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Design and commissioning of the non-dedicated scanning proton beamline

for ocular treatment at the synchrotron-based CNAO facility

Mario Ciocca, Giuseppe Magro, Edoardo Mastella,a) Andrea Mairani, Alfredo Mirandola,
Silvia Molinelli, Stefania Russo, Alessandro Vai, and Maria Rosaria Fiore
Fondazione CNAO, strada Campeggi 53, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Carlo Mosci
Ente Ospedaliero Ospedali Galliera, via Mura delle Cappuccine 14, 16128 Genova, Italy
Francesca Valvo
Fondazione CNAO, strada Campeggi 53, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Riccardo Via
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano,

Guido Baroni
Fondazione CNAO, strada Campeggi 53, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria, Politecnico di Milano, piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, 20133 Milano,
Roberto Orecchia
Fondazione CNAO, strada Campeggi 53, 27100 Pavia, Italy
Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, via Ripamonti 435, 20100 Milano, Italy
(Received 7 September 2018; revised 11 December 2018; accepted for publication 9 January 2019;
published xx xxxx xxxx)
Purpose: Only few centers worldwide treat intraocular tumors with proton therapy, all of them with
a dedicated beamline, except in one case in the USA. The Italian National Center for Oncological
Hadrontherapy (CNAO) is a synchrotron-based hadrontherapy facility equipped with fixed beamlines
and pencil beam scanning modality. Recently, a general-purpose horizontal proton beamline was
adapted to treat also ocular diseases. In this work, the conceptual design and main dosimetric proper-
ties of this new proton eyeline are presented.
Methods: A 28 mm thick water-equivalent range shifter (RS) was placed along the proton beamline
to shift the minimum beam penetration at shallower depths. FLUKA Monte Carlo (MC) simulations
were performed to optimize the position of the RS and patient-specific collimator, in order to achieve
sharp lateral dose gradients. Lateral dose profiles were then measured with radiochromic EBT3 films
to evaluate the dose uniformity and lateral penumbra width at several depths. Different beam scan-
ning patterns were tested. Discrete energy levels with 1 mm water-equivalent step within the whole
ocular energy range (62.7–89.8 MeV) were used, while fine adjustment of beam range was achieved
using thin polymethylmethacrylate additional sheets.
Depth-dose distributions (DDDs) were measured with the Peakfinder system. Monoenergetic beam
weights to achieve flat spread-out Bragg Peaks (SOBPs) were numerically determined. Absorbed
dose to water under reference conditions was measured with an Advanced Markus chamber, follow-
ing International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Report Series (TRS)-398 Code of Prac-
tice. Neutron dose at the contralateral eye was evaluated with passive bubble dosimeters.
Results: Monte Carlo simulations and experimental results confirmed that maximizing the air gap
between RS and aperture reduces the lateral dose penumbra width of the collimated beam and
increases the field transversal dose homogeneity. Therefore, RS and brass collimator were placed at
about 98 cm (upstream of the beam monitors) and 7 cm from the isocenter, respectively. The lateral
80%–20% penumbra at middle-SOBP ranged between 1.4 and 1.7 mm depending on field size,
while 90%–10% distal fall-off of the DDDs ranged between 1.0 and 1.5 mm, as a function of range.
Such values are comparable to those reported for most existing eye-dedicated facilities. Measured
SOBP doses were in very good agreement with MC simulations. Mean neutron dose at the contralat-
eral eye was 68 lSv/Gy. Beam delivery time, for 60 Gy relative biological effectiveness (RBE) pre-
scription dose in four fractions, was around 3 min per session.
Conclusions: Our adapted scanning proton beamline satisfied the requirements for intraocular tumor
treatment. The first ocular treatment was delivered in August 2016 and more than 100 patients suc-
cessfully completed their treatment in these 2 yr. © 2019 American Association of Physicists in Med-
icine []

1 Med. Phys. 0 (0), xxxx 0094-2405/xxxx/0(0)/1/xx © 2019 American Association of Physicists in Medicine 1
2 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 2

Key words: commissioning, ocular treatment, pencil beam scanning, proton therapy, uveal

