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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional “Francisco Morazán”

Facultad de Humanidades
Departamento de la Enseñanza de Lenguas / English Program
English Level IV

Introductory Activity
Unit 8 - Innovation


1. Before watching the video, think of the word innovation and answer the following questions:
a) What is innovation?
I think innovation it´s something that we create, like something new and something that can impress

b) What other words come to your mind when thinking of innovation?

It comes to my mind creativity, technology, solutions, new ideas and good services.

c) Have you ever been innovative? How? What did you do? how did you feel?
I think I was innovative when I told my eighth grade classmates that we could do a fun and romantic
dance for the cultural night on September 14 instead of just reciting poetry or just dancing folk
dances and I felt really good, because my classmates were according to my idea, so we did it.

2. Watch the video:

3. Answer the following questions about the video:
a) What is your opinion about the information on the video? What do you agree or disagree with?
My opinion it´s that we can be innovative with expressing our thoughts in the best way possible and
I agree with “you need to put all of the reasons you can't do something to one side and think as freely
as possible” because if we think about "I can't," we're going to stay stuck and we're not going to get
out of that idea, so it´s better to think about “I can” because that way we can try to do things and
with the simple act of trying we are doing the best we can, we are giving everything we can and we
get out of that idea of “I can't”.

b) Do you think innovation is important? Why?

I think innovation is important because it makes us create new ideas to unlock our mind to think
freely without any fear and also helps to create efficiency in the daily work process.

c) Who is the most famous innovator you have ever known? What did that person do?
The most innovative person that I´ve ever met is Andy Rubin. He moved to Switzerland to work at
the optical products company Carl Zeiss. He later worked at Apple and then joined the General
Magic project, with the goal of creating an innovative operating system and interface for
smartphones. During 2003, Andy Rubin, along with Rich Miner, Nick Sears and Chris White
founded Android Inc. and developed a Linux-based operating system for touchscreen electronics and
communication devices. In 2007 Google bought the company and made Android public, which
established itself as the distinctive operating system for today's mobile phones.
“I want to create something that people like to use because of its merits” Andy Rubin.

d) What skills do you think inventors need?

I think inventors need curiosity, problem-solving develop ideas, communication skills, perseverance,
critical thinking and creativity.

4. Open your book and look for page 86. Read the story about Eden Full Goh.
- Make a list of new vocabulary you identify.
 Prizes
 Hook
 SunSaluter
 Stored
 Upwards

- Answer the following questions:

What is special about Eden and her invention? Do you think she is making a difference?
I think creativity is special about Eden and her invention and I think she´s making a difference with:
 Sustainability: because her innovation aligns with sustainability goals by harnessing
renewable energy from the sun. This reduces the reliance on traditional batteries and
promotes environmentally friendly practices.
 Educational Value: It could spark interest in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics fields from an early age.
 Promoting Green Technologies: Eden is contributing to the promotion and acceptance of
green technologies. This can have a positive influence on public perceptions and encourage
the adoption of renewable energy solutions in various applications.
 Inspiring Innovation: Eden's work may inspire others to think creatively about incorporating
renewable energy into everyday products.

Which recent invention has made the biggest difference to your life?
It´s not a new product but sclerotherapy made a big difference in my life. Because I suffer from
varicose veins. It is not normal for me to have this disease because I do not work and I do not have
children, but it is something hereditary, due to the little technology that there was in Danlí. When I
began to present symptoms, the doctors told my mother that my legs hurt because I was Growing up,
at 13 years old I got my first varicose veins and the doctors said they couldn't give me any treatment
until I was 18 years old.
When I was 18, I went to another doctor who scolded my mother for waiting so long to undergo
Sclerotherapy is a foam treatment that is injected directly into the varicose vein, it tends to be a little
painful, I was only able to have 4 sessions because firstly the treatment is very expensive and we do
not have the resources to pay for it and secondly because it is very painful (I can't stand any kind of
pain in my body) that's why my body feels it 10 times more painful than it normally hurts.
Thanks to those 4 sessions my veins shrank and my legs hurt less, of course, I have to follow some
rules, so, I know that you asked for a new invention, but really this invention was what made a
difference in my life.

What future invention would make a big difference to your life?

I think I would like someone to invent something that would make me not feel so much pain, as I
mentioned my body does not tolerate any type of pain, so that invention would make a big difference
in my life.

- Read the next sentences taken from Eden’s story. Look at the words in bold and try to guess
what their function is. Answer these questions: When do we use these words? What similarity
do they share? What is the difference between each of them?

 Eden, who was born in Calgary, Canada started to show talent at the age of nine, when she
built a solar-powered toy car.
 She invented a solar panel system that produces energy at low cost.
 Eden’s invention, which has won many prizes, is now used in 19 countries.
 Get up early in the morning when it’s still dark.
 Make sure the solar panel is facing the east, where the sun will rise.

 Which and Who are relative pronouns. They are used to introduce relative clauses
that provide additional information about a noun in the main clause. They help
connect and give more details about the topic.
Similarity: Both "who" and "which" are relative pronouns used to refer to people or
things, respectively.
Difference: "Who" is used for people, and "which" is used for things or animals.
 When it´s an adverb of time and it provides information about the timing of an action.
Similarity: Both "when" and "where" indicate a specific point in time or place.
Difference: "When" is used for time, and "where" is used for place.
 Where it´s an adverb of place and offers information about the location or place
where an action occurs.
Similarity: Both "where" and "when" indicate a specific point in place or time.
Difference: "Where" is used for place, and "when" is used for time.

- Write 5 sentences similar to the ones above, make sure you use one of the words in bold in each
of your examples.

1) Eden, who is making a difference with her invention.

2) She started showing talent when she was 9 years old.
3) Make sure Eden's solar panel is pointing where the sun rises.
4) Eden's innovation that won many prizes is used in 19 countries.
5) The solar-powered toy car was created by Eden Full Goh which produces energy at a low cost.

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