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Prepared by: Ochaya Alfred



Table of Contents

LIST OF TABLES.......................................................................................................3
1.1. Brief Background.....................................................................................................5
1.3. Objectives of the Verification...................................................................................6
2.0. ASSESSMENT FOR ADDITIONAL QUANTITIES...........................................................6
2.1. Bill Item 21.01 (a); Excavation of Open Drains................................................................6
2.2. Bill Item 31.01 (a); Bush Clearing and Grubbing.............................................................8
2.3. Bill Item 31.01 (b); Top Soil Removal............................................................................8
2.4. Bill Items 36.01 (a); Common Excavation to Spoil..........................................................8
2.5. Bill Item 36.01(c); Rock Excavations..............................................................................9
2.6. Bill Item 36.02 (c); Minimum G15 Quality Material.........................................................9
2.7. Bill Item 36.03 (c); Roadbed Preparation.....................................................................10
2.8. Series 6000: Structures...............................................................................................10
3.0. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS FOR LOT 2 ROADS......................................................13
3.1 Variation Option-1..................................................................................................13
3.2. Variation Option-2.................................................................................................13
3.3. Variation Option-3.................................................................................................14
4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS......................................................................................15
5.0 CONCLUSION...............................................................................................15

Table 1:Change in quantities and cost of open drains for executed works................................8
Table 2:Additional cost due to increase in quantity of bush clearing & grubbing.......................9
Table 3:Additional cost due to increase in quantity due to top soil removal..............................9
Table 4:Indicates additional cost due to increase in quantity due to extra common excavation.
....................................................................................................................................... 10
Table 5:Indicates additional cost due to increase in quantity due to rock excavations.............10
Table 6:Indicates additional cost due to increase in quantity of fill materials..........................10
Table 7:Indicates additional cost due to increase in quantity due to roadbed preparation........11
Table 8: Showing the propopsed medium term drainage structures.......................................12
Table 9:Summary of the estimated cost verses the original contract amount..........................12
Table 10: Showing estimated cost for proposed drainage structures by Drainage’s team(MoWT)
....................................................................................................................................... 13

1.1. Brief Background

The Ministry of Works and Transport (MOWT) and Uganda Martyrs Housing and Construction
Company Ltd (UMHCC) signed a contract on 2 nd Dec 2022 for the Emergency Opening and
Improvement of Security Roads totaling to 112 km in Karamoja Sub-Region under Lot 2;
Karisarik-Magos-Naput (80Km) and Kobebe-Kalongolemuge-Nakapelimoru (32Km). The
Contract Price VAT inclusive, is UGX 23,690,925,719 (Twenty-Three Billion Six Hundred
Ninety Million Nine Hundred Twenty-Five Thousand Seven Hundred Nineteen Uganda Shillings
Only). Works commenced on 10 th January 2023 with an expected completion date of 11 th July
The physical progress of the project to date stands at 75.9% against the scheduled time
progress of 55.5% while the financial progress including general preliminaries is at 62.45%.
For details, refer to October 2023 Progress Report i.e. Annex A1.

1.2. Purpose for Verification.

In the course of contract implementation, the Project ManagementTeam (PMT) noticed that
some of the quantities given in BOQ bill items were not in tandem with those provided for in
the typical drawings. In other instances, critical structures such as box culverts were omitted
yet important in order to operationalize the roads. As a result, the planned for funds in the bills
are not adequate for the works.
The inadequacies in quantities and omissions are attributed to the limited availability or
absence of design data (Geological, topographic and hydrological) since roads’ reconnaissance
survey was conducted aerially as ground route surveys was not feasible given the security
situations at the time and the absence of these roads. These are affecting the project
implementation as in some instance more quantities are requested beyond the acceptable 25%
increment permitted by the PPDA Act while in others, major drainage structures such as box
culverts which are important in the vertical road alignment cannot be erected since they were
not catered for in the bills. The same concerns were raised by the contractor in his letter dated
21st Aug 2023. refer to Appendix 1. The inclusion of the omitted structures and extra quantities
needed in the scope of works therefore increases the project cost thus a need for strategic
intervention hence a project verification.

In order to enable the completion of the project, we (PMT) raised a detailed verification of
works on 6th Sept 2023 for your adoption and onward management. Refer to the Site
Inspection Report (Annex A3).