1. INTRODUCTION unacceptable lateral beam penumbra width, even in the pres-

ence of a field-specific ocular collimator.20 That finding led
Radiation therapy nowadays represents the standard conserv- us to investigate completely different approaches, as reported
ing approach to treat uveal melanoma and other less common in this work.
ocular tumors, such as retinoblastomas and choroidal metas- The aim of this paper was to present the conceptual design
tases.1,2 Different types of brachytherapy (106-Ruthenium and results of dosimetric commissioning of the first world-
and 125-Iodine plaques) and external radiotherapy (photon wide non-dedicated proton beamline based on PBS modality
stereotactic radiosurgery, proton beams) are used for high and single-field irradiation for ocular treatment, developed at
tumor control and globe preservation, alternative to enucle- CNAO.
ation. However, proton beam radiotherapy (PBT) is generally Details of the ocular treatment process and specific clini-
preferred since it can provide more favorable results in terms cal workflow, including patient selection criteria, treatment
of vision retention and side effects.1,3–8 As assessed by two simulation, planning, verification and delivery, are out of the
recent surveys, respectively, performed at the European level scope of this paper and will be presented separately.
and worldwide,1,9 a limited number of centers (around fif-
teen) in Europe and North America can provide ocular PBT.
All of them use a cyclotron to produce proton beams at high- 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
dose rates, mostly with dedicated horizontal fixed beamlines,
2.A. General-purpose CNAO beamlines and
passive scattering modality and single-anterior beam
specificities of the proton eyeline
approach.1,10 Only one experience on a non-dedicated nozzle
for ocular PBT, using image-based three-dimensional (3D) The design and main standard components of the CNAO
treatment planning and multiple beams, has been recently fixed beamlines, including synchrotron, scanning magnets
reported.11 for PBS, dose delivery system (DDS), the patient positioning
In Italy, patients affected by ocular lesions and eligible for system and the x-ray patient verification system (PVS) have
PBT (a few hundreds per year) so far have been sent abroad been already described elsewhere.15–17 The isocenter and
for treatment, mainly to France12 or Switzerland, or treated at beam central axis are identified by means of room lasers, as
CATANA (Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, INFN, Catania, shown in Fig. 1. Additionally, a custom eye tracking system
Italy)13,14 to a lesser extent. In 2011, the National Center for (ETS) was specifically developed for gazing direction fixa-
Oncological Hadrontherapy (CNAO), first hospital-based tion and real-time eye motion detection.21
synchrotron facility built in Italy, started to treat patients with At CNAO, proton (carbon ion) beams can be extracted
scanning high-energy proton and carbon ion beams.15–17 Four from the synchrotron with discrete energies ranging between
general-purpose fixed beamlines (three horizontal and one 62.7 MeV (115.2 MeV/u) and 228.6 MeV (398.8 MeV/u),
vertical) in three different treatment rooms are available to corresponding to a Bragg peak (BP) depth in water from 3 to
treat deeply seated tumors mostly in the head and neck (such 32 (27) cm, with a water-equivalent step of 2 mm. To treat
as skull base), abdominal and pelvic regions. Following the tumors located at depths shallower than 3 cm, RSs of differ-
start-up phase when several hundreds of patients were treated, ent thicknesses, consisting of water-equivalent RW3 slabs
CNAO was asked by the Italian Ministry of Health to investi- (PTW, Freiburg, Germany), are currently used.
gate the feasibility to extend clinical activity to ocular treat- In the perspective of treating eye tumors, additional proton
ments. However, the option of temporary stopping the energies have been commissioned, up to 89.8 MeV, to
clinical routine in one of the treatment rooms and converting increase the energy resolution to 1 mm water-equivalent step.
the beamline to be fully dedicated to eye treatments was Moreover, for ocular treatments requiring very fine adjust-
judged as unsustainable in the context of the global strategy ments of beam range, thin certified polymethylmethacrylate
of the center. Therefore, we started to investigate how to (PMMA) additional dedicated sheets (thickness = 0.175 mm,
adapt the existing, general-purpose horizontal beamlines, Goodfellow Cambridge Limited, Huntingdon, UK) were used.
designed for pencil beam scanning (PBS) modality, to also The relative water-equivalent path lengths (rWEPLs) of
meet the specific requirements of proton ocular treatments, in the two different types of RSs were determined from BP
the challenge of being able to rapidly switch machine settings curves, acquired using the PTW Peakfinder water column, as
and treatment accessories between ocular and non-ocular described in Mirandola et al.16
patients (these latter representing the large majority of cases). A patient-specific brass collimator (or aperture) for eye
A preliminary study based on Monte Carlo (MC) simula- treatments was also adopted to reduce the beam lateral
tions showed that the starting strategy of minimizing air gaps penumbra (LP), thus sparing as much as possible the dose to
among patient skin (ocular globe), range shifter (RS) and the organs at risk close to the target, for example, lens, mac-
nozzle, which is commonly valid for conventional proton ula and optic disk. Brass type with the minimum amount of
therapy,18,19 lead to very poor results, in terms of lead (type OT36) was chosen in order to minimize the

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3 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 3

FIG. 1. The CNAO eyeline with its main elements: (a) vacuum window; (b) 27 mm thick RW3 range shifter; (c) dual beam monitor chambers; (d) additional
polymethylmethacrylate thin sheets; (e) RW3 beam pre-collimator; (f) individualized brass collimator; (g) isocenter, identified by laser red lines. Beam comes
from left. A thermoplastic mask for patient fixation, attached to the treatment chair, is also shown on the right. Distances of (b) and (f) from the isocenter are 98
and 7 cm, respectively.

