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Cue column Note-taking Column

What is the text It is about climate change, James Hansen’s
about? predictions 30years ago and the how to prevent it
from getting worse
What is the main Humans have known about climate change and its
problem? impacts for many years but there was no
acknowledgment to solve it
What James He made a report regarding how expensive it will
Hanses did? be to withdraw carbon dioxide from the
atmosphere(8trillion to 35 trillion)
What were the Temperature and CO2 levels rising , melting
environmental Antarctic ices, see levels rise, wildfires, hurricanes.
What is the The use of renewable energy.


This text is about climate change and what to do in order to prevent climate change from
getting worse. James Hansen made a paper 30years ago predicting some environmental
changes that will occur in the future because of human activities. However, not serious
measures were taken for the issue to be solved. In contrast, these changes got worse and
worse as the years passed. For example temperature and CO2 levels have risen due to the
greenhouse effect, Antarctic ices packs are melting, wildfires and hurricanes happen more
commonly and sea levels could rise by over two feet in the next 40years and potentially
many coastal
Adapted from Howcountries will disappear.
to Study in College James
7/e by Walter Hansen
Pauk, 2001 suggests
Houghton Mifflinsome solutions such as the
420 CCC Garden Ave Extension
use ofNew
Ithaca, renewable
York 14853sources of energy that will reduce the increase of the temperature, energy
-4203 t. 607.255.6310
f. 607.255.1562
sources like solar that are unlimited ,aren’t harmful and they don’t create greenhouse

Adapted from How to Study in College 7/e by Walter Pauk, 2001 Houghton Mifflin Company
420 CCC Garden Ave Extension
Ithaca, New York 14853 -4203 t. 607.255.6310
f. 607.255.1562

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