ball.

1. Don't look at the ball. 2. Keep your head up and eyes forward. 3. You must learn to use either hand.
So when doing drills, always work both hands. Do ball handling drills at the start of nearly every practice and throughout the entire season. The following program will help you develop your handle and aid you in becoming a complete player. You should perform it as much as possible, however at a minimum of three times a week you should see progress in a short period. The times and drills given are not set in stone. If you have more trouble with certain drills or hands you should focus on them more then things that come easily. The five minutes set aside at the end of the program is for you to work on drills that you may find difficult. As well, use this time to work on game situation moves and moves that you may have seen on TV and want to emulate. The entire program should take you around 25 mins. Any time you spend working on your handle is time well spent. 55

Good luck and break their ankles.

Drill Tapping Circles Legs Hips Head 8's w/o Dribble Countdowns Cross Overs In'n'Outs Behing Back Cross to Cross Gloves On Tennis Ball Crossover 8's w/ Dribble Digits Dribble Kills Side V's Crouch Dribble Cross to Cross Dead Ball Double Bounce Double Switch Spider Pounds Gloves Off Walls Windmills One knee Circles Walking Cross Reverse Walking Cross Speed Dribble Practice Moves Seconds 30 Reps Info

10 10 10 10 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 30 60 30 60 60 60 60 60 30 30 30 30 30 30 5 mins

each direction each direction each direction each direction

Each hand

each direction each hand each hand each side each hand each hand

each hand

each knee


Drill Explanations
Tapping: Tip the ball back and forth from one hand to the next, starting with your hands straight up over your head. Then gradually move the ball down, while continuing to tip it back and forth. Go down to your chest, then your waist, knees, and ankles, and then back up again. Keep your elbows straight. Circles: Put your feet together and make circles around both legs. Then circle around the back. And then circle around the head. Be sure to use your fingertips, not the palms. 8s w/o Dribble: Spread your legs out wide with the ball in front of you. Move the ball around through your legs in a figure-of-eight motion. Keep your eyes forward and don't let the ball hit the floor. Countdowns: Sitting on a chair or standing dribble the ball with your right hand 10 times as fast as you can, keeping the ball as low to the ground as you can. As soon as you dribble ten times immediately switch the ball to your left hand and do the same, without stopping in between. Once you do that, go back to your right hand and dribble nine times as fast as you can, then switch it back over to your left hand and do the same thing. Repeat going down by one until you reach one. Cross Overs: Dribble with your right hand. Bounce the ball once on the right side, then cross the ball over in front of you by bouncing it to the left. The left hand now bounces it on the left once and then crossover back to the right, where the right takes over again. InnOuts: Start with the right hand and dribble once on the right side. Then dribble the ball in front you as if you were going to cross over to the left side. Instead of getting it with your left hand, roll your right hand over the top of the ball, and bring it back to the right. Behind the Back: Cross over done behind the back. As you improve phase out the non crossover dribble. Cross to Cross: Crossover in front from right to left. Crossover back to your right by dribbling through your legs from left to right. Crossover behind your back from right to left. Crossover back through your legs from left to right. Repeat Tennis Ball: Dribble a tennis ball like you would a basketball. As you get better work incorporate moves that you just did with the basketball. 8s w/ Dribble: Same as w/o dribble but dribble the ball. As you get better you should be dribbling closer and closer to the ground.


Digits Dribble: kneel down trying to dribble as low and fast as possible, first dribble with hands, then pinkies, then ring fingers, then middle fingers, then pointer fingers, then thumbs, then karate chops, then with the back of your hands, then fists Kills: Dribble the ball waist high, then suddenly "kill" it by dribbling it as low as you can, hold this for a few seconds, then bring it back up to waist high. Side Vs: InnOut dribble on your side Crouch Dribble: Crouch or sit crossed legged and dribble around your body. Dead Ball: while kneeling place the basketball in front of you on the ground then with your right hand hit the basketball with the back of your hand causing the ball to bounce up then with your palm try to get the ball to dribble Double Bounce: When dribbling both balls should hit the ground and your hands together at the same time.

Double Switch: Dribble both balls at the same time, when one of them is touching your
hand the other should be bouncing of the ground.

Spider: Knees and waist bent, feet apart and have the ball directly between them in the
middle. It is a four bounce rotation where the right hand dribbles in front of the leg, followed by the left hand in the front, followed by the right hand behind the leg, followed by the left hand behind the leg. To learn the drill just place the ball on the floor and go through the rotation without dribbling. Pounds: Start by dribbling the ball in front of you so that the ball reaches your waist high. Gradually, bounce the ball harder and harder until you are dribbling the ball as high as you can without jumping. Then gradually dribble the ball lower and lower until you are on one knee, finishing as close to the floor as possible. Pound the ball quickly to keep it going. Walls: Stand in front of a wall. Dribble the ball off the wall. Stand further and further away from the wall the better you get. Windmills: Feet apart, ball in right hand. Put the ball through your leg into your left hand. Bring it around your left waist back to the front. Put ball through your legs into your right hand. Bring it around your right hip to the front. Try opposite way for variation as you get better. One Knee Circles: Kneel down on one knee. Dribble the ball around your leg using both hands. Practice with one hand as you get better. Walking Cross: Walk and continuously dribble under your each leg to the other side and repeat. 58

Reverse Walking Cross: Same as walking cross except going backwards. As you get better try putting the ball through the opposite leg that you are used to. Speed Dribble: Used to move the ball quickly down the floor. Push the ball forward, ahead of you several feet. Bounce the ball at least waist high. As always, keep your head up, and visualize the whole court. Move as fast as you can, but never faster than you can control the ball. Often a jump stop into a shot at the end of the speed dribble will allow you to avoid walking. Practice Moves: This time should be used for you to work on whatever you want. While you should always be thinking of game time situations dont let that stop you from having fun (thats what ball is about). Any time you work on your handle it will improve all situations. So if someone tells you that there is no need to work on that move you just saw Hot-Sauce do then they are wrong. You might not want to do it during an organized game but there is no harm in working on it during your own time.

WORK ON YOUR LEFT HAND!!!!!!! (or the right if youre left handed)


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