production of secondary neutrons. The brass thickness width (prior and after collimation) was assessed as a function
needed to achieve a beam attenuation higher than 99% was of the air gap between those two passive elements. An initial
again determined using the Peakfinder system, together with full width at half maximum (FWHM) of 4 mm was set, com-
MC simulation used to validate material composition settings parable to the one available at CNAO at the vacuum window.
within the code itself. Radial dose profiles were scored for a number of RS-collima-
Once separately characterized, all those passive compo- tor air gaps, covering a wide range, from 2 to 82 cm.
nents were simultaneously tested on the beamline with a A proper collimator-to-skin distance minimizing the pro-
combined MC and experimental approach, to find out their ton scattering was also investigated, using the same simpli-
optimal positioning along the beam path. fied geometry.
Based on MC simulation (see Section 3.A), the final con-
figuration of the eyeline adopted at CNAO is shown in Fig. 1,
2.B. Monte Carlo optimization of the eyeline
starting from the vacuum window (a). To maximize the air
gap, the RS (b) is placed as close as possible to (a), that is
The FLUKA MC code22–24 was used to support the start- upstream of the BM chambers (c), thus strongly influencing
up and the clinical operation of the new CNAO proton eye- their response (see Section 3.D). The RS is mounted on a
line. The full CNAO horizontal beamline, including the vac- removable frame. A fixed thickness of the RS equal to
uum window, beam monitoring (BM) system, and all passive 27 mm of RW3 (28.1 mm water-equivalent) was chosen,
elements, was accurately modeled using the FLUKA combi- hence achieving a penetration range between 2 and 32 mm in
natorial geometry according to the design details.24,25 By fol- water for the lower set of beam energies produced by the syn-
lowing the same strategy reported in Parodi et al.,26 a set of chrotron (62.7 to 89.8 MeV).
low-energy proton beams was commissioned with nominal A removable applicator mounted onto the nozzle, just
BPs 1 mm stacking in depth. downstream of the BM chambers, holds PMMA additional
MC simulations of the transmission coefficient were per- sheets (d) used (when needed) to finely achieve the patient-
formed to determine the optimal thickness of the patient-spe- specific planned range, beam pre-collimator (e) used to
cific collimator, by using a 65 MeV proton beam (32 mm of absorb peripheral dose halo (see Section 3.C) and finally the
BP depth in water). individual collimator (f) close to the isocenter (g).
For a better understanding of the interactions between
scanning proton beams and both RS and collimator
2.C. Depth-dose distributions and SOBP generation
mounted along the beamline, initial tests were performed
for an elementary proton pencil beam and simplified For beam commissioning purposes, laterally integrated
beamline geometry. depth–dose distributions (DDDs) were measured with the
The lateral dose distribution of a 90 MeV proton pencil PTW Peakfinder water column for a set of representative
beam (60 mm of BP depth in water), with the energy reduced mono-energetic unscanned uncollimated pencil beams, as
by the insertion of a 30 mm thick water absorber, was scored described in Mirandola et al.16 The acquired curves were
just prior to the 15 mm diameter collimator, as well as 5 cm compared against MC simulations performed by scoring
downstream of it. The RS-induced modification to the beam deposited energy in a cylinder of 4.08 cm radius

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4 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 4