1.3. Objectives of the Verification.

The objectives of the verification are as follows:

a) To bring to the CMT’s attention quantities overruns affecting the project implementation.
b) Critical drainage structures that were omitted and their cost implications.
c) The cost implications if the project omitted structures were to be erected and overrun
quantities executed.


In the course of the execution of this project, it was realized that some item quantities such as
excavation of open drains were lower than the ones required for the safety and usability of the
road. Also, important drainage structures were either omitted or the planned ones were not
feasible given the terrain and storm water volumes. This necessitated a project verification and
below is the analysis of critical items necessary to make the road motor-able and fully

2.1. Bill Item 21.01 (a); Excavation of Open Drains.

Refer to bill item 21.01 (a), the BOQ quantity is 10,080m³. However, from the survey data
(refer to Appendix 1), the additional quantity required is 150,307.36m3 as shown in table 1
below. The raise in quantities is due to a need for open drains, mitre drains, catch water drains
in order to minimize on the souring of the roads given the low laying terrain. Also, the
increment in the quantities is due to the need for river training on major and minor river
crossing as many are wandering rivers. The additional cost is UGX 2,254,610,400/= against
the BOQ cost of UGX 151,200,000/=. Refer to Annex A4.

Table 1:Change in quantities and cost of open drains for executed works.
Bill Rate Addition BoQ
BoQ Qty Additional
item Description (UGX) al Qty Amount
(m3) Amount (UGX)
no. (m3) (UGX)
for open
21.01(a) drains on 15,000 10,080 150307.36 151,200,000 2,254,610,400
both road
2.2. Bill Item 31.01 (a); Bush Clearing and Grubbing.
From the bill item 31.01 (a), the specified road clearing and grubbing is 9m wide. However,
in the typical road drawings it’s 12m. However, given that it’s common practice that drawin
gs take precedence over the Bill of Quantities (BOQ), the CMT instructed that typical
drawings be used. This resulted in an additional quantity of 29.9ha against the BOQ quantit
y of 100.8ha hence a financial increment of UGX 291,936,000 against the BOQ cost of U
GX 1,008,000,000/=. Refer to table 2 and attached Annex A2 1st CMT Management
meeting minutes.
Table 2:Additional cost due to increase in quantity of bush clearing & grubbing

Bill Description Rate BoQ Qty Additional BoQ Amount Additional

item (UGX) (ha) Qty (ha) (UGX) Amount
no. (UGX)

31.01 Clearing and 10,000,000 100.8 29.19 1,008,000,000 291,936,000

(a). grubbing

2.3. Bill Item 31.01 (b); Top Soil Removal.

From bill item 31.01 (b), topsoil should be removed to a width of 7m and a depth of
200mm. However, a width of 9.4m was considered as indicated in the typical drawings
resulting into an increment of 103,187.20m3 as shown in table 3 below hence an
additional cost of UGX 1,031,872,000.
Table 3:Additional cost due to increase in quantity due to top soil removal.

Bill item Descriptio Rate BoQ Qty Additional BoQ Amount Additional
no. n (UGX) (m3) Qty(m3) (UGX) Amount (UGX)

31.01 (b) Removal of 10,000 156,800 103,187.20 1,568,000,000 1,031,872,000

2.4. Bill Items 36.01 (a); Common Excavation to Spoil.
Given the terrain of the Karamoja region, additional excavations of 194.83m 3 were
undertaken more than the anticipated 47,845m 3 hence an additional amount of UGX
2,341,995. Refer to table 4 below.

Table 4:Indicates additional cost due to increase in quantity due to extra common

Bill Description Rate (UGX) BoQ Additional BoQ Amount Additional

item Qty Qty(m3) (UGX) Amount (UGX)
no. (m )

36.0 Common 12,000 47,845 194.83 574,135,922 2,341,995

1 (a) excavation to

2.5. Bill Item 36.01(c); Rock Excavations.

From the BOQ, rock excavation quantity is 4,784m3. However, from the survey data, an
additional 492.27m3 was required hence an additional sum of UGX 46,765,678. The raise
is particularly along the 8.5km section of Magos-Naput road given the hilly terrain
necessitating additional cutting crucial in achieving the desired vertical road profile. Refer
to table 5 below.
Table 5:Indicates additional cost due to increase in quantity due to rock excavations.

