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Germination is the process by which a plant grows from a seed into a seedling.
Seeds remain dormant until conditions are favorable for germination. All seeds
need water, oxygen and optimal temperature to germinate. The growth of plants is
affected by the environment. This limits a plant's growth or its distribution. Plant
growth is also affected by light, temperature, water, humidity and nutrition. Plant
growth can be measured by an apparatus called the auxanometer that can be used
to measure plant growth. Can Measure the height of the plant, the size and number
of the leaves, Evaluate the rate of growth with that of fresh plants and Comparing
the rate of growth with dried plants. In this experiment, the plants were measured
by using a graph to show the day and its height from the seeds until growth. It was
measured each day, checking to notice whether it's growing or not every 4-7 days

AIM: The aim was to determine if sunlight affects the growth of plants. After the
investigation we determined that the hypothesis was correct and sunlight does
affect the growth of plants. Also to study the coordination of processes in cells,
organs in plants, for example, changes in gene expression in response to
environmental conditions such as climate change.

CONCLUSION: What was predicted was that the plant in the sunlight would grow
to be higher in quality than the plant out of the sunlight because it gave the plant
more supplemental light. Also what was found that plants out of the sun in an
enclosed space have a slower growth process then it would have with sunlight.

LIMITATIONS: Too much sunlight and rain.


REFLECTIONS: Overall I found the experiment and the processes involved

interesting. I enjoyed watching the plants progress from seeds to seedlings. I
learned that sunlight affects the growth of plants and too much sunlight could be
negative for the plant.

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