(corresponding to the radius of the PTW BP ionization cham- no. 7834. Flatness and symmetry were calculated in the 80%
ber, model TM34080, mounted in the Peakfinder system). central region of the profile for FSs larger than 15 mm. For
Full MC database for all the available energies was then gen- smaller fields, to keep the exclusion of LP from uniformity
erated, under the eyeline configuration. Square mono-ener- analysis, those two parameters were calculated within the so-
getic scanned fields were simulated, using 3 9 3 cm2 as called target width,34 here defined as the FS minus 4 mm
nominal field size (FS) at the isocenter and 2 mm as transver- (these latter approximately representing twice the 90%–50%
sal scanning step, for a total number of 225 equally weighted LP width for each side of the profile).
spots. Dose was scored on a 2.5 9 2.5 9 5 cm3 water mini- Firstly, films were irradiated orthogonally to the beam
phantom with a dose-grid resolution of 0.1 mm, with its direction at the depth of 15 mm with a square mono-energetic
entrance surface placed 15 mm upstream of the isocenter. (81.6 MeV) uniformly scanned field, at doses around 4–
A set of 31 energy-specific 3D-matrices reporting absorbed 6 Gy. The reference 15 mm diameter aperture was used. Dif-
dose per unit primary weight was stored and postprocessed to ferent scanning FSs and spot spacing were tested. Proper lat-
retrieve the required beam configuration data, that is, proximal, eral extent of the brass block to avoid unwanted peripheral
distal and LP profiles. To this purpose, a MATLAB-based dose halo to the patient was also determined by exposing a
software (version R2013a, The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA, large-area film (20 cm 9 25 cm) to uncollimated scanning
USA) was developed, which translates treatment plan parame- beam.
ters (i.e., range and extent of modulation) into machine set- Then, the LP dependence on depth in water was investi-
tings, that is, beam energy, beam relative weights and proper gated with the MC code for several SOBPs, different in
amount of thin absorber sheets (in addition to the main thick terms of range and modulation, and the 15 mm diameter
RS already mentioned) to guarantee flat SOBPs. The calcula- collimator. As a matter of comparison, experimental mea-
tion-engine of that code is based on a least-squares method as surements with EBT3 films were also performed at the
proposed by Lomax.27 An off-line mask, acting on the 3D- depths of 7 and 17 mm, for an SOBP of 20 mm range and
matrices, restricts the database handled by the iterative algo- 15 mm modulation.
rithm to a cylindrical scoring mesh matching the sensitive area Finally, uniformity and LP were measured with films for
(radius = 2.5 mm) of the reference ionization chamber fore- seven collimators having different shape (circular or ellipti-
seen for use in the clinical practice (PTW Advanced Markus cal) and FS, from 6 to 25 mm. In particular, four collimators
chamber, type 34045), in order to characterize the resulting represented real cases of patients treated at our center. Again,
DDDs, which are then used for clinical SOBP generation. films were placed inside an RW3 plastic phantom at the depth
SOBPs with different ranges and modulations were then of 15 mm and were irradiated with a typical SOBP (25 mm
calculated. Following beam monitor chamber calibration range and 21 mm modulation).
(see Section 2.E), absorbed doses were measured in a water
phantom (PTW type 41023) at different depths along the
2.E. Calibration of the beam monitor chambers
SOBPs with the reference Advanced Markus chamber and
compared with MC simulations in relative terms. The use of Once the optimal setup of the eyeline was defined, the
the PTW proton diode (type PR60020) or a micro-diamond absorbed dose to water under reference conditions was mea-
detector28–32 is foreseen for FSs below 1 cm (i.e., less than sured and calibration of BM chambers performed as follows.
twice the sensitive area of the ionization chamber, as recom- Dose determination was based on the IAEA TRS-398 Code
mended in International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) of Practice for proton beams, using a PTW Advanced Markus
Technical Report Series (TRS)-39833). ionization chamber (type 34045) and 15 mm diameter aper-
ture as a reference FS.33 BM calibration curve dedicated to
ocular treatment was required, since the optimal position of
2.D. Transversal dose profiles
the main RS was found to be upstream of the BM chambers
Field dose uniformity and LP width for the eyeline setup (with respect to beam direction), rather than downstream as
were evaluated using radiochromic EBT3 films (Ashland Inc., normally happens.16
Bridgewater, NJ, USA), placed in an RW3 slab phantom. Once The calibrated ionization chamber (60Co as reference
irradiated, films were scanned in transmission mode using a beam quality for absorbed dose to water) was placed in an
commercial flat-bed scanner, at a spatial resolution of about RW3 solid phantom at the nominal treatment distance
0.2 mm/pixel (150 dpi). Red-green-blue images were collected (5.5 cm away from the collimator), at the water-equivalent
at 48 bits (16 bits per color channel). Red channel signal depth of 1 mm, achieved using the chamber protective cap,
extraction from scanned image and film analysis were per- and connected to a PTW Unidos-webline electrometer. Polar-
formed using the PTW MEPHYSTO mc2 commercial soft- ity and ion recombination effects, under the approximation of
ware. Single calibration curve, independent of proton energy continuous scanned beams (spill duration of about 1 s being
and obtained by irradiating a set of film strips from the same much longer than the ion chamber charge collection time),
lot perpendicularly to the beam at dose levels of 0–10 Gy, was were within the experimental uncertainty (1%); therefore, no
used to convert optical density into dose.10,16 correction factors were applied. The estimated relative stan-
Lateral dose profiles were analyzed to evaluate FS, LP, dard uncertainty in absorbed dose determination for this type
field flatness and symmetry, as defined in ICRU Report of plane-parallel chamber is 2.3%.33

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5 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 5

A set of 3 9 3 cm2 square mono-energetic uniform fields

(2E+08 particles per spot) was delivered, with a transversal
scanning step of 2 mm, for 16 discrete energies uniformly
distributed within the ocular energy range (62.7–89.8 MeV).
Scanning area and step were selected to maximize dose rate
at the measurement point.
In our standard clinical practice, the calibration factor (C)
for a specific energy (Ei) is defined as the number of particles
(N) per monitor unit (MU),16 that is,