Bill Description Rate (UGX) BoQ Qty Additional BoQ Additional

item (m ) 3
Qty(m ) 3
Amount Amount (UGX)
no. (UGX)

36.01 Rock 95,000 4,784 492.27 454 46,765,678

(c) excavation ,480,000
2.6. Bill Item 36.02 (c); Minimum G15 Quality Material.
In order to shield the graveled road from the flash floods and also to provide adequate
cover on top of the installed culverts, an additional 275,567.75m3 of fill was required on
top of the BoQ quantity of 117,600m3. This resulted in an increment of UGX
Table 6:Indicates additional cost due to increase in quantity of fill materials.

Bill Description Rate BoQ Qty Additional BoQ Amount Additional

item (UGX) (m )3
Qty(m )
(UGX) Amount
no. (UGX)

36.02 Minimum G15 19,000 117,600 275,567.75 2,234,400,000 5,235,787,250

(a) quality

2.7. Bill Item 36.03 (c); Roadbed Preparation.

Bill item 36.03 (c), specifies the project a roadbed preparation to a depth of around
150mm hence a volume of 117,600m3. However, since there was an adjustment of the
road width from 7m to 9.4m, an additional volume of 35,142.48m3 hence an additional
sum of UGX 333,853,560. Refer to table 7.
Table 7:Indicates additional cost due to increase in quantity due to roadbed preparation

Bill Description Rate BoQ Qty Additiona BoQ Amount Additional

item (UGX) (m3) l Qty(m3) (UGX) Amount (UGX)

36.03 Roadbed 9,500 117,600 35,142.48 1,117,200,000 333,853,560

(c) preparation
2.8. Series 6000: Structures.
Vented drifts and reinforced concrete slabs costed at UGX 851,189,760/= are the only
drainage structures that were provided for in the BOQ. However, from site visits during and
after the wet season, it was visually observed that the provided for structures will not serve
the intended purpose. As a result, drainage structures such as box culverts were
recommended as medium team remedies basing on estimations (refer to table 8 below)
given that critical data that would aid in detailed designs is not available and connectivity is
urgently needed so as to enhance the security of the sub region. An additional sum of

UGX 4,479,279,255 is therefore required for these structures. Refer to table 9


Technical advice was sought from the MoWT Bridges’ team on the suitable drainage
structures given the terrain. They visited the roads and their costings are as shown in table
10 below whereas the report is shown in appendix 2.

Table 8: Showing the propopsed medium term drainage structures

Emergency opening and improvement of Security Roads in Karamoja Sub Region Lot2
(Proposed List of box Culvert) Reinforced Concrete Box Culvert

Chainage Size (m) Number of Cells Costs (Excluding VAT)

Road1 (Karisarik-Sinyu Road Link)

6+480 3x3 (WXH) 2 489,706,247

13+000 3x3 (WXH) 1 340,793,072

13+235 3x3 (WXH) 2 489,706,247

13+365 3x3 (WXH) 4 769,492,509

Road1 (Kobebe-Naput Road Link)

2+710 3x3 (WXH) 2 489,706,247

17+760 3x3 (WXH) 3 608,676,685

Road1 (Kobebe-Magos Road Link)

19+345 3x3 (WXH) 2 489,706,247

23+580 3x3 (WXH) 1 340,793,072

26+763 3x3 (WXH) 2 489,706,247

Kobebe-Kalongolemuge-Naput (Road2)

24+360 3x3 (WXH) 3 608,676,685

TOTAL COSTS 5,116,963,258

Table 9:Summary of the estimated cost verses the original contract amount

Series Description BoQ Amount (UGX)
Amount (UGX)