N Dx  Dy
CðEi Þ ¼ ¼ Dmeas.
i ðzref: Þ  (1)
MU i ðzref: Þ

where Dmeas:
i is the absorbed dose measured in the phantom,
i is the mass stopping power of particles with initial
energy Smeas:
i at the reference depth zref. as calculated using
the FLUKA MC code and (Dx, Dy) is the spot spacing. How-
ever, in this eye-specific scenario, the position of the RS
upstream of the BM, as well as the huge beam scattering
effect and the additional final collimation, lead us to use the
FIG. 2. Experimental setup for secondary neutron equivalent dose measure-
following modified formula: ments to the contralateral eye, using a passive bubble detector taped to the
. phantom anterior surface. Beam comes from right through the patient-speci-
CðEi Þ ¼ Dimeas: ðzref: Þ DMC
i ðzref: Þ; (2) fic brass collimator. Room laser cross at the isocenter is also shown (red

where DMC
i is the absorbed dose at zref. = 1 mm per unit pri-
mary weight, as predicted by MC code.
3.A. Eyeline setup
As a first step of the eyeline configuration, MC evalua-
2.F. Secondary neutron dose
tions for the simplified beamline geometry showed that the
During any treatment, secondary neutrons are expected proper collimator-to-skin air gap to optimize at the same time
to be generated by beam interaction with the elements the scattering effect, LP and uniformity at the skin level
upstream of the patient, primarily the brass collimator resulted in a distance of 5–6 cm. Assuming an isocenter
and RS. Neutron equivalent dose to the contralateral eye depth in the patient of about 1.5 cm (eye globe half-thick-
was therefore measured with four calibrated passive bub- ness), this led us to set a collimator fixed distance of 7 cm
ble dosimeters (model BD-PND, medium sensitive range, from the isocenter, as for most existing eye-dedicated beam-
Bubble Technology Industries, Chalk River, Canada). The lines.10 With shorter air gaps, edge-scattered protons from
dosimeters, with a sensitivity of 0.72, 0.76, 0.77 and aperture generate lateral “horns” on beam profiles, thus wors-
0.88 bubbles/lSv, respectively (10% uncertainty), were ening the level of dose homogeneity. A further limitation to
placed at the location of the contralateral eye (i.e., shorter air gaps is represented by mechanical interference
64 mm lateral from the beam isocenter), fixed to the with the ETS.
head of an anthropomorphic Alderson RANDO phantom Larger air gaps are instead responsible for the enlargement
(RSD Radiology Support Devices Inc., Long Beach, CA, of the LP at the field edges. In fact, by varying the collima-
USA). tor-to-skin distance from 0 to 10 cm, the 80%–20% penum-
Each detector was exposed to proton beams under typi- bra typically increases from about 0.7 to 2 mm.
cal ocular treatment conditions (SOBP with energies in Concerning the optimal location of the RS along the
the range 65 to 86 MeV, RS and final collimator, as beamline, results of MC calculations confirmed that maxi-
shown in Fig. 2) at a dose of 1.45 Gy (expected number mizing the air gap between the beam absorber and the colli-
of produced bubbles around 70–90). In one case, the irra- mator reduces the lateral dose fall-off and improves field
diation was delivered at higher dose (4.5 Gy) after homogeneity. The 80%–20% penumbra roughly lowered by a
removal of the final collimator, to determine the effect of factor of 2 when moving the RS, for example, from 30 to
this element in neutron production, by comparison with 60 cm away from the collimator in the simplified beamline
corresponding results achieved for the collimated beam. geometry. Figure 3 gives a schematic representation of the
Following detector exposures, bubbles were manually generation of the calculated collimated profiles. A less pro-
counted by two independent observers (counting uncer- nounced forward-projected dose profile (dashed red lines in
tainty around 6%; overall uncertainty in neutron dose Fig. 3) guaranteed a more extended region of uniformity, this
estimation around 12%). representing an advantage when a final beam collimation is

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6 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 6

3.B. Depth–dose distributions and SOBP

Figure 4 shows some examples of DDDs acquired with
the Peakfinder system for unscanned, uncollimated mono-
energetic pencil beams, with and without the RS (27-mm
thick RW3), as a reference for MC simulation. Distal fall-off
(90%–10%) did not appreciably depend on the presence or
not of the RS, while increases from 0.8 mm (at 62.7 MeV,
lowest energy) to 1.4 mm (at 89.8 MeV, highest energy set
for ocular treatment) as a function of range. The rWEPLs for
RW3 and PMMA, derived from the analysis of DDDs, are
FIG. 3. Pictorial view of the lateral beam evolution at different scoring planes 1.042 and 1.257, respectively. Therefore, with the use of
if the range shifter (RS) is placed close to the collimator (black case) or far PMMA thin absorbers, a water-equivalent range resolution of
from it (red case). Mainly the air gap is responsible for the beam enlarge-
0.2 mm can be achieved.
ment, since the range shifter contributes with a comparable scattering power
irrespectively of its location along the beamline. Comparison among experimental and MC-calculated
DDDs showed good agreement, with deviations in terms of
BP depth and distal fall-off within 0.15 and 0.02 mm,
respectively, thus confirming the proper choice of the compu-
provided. Therefore, the configuration corresponding to the tational and physics settings adopted for FLUKA simulations.
most pronounced pencil beam widening appeared the one The whole set of 31 DDDs simulated for eyeline commis-
characterized by the sharper dose gradient in the penumbra sioning is shown in Fig. 5.
region of the collimated beam. The distal fall-off (90%–10%) derived from simulated BP
As shown in Fig. 1, the RS is placed as close as possi- curves for scanning and collimated beams showed again an
ble to the vacuum window to maximize the air gap. In increasing trend as a function of the energy, from 1.0 to
this eye-dedicated configuration, the Gaussian-shaped spot 1.5 mm. It should be noted that the distal fall-off of the most
size of the uncollimated pencil beam in air at the isocen- distal energy (i.e., the highest one) used to generate any
ter (in terms of FWHM) is much larger than in the geom- patient-specific SOBP represents the fall-off of the SOBP
etry adopted for conventional treatments (6 cm vs 2 cm, itself.
approximately). Figure 6 shows an example of SOBP with a range of
For PBS modality and uncollimated fields, it is well 32 mm (i.e., the deepest available one), 17 mm modulation
known that the RS plays a relevant role in terms of actual and 15 mm diameter collimator, calculated by proper weight-
beam size and shape at isocenter, therefore the extent of the ing of the MC-simulated pristine DDDs.
LP also depends on how close to the patient the RS can be Comparisons among expected SOBPs and absorbed doses
positioned.35 However, coupling such an absorber with a measured at different depths in water using the ionization
collimator, which is mandatory for ocular treatment, repre- chamber, for ranges between 10 and 32 mm and modulations
sents an even more complex issue, as demonstrated by between 10 and 17 mm, showed excellent agreement, with
Wang et al.36 and Gelover et al.,37 who describe the trim- differences in the high-dose region within the experimental
ming process which a symmetrical pencil beam undergoes uncertainty, estimated around 0.5%. Deviations found in
when interacting with a collimator. In general, the air gap the distal fall-off region were also within the uncertainty in
should be chosen to have, at the collimator entrance, a pen- detector measuring depth (0.2 mm) and resolution of the
cil beam size much greater than the aperture diameter. In dose calculation grid (0.1 mm). These findings confirmed
case of an extended field, the FS should be compared that the general-purpose algorithm proposed by Lomax for
against patient-specific collimator aperture, to ensure that SOBP generation27 well fits even in this context.
the shifted peak of the trimmed pencil beam remains out-
side or at its edge.36
3.C. Transversal dose profiles
It should be noted that the idea of increasing the RS to col-
limator air gap by setting an extended treatment distance (i.e., The irradiation of a large-area EBT3 film in air at the
shifting the collimator together with the patient well far away isocenter, orthogonal to beam direction and in the eyeline
from the nozzle) was excluded, to keep the functionality of configuration, with an uncollimated 3 9 3 cm2 scanning
intratreatment patient setup x-ray verification, the existing field, showed that the proper lateral extent of the field-defin-
PVS being aligned at the standard isocenter. ing brass block was around 8 cm. However, further tests at
On machine side, before beam commissioning phase higher doses, with a collimator having a central aperture of
started, the accelerator physicists worked to find optimal set- 25 mm diameter, revealed residual low-dose spots outside the
ting of the synchrotron, maximizing proton beam current in 8 9 8 cm2 shielded area. Therefore, to avoid out-of-field
the restricted energy range used in ocular therapy, to shorten exposure to the patient, a sort of pre-collimator was added
expected treatment time as much as possible. along the beamline [see Fig. 3(e)]: it consisted of 4 cm thick

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7 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 7

FIG. 4. Examples of integrated depth–dose distributions measured with the Peakfinder system for two energies (81.6 and 89.8 MeV), with (solid lines) and with-
out (dash-dotted lines) the 28.1 mm water-equivalent range shifter (RS). The peak of each curve was normalized to 100%.

FIG. 5. Monte Carlo-calculated depth–dose distributions for the eyeline setup (energy range: 62.7–89.8 MeV; range shifter, 28.1 mm water-equivalent thick,
already included), in terms of dose per unit primary weight.