6000 Drainage structures 851,189,760 4,479,279,255

Table 10: Showing estimated cost for proposed drainage structures by Drainage’s

S/N Location Proposed Intervention Estimated Cost

1No. double cell 2.5m*2.5m box culvert. (Karisarik – Kobebe

1 Ch 6+480 1,633,685,376

2 Ch 13+325 1No. Tripple cell 2.5mx2.5m box culverts. 1,708,914,169

1No. Tripple cell 2.5mx2.5m box culverts. (Kobebe-

3 Ch 24+360 1,708,914,169
Kalongolemoge-Nakapelimoru Road)

Vented drift 7 lines of 1200mm diameter culverts. (Kobebe – 299,040,843

4 Ch 19+345
Magos Road)

Vented drift 3 lines of 1200mm diameter culverts. (Kobebe – 174,031,413

5 Ch 23+580
Magos Road)

Vented drift 4 lines of 1200mm diameter culverts. (Kobebe – 205,706,270

6 Ch 26+763
Naput Road)

Vented drift 4 lines of 1200mm diameter culverts. (Kobebe – 205,706,270

7 Ch 2+710
Naput Road)

Vented drift 4 lines of 1200mm diameter culverts. (Kobebe – 205,706,270

8 Ch 17+760
Naput Road)
9 Ch 19+792 Reinforced Conc. Slab (Kobebe – Magos Road) 92,700,000

10 Ch 20+675 Reinforced Conc. Slab(Kobebe – Naput Road) 48,600,000

Total Cost 6,283,004,780


Given that some quantities were either lower in the BoQ than the ones required or
construction and safeguarding of the roads or critical structures not considered for
continued continuity, a financial overrun would not be avoided. Below is the analysis of
different options that bring about overruns.

3.1 Variation Option-1

This option considers only an increment in earth works and earth water drains. It assumes
that the drainage structures are up to the task. Below is the summary of the costs. For
details refer to Annex A4.

a. Original Grand total (VAT & contingency inclusive): UGX 23,690,925,719/=.

b. Savings: UGX 2,588,461,688/=.

c. Additional: UGX 11,192,610,110/=.

d. Net additional amount required: UGX 8,604,148,422/= (Additional amount

- savings).

e. Percentage increment in contract price: 36.3% (net additional divided by

BoQ Grant total).

3.2. Variation Option-2

This option is inclusive of all additional works i.e. from earth works, earth water drains
and drainage structures recommended by the MoWT bridges team. That is, maintenance
of the drifts but modified with a concrete slab on top. The cost summary is as shown

a. Savings VAT inclusive: UGX 2,588,461,688/=.

b. Additional costs VAT inclusive: UGX 17,602,151,834/=.

c. Net additional amount required VAT inclusive: UGX 15,013,690,146/=.

d. Percentage increment in contract price: 63.4%.

3.3. Variation Option-3
This includes additional from earthworks, earth water drains, and drainage structures (box
culverts) recommended by the CMT after the Joint Site Inspection carried out in November

a. Savings VAT inclusive: UGX 2,588,461,688/=.

b. Additional VAT inclusive: UGX 17,602,151,834/=.

c. Net additional amount required VAT inclusive: UGX 14,231,661,942/=.

d. Percentage increase in contract price: 60.1%.

Given that all the additional works proposed are critical, then Variation Options 2 and 3 are
the most suitable for the project. However, comparing the costs for the two options and
their suitability given the terrain, Option 3 is more suited for the task.

a. It’s recommended that a detailed engineering design is conducted in order to come up

with a long-term solution for the drainage structures along the road. However, urgent
hydrological analysis should be carried out to confirm the sizing of the proposed medium
term drainage structures.

b. There is a need for the CMT to recommend to Top management to approve the
recommended financial appraisal variation option 3 to enable continued continuity.


a. Implementation of the project is ongoing however with challenges such as low

quantities in some instances and absence of critical drainage structures for the continued
connectivity of the roads.

b. The funds provided for in the BoQ are not adequate to cater for the additional in order
to make the road motorable. The additional are due to the absence of design data during
the billing phase since the reconnaissance survey was aerially conducted.

c. Given that all the additional works proposed are critical, then Variation Options 2 and 3
are the most suitable for the project. However, comparing the costs for the two options
and their suitability given the terrain, Option 3 is more suited for the task.


Annex A1- October 2023 progress report

Annex A2- 1st CMT Management meeting minutes.

Annex A3- Joint Site Inspection Report November 2023

Annex A4 - Verified measurement Sheets.

Appendix 1- Survey data for the Project roads.

Appendix 2- Bridges’ team report.

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