FIG. 6. Depth–dose distribution for a SOBP with a range of 32 mm and a modulation of 17 mm. Eighteen discrete energy levels were used, from 74.5 to
89.8 MeV. The SOBP calculated starting from Monte Carlo (MC) simulation (solid line) is compared against experimental data (circles) measured with the
Advanced Markus ionization chamber. Error bars are smaller than circle size.

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8 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 8

FIG. 7. The 80%–20% lateral penumbra as a function of depth in water for five different SOBPs and a collimator of 15 mm diameter. Markers are Monte Carlo-
calculated values, while lines are for visual guide only. R, range (mm); M, modulation (mm).

RW3 slabs, covering an area of approximately 18 9 18 cm2

and having a central 35 mm diameter hole.
Although MC data showed that more than 99% of the pro-
ton beam would be stopped by 6 mm thick brass, for patient
safety 10 mm were prudentially chosen as collimator thick-
ness in the clinical practice.
The analysis of films exposed in the solid phantom
(15 mm depth) to mono-energetic, scanning and collimated
fields did not show any appreciable variation in terms of field
uniformity and LP as a function of scanning area (2 9 2 cm2
vs 3 9 3 cm2) and scan step (2 mm vs 3 mm, this latter rep-
resenting the standard option commonly adopted at CNAO in
proton planning).
In Fig. 7, the 80%–20% LP as a function of depth in
water, calculated from MC simulation for five SOBPs, is FIG. 8. Transversal dose profiles for a SOBP with a range of 20 mm, modu-
lation of 15 mm and 15 mm aperture, at 7 mm (left) and 17 mm depth
shown. In all cases, the expected increase of LP with depth is (right) in an RW3 phantom. Solid lines show Monte Carlo-calculated pro-
evident, due to lateral scattering effect in the material. Range files, while circles are EBT3 experimental data.
being equal (30 mm), LP appears to slightly increase with
modulation, due to the overlapping peripheral dose from each
energy slice. Finally, LP is larger at lower ranges, since scat- respectively. This is due to reduced amount of dose originat-
tering effect is more relevant at lower energies. ing at the field edge, in the outer part of the region where
Figure 8 shows a comparison between measured and MC- uniformity is calculated. Although no corrective action has
calculated lateral dose profiles for a SOBP with a range of been applied so far in case of very large aperture, a modifi-
20 mm, modulation of 15 mm and again the reference cation of the prescribed dose (such as from the prescription
15 mm collimator. An overall good agreement is observed at the standard 100% isodose level to 95%) could be benefi-
for both selected depths (7 and 17 mm), with measured LP cial to compensate underdosage at the tumor periphery,
values differing at most by 0.1 mm from the predicted values. while keeping dose hot spots acceptable (around 63–65 Gy
As expected, FS increased with depth, from 15.6 to 16.0 mm. relative biological effectiveness (RBE)).
As shown in Table I, the analysis of lateral dose profiles Slight increase of penumbra width with field diameter was
at middle-SOBP for different collimators representative of also observed (1.0–1.5 mm and 1.4–1.7 mm for penumbra
ocular clinical practice, showed a non-symmetry never defined at 90–50% and 80–20% isodose levels, respectively).
exceeding 1%, while flatness increased with FS. This latter
was within the optimal level of 3% for field diameters up to 3.D. Calibration of the beam monitor chambers
15 mm (majority of clinical cases), while increased up to
4% and 6% for diameters around 20 (minority of cases) and Figure 9 shows the BM calibration curve used for the
25 mm (very rare cases, involving very large tumors), CNAO eyeline. A representative set of 16 individual C(Ei)

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9 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 9

TABLE I. Main dosimetric characteristics of lateral dose profiles acquired on EBT3 films irradiated at the depth of middle-SOBP (spread-out-Bragg peak) for
seven different collimators, sorted by increasing field size (see text for details).

Collimator Field size (mm) Flatness (%) Symmetry (%) Penumbra 80%–20% (mm)a Penumbra 90%–50% (mm)a

Circular, 6 mm diameterb 6.2 1.8 0.5 1.4 1.1

Case 1, horizontal axis 9.9 2.0 0.3 1.4 1.2
Case 1, vertical axis 10.3 1.9 0.2 1.4 1.0
Case 2, horizontal axis 14.7 3.0 0.2 1.5 1.2
Circular, 15 mm diameterb 15.8 2.7 0.7 1.4 1.1
Case 4, horizontal axis 16.4 3.5 0.2 1.4 1.2
Case 3, horizontal axis 18.7 3.7 0.6 1.5 1.3
Case 3, vertical axis 21.3 5.4 0.9 1.5 1.2
Case 2, vertical axis 24.4 4.5 0.2 1.7 1.4
Case 4, vertical axis 25.3 6.1 1.0 1.7 1.5
Circular, 25 mm diameterb 26.5 5.9 0.9 1.6 1.4

Averaged over each of the two half-profiles.
averaged over horizontal and vertical axis profiles.

FIG. 9. Beam monitor calibration curve adopted for the CNAO eyeline. The energy-dependent calibration factor C(Ei) is defined as the number of particles (N)
per monitor unit (MU).

within the whole range of ocular beam energies was Gy), leading to 3.7 mSv for a typical total dose prescription
acquired. A third-order polynomial curve was adopted to of 60 Gy (RBE). Moreover, when removing patient-specific
fit collected data and was hardcoded in the software collimator from the beamline, 24 lSv/Gy (30% of the corre-
managing the BM system. The curve is given in terms of sponding value achieved with the collimator inserted) were
number of particles (N) per monitor unit (MU), for con- recorded. This finding confirmed the expectation about the
sistency with the formalism used for standard treatments. brass collimator as the main responsible, together with the
On its turn, N was derived from absorbed dose to water thick plastic RS, for secondary neutron production.
measured with the Advanced Markus chamber under refer-
ence conditions [Eq. (2)]. Also in terms of shape, this
eye-specific curve shows similar behavior than the general
one,16 although the individual calibration factors strongly In modern PBT, PBS has gained more and more interest
differ, due to the presence of the RS upstream of BM worldwide and is rapidly replacing passive scattering as beam
chambers, as previously underlined. delivery technique, to overcome the following main limita-
tions of scattered beams: need for patient-specific beam mod-
ifying devices, poor capability of dose modulation, lack of
3.E. Secondary neutron dose
proximal dose conformity.38 However, an exception is repre-
The average equivalent dose to the contralateral eye, due sented by dedicated ocular beamlines, where scattering sys-
to fast neutron contamination of the primary beam, assessed tems providing broad fields, although of much smaller size
by three bubble detectors, was 68 lSv/Gy (range 58–79 lSv/ compared to the scenario characterizing deep tumors, still

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10 Ciocca et al.: Scanning proton ocular beamline 10

remain the state of the art of the technology. Concerning the

proton accelerator for the treatment of ocular tumors, either a
low- or high-energy cyclotron or a synchrotron is normally This study showed that maximizing the air gap between
used. In the second case, beam energy needs to be strongly RS and patient is beneficial in terms of improved lateral beam
degraded at the exit of the accelerator (from 250 to 70 MeV, penumbra for collimated, scanning proton beams. Optimal
typically); therefore, an increase of beam energy spread and distance of 5.5 cm between patient-specific collimator and
distal dose fall-off is expected.10 The effects of energy local eye surface was found.
degraders in the treatment room on beam transmission, lateral The presence of the fixed RS upstream of the BM cham-
and distal penumbra have been recently discussed by Gerber- bers required a dedicated calibration procedure, different
shagen et al.39 In particular, they reported an increase of dis- from the standard one used for non-ocular treatments.
tal fall-off from 1.4 to 2.5 mm with local degrader amount Our adapted proton horizontal beamline satisfied the
increase, although leading to higher beam intensities (i.e., requirements for safe and proper treatment of intraocular
shorter treatment time). However, the clinical impact of larger tumors at CNAO.
distal penumbra appears limited, since range uncertainty For the dose fractionation scheme currently adopted in our
makes critical organ sparing by beam collimation (i.e., organ center for uveal melanoma (60 Gy (RBE) in four daily frac-
displacement by proper gaze angle selection) preferable than tions, using a fixed RBE value of 1.1), beam delivery time is
by distal fall-off.10,39 around 3 min per session. Starting from August 2016, more
In our case, the combination of PBS modality and syn- than 100 patients so far successfully completed their ocular
chrotron-based facility represents a unique scenario within treatment (December 2018).
ocular PBT using single-anterior field approach. Clinical Finally, the strategy of combining MC simulations and
SOBPs are generated by properly weighting beams experimental data acquisition in supporting our beamline
extracted from the accelerator at discrete energy levels from design and ocular treatment start-up phase appeared highly
63 to 90 MeV; our finding in terms of distal fall-off (1.0 to successful, as already reported for other scenarios as well as
1.5 mm) is consistent with values between 0.7 and 3 mm dedicated eyelines.39–43
reported for most ocular dedicated beamlines.10 Similarly,
our results of LP width and secondary neutron dose are
similar to those described in the literature10,39,40 and appear CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
clinically acceptable. In particular, penumbra width is com- The authors have no conflicts of interest to disclose.
patible with the usual 2.5 mm lateral expansion of the tar-
get defined as block margin in treatment planning. Being
the brass collimator the main responsible for secondary Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail:
neutron production, we only measured the equivalent neu-; Telephone: +39 0382 078509.
tron dose at the contralateral eye, very close to the irradi-
ated volume. Indeed, as reported by Slopsema et al.,10 the REFERENCES
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